941 resultados para MOCKUS SIVICKAS, ANTANAS, 1952-
ENGLISH: Totals of 59,547 tagged yellowfin and 90,412 tagged skipjack were released during 1952-1964 throughout the range of the fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean during that period. Most of the fish were released from commercial baitboats, either on regular fishing trips or on chartered trips to catch fish for tagging. There we re 8,397 yellowfin and 4,381 skipjack returned from these releases. There appear to be two main groups of yellowfin in the eastern Pacific Ocean. There is considerable intermingling among the fish of the two groups, however. The fish of the northern group (west coast of Baja California, Gulf of California, and Revillagigedo Islands) first appear in the Revillagigedo Islands in about April, and migrate north along the Baja California coast during the spring and summer and south along that coast during the fall. Recruits to the southern group (Tres Marias Islands to northern Chile) appear at many points or continuously along most of the coast. The fish which first appear in the northern Panama Bight in April migrate rapidly northwest to Central America and Mexico and south to the Gulf of Guayaquil. There also appear to be two main groups of skipjack in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The fish of the northern group (west coast of Baja California, Gulf of California, and Revillagigedo Islands ) perform about the same migration as do the yellowfin of the same area, but most of the skipjack apparently then migrate to the central Pacific Ocean during the fall and/or winter. Recruits to the southern group (Central America to northern Chile) appear mostly in or near the Panama Bight. The fish which first appear in the northern Panama Bight in April migrate rapidly northwest to Central America and south to the Gulf of Guayaquil. The proportions which migrate in these directions vary considerably from year to year, this perhaps being dependent on differences in the sea-surface temperatures. SPANISH: Durante el período de 1952-1964 se liberó a través de todos los límites de distribución de la pesquería en el Océano Pacífico oriental un total de 59,547 aleta amarilla y 90,412 barriletes marcados. La mayoria de los peces fueron liberados de barcos de carnada comerciales, o en viajes regulares de pesca o en viajes en los que se fletaron los barcos para capturar atunes y marcarlos. De estas líberaciones se recapturaron 8,397 aleta amarilla y 4,381 barriletes. Parece que haya dos grupos principales de aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico oriental. Sin embargo, existe una entremezcla considerable entre los peces de los dos grupos. Los peces del grupo septentrional (costa occidental de Baja California, Golfo de California y Islas Revillagigedo) aparecen primero en las Islas Revillagigedo alrededor de abril, y durante la primavera y el verano se desplazan al norte a lo largo de la costa de Baja California y durante el otoño al sur a lo largo de la costa. Los reclutas del grupo meridional (Islas Tres Marias hasta el norte de Chile) aparecen en muchas partes o continuamente a lo largo de la mayoría de la costa. Los peces que aparecen primero en la región septentrional del Panamá Bight en abril se desplazan rápidamente al noroeste a la América Central y México y al sur al Golfo de Guayaquil. Parece también que existen dos grupos principales de barrilete en el Océano Pacífico oriental. Los peces del gr upo septentrional (costa occidental de Baja California, Golfo de California e Islas Revillagigedo ) realizan casi la misma migración que el atún aleta amarilla de la misma área, pero aparentemente la mayor parte del barrilete se desplaza luego al Océano Pacífico central durante el otoño y/o en el invierno. Los reclutas al grupo meridional (América Central al norte de Chile) aparecen en su mayoría en el Panamá Bight o cerca a este lugar. Los peces que aparecen primero en la región septentrional del Panamá Bight en abril se desplazan rápidamente al noroeste a la América Central y al sur al Golfo de Guayaquil. Las proporciones que se desplazan en estas direcciones varían considerablemente de año a año; tal vez esto depende en las diferencias de temperatura de la superficie del mar. (PDF contains 227 pages.)
ENGLISH: The Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, established by a Convention between the United States and Costa Rica, has as its purpose the collection and interpretation of information which will facilitate maintaining, at levels of maximum sustained yield, the populations of tropical tunas in the Eastern Pacific and of the bait species used in their capture. To this end, the Commission is directed by the Convention to undertake investigations of the tunas and bait species, and to make recommendations for joint action by the member governments designed to attain the objectives of the Convention. The year 1952 is the second since the initiation of the investigations of the Commission. The Commission was organized in 1950. Its program of investigations ~as outlined and work commenced during 1951. The work during 1952 has been a continuation and logical development of the research commenced the previous year. SPANISH: La Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, establecida por una Convención entra Costa Rica y los Estados Unidos de América, tiene como deberes recolectar e interpretar la información que facilite el mantenimiento, a niveles de una contínua producción máxima, de las poblaciones de las especies tropicales de atún en el Pacífico Oriental y de los peces de carnada que se emplean para su pesca. Con este propósito la Comisión se encarga, en conformidad con los términos de la antes expresada Convención de efectuar investigaciones sobre los atunes y mencionadas especies de carnada, y de hacer recomendaciones a los Gobiernos Miembros a fin de que pueden tomar una acción conjunta que les permita obtener los resultados que el citado Convenio persigue. El año 1952 es el segundo desde la iniciación de las investigaciones de la Comisión. Esta fué organizada en 1950. Durante 1951 se preparó el programa de estudios y se comenzaron los trabajos. La tarea realizada en el año 1952 ha sido una continuación y lógico desarrollo de las investigaciones empezadas en el año anterior. (PDF contains 61 pages.)
8 cartas (manuscritas y mecanografiadas) ; entre 315x200mm y 155x183mm .- 1 Tarjeta de Navidad (manuscrita) ; 100x280mm.- 1 Invitación de boda (mecanografiada) ; 170x110mm.
Cases of mutual exclusion of two species of organisms in nature are known in large numbers. In the majority, they make different demands on the environ- ment which makes co-occurrence impossible. Less frequent are those cases in which a definite activity of one species prevents the occurrence of the other in the same region. An experiment was carried out n order to establish if Chydorus sphaericus can co-occur with water-snails. It emerged that a substance soluble in water which is given off by snails is responsible for the negative effect on small crustacea.
There is no doubt that determination of the biomass of zooplankton (primarily of crustaceans) will be taken into consideration in practice and limnological works, especially after the recent publication of fairly comprehensive tables of weights of a whole range of species of freshwater copepods and cladocerans. The usefulness of applying formulae of determining the biomass of marine crustaceans for freshwater copepods is discussed.
Esta tese aborda os movimentos indígenas bolivianos que ocorreram no período de1930 à Revolução de 1952. A pesquisa analisa as questões étnicas e os significativos preconceitos e marginalização sociais, aos indígenas, que se desenvolveram na Bolívia. Debatemos esta temática através dos conceitos de Tradição e Modernidade e indicando, ainda, a permanência das características indígenas na formação social atual. O tema se insere na Linha de Pesquisa de Política e Cultura que aborda questões conceituais envolvendo, inclusive, aspectos do poder simbólico, além de expressar uma intersecção entre política e cultura. Nesta investigação abordam-se, também, o pensamento dos intelectuais e da cultura Latinoamericana, destacando-se as obras de José Carlos Mariátegui. As concepções desse autor são interpretadas através dos lineamentos conceituais, inerentes à cultura política em sua perspectiva ideológica. A problemática desenvolvida consistiu em examinar, considerando as percepções de Mariátegui, os movimentos indígenas na Bolívia de 1930 a 1952, notadamente o I Congresso Indígena Boliviano. As hipóteses construídas corroboraram com a problemática apresentada. A tese objetivou também contribuir para os estudos historiográficos Latinoamericanos sobre as rebeliões indígenas na América.
As escolas de samba no Rio de Janeiro se constituíram como espaços privilegiados para atuação política dos moradores das comunidades e assim extrapolaram sua função primeira de promover o lazer para o carnaval em direção à visibilidade das comunidades a elas ligadas. Neste contexto, enfocam-se o Morro da Serrinha e a fundação da Escola de Samba Império Serrano, em uma ação que remonta as redes de relações sociais baseadas em laços familiares. a memória da história da escola vincula-se à memória das famílias locais, elementos centrais de produção e reprodução de um discurso legitimador para a agremiação na região. Através de uma espécie de discurso vencedor, desde os motivos para a fundação de uma nova escola para a região até os carnavais vencedores, a identidade local foi estabelecida em um movimento dialético, pois o lugar passou a ser identificado pela escola de samba, e esta e seus moradores pelo lugar. Assim foi possível identificar na rede familiar do Morro da Serrinha projetos próprios que, através da escola de samba, transpuseram barreiras sociais e angariaram benefícios para a região.
Three men planting out Sea trout ova in a beck in North West England, UK, in 1952. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.
This bulletin is the third of a series begun in 1948, presenting detailed data on the commercial fin-fishery of Maryland. A full description of the techniques of collection and tabulation were included in the first bulletin [Publication 69], and inasmuch as identical procedures have been employed throughout the program, further mention of methods is not made. As in past years, records were received on a voluntary basis from approximately 94% of all licensed fishermen. Most of the records were submitted in the form of weekly or monthly summaries. The statistics set forth were derived from records obtained only from licensed commercial fishermen and contain no data pertaining to small unlicensed units of fishing gear, or to the sport fishery.
Several important advances have been made in our knowledge both regarding the factors which determine fertility in tropical lakes and the fish that live in them. As a result of our investigations a new theory has been put forward regarding the part played by animals in the bionomics of a lake; this theory, stated somewhat baldly, is that within certain limits the greater the number of animals in a shallow tropical lake, the greater becomes its potential fertility, and therefore the greater the number of animals it can support. The theory arises as a logical conclusion, once we accept the fact that the rate of production in such a lake is determined by the rate at which organic matter is decomposed. Bottom deposits which consist mainly of vegetable matter decompose slowly, whereas deposits which contain a high proportion of matter of animal origin decompose more rapidly. Thus the more animals in a lake, particularly animals which feed on plant material, the faster the biological cycle can proceed and the greater the density of animals it can support. This new concept will have a very profound influence on our ideas concerning the consequences of overfishing tropical waters. It also shows that efforts must be made to encourage and protect all herbivorous and detritus feeding animals, whether they be copepods, fish, or hippopotami, and whether they are of immediate economic importance or not.
The annual report presents information on Lake Victoria, Lake Albert (including tbe Albert Nile and associated Fisheries)-Report by Lake Albert Fisheries Officer,Lake Kyoga and Waters of Eastern Uganda-Report by Fisheries Officer, Serere. Lakes George, Edward and Waters of Western Uganda -Report by the Fisheries Officer, Kichwamba Fish Farming-Report by the Fisheries Officer, Fish Fanning,dams,crocodiles. It presents information on angaling, Trouting, Nile Perch and Ripon Falls Barbel
This 1952 report gives details of findings in the Southern and Southern Highlands Provinces. Accordingly in this publication a return is made to the more usual method of presentation, a summary being given of work done, with detailed sectional reports.