54 resultados para MMP9


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Background: Prognosis of prostate cancer (PCa) is based mainly in histological aspects together with PSA serum levels that not always reflect the real aggressive potential of the neoplasia. The micro RNA (miRNA) mir-21 has been shown to regulate invasiveness in cancer through translational repression of the Metaloproteinase (MMP) inhibitor RECK. Our aim is to investigate the levels of expression of RECK and miR-21 in PCa comparing with classical prognostic factors and disease outcome and also test if RECK is a target of miR-21 in in vitro study using PCa cell line. Materials and methods: To determine if RECK is a target of miR-21 in prostate cancer we performed an in vitro assay with PCa cell line DU-145 transfected with pre-miR-21 and anti-miR-21. To determine miR-21 and RECK expression levels in PCa samples we performed quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Results: The in vitro assays showed a decrease in expression levels of RECK after transfection with pre-miR-21, and an increase of MMP9 that is regulated by RECK compared to PCa cells treated with anti-miR-21. We defined three profiles to compare the prognostic factors. The first was characterized by miR-21 and RECK underexpression (N = 25) the second was characterized by miR-21 overexpression and RECK underexpression (N = 12), and the third was characterized by miR-21 underexpression and RECK overexpression (N = 16). From men who presented the second profile (miR-21 overexpression and RECK underexpression) 91.7% were staged pT3. For the other two groups 48.0%, and 46.7% of patients were staged pT3 (p = 0.025). Conclusions: Our results demonstrate RECK as a target of miR-21. We believe that miR-21 may be important in PCa progression through its regulation of RECK, a known regulator of tumor cell invasion.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) constitute a family of zinc-dependent proteases involved in the extracellular matrix degradation. MMP-2 and MMP9 are overexpressed in several human cancer types, including melanoma, thus the development of new compounds to inhibit MMPs' activity is desirable. Molecular dynamic simulation and molecular properties calculations were performed on a set of novel beta-N-biaryl ether sulfonamide-based hydroxamates, reported as MMP-2 and MMP-9 inhibitors, for providing data to develop an exploratory analysis. Thermodynamic, electronic, and steric descriptors have significantly discriminated highly active from moderately and less active inhibitors of MMP-2 whereas apparent partition coefficient at pH 1.5 was also significant for the MMP-9 data set. Compound 47 was considered an outlier in all analysis, indicating the presence of a bulky substituent group in R3 is crucial to this set of inhibitors for the establishment of molecular interactions with the S1 subsite of both enzymes, but there is a limit. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Breast cancer metastasis is a leading cause of death by malignancy in women worldwide. Efforts are being made to further characterize the rate-limiting steps of cancer metastasis, i.e. extravasation of circulating tumor cells and colonization of secondary organs. In this study, we investigated whether angiotensin II, a major vasoactive peptide both produced locally and released in the bloodstream, may trigger activating signals that contribute to cancer cell extravasation and metastasis. We used an experimental in vivo model of cancer metastasis in which bioluminescent breast tumor cells (D3H2LN) were injected intra-cardiacally into nude mice in order to recapitulate the late and essential steps of metastatic dissemination. Real-time intravital imaging studies revealed that angiotensin II accelerates the formation of metastatic foci at secondary sites. Pre-treatment of cancer cells with the peptide increases the number of mice with metastases, as well as the number and size of metastases per mouse. In vitro, angiotensin II contributes to each sequential step of cancer metastasis by promoting cancer cell adhesion to endothelial cells, trans-endothelial migration and tumor cell migration across extracellular matrix. At the molecular level, a total of 102 genes differentially expressed following angiotensin II pretreatment were identified by comparative DNA microarray. Angiotensin II regulates two groups of connected genes related to its precursor angiotensinogen. Among those, up-regulated MMP2/MMP9 and ICAM1 stand at the crossroad of a network of genes involved in cell adhesion, migration and invasion. Our data suggest that targeting angiotensin II production or action may represent a valuable therapeutic option to prevent metastatic progression of invasive breast tumors.


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The pathogenesis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) appears to be associated with type-2 cytokines and podocyte dysfunction. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that immunization with the polysaccharide fraction of Propionibacterium acnes (PS), a pro-Th1 agonist, may subvert the type-2 profile and protect podocytes from adriamycin-induced glomerulosclerosis. Adriamycin injection resulted in albuminuria and increased serum creatinine in association with loss of glomerular podocin and podoplanin expression, which is consistent with podocyte dysfunction. Renal tissue analysis revealed the expression of transcripts for GATA3 and fibrogenic-related proteins, such as TGF-beta, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP-1) and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP9). In association with the expression of fibrogenic transcripts, we observed peri-glomerular expression of a-smooth muscle actin (alpha-SMA), indicating epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, and increased expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in tubular cells, suggesting intense proliferative activity. Previous immunization with PS inhibited albuminuria and serum creatinine in association with the preservation of podocyte proteins and inhibition of fibrogenic transcripts and the expression of alpha-SMA and PCNA proteins. Tissue analysis also revealed that PS treatment induced expression of mRNA for GD3 synthase, which is a glycosiltransferase related to the synthesis of GD3, a ganglioside associated with podocyte physiology. In addition, PS treatment inhibited the influx of inflammatory CD8(pos) and CD11b(pos) cells to kidney tissue. Finally, PS treatment on day 4 post-ADM, a period when proteinuria was already established, was able to improve renal function. Thus, we demonstrate that the PS fraction of P. acnes can inhibit FSGS pathogenesis, suggesting that immunomodulation can represent an alternative approach for disease management. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Purpose: to quantify the mRNA levels of MMP-3, MMP-9, VEGF and Survivin in peripheral blood and the serum levels of CA-125, Ca19-9 in women with and without endometriosis and to investigate the performance of these markers to differentiate between deep and ovarian endometriosis. Methods: a case controls study enrolled a series of 60 patients. Twenty controls have been matched with 20 cases of ovarian and 20 cases of deep endometriosis. Univariable and multivariable performance of serum CA125 and CA19-9, mRNA for Survivin, MMP9, MMP3 and VEGF genes have been evaluated by means of ROC curves and logistic regression respectively. Results: No difference in markers concentration were detected between ovarian and deep endometriosis. In comparison with controls serum CA19 and CA125 yielded the better sensitivity followed by mRNA for Survivin gene (81.5%, 51.9% and 7.5% at 10% false positive rate respectively). Multivariable estimated odds of endometriosis yielded a sensitivity of 87% at the same false positive rate. Conclusions: A combination of serum and molecular markers could allow a better diagnosis of endometriosis.


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RAGE mediates diverse physiological and pathological effects by binding a variety of ligands. Despite incomplete understanding of RAGE-mediated disorders soluble RAGE (sRAGE) has been identified as a potential biomarker for RAGE-related diseases and possibly represents a hopeful pharmaceutical against RAGE-mediated disorders. Nevertheless, the source of sRAGE remains poorly investigated. Currently sRAGE is thought to be derived exclusively from alternative splicing of mRNA. In this thesis it was investigated whether sRAGE can also be released as a result of ectodomain shedding of full-length RAGE. Using cells overexpressing RAGE as a model system, it was demonstrated clearly that RAGE undergoes ectodomain shedding in both constitutive and regulated manner. Several stimuli including PMA, AMPA, calcium and chelerythrine stimulated the release of sRAGE into cell culture medium. Moreover, possible mechanisms that regulate ectodomain shedding of RAGE were investigated and it was found that shedding of RAGE is likely independent from PKC and MAPK pathways. By using gain of function and loss of function approaches MMP9 but not ADAM10, ADAM17 or MT1-MMP was characterized as the metalloproteinase that mediates shedding of RAGE. Furthermore, it was shown that cytoplasmic domain of RAGE is not essential for shedding of RAGE. In addition, the potential cleavage site of RAGE by MMP9 was investigated and a lack of sequence specificity for the RAGE processing proteinase was demonstrated by mutation analysis. Finally the physiopathological significance of shedding of RAGE is discussed. In conclusion, for the first time ectodomain shedding of human RAGE and the underlying regulatory mechanisms were investigated. The data open a new field for modulation of RAGE shedding as a novel intervention approach against RAGE-mediated diseases.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei neuentdeckte Astacin-ähnliche-Proteasen LAST undrnLAST_MAM aus dem Pfeilschwanzkrebs Limulus polyphemus funktionell charakterisiert.rnInsbesondere LAST_MAM, eignet sich zur phylogenetischen Untersuchung, hinsichtlich derrnEvolution von Astacin-ähnlichen-Proteasen mit MAM-Domäne, zu denen auch die Meprinernzählen. Es wurde deutlich, dass LAST_MAM nicht unmittelbar mit anderen Astacinen, diernüber eine MAM-Domäne verfügen, verwandt ist, und dass von einer divergenten Entwicklungrndieser Proteasen und der MAM-Domäne selbst ausgegangen werden muss.rnMeprin Metalloendopeptidasen werden in membrangebundener und sezernierter Form,rnvorwiegend in Epithelien aber auch in intestinalen Leukozyten und bestimmten Krebszellenrnexprimiert. Meprin


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The multiligand Receptor for Advanced Glycation End products (RAGE) is involved in various pathophysiological processes, including diabetic inflammatory conditions and Alzheimers disease. Full-length RAGE, a cell surface-located type I membrane protein, can proteolytically be converted by metalloproteinases ADAM10 and MMP9 into a soluble RAGE form. Moreover, administration of recombinant soluble RAGE suppresses activation of cell surface-located RAGE by trapping RAGE ligands. Therefore stimulation of RAGE shedding might have a therapeutic value regarding inflammatory diseases. We aimed to investigate whether RAGE shedding is inducible via ligand-induced activation of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). We chose three different GPCRs coupled to distinct signaling cascades: the V2 vasopressin receptor (V2R) activating adenylyl cyclase, the oxytocin receptor (OTR) linked to phospholipase Cβ, and the PACAP receptor (subtype PAC1) coupled to adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase Cβ, calcium signaling and MAP kinases. We generated HEK cell lines stably coexpressing an individual GPCR and full-length RAGE and then investigated GPCR ligand-induced activation of RAGE shedding. We found metalloproteinase-mediated RAGE shedding on the cell surface to be inducible via ligand-specific activation of all analyzed GPCRs. By using specific inhibitors we have identified Ca2+ signaling, PKCα/PKCβI, CaMKII, PI3 kinases and MAP kinases to be involved in PAC1 receptor-induced RAGE shedding. We detected an induction of calcium signaling in all our cell lines coexpressing RAGE and different GPCRs after agonist treatment. However, we did not disclose a contribution of adenylyl cyclase in RAGE shedding induction. Furthermore, by using a selective metalloproteinase inhibitor and siRNAmediated knock-down approaches, we show that ADAM10 and/or MMP9 are playing important roles in constitutive and PACAP-induced RAGE shedding. We also found that treatment of mice with PACAP increases the amount of soluble RAGE in the mouse lung. Our findings suggest that pharmacological stimulation of RAGE shedding might open alternative treatment strategies for Alzheimers disease and diabetes-induced inflammation.


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GARP (Glycoprotein A Repetitions Predominant) ist ein Oberflächenrezeptor auf regulatorischen T–Zellen (TRegs), der den latenten TGF–β (Transforming Growth Factor–β) bindet. Ein Funktionsverlust von T Regs hat gravierende Autoimmunerkrankungen wie das Immunodysregulation Polyendocrinopathy Enteropathy X–linked Syndrome (IPEX), Multiple Sklerose (MS) oder Rheumatoide Arthritis (RA) zur Folge. GARP stellt über eine Erhöhung der Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β den regulatorischen Phänotyp von TRegs sicher und inhibiert die Ausbreitung von autoreaktiven TH17 Zellen.rn In dieser Arbeit stand die Regulation von GARP selbst im Mittelpunkt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es sich innerhalb der kiefertragenden Vertebraten um ein strikt konserviertes Protein handelt. Datenbankanalysen machten deutlich, dass es zuerst in basalen Knochenfischen zusammen mit anderen Komponenten der adaptiven Immunantwort auftritt. Ein 3D–Modell, welches über Homologiemodellierung erstellt wurde, gab Aufschluss über die Struktur des Rezeptors und mögliche intramolekulare Disulfidbrücken. Für in vitro Versuche wurde eine lösliche Variante von GARP durch einen Austausch der Transmembrandomäne durch C–terminale Meprin α Domänen konstruiert. Diese Variante wurde in der eukaryotischen Zellkultur zuverlässig in den Überstand sezerniert und konnte chromatografisch gereinigt werden. Mit diesem rekombinanten GARP wurden Prozessierungsversuche mit Autoimmunpathogenese assoziierten Proteasen durchgeführt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die Serinproteasen Trypsin, Neutrophile Elastase und Plasmin, sowie die Metalloprotease MMP2 in der Lage sind, GARP vollständig zu degradieren. In TGF–β sensitiven Proliferationsuntersuchungen stellte sich heraus, dass die entstandenen Fragmente immer noch in der Lage waren die Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β zu erhöhen. Neben der Degradierung durch die oben genannten Proteasen konnte ebenfalls beobachtet werden, dass MMP9 und Ovastacin in der Lage sind GARP spezifisch zu schneiden. Ovastacin mRNA wurde in dieser Arbeit das erste Mal außerhalb der Oocyte, in T–Zellen beschrieben. Mit GARP wurde zudem das zweite Proteinsubstrat, neben dem Zona Pellucida Protein 2 identifiziert. Das durch MMP9 erzeugte N–terminale Fragment besitzt zwar die Eigenschaft, an TGF–β zu binden, kann aber die Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β nicht mehr wie das intakte GARP erleichtern. rnDiese Arbeit zeigte, dass GARP durch Proteolyse reguliert wird, wobei die entstehenden Fragmente unterschiedlichen Einfluss auf die Aktivierbarkeit von TGF–β haben. Dieses Wissen bildet die Grundlage für weitere Untersuchungen im translationalen Forschungsbereich, um die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zur Immunmodulation in der Therapie verschiedener Krankheiten einsetzen zu können.rn


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Morphogenesis of the secondary palate in mammalian embryos involves two major events: first, reorientation of the two vertically oriented palatal shelves into a horizontal position above the tongue, and second, fusion of the two shelves at the midline. Genetic evidence in humans and mice indicates the involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). As MMP expression patterns might differ from sites of activity, we used a recently developed highly sensitive in situ zymography technique to map gelatinolytic MMP activity in the developing mouse palate. At embryonic day 14.5 (E14.5), we detected strong gelatinolytic activity around the lateral epithelial folds of the nasopharyngeal cavity, which is generated as a consequence of palatal shelf elevation. Activity was concentrated in the basement membrane of the epithelial fold but extended into the adjacent mesenchyme, and increased in intensity with lateral outgrowth of the cavity at E15.5. Gelatinolytic activity at this site was not the consequence of epithelial fold formation, as it was also observed in Bmp7-deficient embryos where shelf elevation is delayed. In this case, gelatinolytic activity appeared in vertical shelves at the exact position where the epithelial fold will form during elevation. Mmp2 and Mmp14 (MT1-MMP), but not Mmp9 and Mmp13, mRNAs were expressed in the mesenchyme around the epithelial folds of the elevated palatal shelves; this was confirmed by immunostaining for MMP-2 and MT1-MMP. Weak gelatinolytic activity was also found at the midline of E14.5 palatal shelves, which increased during fusion at E15.5. Whereas MMPs have been implicated in palatal fusion before, this is the first report showing that gelatinases might contribute to tissue remodeling during early stages of palatal shelf elevation and formation of the nasopharynx.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent angiogenic factor, which also has neuroprotective activity. In view of these dual actions on vessels and neurons, we were interested whether VEGF promotes long distance axonal plasticity in the ischemic brain. Herein, we show that VEGF promotes neurological stroke recovery in mice when delivered in a delayed way starting 3 days after middle cerebral artery occlusion. Using anterograde tract-tracing experiments that we combined with histochemical and molecular biological studies, we demonstrate that although VEGF promoted angiogenesis predominantly in the ischemic hemisphere, pronounced axonal sprouting was induced by VEGF in the contralesional, but not the ipsilesional corticobulbar system. Corticobulbar plasticity was accompanied by the deactivation of the matrix metalloproteinase MMP9 in the lesioned hemisphere and the transient downregulation of the axonal growth inhibitors NG2 proteoglycan and brevican and the guidance molecules ephrin B1/2 in the contralesional hemisphere. The regulation of matrix proteinases, growth inhibitors, and guidance molecules offers insights how brain plasticity is controlled in the ischemic brain.


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Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is excreted in a high concentration in human saliva and modulates the growth and differentiation of various cancer cells. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which EGF affects oral cancer growth and invasion, we analyzed the Matrigel invasion activity of the cultured oral cancer cell line. Cells grown under the influence of EGF were subjected to Matrigel invasion assays and cells grown in the absence of EGF were used as controls. Gelatin-zymography and Northern blot analyses quantified the invasiveness and tumorigenicity. Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay (CAT assay) determined the EGF stimulation of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) expression. EGF increased the number of cells penetrating a Matrigel membrane. Gelatin-zymography and Northern blot analysis revealed that MMP9 and Ets1 expressions correlated with EGF but MMP2 was not changed. a transient transfection assay revealed that EGF increased the promoter activities of the MMP9 genes in HSC3 and SAS cells. These results suggest that EGF increases the invasion activity of oral cancer cells partly by increasing MMP9.


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Clearance of allergic inflammatory cells from the lung through matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) is necessary to prevent lethal asphyxiation, but mechanistic insight into this essential homeostatic process is lacking. In this study, we have used a proteomics approach to determine how MMPs promote egression of lung inflammatory cells through the airway. MMP2- and MMP9-dependent cleavage of individual Th2 chemokines modulated their chemotactic activity; however, the net effect of complementing bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of allergen-challenged MMP2(-/-)/MMP9(-/-) mice with active MMP2 and MMP9 was to markedly enhance its overall chemotactic activity. In the bronchoalveolar fluid of MMP2(-/-)/MMP9(-/-) allergic mice, we identified several chemotactic molecules that possessed putative MMP2 and MMP9 cleavage sites and were present as higher molecular mass species. In vitro cleavage assays and mass spectroscopy confirmed that three of the identified proteins, Ym1, S100A8, and S100A9, were substrates of MMP2, MMP9, or both. Function-blocking Abs to S100 proteins significantly altered allergic inflammatory cell migration into the alveolar space. Thus, an important effect of MMPs is to differentially modify chemotactic bioactivity through proteolytic processing of proteins present in the airway. These findings provide a molecular mechanism to explain the enhanced clearance of lung inflammatory cells through the airway and reveal a novel approach to target new therapies for asthma.


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Recent studies have demonstrated the existence of a soluble fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptor type 1 (FGFR1) extracellular domain in the circulation and in vascular basement membranes. However, the process of FGFR1 ectodomain release from the plasma membrane is not known. Here we report that the 72-kDa gelatinase A (matrix metalloproteinase type 2, MMP2) can hydrolyze the Val368-Met369 peptide bond of the FGFR1 ectodomain, eight amino acids upstream of the transmembrane domain, thus releasing the entire extracellular domain. Similar results were obtained regardless of whether FGF was first bound to the receptor or not. The action of MMP2 abolished binding of FGF to an immobilized recombinant FGFR1 ectodomain fusion protein and to Chinese hamster ovary cells overexpressing FGFR1 The released recombinant FGFR1 ectodomain was able to bind FGF after MMP2 cleavage, suggesting that the cleaved soluble receptor maintained its FGF binding capacity. The activity of MMP2 could not be reproduced by the 92-kDa gelatinase B (MMP9) and was inhibited by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase type 2. These studies demonstrate that FGFR1 may be a specific target for MMP2 on the cell surface, yielding a soluble FGF receptor that may modulate the mitogenic and angiogenic activities of FGF.


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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) of regenerating urodele limbs have been suggested to play crucial roles in the process of the dedifferentiation of cells in the damaged tissues and the ensuing blastema formation because the activation of MMPs is an early and conspicuous event occurring in the amputated limb. MMP cDNAs were cloned as products of the reverse transcription-PCR from cDNA libraries of newt limbs, and their structures were characterized. Three cDNAs encoding newt MMPs (2D-1, 2D-19, and 2D-24) have been cloned from second day postamputation regenerating limbs, and a cDNA (EB-1) was cloned from early bud-stage regenerating limbs. These cDNAs included the full-length coding regions. The deduced amino acid sequences of 2D-1, 2D-19, 2D-24, and EB-1 had a homology with mammalian MMP9, MMP3/10, MMP3/10, and MMP13, respectively. The basic motif of these newt MMP genes was similar to mammalian counterparts and contained regions encoding a putative signal sequence, a propeptide, an active site with three zinc-binding histidine residues, a calcium-binding domain, a hemopexin region, and three key cysteine residues. However, some unique molecular evolutionary features were also found in the newt MMPs. cDNAs of 2D-19 and 2D-24 contained a specific insertion and deletion, respectively. The insertion of 2D-19 is threonine-rich, similar to the threonine cluster found in the collagenase-like sea urchin hatching enzyme. Northern blot analysis showed that the expression levels of the newt MMPs were dramatically increased after amputation, suggesting that they play an important role(s) in tissue remodeling of the regenerating limb.