995 resultados para MRSA, caMRSA, Epidemiologie, PFGE, spa-Typisierung
Staphylococcus aureus is an important opportunistic pathogen that can cause a wide variety of diseases from mild to life-threatening conditions. S. aureus can colonize many parts of the human body but the anterior nares are the primary ecological niche. Its clinical importance is due to its ability to resist almost all classes of antibiotics available together with its large number of virulence factores. MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant S. aureus) strains are particularly important in the hospital settings, being the major cause of nosocomial infections worldwide. MRSA resistance to β-lactam antibiotics involves the acquisition of the exogenous mecA gene, part of the SCCmec cassette. Fast and reliable diagnostic techniques are needed to reduce the mortality and morbidity associated with MRSA infections, through the early identification of MRSA strains. The current identification techniques are time-consuming as they usually involves culturing steps, taking up to five days to determine the antibiotic resistance profile. Several amplification-based techniques have been developed to accelerate the diagnosis. The aim of this project was to develop an even faster methodology that bypasses the DNA amplification step. Gold-nanoprobes were developed and used to detect the presence of mecA gene in S. aureus genome, associated with resistance traits, for colorimetric assays based on non-crosslinking method. Our results showed that the mecA and mecA_V2 gold-nanoprobes were sensitive enough to discriminate the presence of mecA gene in PCR products and genomic DNA (gDNA) samples for target concentrations of 10 ng/μL and 20 ng/μL, respectively. As our main objective was to avoid the amplification step, we concluded that the best strategy for the early identification of MRSA infection relies on colorimetric assays based on non-crosslinking method with gDNA samples that can be extracted directly from blood samples.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
Magdeburg, Univ., Medizin. Fakultät, Diss., 2008
Magdeburg, Univ., Med. Fak., Diss., 2014
OBJECTIVE: To assess the molecular epidemiology and risk factors of predominant clones and sporadic strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Swiss hospitals and to compare them with European strains of epidemic clones. MATERIAL AND METHODS: One-year national survey of MRSA cases. Analysis of epidemiological and molecular typing data (PFGE) of MRSA strains. RESULTS: In 1997, 385 cases of MRSA were recorded in the five Swiss university hospitals and in 47 community hospitals. Half of the cases were found in Geneva hospitals where MRSA was already known to be endemic. Molecular typing of 288 isolates (one per case) showed that 186 (65%) belong to four predominant clones, three of which were mostly present in Geneva hospitals. In contrast, the fourth clone (85 cases) was found in 23 hospitals (in one to 16 cases per hospital). The remaining 35% of the strains were clustered into 62 pulsed field gel electrophoresis types. They accounted for one to five patients per hospital and were defined as sporadic. Multivariate analysis revealed no independent risk factors for harboring a predominant versus a sporadic strain, except that transfer from a foreign hospital increases the risk of harboring a sporadic strain (OR, 42; 95% CI, 5-360). CONCLUSION: While cases with predominant clones were due to the local spread of these clones, most sporadic cases appear to be due to the continuous introduction of new strains into the country. With the exception of a transfer from a hospital outside Switzerland, no difference in the clinical or epidemiological characteristics was observed between patients harboring a predominant clone and those with a sporadic strain.
We describe the unusual spread of a penicillin-susceptible methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clone in hospitals in western Switzerland, where the incidence of MRSA is usually low. During a 2-year period, this clone had been responsible for several outbreaks and had been isolated from >156 persons in 21 institutions. Molecular typing by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) demonstrated that all of these isolates belonged to the same clone. In 1 of the outbreaks, involving 30 cases, the clone was responsible for at least 17 secondary cases. In contrast, during the period of the latter outbreak, 9 other patients harboring different MRSA strains, as assessed by PFGE, were hospitalized in the same wards, but no secondary cases occurred. These observations suggest that this clone, compared with other MRSA strains, had some intrinsic factor(s) that contributed to its ability to disseminate and could thus be considered epidemic.
To investigate the clonal diversity of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated at João Pessoa, State of Paraíba, Brazil, digested genomic DNA were studied by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) in nine methicillin-resistant strains (MRSA) and three methicillin-sensitive strains (MSSA), selected among 67 isolates based on their antimicrobial susceptibility and epidemiology. The isolates were obtained between April and November 1992 from the Hospital of the Federal University of Paraíba, located in João Pessoa. Two MRSA isolates from the Oswaldo Cruz Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, including an epidemic strain previously detected from different hospitals at the country were used as control. Five different patterns, were demonstrated by MRSA isolated in João Pessoa and these patterns were described in several epidemiologically unrelated hospitals in São Paulo. Our results suggest the interstate dissemination of a MRSA clone in João Pessoa which is similar to that described in other cities of Brazil.
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is widely used for epidemic investigations of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). In the present study, we evaluated its use in a long-term epidemiological setting (years to few decades, country to continent level). The clustering obtained from PFGE patterns after SmaI digestion of the DNA of 20 strains was compared to that obtained using a phylogenetic typing method (multiprimer RAPD). The results showed that the analysis of small PFGE bands (10-85kb) correlates better with multiprimer RAPD than the analysis of large PFGE bands (>85-700kb), suggesting that the analysis of small bands would be more suitable for the investigation of long-term epidemiological setting. However, given the technical difficulties to obtain a good resolution of these bands and the putative presence of plasmids among them, PFGE does not appear to be a method of choice for the long-term epidemiology analysis of MRSA.
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an organism that is frequently transmitted in hospitals and perinatal units. The MRSA is considered a public health problem in neonatology because of its strong potential for dissemination in the wards associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. In this study we describe the bacteriological, epidemiological and molecular characteristics of MRSA isolated from anterior nares and blood cultures of newborns hospitalized in a public maternity hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The frequency of MRSA isolated from nasal swabs of newborns was 47.8% (43/90). The genetic analysis of MRSA strains from anterior nares, showed 8 different pulsed field gel electrophoresis patterns (PFGE). Upon analysis of PFGE patterns of the 12 MRSA strains isolated from blood cultures, 8 different patterns were observed, 9 (75%) strains were genetic related to nasal secretion isolates patterns. In conclusion, our data demonstrate the importance of screening of newborns for the presence of MRSA in Brazilian hospitals and the usefulness of genetic typing of these pathogen during epidemiologic studies. This should lead to a better knowledge on the significancy and spreading of MRSA in the hospitals.
Objectives:¦The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of subclinical small joint synovitis detected by ultrasonography in patients with axial SpA, and to evaluate their relevance in terms of function or and disease activity.¦Methods:¦Forty axial SpA patients, 40 RA and 20 healthy subjects were evaluated by ultrasonography, using a reproducible semi-quantitative score by B-mode and Doppler, for synovitis, while disease activity and function were assessed using validated instruments (DAS28, BASDAI, BASFI, m-SACRAH and HAQ).¦Results:¦Median B-mode score were respectively 8.2 for axial SpA, 11.5 for RA and 6.0 for healthy subjects, corresponding to a prevalence of clinical significant synovitis of respectively 37.5%, 60% and 11% for a level of significance at > 8 chosen to¦classify as active > 75% of RA patient with DAS28 >2.6 and < 10% of controls. Addtionally, Doppler was positive in 8% of SpA, 30 % of RA and none of the healthy subjects. Echographic synovitis correlated with disease activity (DAS28) and function¦(HAQ, mSACRAH) in RA patients, but no correlation were found for SpA patients with disease activity (BASDAI) or function (BASFI, HAQ, mSACRAH). Cases of synovitis using classification by Doppler positivity were insufficient to allow any¦statistical analysis.¦Conclusions:¦B-mode ultrasonographic evaluation can demonstrate subclinical synovitis in almost 40% of SpA patients, but they do not appear to correlate with disease activity or function on the contrary to what is observed in RA patients, representing potentially different processes
Methicillin-resistant staphlococcus aureus – MRSA is the most significant antibiotic resistant bacteria found in our hospitals The first MRSA survey on the prevalence of MRSA in the South of Ireland was conducted in 1995 under the direction of the late Dr. Zachary Johnson. In 1998 the Eastern Health Board was financed to carry out a repeat study again under Dr. Johnsonâ?Ts direction. This repeat study was done on an all island basis and the findings from both parts of the island are presented jointly in this reportDownload the Report here
Prevention and Control Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) National Clinical Guideline No. 2  Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA PDF 1MB Click here to download National Clinical Guideline – MRSA (Summary) PDF 389KB Click here to download the Presentation at the Launch of the 2nd National Clinical Guideline Prevention and Control of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)PDF 1.04MB Â
Im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Walliser Krebsregister (WKR), dem Walliser Gesundheitsobservatorium (WGO) und dem Walliser Departement Onkologie wurde beschlossen, eine Studie über die Epidemiologie und die Behandlung von Brustkrebs im Wallis zwischen 2008 und 2010 durchzuführen. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, die Häufigkeit, die Art der Entdeckung, die Behandlungen sowie die 1- und 2-JahresÜberlebensraten von Brustkrebs im Wallis zu beschreiben. Brustkrebs ist die häufigste Krebserkrankung und die zweithäufigste Krebstodesursache bei den Frauen im Wallis. Zwischen 2008 und 2010 wurden im Wallis 836 Fälle von Brustkrebs diagnostiziert. 90% der Karzinome sind invasiv und 10% in situ. Das Durchschnittsalter bei der Diagnosestellung beträgt 62 Jahre. 10% der Karzinome befinden sich im Stadium 0 (Carcinoma in situ), 38% im Stadium I, 36% im Stadium II, 10% im Stadium III und 4% im Stadium IV. 55% der Fälle werden durch ein individuelles (31%) oder organisiertes (23%) Screening entdeckt. 78% der Fälle werden an einem Tumorboard besprochen.