131 resultados para MDD
O transtorno depressivo (TD) é um fator de risco cardiovascular independente que apresenta elevada morbi-mortalidade. Recentes evidências sugerem a participação do óxido nítrico (NO), potente vasodilatador e anti-agregante plaquetário, na patogênese de doenças cardiovasculares e psiquiátricas. A síntese do NO ocorre através da conversão do aminoácido L-arginina em L-citrulina e NO, pela ação da enzima NO sintase (NOS). Esta tese aborda o papel da via L-arginina-NO em plaquetas de pacientes com TD e sua associação com a função plaquetária e estresse oxidativo. Para análise comportamental da depressão em modelo animal, foi utilizado o modelo de estresse pós-natal de separação única (SMU). Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos para a realização do estudo: Grupo Controle Sedentário (GCS), Grupo Controle Exercício (GCE), Grupo SMU Sedentário (SMUS) e Grupo SMU Exercício (SMUE). O treinamento físico (TF) dos animais englobou 8 semanas, com duração de 30 minutos e uma velocidade de treinamento estabelecida pelo teste máximo (TE). Para o estudo em humanos, 10 pacientes com TD com score Hamilton: 201, (média de idade: 384anos), foram pareados com 10 indivíduos saudáveis (média de idade: 383anos). Os estudos em humanos e animais foram aprovados pelos Comitês de Ética: 1436 - CEP/HUPE e CEUA/047/2010, respectivamente. Foi mensurado em humanos e em animais: transporte de L-arginina, concentração GMPc, atividade das enzimas NOS e superóxido dismutase (SOD) em plaquetas e cortisol sistêmico. Experimentos realizados somente em humanos: expressão das enzimas NOS, arginase e guanilato ciclase através de Western Blotting. A agregação plaquetária foi induzida por colágeno e foi realizada análise sistêmica de proteína C-reativa, fibrinogênio e L-arginina. Para o tratamento estatístico utilizou-se três testes estatísticos para avaliar as diferenças das curvas de sobrevida: Kaplan-Meier, e os testes de Tarone-Ware e Peto-Prentice. Em humanos, houve uma redução do transporte de L-arginina, da atividade das enzimas NOS e SOD, e da concentração de GMPc em plaquetas, e nas concentrações plasmáticas de L-arginina no grupo com TD em relação ao grupo controle. Foi observado um aumento dos níveis plasmáticos de fibrinogênio no TD. Esses resultados demonstram uma inibição da via L-arginina-NO-GMPc e da enzima anti-oxidante SOD em pacientes com TD sem afetar a função plaquetária. Em relação ao TF, para o modelo animal, foram encontradas alterações iniciais quanto à distância percorrida e tempo de execução do TE entre os grupos controles e o grupos SMUs, apresentando estes últimos menores valores para o TE. Após 8 semanas de TF, verificou-se um maior influxo no transporte de L-arginina para o SMUE em comparação ao grupo SMUS. As diferenças observadas para o tempo e a distância percorrida no TE inicial entre os grupos controle e no modelo de estresse foram revertidas após as 8 semanas de TF, demonstrando o efeito benéfico do exercício físico na capacidade cardiorespiratória em modelos de depressão.
A depressão é uma doença grave que vem se tornando mais prevalente na população mundial e no Brasil. Segundo a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), é a quarta doença mais incapacitante e estima-se que em 2020 ocupe o segundo lugar, ficando atrás apenas das doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), que são a principal causa de morte no mundo. O Transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) se caracteriza por humor deprimido, tristeza intensa ou desânimo ou perda de interesse ou de prazer por quase todas as atividades por, pelo menos, duas semanas. Além disso, tem um elevado índice de mortalidade cardiovascular, e esta associação parece ser multifatorial e altamente complexa, e ainda não está completamente elucidada. Recentes estudos sugerem que a ocorrência de aterotrombose e eventos cardiovasculares no TDM está associada a uma diminuição na biodisponibilidade do óxido nítrico (NO), um potente vasodilatador, anti-agregante plaquetário e neurotransmissor. O NO é um gás formado a partir da L-arginina, pela ação da família de enzimas NO sintases (NOS), e vai ocasionar um aumento de guanosina monofosfato cíclica (GMPc), que é posteriormente degradada pelas fosfodiesterases (PDE). A L-arginina participa em outras vias além da produção de NO, como a arginase. O estresse oxidativo também tem uma participação no desenvolvimento dos transtornos psiquiátricos e nas DCV, e pode reduzir a meia-vida do NO. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a via NO-GMPc, o ciclo da uréia, marcadores de estresse oxidativo e de inflamação em plaquetas e a sua associação com a função plaquetária no TDM. Participaram da pesquisa nove pacientes com diagnóstico de depressão leve a moderada do Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada (SPA/UERJ) e onze indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade como controles. Este projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (1436-CEP/HUPE). A agregação plaquetária, a expressão e atividade da arginase II, a expressão da PDE 5, marcadores de estresse oxidativo (níveis de TBARS, carbonilação de proteínas, expressão da NADPH oxidase e da glutationa peroxidase (GPx) e atividade desta e da catalase (CAT), ambas enzimas anti-oxidantes) nas plaquetas e no soro, e o fibrinogênio sistêmico foram investigados. No presente estudo observou-se um aumento da agregação plaquetária induzida por ADP em pacientes com TDM comparados aos controles. Uma ativação da arginase II em plaquetas sem qualquer alteração na sua expressão foi demonstrada em pacientes com TDM. Além disso, um aumento na carbonilação de proteínas e na expressão de GPx, de NADPH e de PDE5 foi observado em plaquetas de pacientes com TDM. A produção de TBARS, a atividade de GPx e CAT nas plaquetas e no soro não foram afetados pelo TDM. Não houve diferença nos níveis de fibrinogênio entre pacientes com TDM e controles. A ativação da arginase, somada ao estresse oxidativo, reduziria a biodisponibilidade de NO levando à disfunção plaquetária nos pacientes com TDM. O presente estudo acrescenta dados importantes para a compreensão dos mecanismos celulares envolvidos na relação TDM e DCV. Além disso, abre caminho para a utilização de novas ferramentas farmacológicas, como os antioxidantes, para o tratamento do TDM.
Este trabalho estuda a trajetória da ação coletiva do Movimento em Defesa da Democracia (MDD) e sua relação com a democratização do bloco de oposição política ao governo de Hugo Chávez na Venezuela. Este centra-se sobre as consequências políticas da fragmentação da resposta social de oposição na reconstrução das relações entre as bases e as elites da oposição política. O documento conclui que, ao contrário do que é afirmado pela literatura, o MDD produz uma série de ações coletivas após sua fragmentação que de fato democratizan a oposição política a Chávez. Assim, a fragmentação criou as condições para o desenvolvimento de um número de ações coletivas que permitiram a incidência dos cidadãos que compõem a MDD sobre o processo de eleição interna da liderança da oposição a Chávez.
Diagnosis and treatment of comorbid neuropsychiatric illness is often a secondary focus of treatment in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), given that substantial impairment may be caused by core symptoms of ASD itself. However, psychiatric comorbidities, including depressive disorders, are common and frequently result in additional functional impairment, treatment costs, and burden on caregivers. Clinicians may struggle to appropriately diagnose depression in ASD due to communication deficits, atypical presentation of depression in ASD, and lack of standardized diagnostic tools. Specific risk and resilience factors for depression in ASD across the lifespan, including level of functioning, age, family history, and coping style, have been suggested, but require further study. Treatment with medications or psychotherapy may be beneficial, though more research is required to establish guidelines for management of symptoms. This review will describe typical presentations of depression in individuals with ASD, review current information on the prevalence, assessment, and treatment of comorbid depression in individuals with ASD, and identify important research gaps.
Objective: Previous studies with patients diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) revealed deficits in working memory and executive functions. In the present study we investigated whether patients with MDD have the ability to allocate cognitive resources in dual task performance of a highly challenging cognitive task (working memory) and a task that is seemingly automatic in nature (postural control). Method: Fifteen young (18–35 years old) patients with MDD and 24 healthy age-matched controls performed a working memory task and two postural control tasks (standing on a stable or on a moving platform) both separately (single task) and concurrently (dual task). Results: Postural stability under single task conditions was similar in the two groups, and in line with earlier studies, MDD patients recalled fewer working memory items than controls. To equate working memory challenges for patients and controls, task difficulty (number of items presented) in dual task was individually adjusted such that accuracy of working memory performance was similar for the two groups under single task conditions. Patients showed greater postural instability in dual task performance on the stable platform, and more importantly when posture task difficulty increased (moving platform) they showed deficits in both working memory accuracy and postural stability compared with healthy controls. Conclusions: We interpret our results as evidence for executive control deficits in MDD patients that affect their task coordination. In multitasking, these deficits affect not only cognitive but also sensorimotor task performance.
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Background Hippocampal neurogenesis has been suggested as a downstream event of antidepressants (AD) mechanism of action and might explain the lag time between AD administration and the therapeutic effect. Despite the widespread use of AD in the context of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) there are no reliable biomarkers of treatment response phenotypes, and a significant proportion of patients display Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). Fas/FasL system is one of the best-known death-receptor mediated cell signaling systems and is recognized to regulate cell proliferation and tumor cell growth. Recently this pathway has been described to be involved in neurogenesis and neuroplasticity. Methods Since FAS -670A>G and FASL -844T>C functional polymorphisms never been evaluated in the context of depression and antidepressant therapy, we genotyped FAS -670A>G and FASL -844T>C in a subset of 80 MDD patients to evaluate their role in antidepressant treatment response phenotypes. Results We found that the presence of FAS -670G allele was associated with antidepressant bad prognosis (relapse or TRD: OR=6.200; 95% CI: [1.875–20.499]; p=0.001), and we observed that patients carrying this allele have a higher risk to develop TRD (OR=10.895; 95% CI: [1.362–87.135]; p=0.008).Moreover, multivariate analysis adjusted to potentials confounders showed that patients carrying G allele have higher risk of early relapse (HR=3.827; 95% CI: [1.072–13.659]; p=0.039). FAS mRNA levels were down-regulated among G carriers, whose genotypes were more common in TRD patients. No association was found between FASL-844T>C genetic polymorphism and any treatment phenotypes. Limitations Small sample size. Patients used antidepressants with different mechanisms of action. Conclusion To the best of our knowledge this is the first study to evaluate the role of FAS functional polymorphism in the outcome of antidepressant therapy. This preliminary report associates FAS -670A>G genetic polymorphism with Treatment Resistant Depression and with time to relapse. The current results may possibly be given to the recent recognized role of Fas in neurogenesis and/or neuroplasticity.
BACKGROUND: Studies on the association between homocysteine levels and depression have shown conflicting results. To examine the association between serum total homocysteine (tHcy) levels and major depressive disorder (MDD) in a large community sample with an extended age range. METHODS: A total of 3392 men and women aged 35-66 years participating in the CoLaus study and its psychiatric arm (PsyCoLaus) were included in the analyses. High tHcy measured from fasting blood samples was defined as a concentration ≥15μmol/L. MDD was assessed using the semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Genetics Studies. RESULTS: In multivariate analyses, elevated tHcy levels were associated with greater odds of meeting the diagnostic criteria for lifetime MDD among men (OR=1.71; 95% CI, 1.18-2.50). This was particularly the case for remitted MDD. Among women, there was no significant association between tHcy levels and MDD and the association tended to be in the opposite direction (OR=0.61; 95% CI, 0.34-1.08). CONCLUSIONS: In this large population-based study, elevated tHcy concentrations are associated with lifetime MDD and particularly with remitted MDD among men.
Diagnostic information on children is typically elicited from both children and their parents. The aims of the present paper were to: (1) compare prevalence estimates according to maternal reports, paternal reports and direct interviews of children [major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety and attention-deficit and disruptive behavioural disorders]; (2) assess mother-child, father-child and inter-parental agreement for these disorders; (3) determine the association between several child, parent and familial characteristics and the degree of diagnostic agreement or the likelihood of parental reporting; (4) determine the predictive validity of diagnostic information provided by parents and children. Analyses were based on 235 mother-offspring, 189 father-offspring and 128 mother-father pairs. Diagnostic assessment included the Kiddie-schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (K-SADS) (offspring) and the Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies (DIGS) (parents and offspring at follow-up) interviews. Parental reports were collected using the Family History - Research Diagnostic Criteria (FH-RDC). Analyses revealed: (1) prevalence estimates for internalizing disorders were generally lower according to parental information than according to the K-SADS; (2) mother-child and father-child agreement was poor and within similar ranges; (3) parents with a history of MDD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) reported these disorders in their children more frequently; (4) in a sub-sample followed-up into adulthood, diagnoses of MDD, separation anxiety and conduct disorder at baseline concurred with the corresponding lifetime diagnosis at age 19 according to the child rather than according to the parents. In conclusion, our findings support large discrepancies of diagnostic information provided by parents and children with generally lower reporting of internalizing disorders by parents, and differential reporting of depression and ADHD by parental disease status. Follow-up data also supports the validity of information provided by adolescent offspring.
OBJECTIVE: Low-grade chronic inflammation is one potential mechanism underlying the well-established association between major depressive disorder (MDD) and increased cardiovascular morbidity. Both aspirin and statins have anti-inflammatory properties, which may contribute to their preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases. Previous studies on the potentially preventive effect of these drugs on depression have provided inconsistent results. The aim of the present paper was to assess the prospective association between regular aspirin or statin use and the incidence of MDD. METHOD: This prospective cohort study included 1631 subjects (43.6% women, mean age 51.7 years), randomly selected from the general population of an urban area. Subjects underwent a thorough physical evaluation as well as semi-structured interviews investigating DSM-IV mental disorders at baseline and follow-up (mean duration 5.2 years). Analyses were adjusted for a wide array of potential confounders. RESULTS: Our main finding was that regular aspirin or statin use at baseline did not reduce the incidence of MDD during follow-up, regardless of sex or age (hazard ratios, aspirin: 1.19; 95%CI, 0.68-2.08; and statins: 1.25; 95%CI, 0.73-2.14; respectively). LIMITATIONS: Our study is not a randomized clinical trial and could not adjust for all potential confounding factors, information on aspirin or statin use was collected only for the 6 months prior to the evaluations, and the sample was restricted to subjects between 35 and 66 years of age. CONCLUSION: Our data do not support a large scale preventive treatment of depression using aspirin or statins in subjects aged from 35 to 66 years from the community.
La dépression majeure et les douleurs chroniques sont deux problématiques distinctes, mais liées par une comorbidité élevée et un effet néfaste sur la qualité de vie des individus atteints. Ce mémoire est consacré aux liens qui les unissent et présente deux études. L’étude 1 évalue l’impact de la déplétion aiguë du tryptophane sur les mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur chez des participants sains. L’étude 2 évalue l’intégrité des mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur chez des patients souffrant de dépression majeure (DM) avant et après un traitement aux antidépresseurs à double action (Duloxétine ou Desvenlafaxine). Les données des patients de l’étude 2 sont aussi comparées à celles d’un groupe de sujets sains pour mieux comprendre l’effet de la DM sur les mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur. L’étude 1 montre que la déplétion aiguë du tryptophane bloque les mécanismes endogènes de freinage de la douleur. L’étude 2 montre que les patients souffrant de DM ont une capacité de freinage de la douleur intacte, qui est réduite par l’administration de médicaments. En conclusion, les mécanismes de freinage de la douleur semblent affectés par la déplétion aiguë du tryptophane. Les participants en DM ont une capacité d’inhibition de la douleur préservée par rapport aux sujets sains et affectée suite à la prise du médicament. Ces résultats permettent d’envisager un écart théorique entre la DM et les douleurs chroniques.
Objectifs: Malgré que les patients souffrant de dépression majeure (DM) rapportent souvent des symptômes douloureux, la relation entre la douleur et la dépression n’est pas encore claire. Ce n’est que récemment que des études employant des paradigmes de sommation temporelle ont pu offrir une explication préliminaire de la cooccurrence de la douleur et de la dépression. Notre étude vise à évaluer la contribution des procédés spinaux et surpraspinaux dans la sensibilisation de la douleur dans la DM en utilisant un paradigme de sommation temporelle. Participants : Treize sujets sains et quatorze patients souffrant de DM ont été inclues dans l’analyse finale. Méthodes : Pour induire une sommation temporelle, nous avons utilisé des stimulations intermittentes du nerf sural de basses et hautes fréquences. La sensibilisation spinale de la douleur a été quantifiée en mesurant la variation de l’amplitude du réflex de retrait nociceptif (NFR) entre les deux conditions de stimulations, ainsi que la sensibilisation supraspinale de la douleur a été obtenue en mesurant le changement dans l’appréciation verbale de la douleur entre ces deux conditions. Résultats : Nous avons observé une sensibilisation plus élevée de la réponse NFR chez les patients dépressifs durant la condition de stimulation à haute fréquence, un effet qui n’a pas été reflété par une sensibilisation amplifiée des appréciations subjectives de la douleur durant l’expérience. Néanmoins, nous avons observé une association entre la sensibilisation spinale et les symptômes somatiques douloureux chez les patients DM. Conclusion : Ces résultats suggèrent une sensibilisation spinale amplifiée dans la DM, ce qui pourrait expliquer la prévalence élevée des symptômes somatiques douloureux chez ces patients.
This study aimed to describe patterns of major depression (MDD) in a cohort of untreated illicit opiate users recruited from 5 Canadian urban centres, identify sociodemographic characteristics of opiate users that predict MDD, and determine whether opiate users suffering from depression exhibit different drug use patterns than do participants without depression. Baseline data were collected from 679 untreated opiate users in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec City. Using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview Short Form for Major Depression, we assessed sociodemographics, drug use, health status, health service use, and depression. We examined depression rates across study sites; logistic regression analyses predicted MDD from demographic information and city. Chi-square analyses were used to compare injection drug use and cocaine or crack use among participants with and without depression. Almost one-half (49.3%) of the sample met the cut-off score for MDD. Being female, white, and living outside Vancouver independently predicted MDD. Opiate users suffering from depression were more likely than users without depression to share injection equipment and paraphernalia and were also more likely to use cocaine (Ps < 0.05). Comorbid depression is common among untreated opiate users across Canada; targeted interventions are needed for this population.
CoMo/gama-Al2O3 catalysts for hydrodesulphurisation activity were prepared by making use of the molecular designed dispersion (MDD) method. Molybdenum and cobalt pyrrolidine-N-carbodithioate (Pydtc) complexes were used for the incorporation of metals on the support. The catalysts were characterized by elemental analysis, low temperature oxygen chemisorption, temperature programmed reduction (TPR) and laser Raman spectroscopy. The hydrodesulphurisation activity of all the catalysts were carried out and results were compared with those of the catalysts prepared through the conventional method. Higher molybdenum dispersion, smaller molybdenum clusters, lower reduction temperature of catalyst and better hydrodesulphurisation activity were observed for the catalysts prepared through the MDD method
Genetic programming is known to provide good solutions for many problems like the evolution of network protocols and distributed algorithms. In such cases it is most likely a hardwired module of a design framework that assists the engineer to optimize specific aspects of the system to be developed. It provides its results in a fixed format through an internal interface. In this paper we show how the utility of genetic programming can be increased remarkably by isolating it as a component and integrating it into the model-driven software development process. Our genetic programming framework produces XMI-encoded UML models that can easily be loaded into widely available modeling tools which in turn posses code generation as well as additional analysis and test capabilities. We use the evolution of a distributed election algorithm as an example to illustrate how genetic programming can be combined with model-driven development. This example clearly illustrates the advantages of our approach – the generation of source code in different programming languages.