181 resultados para MICRONUCLEI


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O objetivo do presente deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade aguda, crônica e a genotoxicidade sobre E. andrei causadas por solo recém-contaminado com óleo lubrificante usado e após biorremediação por diferentes estratégias, após 22 meses, e paralelamente ao estudo de ecotoxicidade, foi conduzida uma investigação comparativa de três métodos de extração de HTP e HPA de solos para análise cromatográfica. A comparação das técnicas de extração evidenciou que para HTP, a técnica de extração acelerada por solvente-ASE foi a que melhor recuperou n-alcanos; já para as frações HRP e MCNR as técnicas soxhlet e micro-ondas-MARS não apresentaram diferenças significativas e foram melhores que ASE. Para HPA, a técnica de extração por soxhlet foi a que apresentou melhor recuperação em todos os solos. O teste de mortalidade apresentou, aos 14 dias, taxas crescentes de mortalidade de 10 6%, 20 0%, 73 25%, 93 12% e 100 0% para amostras de CONT (solo controle, sem contaminação artificial), BIOS (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo), BIOA1 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU maturado), e BIOA2 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU semi-maturado) e OLU (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU), respectivamente. Aos 28 dias, entretanto, BIOS e OLU apresentaram taxas de mortalidade de 97 % 6 % e de 100 % 0 % respectivamente, valores estes significativamente superiores ao CONT. Foram observadas deformações anatômicas nos indivíduos mantidos em BIOS e OLU, assim como diminuição da biomassa em todas as amostras, evidenciando efeitos crônicos. O teste de reprodução, aos 28 dias, foram observadas grandes quantidades de indivíduos jovens nos solos biorremediados e recém-contaminado. No entanto, aos 56 dias houve uma diminuição dessas formas e o controle (CONT) exibiu uma quantidade maior de formas juvenis. O teste de densidade e viabilidade celular mostrou ser indicador sensível para toxicidade crônica apresentando queda nos solos BIOS e OLU em relação ao CONT com diferenças significativas (p <0.05). Não foram observados micronúcleos nos solos em estudo. Tal observação reforça a necessidade de testes de ecotoxicidade para avaliar a real eficácia de tecnologias de tratamento.


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O objetivo do presente deste trabalho foi avaliar a toxicidade aguda, crônica e a genotoxicidade sobre E. andrei causadas por solo recém-contaminado com óleo lubrificante usado e após biorremediação por diferentes estratégias, após 22 meses, e paralelamente ao estudo de ecotoxicidade, foi conduzida uma investigação comparativa de três métodos de extração de HTP e HPA de solos para análise cromatográfica. A comparação das técnicas de extração evidenciou que para HTP, a técnica de extração acelerada por solvente-ASE foi a que melhor recuperou n-alcanos; já para as frações HRP e MCNR as técnicas soxhlet e micro-ondas-MARS não apresentaram diferenças significativas e foram melhores que ASE. Para HPA, a técnica de extração por soxhlet foi a que apresentou melhor recuperação em todos os solos. O teste de mortalidade apresentou, aos 14 dias, taxas crescentes de mortalidade de 10 6%, 20 0%, 73 25%, 93 12% e 100 0% para amostras de CONT (solo controle, sem contaminação artificial), BIOS (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo), BIOA1 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU maturado), e BIOA2 (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU e biorremediado por bioestimulo + bioaumento com adição de 10% de RSU semi-maturado) e OLU (solo contaminado com 5% de OLU), respectivamente. Aos 28 dias, entretanto, BIOS e OLU apresentaram taxas de mortalidade de 97 % 6 % e de 100 % 0 % respectivamente, valores estes significativamente superiores ao CONT. Foram observadas deformações anatômicas nos indivíduos mantidos em BIOS e OLU, assim como diminuição da biomassa em todas as amostras, evidenciando efeitos crônicos. O teste de reprodução, aos 28 dias, foram observadas grandes quantidades de indivíduos jovens nos solos biorremediados e recém-contaminado. No entanto, aos 56 dias houve uma diminuição dessas formas e o controle (CONT) exibiu uma quantidade maior de formas juvenis. O teste de densidade e viabilidade celular mostrou ser indicador sensível para toxicidade crônica apresentando queda nos solos BIOS e OLU em relação ao CONT com diferenças significativas (p <0.05). Não foram observados micronúcleos nos solos em estudo. Tal observação reforça a necessidade de testes de ecotoxicidade para avaliar a real eficácia de tecnologias de tratamento.


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A doença de Chagas é uma doença tropical infecciosa e negligenciada responsável por um grande número de pessoas infectadas e em risco de infecção, principalmente nas regiões pobres da América Latina. No momento, apenas duas drogas, Benzonidazol e Nifurtimox, estão disponíveis para o tratamento da doença de Chagas, mas são ineficazes por apresentarem baixa taxa de cura. O Megazol é um importante representante da classe dos nitroimidazóis e é uma alternativa promissora devido ao seu potencial tripanocida com um perfil superior de ação quando comparado ao tratamento disponível. No entanto, o Megazol não é utilizado clinicamente uma vez que possui atividade mutagênica e carcinogênica relatada. O Instituto de Tecnologia em Fármacos (Farmanguinhos) desenvolveu três análogos do Megazol: PTAL 05-02 (3-amino-5-(1-metil-5-nitro-1H-imidazol-2-il)-1H-1,2,4-triazol), PAMT 09 (2-amino-N-(1-metil-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-il)-5-(trifluorometil)-1H-1,2,4-triazol) e PTAL 04-09 (1-(1-metil-4-nitro-1H-imidazol-5-il)-1H-pirazol). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar novas moléculas análogas do Megazol com atividade tripanocida, desenvolvidas a partir de estratégias racionais de desenvolvimento de substâncias bioativas ao manter o perfil farmacodinâmico do Megazol enquanto tenta diminuir ou remover o efeito genotóxico. Testes genotóxicos na avaliação segura de novas substâncias bioativas foram utilizados, de acordo com as diretrizes da OECD. O teste da Salmonella/microssoma foi utilizado na avaliação mutagênica e citotóxica, utilizando linhagens de Salmonella enterica sorovar Typhimurium, deficientes e supercompetentes na síntese de enzimas nitroredutase e acetiltransferase. O análogo PAMT 09 não foi mutagênico em nenhuma concentração e linhagem utilizada. Os análogos PTAL 05-02 e PTAL 04-09 foram mutagênicos, na ausência de S9 mix, para a linhagem TA98/1,8-DNP6. Na avaliação de citotoxicidade, os três análogos foram citotóxicos, independente de metabolização exógena S9 mix. O teste do micronúcleo, utilizando células de macrófago de rato, foi realizado para a avaliação genotóxica dos análogos do Megazol. Os três análogos foram capazes de induzir a formação de micronúcleos e apresentaram efeito citotóxico.


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DNA in macro- and micronuclei of Tetrahymena pyriformis treated with linear alkyl benzene sulfonate (LAS) and sodium pentachlorophenate (PCP-Na) were determined by microspectrophotometry. The effects on rate of formation of macronuclear DNA extrusion bodies were also studied. We found DNA content of micronuclei in 0.14 ppm LAS and 0.9 ppb PCP-Na was lower than in that of the control, and LAS was able to increase the formation rate of macronuclear DNA extrusion bodies (the formation rate was 54% in 11.3 ppm LAS and 25.6% in 16.7 ppm dichromate). We concluded that 0.14 ppm LAS (below the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration) was genotoxic, whereas 0.014 ppm LAS was not. Dichromate 0.05 ppm and 0.9 ppb PCP-Na, equal to and below the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration, respectively, were potentially genetoxic.


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The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Kiitricha minuta n. sp., isolated from the Yellow Sea, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Kiitricha minuta represents a third member of the rarely known order Kiitrichida. It is unique in the subclass Hypotrichia in having many rows of small uniform cirri along the right side of the body and the dorsal kineties composed of dikinetids, most of which bear two cilia. Kiitricha minuta n. sp. is ovoid and measures about 60 x 45 mu m in vivo. It has a huge buccal cavity occupying about 80% of the body length, numerous body extrusomes, one macronucleus and two micronuclei, 27-27 adoral membranelles, 9-12 frontoventral cirral rows, a submarginal row of 7-9 cirri, 6 or 7 transverse cirri, and roughly 7-9 dorsal kineties. This new species differs distinctly from its only congener Kiitricha marina by its smaller size (60 mu m vs. 80-150 mu m), the presence of body extrusomes (vs. absent), the different macronuclear pattern (one vs. two nodules), and the lower number of frontoventral cirral rows (9-12 vs. 21-26), which terminate at the anterior two-thirds of body (vs. extend to the posterior). The new term "submarginal cirral row" is introduced to distinguish from the marginal cirral row in typical hypotrichs sensu lato. Based on our new observations and the literature, an improved diagnosis for the genus Kiitricha is provided and its phylogenetic importance is discussed.


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The observation of radiation-induced bystander responses, in which cells respond to their neighbors being irradiated, has important implications for understanding mechanisms of radiation action particularly after low-dose exposure. Much of this questions the current dogma of direct DNA damage driving response in irradiated systems. In this study, we have used a charged-particle microbeam to target individual helium ions ((3)He(2+)) to individual cells within a population of radioresistant glioma cells cultured alone or in coculture with primary human fibroblasts. We found that even when a single cell within the glioma population was precisely traversed through its cytoplasm with one (3)He(2+) ion, bystander responses were induced in the neighboring nonirradiated glioma or fibroblasts so that the yield of micronuclei was increased by 36% for the glioma population and 78% for the bystander fibroblast population. Importantly, the yield of bystander-induced micronuclei was independent of whether the cytoplasm or nucleus of a cell was targeted. The bystander responses were fully eliminated when the populations were treated with 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide or filipin, which scavenge nitric oxide (NO) and disrupt membrane rafts, respectively. By using the probe 4-amino-5-methylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein, it was found that the NO level in the glioma population was increased by 15% after 1 or 10 cytoplasmic traversals, and this NO production was inhibited by filipin. This finding shows that direct DNA damage is not required for switching on of important cell-signaling mechanisms after low-dose irradiation and that, under these conditions, the whole cell should be considered a sensor of radiation exposure.


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Bystander responses have been reported to be a major determinant of the response of cells to radiation exposure at low doses, including those of relevance to therapy. In this study, human glioblastoma T98G cell nuclei were individually irradiated with an exact number of helium ions using a single-cell microbeam. It was found that when only 1 cell in a population of approximately 1200 cells was targeted, with one or five ions, cellular damage measured as induced micronuclei was increased by 20%. When a fraction from 1% to 20% of cells were individually targeted, the micronuclei yield in the population greatly exceeded that predicted on the basis of the micronuclei yield when all of the cells were targeted assuming no bystander effect was occurring. However when 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5- tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (c-PTIO), a nitric oxide (NO)-specific scavenger was present in the culture medium, the micronuclei yields reduced to the predicted values, which indicates that NO contributes to the bystander effect. By using 4-amino-5-methylamino-2',7'-difluorofluorescein (DAF-FM), NO was detected in situ, and it was found that NO-induced fluorescence intensity in the irradiated population where 1% of cell nuclei were individually targeted with a single helium ion was increased by 1.13 +/- 0.02-fold (P <0.005) relative to control with approximately 40% of the cells showing increased NO levels. Moreover, the medium harvested from helium ion-targeted cells showed a cytotoxic effect by inducing micronuclei in unirradiated T98G cells, and this bystander response was also inhibited by c-PTIO treatment. The induction of micronuclei in the population could also be decreased by c-PTIO treatment when 100% of cells were individually targeted by one or two helium ions, indicating a complex interaction of direct irradiation and bystander signals.


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Evidence is accumulating that irradiated cells produce signals, which interact with non-exposed cells in the same population. Here, we analysed the mechanism for bystander signal arising in wild-type CHO cells and repair deficient varients, focussing on the relationship between DNA repair capacity and bystander signal arising in irradiated cells. In order to investigate the bystander effect, we carried out medium transfer experiments after X-irradiation where micronuclei were scored in non-targeted DSB repair deficient xrs5 cells. When conditioned medium from irradiated cells was transferred to unirradiated xrs5 cells, the level of induction was independent of whether the medium came from irradiated wild-type, ssb or dsb repair deficient cells. This result suggests that the activation of a bystander signal is independent of the DNA repair capacity of the irradiated cells. Also, pre-treatment of the irradiated cells with 0.5% DMSO, which suppresses micronuclei induction in CHO but not in xrs5 cells, suppressed bystander effects completely in both conditioned media, suggesting that DMSO is effective for suppression of bystander signal arising independently of DNA damage in irradiated cells. Overall the work presented here adds to the understanding that it is the repair phenotype of the cells receiving bystander signals, which determines overall response rather than that of the cell producing the bystander signal.


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The radiation-induced bystander effect (RIBE) increases the probability of cellular response and therefore has important implications for cancer risk assessment following low-dose irradiation and for the likelihood of secondary cancers after radiotherapy. However, our knowledge of bystander signaling factors, especially those having long half-lives, is still limited. The present study found that, when a fraction of cells within a glioblastoma population were individually irradiated with helium ions from a particle microbeam, the yield of micronuclei (MN) in the nontargeted cells was increased, but these bystander MN were eliminated by treating the cells with either aminoguanidine (an inhibitor of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase) or anti-transforming growth factor beta1 (anti-TGF-beta1), indicating that NO and TGF-beta1 are involved in the RIBE. Intracellular NO was detected in the bystander cells, and additional TGF-beta1 was detected in the medium from irradiated T98G cells, but it was diminished by aminoguanidine. Consistent with this, an NO donor, diethylamine nitric oxide (DEANO), induced TGF-beta1 generation in T98G cells. Conversely, treatment of cells with recombinant TGF-beta1 could also induce NO and MN in T98G cells. Treatment of T98G cells with anti-TGF-beta1 inhibited the NO production when only 1% of cells were targeted, but not when 100% of cells were targeted. Our results indicate that, downstream of radiation-induced NO, TGF-beta1 can be released from targeted T98G cells and plays a key role as a signaling factor in the RIBE by further inducing free radicals and DNA damage in the nontargeted bystander cells.


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Considerable controversy still exists as to whether electric and magnetic fields (MF) at extremely low frequencies are genotoxic to humans. The aim of this study was to test the ability of alternating magnetic fields to induce DNA and chromosomal damage in primary human fibroblasts. Single- and double-strand breaks were quantified using the alkaline comet assay and the gammaH2AX-foci assay, respectively. Chromosomal damage was assayed for unstable aberrations, sister chromatid exchange and micronuclei. Cells were exposed to switching fields - 5min on, 10min off - for 15h over the range 50-1000microT. Exposure to ionizing radiation was used as a positive-effect calibration. In this study two separate MF exposure systems were used. One was based on a custom-built solenoid coil system and the other on a commercial system almost identical to that used in previous studies by the EU REFLEX programme. With neither system could DNA damage or chromosomal damage be detected as a result of exposure of fibroblasts to switching MF. The sensitive gammaH2AX assay could also not detect significant DNA damage in the MF-exposed fibroblasts, although the minimum threshold for this assay was equivalent to an X-ray dose of 0.025Gy. Therefore, with comparable MF parameters employed, this study could not confirm previous studies reporting significant effects for both the alkaline and neutral comet assays and chromosomal aberration induction.


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The tumor suppressor p53 has a crucial role in cellular response to DNA damage caused by ionizing radiation, but it is still unclear whether p53 can modulate radiation-induced bystander effects (RIBE). In the present work, three different hepatoma cell lines, namely HepG2 (wild p53), PLC/PRF/5 (mutation p53) and Hep3B (p53 null), were irradiated with c-rays and then co-cultured with normal Chang liver cell (wild p53) in order to elucidate the mechanisms of RIBE. Results showed that the radiosensitivity of HepG2 cells was higher than that of PLC/PRF/5 and Hep3B cells. Only irradiated HepG2 cells, rather than irradiated PLC/PRF/5 or Hep3B cells, could induce bystander effect of micronuclei (MN) formation in the neighboring Chang liver cells. When HepG2 cells were treated with 20 mu M pifithrin-alpha, an inhibitor of p53 function, or 5 lM cyclosporin A (CsA), an inhibitor of cytochrome- c release from mitochondria, the MN induction in bystander Chang liver cells was diminished. In fact, it was found that after irradiation, cytochrome- c was released from mitochondria into the cytoplasm only in HepG2 cells in a p53- dependent manner, but not in PLC/PRF/5 and Hep3B cells. Interestingly, when 50 lg/ml exogenous cytochrome- c was added into cell co- culture medium, RIBE was significantly triggered by irradiated PLC/PRF/5 and Hep3B cells, which previously failed to provoke a bystander effect. In addition, this exogenous cytochrome- c also partly recovered the RIBE induced by irradiated HepG2 cells even with CsA treatment. Our results provide new evidence that the RIBE can be modulated by the p53 status of irradiated hepatoma cells and that a p53- dependent release of cytochrome- c may be involved in the RIBE. Oncogene (2011) 30, 1947- 1955; doi: 10.1038/onc. 2010.567; published online 6 December 2010


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Radiation-induced bystander responses are observed when cells respond to their neighbours being irradiated. Considerable evidence is now available regarding the importance of these responses in cell and tissue models. Most studies have utilized two approaches where either a media-transferable factor has been assessed or cells have been exposed to low fluences of charged particles, where only a few percent are exposed. The development of microbeams has allowed nontargeted responses such as bystander effects to be more carefully analysed. As well as charged particle microbeams, X-ray microprobes have been developed, and several groups are also developing electron microbeams. Using the Gray Cancer Institute soft X-ray microprobe, it has been possible to follow the response of individual cells to targeted low doses of carbon-characteristic soft X-rays. Studies in human fibroblasts have shown evidence of a significant radiation quality-dependent bystander effect, measured as chromosomal damage in the form of micronuclei which is radiation quality dependent. Other studies show that even under conditions when only a single cell is targeted with soft X-rays, significant bystander-mediated cell killing is observed. The observation of bystander responses with low LET radiation suggests that these may be important in understanding radiation risk from background levels of radiation, where cells observe only single electron track traversals. Also, the indirect evidence for these responses in vivo indicates that they may have a role to play in current radiotherapy approaches and future novel strategies involving modulating nontargeted responses.


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Evidence has accumulated that radiation induces a transmissible persistent destabilization of the genome, which mag. result in effects arising in the progeny of irradiated but surviving cells. An enhanced death rate among the progeny of cells surviving irradiation persists for many generations in the form of a reduced plating efficiency. Such delayed reproductive death is correlated with an increased occurrence of micronuclei. Since it has been suggested that radiation-induced chromosomal instability might depend on the radiation quality, we investigated the effects of alpha particles of different LET by looking at the frequency of delayed micronuclei in Chinese hamster V79 cells after cytochalasin-induced block of cell division, A dose-dependent increase in the frequency of micronuclei was found in cells assayed 1 week postirradiation or later. Also, there was a persistent increase in the frequency of dicentrics in surviving irradiated cells, Moreover, we found an increased micronucleus frequency in all of the 30 clones isolated from individual cells which had been irradiated with doses equivalent to either one, two or three alpha-particle traversals per cell nucleus, We conclude that the target for genomic instability in Chinese hamster cells must be larger than the cell nucleus. (C) 1997 by Radiation Research Society


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Bystander responses have been reported to be a major determinant of the response of cells to radiation exposure at low doses, including those of relevance to therapy. This study investigated the role of changes in calcium levels in bystander responses leading to chromosomal damage in nonirradiated T98G glioma cells and AG01522 fibroblasts that had been either exposed to conditioned medium from irradiated cells or co-cultured with a population where a fraction of cells were individually targeted through the nucleus or cytoplasm with a precise number of microbeam helium-3 particles. After the recipient cells were treated with conditioned medium from T98G or AG01522 cells that had been irradiated through either nucleus or cytoplasm, rapid calcium fluxes were monitored in the nonirradiated recipient cells. Their characteristics were dependent on the source of the conditioned medium but had no dependence on radiation dose. When recipient cells were co-cultured with an irradiated population of either T98G or AG01522 cells, micronuclei were induced in the nonirradiated cells, but this response was eliminated by treating the cells with calcicludine (CaC), a potent blocker of Ca2+ channels. Moreover, both the calcium fluxes and the bystander effect were inhibited when the irradiated T98G cells were treated with aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and when the irradiated AG01522 cells were treated with DMSO, a scavenger of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which indicates that NO and ROS were involved in the bystander responses generated from irradiated T98G and AG01522 cells, respectively. Our findings indicate that calcium signaling may be an early response in radiation-induced bystander effects leading to chromosome damage. (c) 2006 by Radiation Research Society.


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Evidence is accumulating that irradiated cells produce some signals which interact with non-exposed cells in the same population via a bystander effect. Here, we examined whether DMSO is effective in suppressing radiation induced bystander effects in CHO and repair deficient xrs5 cells. When 1 Gy-irradiated CHO cells were treated with 0.5% DMSO for 1 hr before irradiation, the induction of micronuclei in irradiated cells was suppressed to 80% of that in non-treated irradiated cells. The suppressive effect of DMSO on the formation of bystander signals was examined and the results demonstrated that 0.5% DMSO treatment of irradiated cells completely suppressed the induction of micronuclei by the bystander effect in non-irradiated cells. It is suggested that irradiated cells ceased signal formation for bystander effects by the action of DMSO. To determine the involvement of reactive oxygen species on the formation of bystander signals, we examined oxidative stress levels using the DCFH staining method in irradiated populations. The results showed that the treatment of irradiated cells with 0.5% DMSO did not suppress oxidative stress levels. These results suggest that the prevention of oxidative stress is independent of the suppressive effect of DMSO on the formation of the bystander signal in irradiated cells. It is suggested that increased ROS in irradiated cells is not a substantial trigger of a bystander signal.