41 resultados para MLN Tupamaros


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Sviluppo e analisi di un dataset campione, composto da circa 3 mln di entry ed estratto da un data warehouse di informazioni riguardanti il consumo energetico di diverse smart home.


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The biggest challenge facing software developers today is how to gracefully evolve complex software systems in the face of changing requirements. We clearly need software systems to be more dynamic, compositional and model-centric, but instead we continue to build systems that are static, baroque and inflexible. How can we better build change-enabled systems in the future? To answer this question, we propose to look back to one of the most successful systems to support change, namely Smalltalk. We briefly introduce Smalltalk with a few simple examples, and draw some lessons for software evolution. Smalltalk's simplicity, its reflective design, and its highly dynamic nature all go a long way towards enabling change in Smalltalk applications. We then illustrate how these lessons work in practice by reviewing a number of research projects that support software evolution by exploiting Smalltalk's design. We conclude by summarizing open issues and challenges for change-enabled systems of the future.


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Amounts of aerosols transported to the shelf surface were calculated on the basis of in situ measurements of concentrations of eolian matter (insoluble aerosol fraction) and vertical fluxes of settling dust in five areas of the Black Sea shelf from the Danube delta to the Inguri River mouth. More than 8.3 mln t of eolian matter are annually transported from the land over the shelf of the former USSR. At the same time more than 5.4 mln t are supplied to the northwestern shelf area, 1.7 mln t are supplied to the Crimean area, about 0.8 mln t are supplied to the Kerch-Taman' area, and about 0.45 mln t are supplied to the Caucasian area.


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The opaque mineralogy and the contents and isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinized peridotites from the MARK (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Kane Fracture Zone) area were examined to understand the conditions of serpentinization and evaluate this process as a sink for seawater sulfur. The serpentinites contain a sulfur-rich secondary mineral assemblage and have high sulfur contents (up to 1 wt.%) and elevated d34S_sulfide (3.7 to 12.7?). Geochemical reaction modeling indicates that seawater-peridotite interaction at 300 to 400°C alone cannot account for both the high sulfur contents and high d34S_sulfide. These require a multistage reaction with leaching of sulfide from subjacent gabbro during higher temperature (~400°C) reactions with seawater and subsequent deposition of sulfide during serpentinization of peridotite at ~300°C. Serpentinization produces highly reducing conditions and significant amounts of H2 and results in the partial reduction of seawater carbonate to methane. The latter is documented by formation of carbonate veins enriched in 13C (up to 4.5?) at temperatures above 250°C. Although different processes produce variable sulfur isotope effects in other oceanic serpentinites, sulfur is consistently added to abyssal peridotites during serpentinization. Data for serpentinites drilled and dredged from oceanic crust and from ophiolites indicate that oceanic peridotites are a sink for up to 0.4 to 6.0 mln ton seawater S per year. This is comparable to sulfur exchange that occurs in hydrothermal systems in mafic oceanic crust at midocean ridges and on ridge flanks and amounts to 2 to 30% of the riverine sulfate source and sedimentary sulfide sink in the oceans. The high concentrations and modified isotope compositions of sulfur in serpentinites could be important for mantle metasomatism during subduction of crust generated at slow spreading rates.


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Based on results of field observations in August 1998, July 2000, and August 2001 composition and quantitative distribution of coccolithophorids in the middle part of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf between 56°052'N and 59°019'N was characterized. Emiliania huxleyi abundance, biomass, and population structure as well as role of species in the coccolithophorid community and phytoplankton as a whole were evaluated. Abundance of the species in the upper mixed layer in bloom areas was 1-3 mln cells/l and biomass made up 30-75 mg C/m**3. E. huxleyi share in total phytoplankton numbers and biomass at that reached 98% and 84% respectively. Significant spatial heterogeneity of E. huxleyi, quantitative distribution and population size structure, as well as asynchronism in population development in neighboring parts of the bloom area were shown. The time period, during which population structure in certain part of the area shifts from domination of juvenile cells without coccoliths to a phase of active detritus formation with dying coccolithophorid cells involved, may be estimated as two weeks. A conclusion is made that after anomalous E. huxleyi bloom in 1997 mass development of coccolithophorids became a characteristic feature of phytoplankton community's seasonal succession in the middle part of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf.


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We studied the systematics of Cl, F and H2O in Izu arc front volcanic rocks using basaltic through rhyolitic glass shards and melt inclusions (Izu glasses) from Oligocene to Quaternary distal fallout tephra. These glasses are low-K basalts to rhyolites that are equivalent to the Quaternary lavas of the Izu arc front (Izu VF). Most of the Izu glasses have Cl ~400-4000 ppm and F ~70-400 ppm (normal-group glasses). Rare andesitic melt inclusions (halogen-rich andesites; HRA) have very high abundances of Cl (~6600-8600 ppm) and F (~780-910 ppm), but their contents of incompatible large ion lithophile elements (LILE) are similar to the normal-group glasses. The preeruptive H2O of basalt to andesite melt inclusions in plagioclase is estimated to range from ~2 to ~10 wt% H2O. The Izu magmas should be undersaturated in H2O and the halogens at their preferred levels of crystallization in the middle to lower crust (~3 to ~11 kbar, ~820° to ~1200°C). A substantial portion of the original H2O is lost due to degassing during the final ascent to surface. By contrast, halogen loss is minor, except for loss of Cl from siliceous dacitic and rhyolitic compositions. The behavior of Cl, F and H2O in undegassed melts resembles the fluid mobile LILE (e.g.; K, Rb, Cs, Ba, U, Pb, Li). Most of the Cl (>99%), H2O (>95%) and F (>53%) in the Izu VF melts appear to originate from the subducting slab. At arc front depths, the slab fluid contains Cl = 0.94+/-0.25 wt%, F = 990+/-270 ppm and H2O = 25+/-7 wt%. If the subducting sediment and the altered basaltic crust were the only slab sources, then the subducted Cl appears to be almost entirely recycled at the Izu arc (~77-129%). Conversely, H2O (~13-22% recycled at arc) and F (~4-6% recycled) must be either lost during shallow subduction or retained in the slab to greater depths. If a seawater-impregnated serpentinite layer below the basaltic crust were an additional source of Cl and H2O, the calculated percentage of Cl and H2O recycled at arc would be lower. Extrapolating the Izu data to the total length of global arcs (~37000 km), the global arc outflux of fluid-recycled Cl and H2O at subduction zones amounts to Cl ~2.9-3.8 mln ton/yr and H2O ~70-100 mln ton/yr, respectively - comparable to previous estimates. Further, we obtain a first estimate of global arc outflux of fluid-recycled F of ~0.3-0.4 mln ton/yr. Despite the inherent uncertainties, our results support models suggesting that the slab becomes strongly depleted in Cl and H2O in subduction zones. In contrast, much of the subducted F appears to be returned to the deep mantle, implying efficient fractionation of Cl and H2O from F during the subduction process. However, if slab devolatilization produces slab fluids with high Cl/F (~9.5), slab melting will still produce components with low Cl/F ratios (~0.9), similar to those characteristic of the upper continental crust (Cl/F ~0.3-0.9).


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The present investigation was targeted at diatom composition studies in the surface sediments (0-1 cm) sampled in the Sea of Okhotsk and the northwest Pacific in the depth range from 130 to 6110 m. The taxonomic analysis, as well as the quantitative (the diatom cell abundance per sediment dry weight unit) content and ecological group definition, was applied. Ten diatom taxa are the main body (80-100%) of the diatom assemblages: Bacterosira bathyomphala, Chaetoceros spp. (spores), Actinocyclus curvatulus, Thalassiosira latimarginata (group), T. antarctica (spores), Neodenticula seminae, Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis, Thalassiothrix longissima, Coscinodiscus marginatus, Coscinodiscus oculus iridis. The relative content of these species reflects the sedimentation conditions for different parts of the sea: the shelf, the continental slope, the open sea, and the ocean. The highest diatom content (45.6.3-60.0 mln per g of dry weight) was found for the surface sediments in the central part of the Sea of Okhotsk and the continental slope of western Kamchatka.


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Although the protective cellular immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis requires recruitment of macrophages and T lymphocytes to the site of infection, the signals that regulate this trafficking have not been defined. We investigated the role of C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2)-dependent cell recruitment in the protective response to M. tuberculosis. CCR2−/− mice died early after infection and had 100-fold more bacteria in their lungs than did CCR2+/+ mice. CCR2−/− mice exhibited an early defect in macrophage recruitment to the lung and a later defect in recruitment of dendritic cells and T cells to the lung. CCR2−/− mice also had fewer macrophages and dendritic cells recruited to the mediastinal lymph node (MLN) after infection. T cell migration through the MLN was similar in CCR2−/− and CCR2+/+ mice. However, T cell priming was delayed in the MLNs of the CCR2−/− mice, and fewer CD4+ and CD8+ T cells primed to produce IFN-γ accumulated in the lungs of the CCR2−/− mice. These data demonstrate that cellular responses mediated by activation of CCR2 are essential in the initial immune response and control of infection with M. tuberculosis.


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As Doenças inflamatórias intestinais (DII) são multifatoriais e sua etiologia envolve susceptibilidade genética, fatores ambientais, disbiose e ativação exacerbada do sistema imunológico no intestino. Essas doenças também tem sido relacionadas a baixos níveis de dehidroepiandrosterona (DHEA), um hormônio precursor de diversos esteroides e relacionado à modulação das respostas imunes. Porém, os mecanismos precisos que relacionam as ações deste hormônio com a proteção ou susceptibilidade à doença de Crohn ou colite ulcerativa ainda não são totalmente conhecidos. Sendo assim, este projeto buscou entender o papel imunomodulador do DHEA exógeno in vitro e in vivo durante a inflamação intestinal experimental induzida por dextran sulfato de sódio (DSS) em camundongos C57BL/6. Inicialmente, in vitro, DHEA inibiu a proliferação de células do baço de forma dose dependente nas concentrações de 5?M, 50?M ou 100?M, com diminuição da produção de IFN-?. Este hormônio não foi tóxico para células de linhagem mieloide, embora tenha causado necrose em leucócitos nas doses mais elevada (50 ?M e 100?M), o que pode ter influenciado a diminuição das citocinas in vitro. Nos ensaios in vivo, os camundongos tratados com DHEA (40 mg/Kg) foram avaliados na fase de indução da doença (dia 6) e durante o reparo tecidual, quando os animais expostos ao DSS e ao DHEA por 9 dias foram mantidos na ausência destas drogas até o dia 15. Houve diminuição do escore pós-morte, melhora no peso e nos sinais clínicos da inflamação intestinal, com redução de monócitos no sangue periférico com 6 dias e aumento de neutrófilos circulantes na fase de reparo tecidual (15 dias). Ainda, a suplementação com DHEA levou à redução da celularidade da lâmina própria (LP) e ao restabelecimento do comprimento normal do intestino. O uso deste hormônio também diminuiu a expressão do RNAm de IL-6 e TGF-?, enquanto aumentou a expressão de IL-13 no colón dos animais durante a fase de indução da doença, o que provavelmente ajudou na atenuação da inflamação intestinal. Além disso, houve acúmulo de linfócitos CD4+ e CD8+ no baço e diminuição apenas de linfócitos CD4+ nos linfonodos mesentéricos (LNM), indicando retenção das células CD4+ no baço após uso do DHEA. O tratamento foi também capaz de aumentar a frequência de células CD4 produtoras de IL-4 e diminuir CD4+IFN-?+ no baço, além de reduzir a frequência de CD4+IL-17+ nos LNM, sugerindo efeito do DHEA no balanço das respostas Th1/Th2/Th17 relacionadas à colite. Em adição, as células de baço dos animais tratados com DHEA e expostos ao DSS se tornaram hiporresponsivas, como visto pela diminuição da proliferação após re-estímulos in vitro. Finalmente, DHEA foi capaz de atuar no metabolismo dos camundongos tratados, levando à diminuição de colesterol total e da fração LDL no soro durante a fase de indução da doença, sem gerar quaisquer disfunções hepáticas. Com isso, podemos concluir que o DHEA atua por meio do balanço das respostas imunes exacerbadas, minimizando os danos locais e sistêmicos causados pela inflamação intestinal induzida por DSS.


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The intestinal tract is exposed to a large variety of antigens such as food proteins, commensal bacteria and pathogens and contains one of the largest arms of the immune system. The intestinal immune system has to discriminate between harmless and harmful antigens, inducing tolerance to harmless antigens and active immunity towards pathogens and other harmful materials. Dendritic cells (DC) in the mucosal lamina propria (LP) are central to this process, as they sample bacteria from the local environment and constitutively migrate to the draining mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), where they present antigen to naïve T cells in order to direct an appropriate immune response. Despite their crucial role, understanding the function and phenotype of LP DC has been hampered by the fact that they share phenotypic markers with macrophages (mφ), which are the dominant population of mononuclear phagocyte (MP) in the LP. Recent work in our own and other laboratories has established gating strategies and phenotyping panels that allow precise discrimination between intestinal DC and mφ using the mφ specific markers CD64 and F4/80. In this way four bona fide DC subsets with distinct functions have been identified in adult LP based on their expression of CD11b and CD103 and a major aim of my project was to understand how these subsets might develop in the neonatal intestine. At the beginning of my PhD, the laboratory had used these new methods to show that signal regulatory protein α (SIRPα), an inhibitory receptor expressed by myeloid cells, was expressed by mφ and most DC in the intestine, except for those expressing CD103 alone. In addition, mice carrying a non-signalling mutation in SIRPα (SIRPα mt) had a selective reduction in CD103+CD11b+ DC, a subset which is unique to the intestinal LP. This was the basis for the initial experiments of my project, described in Chapter 3, where I investigated if the phenotype in SIRPα mt mice was intrinsic to haematopoietic cells or not. To explore this, I generated bone marrow (BM) chimeric mice by reconstituting irradiated WT mice with SIRPα mt BM, or SIRPα mt animals with WT BM. These experiments suggested that the defect in CD103+CD11b+ DC was not replicated in DC derived from BM of SIRPα origin. However as this seemed inconsistent with other data, I considered the possibility that 18 the phenotype may have been lost with age, as the BM chimeric mice were considerably older than those used in the original studies of SIRPα function. However a comparison of DC subsets in the intestine of WT and SIRPα mt mice as they aged provided no conclusive evidence to support this idea. As these experiments did show age-dependent effects on DC subsets, in Chapter 4, I went on to investigate how the DC populations appeared in the intestine and other tissues in the neonatal period. These experiments showed there were few CD103+CD11b+ DC present in the LP and migratory DC compartment of the MLN in the neonate and that as this population gradually increased in proportion with age, there was a reciprocal decrease in the relative proportion of CD103-CD11b+ DC. Interestingly, most of the changes in DC numbers in the intestine were found during the second or third week of life when the weaning process began. To validate my findings that there were few CD103+CD11b+ DC in the neonate and that this was not merely an absence of CD103 upregulation, I examined the expression of CD101 and Trem-1, markers that other work in the laboratory had suggested were specific to the CD103+CD11b+ DC lineage. My work showed that CD101 and Trem-1 were co- expressed by most CD103+CD11b+ DC in small intestine (SI) LP, as well as a small subset of CD103-CD11b+ DC in this tissue. Interestingly, Trem-1 was highly specific to the SI LP and migratory DC in the MLN, but absent from the colon and other tissues. CD101 expression was also only found on CD11b+ DC, but showed a less restricted pattern of distribution, being found in several tissues as well as the SI LP. The relative timing of their development suggested there might be a relationship between CD103+CD11b+ and CD103-CD11b+ DC and this was supported by microarray analysis. I hypothesised that the CD103-CD11b+ DC that co-expressed CD101 and Trem-1 may be the cells that developed into CD103+CD11b+ DC. To investigate this I analysed how CD101 and Trem-1 expression changed with age amongst the DC subsets in SI LP, colonic LP (CLP) and MLN. The proportion of CD101+Trem-1+ cells increased amongst CD103+CD11b+ DC in the SI LP and MLN with age, while amongst CD103+CD11b+ DC in the CLP this decreased. This was not the same in CD103-CD11b+ DC, where CD101 and Trem-1 expression was more varied with age in all tissues. CD101 and Trem-1 were not expressed to any great extent on CD103+CD11b- or CD103-CD11b- DC. The phenotypic development of the 19 intestinal DC subsets was paralleled by the gradual upregulation of CD103 expression, while the production of retinoic acid (RA), as assessed by the AldefluorTM assay, was low early in life and did not attain adult levels until after weaning. Thus DC in the neonatal intestine take some time to acquire the adult pattern of phenotypic subsets and are functionally immature compared with their adult counterparts. In Chapter 5, I used CD101 and Trem-1 to explore the ontogeny of intestinal DC subsets in CCR2-/- and SIRPα mt mice, both of which have selective defects in one particular group of DC. The selective defect seen amongst CD103+CD11b+ DC in adult SIRPα mt mice was more profound in mice at D7 and D14 of age, indicating that it may be intrinsic to this population and not highly dependent on environmental factors that change after birth. The expression of CD101 and Trem-1 by both CD103+CD11b+ and CD103-CD11b+ DC was reduced in SIRPα mt mice, again indicating that this entire lineage was affected by the lack of SIRPα signalling. However there was also a generalised defect in the numbers of all DC subsets in many tissues from early in life, suggesting there was compromised development, recruitment or survival of DC in the absence of SIRPα signalling. In contrast to the findings in SIRPα mt mice, more CD103+CD11b+ DC co-expressed CD101 and Trem-1 in CCR2-/- mice, while there were no differences in the expression of these molecules amongst CD103-CD11b+ DC. This may suggest that CCR2+ CD103-CD11b+ DC are not the cells that express CD101 and Trem-1 that are predicted to be the direct precursors of CD103+CD11b+ DC. I also examined the expression of DC growth factor receptors on DC subsets from mice of different ages, but no clear age or subset- related patterns of the expression of mRNA for Csf2ra, Irf4, Tgfbr1 and Rara could be observed. Next, I investigated whether Trem-1 played any role in DC development. Preliminary experiments in Trem-1-/- mice show no differences between any of the DC subsets, nor were there any selective effects on individual subsets when DC development from Trem-1-/- KO and WT BM was compared in competitive chimeras. However these experiments were difficult to interpret due to viability problems and because I found an unexpected defect in the ability of Trem-1-/- BM to generate all DC, irrespective of whether they expressed Trem-1 or not. 20 The final experiments I carried out were to examine the role of the microbiota in driving the differentiation of intestinal DC subsets, based on the hypothesis that this could be one of the environmental factors that might influence events in the developing intestine. To this end I performed experiments in both antibiotic treated and germ free adult mice, both of which showed no significant phenotypic differences amongst any of the DC subsets. However the study of germ free mice was compromised by recent contamination of the colony and may not be the conclusive answer. Together the data in this thesis have shown that the population of CD103+CD11b+ DC, which is unique to the intestine, is not present at birth. These cells gradually increase in frequency over time and as this occurs there is a reciprocal decrease in the frequency of CD103-CD11b+ DC. Along with other results, this leads to the idea that there may be a linear developmental pathway from CD103-CD11b+ DC to CD103+CD11b+ DC that is driven by non-microbial factors that are located preferentially in the small intestine. My project indicates that markers such as CD101 and Trem-1 may assist the dissection of this process and highlights the importance of the neonatal period for these events.


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El texto pretende realizar un análisis del concepto de la Zona Gris presentado por Primo Levi. Para ello, se analizan tres tensiones fundamentales de su obra; a saber: (1) Los hundidos y los salvados; (2) Los diversos sujetos de enunciación y (3) mundo animal vs mundo civilizado.