152 resultados para MLA


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La enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos se remonta a un reglamento de la Academia Pública de Filadelfia de 1749. Desde entonces, en especial a partir de 1900, el interés por el español en los Estados Unidos no ha hecho más que aumentar. Así en 1966 el español está presente académicamente, en algo más de 2000 universidades estadounidenses. Ante este interés, se han estrechado los lazos de colaboración entre organizaciones académicas y profesionales estadounidenses e hispanas. Las más destacadas son la American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AA-TSP), la Modern Language Association of American (MLA) y la American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Se analiza en profundidad todas estas instituciones, sobre todo sus constituciones o reglamentos, que regulan aspectos tan variado como las publicaciones de la institución o los miembros que las integran y sus características.


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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att ta reda på hur sjuksköterskan kunde stödja barn vid smärta, vilka copingstrategier barn använde sig av när de upplevde smärta och hur sjuksköterskan genom samverkan med föräldrarna kunde stödja barnet vid smärta. Metoden som användes för att göra denna studie var deskriptiv systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteratur har sökts i databaserna Elin@Dalarna och Blackwell Synergi. Sökorden som användes var children, pain, coping, care, parent, pain management, nursing, pediatric, dental care, qualitative och quality of life. Materialet i litteraturstudien har begränsats till 22 artiklar som har granskats efter mallar. Resultatet av studien visade att sjuksköterskan bör ha god kontakt med barnet för att kunna stödja det i sin smärtupplevelse. Sjuksköterskan använde oftast farmakologiska medel för att lindra barnets smärta, men även icke-farmakologiska metoder för att stödja barnet vid smärta. Olika metoder användes, som till exempel att distrahera barnet. De olika copingstrategier barnen använde sig av vid smärta var att leka, kramas, måla, blunda, tänka på något annat och avslappning. När barnet kände att de kunde hantera sin smärta så upplevde de högre livskvalitet. Föräldrarnas närvaro påverkade barnets smärtupplevelse på ett positivt sätt. Föräldrarna upplevde att de inte hade fått tillräckligt med information om sina barns smärtupplevelse. Föräldrarnas samverkan var en naturlig del i smärtbehandlingen.


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Spam is commonly known as unsolicited or unwanted email messages in the Internet causing potential threat to Internet Security. Users spend a valuable amount of time deleting spam emails. More importantly, ever increasing spam emails occupy server storage space and consume network bandwidth. Keyword-based spam email filtering strategies will eventually be less successful to model spammer behavior as the spammer constantly changes their tricks to circumvent these filters. The evasive tactics that the spammer uses are patterns and these patterns can be modeled to combat spam. This paper investigates the possibilities of modeling spammer behavioral patterns by well-known classification algorithms such as Naïve Bayesian classifier (Naive Bayes), Decision Tree Induction (DTI) and Support Vector Machines (SVMs). Preliminary experimental results demonstrate a promising detection rate of around 92%, which is considerably an enhancement of performance compared to similar spammer behavior modeling research.


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The purpose of this study was to understand and analyse the meanings given to caring of patients on the isolation ward by nursing students, focusing particularly on the aspects of communication and interpersonal relationships. The data were collected from individual interviews with 18 nursing students who were performing nursing practice on the isolation ward. The results, analysed and interpreted according to existential phenomenology, describe the structure of the phenomenon 'taking care on the isolation ward' from a relational perspective. The students described their difficulties and anxieties, as well as their willingness to take care of isolated patients, resulting in the overcoming of obstacles and in contacting and becoming involved when taking care of these patients.


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This study examined the meanings that the intensive care unit (ICU) physicians attribute to their practice when caring for brain-dead organ donors. It is a phenomenological study, a qualitative method that searches for describing and understanding the experiences lived. Data were collected through recorded individual interviews made with 10 ICU physicians who work in a university hospital in the interior of São Paulo, Brazil. Three categories emerged from data: (1) providing care for brain-dead organ donors; (2) relating to donors and their families; and (3) the ethical concerns and self-awareness of the physicians. There is consensus as to-many aspects: demand of technical qualification and excellence in practice; need of investing in technology of organ transplant; and donors seen as human beings and holders of human rights. Participants understand that family participation is decisive in the donation process, although interactions between the family members and the physicians are difficult because of the sensitive nature of the situation. The physicians often felt ill-prepared to openly discuss the topic of brain death and organ donation. Educational programs for physicians and family members may assist with this difficult process.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Aim. By taking nursing as a human relationships activity, in spite of its strong technical-scientific features, this article reflects on the phenomenological method as one of the ways to develop ail investigation and acquire knowledge of the topic.Rationale. Based on Husserl's phenomenology, which is opposed to the way of doing science based on the laws that regulate the physics and mathematics, the article introduces Merleau Ponty's existential phenomenology as the theoretical foundation for the method it proposes. My existential conceptions-people as historic beings inserted in a world over which they act but which, in its turn, determines them; the human perception as reference for our way of being in the world; the space-time structure of perception-these are the key concepts that have led to the elaboration of ail approach to phenomenological research.Proposal of a methodology. Steps are proposed for such ail approach, namely phenomenological description, reduction and analysis. These lead to the building up of ideographic and nomothetic analyses, thus unveiling and describing general truths about the phenomenon studied. Finally, the possibilities for applying the methodology to nursing research are discussed, illustrated by my research into student nurses' perspectives on working oil an isolation ward.


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Supramolecular structures of polyaniline (PANI) and vanadium oxide (V2O5) have been assembled via the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LBL) technique. The films were characterized by vibrational analyses which indicated that the interactions between the two components lead to different properties in the films when compared to sol-gel films. of the neat compounds. In particular, using surface enhanced Raman scattering we were able to probe LBL film properties that depend on which material comprises the topmost layer.


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The first option for the treatment of UC is both: salicylates or corticoids. Recently, in late November of 2006, the Brazilian Ministry of Health has approved infliximab (Remicade c, Mantecorp, Brazil) to treat ulcerative colitis. We report the use of infliximab as a first option for the treatment of two patients with severe ulcerative colitis. Case report: Patient 1: AZF, 52 years-old, female, was first diagnosed with UC after history and clinical examination; colonoscopy showed pancolitis with positive biopsy (crypt microabscess). Her Mayo score was 10 (range: 0 to 12/asymptomatic to severe colitis). She received intra venous infusion of infliximab at a dose of 5mg/Kg of body weigh at week 0, 2, 6 and 14. Then, patient was given mesalazine 4.5 g/day for maintenance therapy. Clinical response was defined as a decreased from baseline in the total Mayo score of at least 3 points. At present, patient is asymptomatic with Mayo score of 3 one moth after the last dose of infliximab. Patient 2: MLA, 45 years-old, female was first diagnosed with bloody diarrhea; colonoscopy showed left colitis and the biopsy was positive for ulcerative colitis. Her Mayo score was 9. She was offered and accepted the step down treatment. She was given infliximab 5mg/Kg of body weight at week 0, 2, 6 and 14. After initial treatment with infliximab, she received mesalazine 4.2 g/day. At present, she is asymptomatic with Mayo score of 2 eighteen days after the last dose of infliximab. At our knowledge, this is the first Brazilian report of the use of infliximab as fist-line therapy in ulcerative colitis. Few days after the begging of the infusion, an impressive clinical and colonoscopy improvement was seen in these two patients. Recently, it has been reported the use of infliximab as first-line therapy in pediatric Crohn disease. Infliximab could be a good option in cases of moderate and severe UC to avoid the side effects of the use of high doses of corticoids in patients with moderate and severe UC. However, the question if step-down therapy in ulcerative colitis is better then conventional therapy with salicylates and corticoids needs to be answered by randomized trials.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Cancado TO, Omais M, Ashmawi HA, Torres MLA - Chronic Pain after Cesarean Section. Influence of Anesthetic/Surgical Technique and Postoperative Analgesia. Background and objectives: Brazil ranks second among countries with the highest rates of cesarean section in the world. Little is known about the future consequences of this procedure on maternal health. This study investigated the influence of anesthetic/surgical technique and postoperative analgesia on the onset of chronic pain after three months of cesarean section. Method: This is a prospective randomized study of 443 patients undergoing cesarean section (elective and emergency), with different doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% and opioids in spinal anesthesia. Patients were alocated into five groups as follow: G1 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (8 mg), sufentanil (2.5 mu g), and morphine (100 mu g); G2 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (10 mg), sufentanil (2.5 mu g), and morphine (100 mu g); G3 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg) and morphine (100 mu g); G4 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (15 mg) and morphine (100 mu g); G5 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5 mg) and morphine (100 mu g), without perioperative anti-inflammatory. Pain at rest and in movement were evaluated in the immediate postoperative period. Phone contact was made after three months of surgery for identification of patients with chronic pain. Results: The incidence of chronic pain in the groups was G1 = 20%; G2 = 13%; G3 = 7.1%; G4 = 2.2%, and G5 = 20.3%. Patients who reported higher pain scores in the postoperative period had a higher incidence of chronic pain (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The incidence of chronic pain decreases with higher doses of local anesthetics and use of anti-inflammatory drugs. The higher pain scores in the postoperative period were associated with chronic pain development after three months of cesarean section.


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The purpose of this research was to develop a working physical model of the focused plenoptic camera and develop software that can process the measured image intensity, reconstruct this into a full resolution image, and to develop a depth map from its corresponding rendered image. The plenoptic camera is a specialized imaging system designed to acquire spatial, angular, and depth information in a single intensity measurement. This camera can also computationally refocus an image by adjusting the patch size used to reconstruct the image. The published methods have been vague and conflicting, so the motivation behind this research is to decipher the work that has been done in order to develop a working proof-of-concept model. This thesis outlines the theory behind the plenoptic camera operation and shows how the measured intensity from the image sensor can be turned into a full resolution rendered image with its corresponding depth map. The depth map can be created by a cross-correlation of adjacent sub-images created by the microlenslet array (MLA.) The full resolution image reconstruction can be done by taking a patch from each MLA sub-image and piecing them together like a puzzle. The patch size determines what object plane will be in-focus. This thesis also goes through a very rigorous explanation of the design constraints involved with building a plenoptic camera. Plenoptic camera data from Adobe © was used to help with the development of the algorithms written to create a rendered image and its depth map. Finally, using the algorithms developed from these tests and the knowledge for developing the plenoptic camera, a working experimental system was built, which successfully generated a rendered image and its corresponding depth map.


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PowerPoint slides from a presentation given at SCC/MLA 2010.