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Hyperprolactinaemia during lactation is a consequence of the sucking stimulus and in part due to reduced prolactin (PRL) negative feedback. To date, the mechanisms involved in this diminished sensitivity to PRL feedback are unknown but may involve changes in PRL signal transduction within tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons. Therefore, we investigated signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) 5 signaling in the TIDA neurons of lactating rats. Dual-label confocal immunofluorescence studies were used to determine the intracellular distribution of STAT5 within TIDA neurons in the dorsomedial arcuate nucleus. In lactating rats with pups removed for 16 h, injection of ovine PRL significantly (P < 0.05) increased the STAT5 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio compared with vehicle-treated mothers. In contrast, ovine PRL injection did not increase the STAT5 nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio in lactating mothers with pups, demonstrating that PRL signal transduction through STAT5 is reduced in TIDA neurons in the presence of pups. To investigate possible mechanisms involved in reduced PRL signaling, we examined the expression of suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins. Northern analysis on whole hypothalamus showed that CIS (cytokine-inducible SH2 domain-containing protein), but not SOCS1 or SOCS3, mRNA expression was significantly (P < 0.01) up-regulated in suckled lactating rats. Semiquantitative RT-PCR on arcuate nucleus micropunches also showed up-regulation of CIS transcripts. Immunofluorescence studies demonstrated that CIS is expressed in all TIDA neurons in the dorsomedial arcuate nucleus, and the intensity of CIS staining in these neurons is significantly (P < 0.05) increased in lactating rats with sucking pups. Together, these results support the hypothesis that loss of sensitivity to PRL-negative feedback during lactation is a result of increased CIS expression in TIDA neurons.


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Aim of the present study was to investigate the neuroprotective effect of dental pulp cells (DPCs) in in vitro models of Alzheimer and Parkinson disease. Primary cultures of hippocampal and ventral mesencephalic neurons were treated for 24 h with amyloid beta (A beta(1-42)) peptide 1-42 and 6-OHDA, respectively. DPCs isolated from adult rat incisors were previously cultured in tissue culture inserts and added to the neuron cultures 2 days prior to neurotoxin treatment. Cell viability was assessed by the MTT assay. The co-culture with DPCs significantly attenuated 6-OHDA and A beta(1-42)-induced toxicity in primary cultures of mesencephalic and hippocampal neurons, and lead to an increase in neuronal viability in untreated cultures, suggesting a neurotrophic effect in both models. Furthermore, human dental pulp cells expressed a neuronal phenotype and produced the neurotrophic factors NGF, GDNF, BDNF, and BMP2 shown by microarray screening and antibody staining for the representative proteins. DPCs protected primary neurons in in vitro models of Alzheimer`s and Parkinson`s disease and can be viewed as possible candidates for studies on cell-based therapy.


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The biodistribution of transgene expression in the CNS after localized stereotaxic vector delivery is an important issue for safety of gene therapy for neurological diseases. The cellular specificity of transgene expression from rAAV2/1 vectors using the tetON expression cassette in comparison with the CMV promoter was investigated in the rat nigrostriatal pathway. After intrastriatal injection, although GFP was mainly expressed into neurons with both vectors, the relative proportions of DARPP-32+ projection neurons and parvalbumin+ interneurons were respectively 13:1 and 2:1 for the CMV and tetON vectors. DARP32+ neurons projecting to the globus pallidus were strongly GFP+ with both vectors, whereas those projecting to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) were efficiently labeled by the CMV but poorly by the tetON vector. Numerous GFP+ cells were evidenced in the subventricular zone with both vectors. However, in the olfactory bulb (OB), GFP+ neurons were observed with the CMV but not the tetON vector. We conclude that the absence of significant amounts of transgene product in distant regions (SN and OB) constitutes a safety advantage of the AAV2/1-tetON vector for striatal gene therapy. Midbrain injections resulted in selective GFP expression in tyrosine hydroxylase+ neurons by the tetON vector whereas with the CMV vector, GFP+ cells covered a widespread area of the midbrain. The biodistribution of GFP protein corresponded to that of the transcripts and not of the viral genomes. We conclude that the rAAV2/1-tetON vector constitutes an interesting tool for specific transgene expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons.


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The biodistribution of transgene expression in the CNS after localized stereotaxic vector delivery is an important issue for the safety of gene therapy for neurological diseases. The cellular specificity of transgene expression from rAAV2/1 vectors (recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors pseudotyped with viral capsids from serotype 1) using the tetracycline-inducible (TetON) expression cassette in comparison with the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter was investigated in the rat nigrostriatal pathway. After intrastriatal injection, although green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed mainly in neurons with both vectors, the relative proportions of DARPP-32-positive projection neurons and parvalbumin-positive interneurons were, respectively, 13:1 and 2:1 for the CMV and TetON vectors. DARP32-positive neurons projecting to the globus pallidus were strongly GFP positive with both vectors, whereas those projecting to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) were efficiently labeled by the CMV vector but poorly by the TetON vector. Numerous GFP-positive cells were evidenced in the subventricular zone with both vectors. However, in the olfactory bulb (OB), GFP-positive neurons were observed with the CMV vector but not the TetON vector. We conclude that the absence of significant amounts of transgene product in distant regions (SN and OB) constitutes a safety advantage of the AAV2/1-TetON vector for striatal gene therapy. Midbrain injections resulted in selective GFP expression in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons by the TetON vector whereas with the CMV vector, GFP-positive cells covered a widespread area of the midbrain. The biodistribution of GFP protein corresponded to that of the transcripts and not of the viral genomes. We conclude that the rAAV2/1-TetON vector constitutes an interesting tool for specific transgene expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons.


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The central actions of leptin are essential for homeostatic control of adipose tissue mass, glucose metabolism, and many autonomic and neuroendocrine systems. In the brain, leptin acts on numerous different cell types via the long-form leptin receptor (LepRb) to elicit its effects. The precise identification of leptin`s cellular targets is fundamental to understanding the mechanism of its pleiotropic central actions. We have systematically characterized LepRb distribution in the mouse brain using in situ hybridization in wildtype mice as well as by EYFP immunoreactivity in a novel LepRb-IRES-Cre EYFP reporter mouse line showing high levels of LepRb mRNA/EYFP coexpression. We found substantial LepRb mRNA and EYFP expression in hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic sites described before, including the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, ventral premammillary nucleus, ventral tegmental area, parabrachial nucleus, and the dorsal vagal complex. Expression in insular cortex, lateral septal nucleus, medial preoptic area, rostral linear nucleus, and in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus was also observed and had been previously unreported. The LepRb-IRES-Cre reporter line was used to chemically characterize a population of leptin receptor-expressing neurons in the midbrain. Tyrosine hydroxylase and Cre reporter were found to be coexpressed in the ventral tegmental area and in other midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Lastly, the LepRbI-RES-Cre reporter line was used to map the extent of peripheral leptin sensing by central nervous system (CNS) LepRb neurons. Thus, we provide data supporting the use of the LepRb-IRES-Cre line for the assessment of the anatomic and functional characteristics of neurons expressing leptin receptor. J. Comp. Neurol. 514:518-532, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The 3-hydroxytyramine/dopamine (DA) is a monoamine of catecholamineric group and consists in the progenitor substantia of synthesis of noradrenaline and adrenaline, having the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase as a regulator of this process. Nuclei of midbrain expressing DA are the retrorubral field (RRF, A8 group), the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc, A9 group) and the ventral tegmental area (VTA, A10 group). These nuclei are involved in three complex circuitry called mesostriatal, mesocortical and mesolimbic, which are related directly with various behavioral manifestations such as motor control, reward signaling in behavioural learning, motivation and pathological manifestations of Parkinson s disease and schizophrenia. The aim of this study was describe the morphology of midbrain dopaminergic neurons (A8, A9 and A10) of the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a rodent belonging to the family Caviidae typical of the Brazilian Northeast, which is being adopted as a model for neuroanatomical studies in laboratory of neuroanatomy of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Coronal sections of brains of the rock cavies were submitted to staining by Nissl s method and immunohistochemistry against tyrosine hydroxylase. The nuclear organization of the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei of the rock cavy is very similar to that found in other animals of the order Rodentia, except by the presence of the tail of substantia nigra, which was found only in the studied species. We concluded that the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei are phylogenetically stable among species, but we think to be it necessary to expand the studies about the particularity found the rock cavy, investigating its occurrence in other species of rodents or investigating its functional relevance


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides with a characteristic tree-looped trefoil structure. TFFs are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract where they play a critical role in the function of the mucosal barrier. TFF1 has been suggested as a neuropeptide, but not much is known about its expression and function in the central nervous system. We investigated the expression of TFF1 in the developing and adult rat midbrain. In the adult ventral mesencephalon, TFF1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells were predominantly found in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and in periaqueductal areas. While around 90% of the TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), only a subpopulation of the TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1. Some TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed the calcium-binding proteins calbindin or calretinin and nearly all were NeuN-ir confirming a neuronal phenotype, which was supported by lack of co-localization with the astroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Interestingly, at postnatal (P) day 7 and P14, a significantly higher proportion of TH-ir neurons in the SNc co-expressed TFF1 as compared to P21. In contrast, the proportion of TFF1-ir cells expressing TH remained unchanged during postnatal development. Furthermore, significantly more TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1 in the SNc, compared to the VTA at all four time-points investigated. Injection of the tracer fluorogold into the striatum of adult rats resulted in retrograde labeling of several TFF1 expressing cells in the SNc showing that a significant fraction of the TFF1-ir cells were projection neurons. This was also reflected by unilateral loss of TFF1-ir cells in SNc of 6-hydroxylase-lesioned hemiparkinsonian rats. In conclusion, we show for the first time that distinct subpopulations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and that this expression pattern is altered in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.


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Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) promotes survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons and motoneurons. Expression of GDNF mRNA in cerebellum raises the possibility that cells within this structure might also respond to GDNF. To examine potential trophic activities of GDNF, dissociated cultures of gestational day 18 rat cerebellum were grown for < or = 21 days in the presence of factor. GDNF increased Purkinje cell number without affecting the overall number of neurons or glial cells. A maximal response (50% above control) was elicited with GDNF at 1 pg/ml. Effects of GDNF on Purkinje cell differentiation were examined by scoring the morphologic maturation of cells in treated and control cultures. GDNF increased the proportion of Purkinje cells that displayed relatively mature morphologies, characterized by dendritic thickening and the development of spines and filopodial extensions. Morphologic maturation of the overall neuronal population was unaffected. In sum, our data indicate that GDNF is a potent survival and differentiation factor for Purkinje cells, the efferent neurons of cerebellar cortex. Together with its other actions, these findings raise the possibility that GDNF might be a critical trophic factor at multiple loci in neuronal circuits that control motor function.


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Understanding the molecular programs of the generation of human dopaminergic neurons (DAn) from their ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursors is of key importance for basic studies, progress in cell therapy, drug screening and pharmacology in the context of Parkinson's disease. The nature of human DAn precursors in vitro is poorly understood, their properties unstable, and their availability highly limited. Here we present positive evidence that human VM precursors retaining their genuine properties and long-term capacity to generate A9 type Substantia nigra human DAn (hVM1 model cell line) can be propagated in culture. During a one month differentiation, these cells activate all key genes needed to progress from pro-neural and prodopaminergic precursors to mature and functional DAn. For the first time, we demonstrate that gene cascades are correctly activated during differentiation, resulting in the generation of mature DAn. These DAn have morphological and functional properties undistinguishable from those generated by VM primary neuronal cultures. In addition, we have found that the forced expression of Bcl-XL induces an increase in the expression of key developmental genes (MSX1, NGN2), maintenance of PITX3 expression temporal profile, and also enhances genes involved in DAn long-term function, maintenance and survival (EN1, LMX1B, NURR1 and PITX3). As a result, Bcl-XL anticipates and enhances DAn generation.


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A recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector capable of infecting cells and expressing rat glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (rGDNF), a putative central nervous system dopaminergic survival factor, under the control of a potent cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate/early promoter (AAV-MD-rGDNF) was constructed. Two experiments were performed to evaluate the time course of expression of rAAV-mediated GDNF protein expression and to test the vector in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. To evaluate the ability of rAAV-rGDNF to protect nigral dopaminergic neurons in the progressive Sauer and Oertel 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion model, rats received perinigral injections of either rAAV-rGDNF virus or rAAV-lacZ control virus 3 weeks prior to a striatal 6-OHDA lesion and were sacrificed 4 weeks after 6-OHDA. Cell counts of back-labeled fluorogold-positive neurons in the substantia nigra revealed that rAAV-MD-rGDNF protected a significant number of cells when compared with cell counts of rAAV-CMV-lacZ-injected rats (94% vs. 51%, respectively). In close agreement, 85% of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells remained in the nigral rAAV-MD-rGDNF group vs. only 49% in the lacZ group. A separate group of rats were given identical perinigral virus injections and were sacrificed at 3 and 10 weeks after surgery. Nigral GDNF protein expression remained relatively stable over the 10 weeks investigated. These data indicate that the use of rAAV, a noncytopathic viral vector, can promote delivery of functional levels of GDNF in a degenerative model of Parkinson’s disease.


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La leptine circule en proportion de la masse graisseuse du corps et la transduction de son signal à travers la forme longue de son récepteur via un certain nombre de voies neurales , y compris MAPK, PI3-K ,AMPK et JAK2 - STAT3 . Il faut noter que STAT3 constitue une voie clée au récepteur de la leptine par laquelle la leptine module l'expression des gènes impliqués dans la régulation du bilan énergétique. La plupart des recherches ont porté sur la fonction du récepteur de la leptine au sein de l' hypothalamus, en particulier la fonction du récepteur de la leptine dans le noyau arqué. Toutefois, les récepteurs de la leptine sont également exprimés sur les neurones dopaminergiques de l'aire tégmentale ventrale et la leptine agit sur cette région du cerveau pour influencer la prise alimentaire, la motivation, la locomotion, l'anxiété et la transmission de la dopamine. De plus, la leptine active la STAT3 dans les dopaminergiques et GABAergiques populations neuronales. Bien que ces résultats contribuent à notre compréhension des multiples actions de la leptine dans le système nerveux central, il reste à résoudre les cellules et la signalisation du récepteur de la leptine qui sont responsables des effets neurocomportementaux de la leptine dans le mésencéphale. Visant à déterminer la contribution de la voie de signalisation STAT3 dans les neurones dopaminergiques du mésencéphale, nous avons généré une lignée de souris knockout conditionnel dans lequel l'activation du gène de STAT3 sur son résidu tyrosine 705 ( Tyr 705 ) est absent spécifiquement dans les neurones dopaminergiques. Avec l'utilisation de ce modèle de souris génétique, nous avons évalué l'impact de l'ablation de la signalisation STAT3 dans les neurones dopaminergiques sur un certain nombre de fonctions liées à la dopamine, y compris l'alimentation, la locomotion, les comportements liés à la récompense, l'émotion et la libération de dopamine dans le noyau accumbens. Fait intéressant, nous avons observé un dimorphisme sexuel dans le phénotype des souris STAT3DAT-KO. L'activation de la voie de signalisation STAT3 dans les neurones dopaminergiques est responsable de l'action de la leptine dans la réduction de la locomotion, récompense liée à l'activité physique, et de l'augmentation de la libération et de la disponibilité de la dopamine chez les souris mâles. Cependant, il ne module pas le comportement émotionnel. D'autre part, les souris femelles STAT3DAT-KO augmentent les niveaux d'anxiété et les niveaux plasmatiques de corticostérone, sans provoquer de changements de la dépression. Cependant, la perte d'activation de STAT3 dans les neurones dopaminergiques ne module pas le comportement locomoteur chez les souris femelles. Notamment, les actions de la leptine dans le mésencéphale pour influencer le comportement alimentaire ne sont pas médiées par l'activation de STAT3 dans les neurones dopaminergiques, considérant que les souris mâles et femelles ont un comportement alimentaire normal. Nos résultats démontrent que la voie de signalisation STAT3 dans les neurones dopaminergiques est responsable des effets anxiolytiques de la leptine, et soutient l'hypothèse que la leptine communique l'état d'énergie du corps (i.e. la relation entre la dépense et les apports énergétiques) pour les régions mésolimbiques pour atténuer les effets de motivation et de récompense de plusieurs comportements qui servent à réhabiliter ou à épuiser les réserves d'énergie. En outre, ce travail souligne l'importance d'étudier la modulation de la signalisation de la leptine dans différente types de cellules, afin d'identifier les voies de signalisation et les mécanismes cellulaires impliqués dans les différentes fonctions neuro-comportementales de la leptine.


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Effective numerical expansion of dopaminergic precursors might overcome the limited availability of transplantable cells in replacement strategies for Parkinson's disease. Here we investigated the effect of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and FGF8 on expansion and dopaminergic differentiation of rat embryonic ventral mesencephalic neuroblasts cultured at high (20%) and low (3%) oxygen tension. More cells incorporated bromodeoxyuridine in cultures expanded at low as compared to high oxygen tension, and after 6 days of differentiation there were significantly more neuronal cells in low than in high oxygen cultures. Low oxygen during FGF2-mediated expansion resulted also in a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons as compared to high oxygen tension, but no corresponding effect was observed for dopamine release into the culture medium. However, switching FGF2-expanded cultures from low to high oxygen tension during the last two days of differentiation significantly enhanced dopamine release and intracellular dopamine levels as compared to all other treatment groups. In addition, the short-term exposure to high oxygen enhanced in situ assessed TH enzyme activity, which may explain the elevated dopamine levels. Our findings demonstrate that modulation of oxygen tension is a recognizable factor for in vitro expansion and dopaminergic differentiation of rat embryonic midbrain precursor cells.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a human disease caused by mutations in the ATM gene. The neural phenotype of AT includes progressive cerebellar neurodegeneration, which results in ataxia and eventual motor dysfunction. Surprisingly, mice in which the Atm gene has been inactivated lack distinct behavioral ataxia or pronounced cerebellar degeneration, the hallmarks of the human disease. To determine whether lack of the Atm protein can nonetheless lead to structural abnormalities in the brain, we compared brains from male Atm-deficient mice with male, age-matched controls. Atm-deficient mice exhibited severe degeneration of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive, dopaminergic nigro-striatal neurons, and their terminals in the striatum. This cell loss was accompanied by a large reduction in immunoreactivity for the dopamine transporter in the striatum. A reduction in dopaminergic neurons also was evident in the ventral tegmental area. This effect was selective in that the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus was normal in these mice. Behaviorally, Atm-deficient mice expressed locomotor abnormalities manifested as stride-length asymmetry, which could be corrected by peripheral application of the dopaminergic precursor l-dopa. In addition, these mice were hypersensitive to the dopamine releasing drug d-amphetamine. These results indicate that ATM deficiency can severely affect dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system and suggest possible strategies for treating this aspect of the disease.


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Excitation of the mesocorticolimbic pathway, originating from dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA), may be important for the development of exaggerated fear responding. Among the forebrain regions innervated by this pathway, the amygdala is an essential component of the neural circuitry of conditioned fear. The functional role of the dopaminergic pathway connecting the VIA to the basolateral amygdala (BLA) in fear and anxiety has received little attention. In vivo microdialysis was performed to measure dopamine levels in the BLA of Wistar rats that received the dopamine D(2) agonist quinpirole (1 mu g/0.2 mu l) into the VTA and were subjected to a fear conditioning test using a light as the conditioned stimulus (CS). The effects of intra-BLA injections of the D(1) antagonist SCH 23390 (1 and 2 mu g/0.2 mu l) and D(2) antagonist sulpiride (1 and 2 mu g/0.2 mu l) on fear-potentiated startle (FPS) to a light-CS were also assessed. Locomotor performance was evaluated by use of open-field and rotarod tests. Freezing and increased dopamine levels in the BLA in response to the CS were both inhibited by intra-VTA quinpirole. Whereas intra-BLA SCH 23390 did not affect FPS, intra-BLA sulpiride (2 mu g) inhibited FPS. Sulpiride`s ability to decrease FPS cannot be attributed to nonspecific effects because this drug did not affect motor performance. These findings indicate that the dopamine D(2) receptor pathway connecting the ventral tegmental area and the basolateral amygdala modulates fear and anxiety and may be a novel pharmacological target for the treatment of anxiety. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Strong evidence obtained from in vivo and ex-vivo studies suggests the existence of interaction between dopaminergic and nitrergic systems. Some of the observations suggest a possible implication of nitric oxide (NO) in dopamine (DA) uptake mechanism. The present work investigated the interaction between both systems by examining the effect of an NO donor, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), associated with the indirect DA agonist, amphetamine (AMPH) on tritiated DA uptake in cultures of embryonic mesencephalic neurons. Consistent with the literature, both AMPH (1, 3 and 10 mu M) and SNP (300 mu M and 1 mM) inhibited DA uptake in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, the inhibition of DA uptake by AMPH (1 and 3 mu M) was significantly increased by the previous addition of SNP (300 mu M). The implication of NO in this interaction was supported by the fact that the free radical scavenger N-acetyl-L-Cysteine (500 mu M) significantly increased DA uptake and completely abolished the effect of SNP, leaving unaffected that from AMPH on DA uptake. Further, double-labeling immunohistochemistry showed the presence of tyrosine hydroxylase-(TH, marker for dopaminergic neurons) and neuronal NO synthase- (nNOS, marker for NO containing neurons) expressing neurons in mesencephalic cultures. Some dopaminergic neurons also express nNOS giving further support for a pre-synaptic interaction between both systems. This is the first work demonstrating in mesencephalic cultured neurons a combined effect of an NO donor and an indirect DA agonist on specific DA uptake. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.