113 resultados para MULTIVALENT DENDRONS


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This article discusses one of Lewkenor's more obscure works, The Resolved Gentleman (1594 - STC 15139), in the context of Elizabethan court politics in the 1590s, with a particular emphasis on the author's own experience of dissent, exile to Catholic Spain in the 1580s and return to England in the early 1590s. A translation of Hernando de Acuña's El Caballero Determinado, itself a reworking of Olivier de la Marche's Chevalier Délibéré (1483), the Resolved Gentleman bends the conventions of medieval chivalric allegory to articulate Lewkenor's own experience of alienation and dissent in the specific context of the factionalism of the 1590s. Beneath Lewkenor's seemingly self-effacing, 'humanist' translation it is in fact possible to discern a complex set of criticisms of Elizabeth's court. The knight's 'wandering' and 'errance' thus becomes a complex, multivalent figure that reverberates with a number of autobiographical meanings: the knight's exile becomes in Lewkenor's hands a figure of his own forced exile to Catholic Spain, and the account of the knight's quest functions as an oblique allusion to his own efforts to make his way back to Elizabeth's court. More importantly, however, these 'personal' meanings acquire a wider, political valence in the context of the allegory, and the narrative as a whole thus becomes a subtle, perceptive but scathing criticism of the Elizabethan court in the 1590's and the 'contraction' of royal favour that resulted in particular in the exclusion of capable, experienced but Catholic counsellors like Lewkenor himself. Articulating the frustration of this younger generation of alienated but fundamentally loyalist Catholics, Lewkenor paints a picture of a failed quest for favour, where the questing knight is finally forced to retire from the active life and withdraw to a rustic hermitage that is not only incompatible with his own ideal of the vita activa, but also dangerously smacks of unregenerate, and potentially seditious Catholicism.


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A new type of high avidity binding molecule, termed "peptabody" was created by harnessing the effect of multivalent interaction. A short peptide ligand was fused via a semi-rigid hinge region with the coiled-coil assembly domain of the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein, resulting in a pentameric multivalent binding molecule. In the first peptabody (Pab-S) described here, a peptide (S) specific for the mouse B-cell lymphoma BCL1 surface Ig idiotype, was selected from a phage display library. A fusion gene was constructed encoding peptide S, followed by the 24 aa hinge region from camel IgG and a modified 55 aa cartilage oligomeric matrix protein pentamerization domain. The Pab-S fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli in a soluble form at high levels and purified in a single step by metal-affinity chromatography. Pab-S specifically bound the BCL1 surface idiotype with an avidity of about 1 nM, which corresponds to a 2 x 10(5)-fold increase compared with the affinity of the synthetic peptide S itself. Biochemical characterization showed that Pab-S is a stable homopentamer of about 85 kDa, with interchain disulfide bonds. Pab-S can be dissociated under denaturing and reducing conditions and reassociated as a pentamer with full-binding activity. This intrinsic feature provides an easy way to combine Pab molecules with two different peptide specificities, thus producing heteropentamers with bispecific and/or chelating properties.


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Background: This trial was conducted to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two virosome formulated malaria peptidomimetics derived from Plasmodium falciparum AMA-1 and CSP in malaria semi-immune adults and children.Methods: The design was a prospective randomized, double-blind, controlled, age-deescalating study with two immunizations. 10 adults and 40 children (aged 5-9 years) living in a malaria endemic area were immunized with PEV3B or virosomal influenza vaccine Inflexal (R) V on day 0 and 90.Results: No serious or severe adverse events (AEs) related to the vaccines were observed. The only local solicited AE reported was pain at injection site, which affected more children in the Inflexal (R) V group compared to the PEV3B group (p = 0.014). In the PEV3B group, IgG ELISA endpoint titers specific for the AMA-1 and CSP peptide antigens were significantly higher for most time points compared to the Inflexal (R) V control group. Across all time points after first immunization the average ratio of endpoint titers to baseline values in PEV3B subjects ranged from 4 to 15 in adults and from 4 to 66 in children. As an exploratory outcome, we found that the incidence rate of clinical malaria episodes in children vaccinees was half the rate of the control children between study days 30 and 365 (0.0035 episodes per day at risk for PEV3B vs. 0.0069 for Inflexal (R) V; RR = 0.50 [95%-CI: 0.29-0.88], p = 0.02).Conclusion: These findings provide a strong basis for the further development of multivalent virosomal malaria peptide vaccines.


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T cell receptor (TCR-CD3) triggering involves both receptor clustering and conformational changes at the cytoplasmic tails of the CD3 subunits. The mechanism by which TCRalphabeta ligand binding confers conformational changes to CD3 is unknown. By using well-defined ligands, we showed that induction of the conformational change requires both multivalent engagement and the mobility restriction of the TCR-CD3 imposed by the plasma membrane. The conformational change is elicited by cooperative rearrangements of two TCR-CD3 complexes and does not require accompanying changes in the structure of the TCRalphabeta ectodomains. This conformational change at CD3 reverts upon ligand dissociation and is required for T cell activation. Thus, our permissive geometry model provides a molecular mechanism that rationalizes how the information of ligand binding to TCRalphabeta is transmitted to the CD3 subunits and to the intracellular signaling machinery.


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Ly49A is an inhibitory receptor, which counteracts natural killer (NK) cell activation on the engagement with H-2D(d) (D(d)) MHC class I molecules (MHC-I) on target cells. In addition to binding D(d) on apposed membranes, Ly49A interacts with D(d) ligand expressed in the plane of the NK cells' membrane. Indeed, multivalent, soluble MHC-I ligand binds inefficiently to Ly49A unless the NK cells' D(d) complexes are destroyed. However, it is not known whether masked Ly49A remains constitutively associated with cis D(d) also during target cell interaction. Alternatively, it is possible that Ly49A has to be unmasked to significantly interact with its ligand on target cells. These two scenarios suggest distinct roles of Ly49A/D(d) cis interaction for NK cell function. Here, we show that Ly49A contributes to target cell adhesion and efficiently accumulates at synapses with D(d)-expressing target cells when NK cells themselves lack D(d). When NK cells express D(d), Ly49A no longer contributes to adhesion, and ligand-driven recruitment to the cellular contact site is strongly reduced. The destruction of D(d) complexes on NK cells, which unmasks Ly49A, is necessary and sufficient to restore Ly49A adhesive function and recruitment to the synapse. Thus, cis D(d) continuously sequesters a considerable fraction of Ly49A receptors, preventing efficient Ly49A recruitment to the synapse with D(d)+ target cells. The reduced number of Ly49A receptors that can functionally interact with D(d) on target cells explains the modest inhibitory capacity of Ly49A in D(d) NK cells. This property renders Ly49A NK cells more sensitive to react to diseased host cells.


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Nanotiltration is a membrane separation method known for its special characteristic of rejecting multivalent ions and passing monovalent ions. Thus, it is commonly applied with dilute aqueous solutions in partial salt removal, like in drinking water production. The possibilities of nanofiltration have been studied and the technique applied in a wide branch of industries, e.g. the pulp and paper, the textile and the chemical processing industry. However, most present applications and most of the potential applications studied involve dilute solutions, the permeating stream being generally water containing monovalent salts. In this study nanotiltration is investigated more as a fractionation method. A well-known application in the dairy industry is concentration and partial salt removal from whey. Concentration and partial demineralization is beneficial for futher processing of whey as whey concentrates are used e.g. in baby foods. In the experiments of this study nanotiltration effectively reduced the monovalent salts in the whey concentrate. The main concern in this application is lactose leakage into the permeate. With the nanofiltration membranes used the lactose retentions were practically ? 99%. Another dairy application studied was the purification and reuse of cleaning solutions. This is an environmentally driven application. An 80% COD reduction by nanofiltration was observed for alkaline cleaning-in-place solution. Nanofiltration is not as commonly applied in the sugar and sweeteners industry as in the dairy industry. In this study one potential application was investigated, namely xylose purification from hemicellulose hydrolyzate. Xylose is raw material for xylitol production. Xylose separation from glucose was initially studied with xylose-glucose model solutions. The ability of nanofiltration to partially separate xylose into the permeate from rather concentrated xylose-glucose solutions (10 w-% and 30 w-%) became evident. The difference in size between xylose and glucose molecules according to any size measure is small, e.g. the Stokes diameter of glucose is 0.73 nm compared to 0.65 nm for xylose. In further experiments, xylose was purified into nanoliltration permeate from a hemicellulose hydrolyzate solution. The xylose content in the total solids was increased by 1.4—1.7 fold depending on temperature, pressure and feed composition.


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Työssä tutkittiin moniarvoisten metalliformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihto-menetelmällä. Kirjallisuustutkimus käsitteleetunnettuja alumiiniformiaatin ja rautaformiaatin valmistusmenetelmiä, kationinvaihtohartsien ominaisuuksia, ioninvaihtohartsien selektiivisyyttä ja alumiinin, raudan, magnesiumin ja sinkin vesikemiaa. Laboratoriokokeiden avulla tutkittiin sinkki-, magnesium-, rauta(II)- ja alumiiniformiaattien valmistusta ioninvaihdolla. Kokeet suoritettiin kolonnissa, joka oli pakattu makrohuokoisella tai geelimäisellä vahvalla kationin-vaihtohartsilla. Hartsi vaihdettiin natriummuodosta metallimuotoon metallikloridi- tai metallisulfaattiliuoksella.Metalli eluoitiin hartsista natriumformiaatilla. Formiaattien valmistus onnistui makrohuokoista vahvaa kationinvaihtohartsia käyttämällä. Rauta(II)formiaatin valmistus oli vaikeampaa kuin muiden formiaattien, koska rauta(II) hapettui osittain rauta(III):ksi valmistuksen aikana. Alumiiniformiaattia valmistettiin käyttäen sekä makrohuokoista että geelimäistä hartsia. Makrohuokoisen hartsin havaittiin soveltuvan geelimäistä hartsia paremmin alumiiniformiaatin valmistukseen. Kungeelimäistä hartsia käytettiin, noin 30 % alumiinista jäi kiinni hartsiin eikä siten eluoitunut. Ioninvaihdon selektiivisyyskertoimien saamiseksi suoritettiin tasapainokokeita. Selektiivisyyskertoimia käytettiin ioninvaihtokolonnin dynaamisessa simuloinnissa. Ioninvaihdon simuloiminen dynaamisella kolonnimallilla onnistui hyvin.


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In this thesis, the sorption and elastic properties of the cation-exchange resins were studied to explain the liquid chromatographic separation of carbohydrates. Na+, Ca2+ and La3+ form strong poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) (SCE) as well as Na+ and Ca2+ form weak acrylic (WCE) cation-exchange resins at different cross-link densities were treated within this work. The focus was on the effects of water-alcohol mixtures, mostly aqueous ethanol, and that of the carbohydrates. The carbohydrates examined were rhamnose, xylose, glucose, fructose, arabinose, sucrose, xylitol and sorbitol. In addition to linear chromatographic conditions, non-linear conditions more typical for industrial applications were studied. Both experimental and modeling aspectswere covered. The aqueous alcohol sorption on the cation-exchangers were experimentally determined and theoretically calculated. The sorption model includes elastic parameters, which were obtained from sorption data combined with elasticity measurements. As hydrophilic materials cation-exchangers are water selective and shrink when an organic solvent is added. At a certain deswelling degree the elastic resins go through glass transition and become as glass-like material. Theincreasing cross-link level and the valence of the counterion decrease the sorption of solvent components in the water-rich solutions. The cross-linkage or thecounterions have less effect on the water selectivity than the resin type or the used alcohol. The amount of water sorbed is higher in the WCE resin and, moreover, the WCE resin is more water selective than the corresponding SCE resin. Theincreased aliphatic part of lower alcohols tend to increase the water selectivity, i.e. the resins are more water selective in 2-propanol than in ethanol solutions. Both the sorption behavior of carbohydrates and the sorption differences between carbohydrates are considerably affected by the eluent composition and theresin characteristics. The carbohydrate sorption was experimentally examined and modeled. In all cases, sorption and moreover the separation of carbohydrates are dominated by three phenomena: partition, ligand exchange and size exclusion. The sorption of hydrophilic carbohydrates increases when alcohol is added into the eluent or when carbohydrate is able to form coordination complexes with the counterions, especially with multivalent counterions. Decreasing polarity of the eluent enhances the complex stability. Size exclusion effect is more prominent when the resin becomes tighter or carbohydrate size increases. On the other hand,the elution volumes between different sized carbohydrates decreases with the decreasing polarity of the eluent. The chromatographic separation of carbohydrateswas modeled, using rhamnose and xylose as target molecules. The thermodynamic sorption model was successfully implemented in the rate-based column model. The experimental chromatographic data were fitted by using only one adjustable parameter. In addition to the fitted data also simulated data were generated and utilized in explaining the effect of the eluent composition and of the resin characteristics on the carbohydrate separation.


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In this thesis membrane filtration of paper machnie clear filtrate was studied. The aim of the study was to find membrane processes which are able to produce economically water of sufficient purity from paper machine white water or its saveall clarified fractions for reuse in the paper machnie short circulation. Factors affecting membrane fouling in this application were also studied. The thesis gives an overview af experiments done on a laboratory and a pilot scale with several different membranes and membrane modules. The results were judged by the obtained flux, the fouling tendency and the permeate quality assessed with various chemical analyses. It was shown that membrane modules which used a turbulence promotor of some kind gave the highest fluexes. However, the results showed that the greater the reduction in the concentration polarisation layer caused by increased turbulence in the module, the smaller the reductions in measured substances. Out of the micro-, ultra- and nanofiltration membranes tested, only nanofiltration memebranes produced permeate whose quality was very close to that of the chemically treated raw water used as fresh water in most paper mills today and which should thus be well suited for reuse as shower water both in the wire and press section. It was also shown that a one stage nanofiltration process was more effective than processes in which micro- or ultrafiltration was used as pretreatment for nanofiltration. It was generally observed that acidic pH, high organic matter content, the presence of multivalent ions, hydrophobic membrane material and high membrane cutoff increased the fouling tendency of the membranes.


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Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) can trigger the production of type I interferon (IFN) in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) by binding to endosomal Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR9; refs , , , , ). It is also known that the formation of DNA-antimicrobial peptide complexes can lead to autoimmune diseases via amplification of pDC activation. Here, by combining X-ray scattering, computer simulations, microscopy and measurements of pDC IFN production, we demonstrate that a broad range of antimicrobial peptides and other cationic molecules cause similar effects, and elucidate the criteria for amplification. TLR9 activation depends on both the inter-DNA spacing and the multiplicity of parallel DNA ligands in the self-assembled liquid-crystalline complex. Complexes with a grill-like arrangement of DNA at the optimum spacing can interlock with multiple TLR9 like a zipper, leading to multivalent electrostatic interactions that drastically amplify binding and thereby the immune response. Our results suggest that TLR9 activation and thus TLR9-mediated immune responses can be modulated deterministically.


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Non-vertebrate chordates, specifically amphioxus, are considered of the utmost interest for gaining insight into the evolutionary trends, i.e. differentiation and specialization, of gene/protein systems. In this work, MTs (metallothioneins), the most important metal binding proteins, are characterized for the first time in the cephalochordate subphylum at both gene and protein level, together with the main features defining the amphioxus response to cadmium and copper overload. Two MT genes (BfMT1 and BfMT2) have been identified in a contiguous region of the genome, as well as several ARE (antioxidant response element) and MRE (metal response element) located upstream the transcribed region. Their corresponding cDNAs exhibit identical sequence in the two lancelet species (B. floridae and B. lanceolatum), BfMT2 cDNA resulting from an alternative splicing event. BfMT1 is a polyvalent metal binding peptide that coordinates any of the studied metal ions (Zn, Cd or Cu) rendering complexes stable enough to last in physiological environments, which is fully concordant with the constitutive expression of its gene, and therefore, with a metal homeostasis housekeeping role. On the contrary, BfMT2 exhibits a clear ability to coordinate Cd(II) ions, while it is absolutely unable to fold into stable Cu (I) complexes, even as mixed species. This identifies it as an essential detoxification agent, which is consequently only induced in emergency situations. The cephalochordate MTs are not directly related to vertebrate MTs, neither by gene structure, protein similarity nor metal-binding behavior of the encoded peptides. The closest relative is the echinoderm MT, which confirm proposed phylogenetic relationships between these two groups. The current findings support the existence in most organisms of two types of MTs as for their metal binding preferences, devoted to different biological functions: multivalent MTs for housekeeping roles, and specialized MTs that evolve either as Cd-thioneins or Cu-thioneins, according to the ecophysiological needs of each kind of organisms.


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The present paper describes the effect of metals ions on the in vitro availability of enoxacin (a second generation quinolone antibiotic) owing to drug-metal interaction. These interaction studies were performed at 37 °C in different pH environments simulating human body compartments and were studied by UV spectroscopic technique. In order to determine the probability of these reactions different kinetic parameters (dissolution constants (K) and free energy change (ΔG)) for these reactions were also calculated. It is proposed that the structure of enoxacin contains various electron donating sites which facilitate its binding with metallic cations forming chelates. Hence taking food products, nutritional supplements or multivitamins containing multivalent cations at the same time as enoxacin, could reduce the absorption of the drug into the circulation and thus would decrease the effectiveness of the drug. In addition, the MIC of enoxacin for various microorganisms before and after interaction with metal ions was calculated which in most cases was increased which possibly could impair the clinical efficacy of the drug.


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Streptococcus suis is an important pig pathogen but it is also zoonotic, i.e. capable of causing diseases in humans. Human S. suis infections are quite uncommon but potentially life-threatening and the pathogen is an emerging public health concern. This Gram-positive bacterium possesses a galabiose-specific (Galalpha1−4Gal) adhesion activity, which has been studied for over 20 years. P-fimbriated Escherichia coli−bacteria also possess a similar adhesin activity targeting the same disaccharide. The galabiose-specific adhesin of S. suis was identified by an affinity proteomics method. No function of the protein identified was formerly known and it was designated streptococcal adhesin P (SadP). The peptide sequence of SadP contains an LPXTG-motif and the protein was proven to be cell wall−anchored. SadP may be multimeric since in SDS-PAGE gel it formed a protein ladder starting from about 200 kDa. The identification was confirmed by producing knockout strains lacking functional adhesin, which had lost their ability to bind to galabiose. The adhesin gene was cloned in a bacterial expression host and properties of the recombinant adhesin were studied. The galabiose-binding properties of the recombinant protein were found to be consistent with previous results obtained studying whole bacterial cells. A live-bacteria application of surface plasmon resonance was set up, and various carbohydrate inhibitors of the galabiose-specific adhesins were studied with this assay. The potencies of the inhibitors were highly dependent on multivalency. Compared with P-fimbriated E. coli, lower concentrations of galabiose derivatives were needed to inhibit the adhesion of S. suis. Multivalent inhibitors of S. suis adhesion were found to be effective at low nanomolar concentrations. To specifically detect galabiose adhesin−expressing S. suis bacteria, a technique utilising magnetic glycoparticles and an ATP bioluminescence bacterial detection system was also developed. The identification and characterisation of the SadP adhesin give valuable information on the adhesion mechanisms of S. suis, and the results of this study may be helpful for the development of novel inhibitors and specific detection methods of this pathogen.


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It is well known that the interaction of polyelectrolytes with oppositely charged surfactants leads to an associative phase separation; however, the phase behavior of DNA and oppositely charged surfactants is more strongly associative than observed in other systems. A precipitate is formed with very low amounts of surfactant and DNA. DNA compaction is a general phenomenon in the presence of multivalent ions and positively charged surfaces; because of the high charge density there are strong attractive ion correlation effects. Techniques like phase diagram determinations, fluorescence microscopy, and ellipsometry were used to study these systems. The interaction between DNA and catanionic mixtures (i.e., mixtures of cationic and anionic surfactants) was also investigated. We observed that DNA compacts and adsorbs onto the surface of positively charged vesicles, and that the addition of an anionic surfactant can release DNA back into solution from a compact globular complex between DNA and the cationic surfactant. Finally, DNA interactions with polycations, chitosans with different chain lengths, were studied by fluorescence microscopy, in vivo transfection assays and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy. The general conclusion is that a chitosan effective in promoting compaction is also efficient in transfection.


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Liquid Crystalline DNA is emerging as an active area of research, due to its potential applications in diverse fields, ranging from nanoelectronics to therapeutics. Since, counter ion neutralization is an essential requirement for the expression of LC DNA, and the present level of understanding on the LC phase behavior of high molecular weight DNA is inadequate, a thorough investigation is required to understand the nature and stability of these phases under the influence of various cationic species. The present study is, therefore mainly focused on a comparative investigation of the effect of metal ions of varying charge, size, hydration and binding modes on the LC phase behavior of high molecular weight DNA. The main objectives of the works are investigations on the induction and stabilization of LC phases of high molecular weight DNA by alkali metal ions, investigations on the induction and stabilization of LC phases of high molecular weight DNA by alkaline earth metal ions, effects of multivalent, transition and heavy metal ions on the LC phase behavior of high molecular weight DNA and investigations on spermine induced LC behavior of high molecular weight DNA in the presence of alkali and alkaline earth metal ions. The critical DNA concentration (CD) required for the expression of LC phases, phase transitions and their stability varied considerably when the binding site of the metal ions changed from phosphate groups to the nitrogenous bases of DNA, with Li+ giving the highest stability. Multiple LC phases with different textures, sometimes diffused and unstable or otherwise mainly distinct and clear, were observed on mixing metal ions with DNA solutions, which in turn depended on the charge, size, hydration factor, binding modes, concentration of the metal ions and time. Molecular modeling studies on binding of selected metal ions to DNA supported the experimental findings