170 resultados para MCC korporazioaren nazioarteratzea


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Only the first- order Doppler frequency shift is considered in current laser dual- frequency interferometers; however; the second- order Doppler frequency shift should be considered when the measurement corner cube ( MCC) moves at high velocity or variable velocity because it can cause considerable error. The influence of the second- order Doppler frequency shift on interferometer error is studied in this paper, and a model of the second- order Doppler error is put forward. Moreover, the model has been simulated with both high velocity and variable velocity motion. The simulated results show that the second- order Doppler error is proportional to the velocity of the MCC when it moves with uniform motion and the measured displacement is certain. When the MCC moves with variable motion, the second- order Doppler error concerns not only velocity but also acceleration. When muzzle velocity is zero the second- order Doppler error caused by an acceleration of 0.6g can be up to 2.5 nm in 0.4 s, which is not negligible in nanometric measurement. Moreover, when the muzzle velocity is nonzero, the accelerated motion may result in a greater error and decelerated motion may result in a smaller error.


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O conhecimento da morfologia e ultraestrutura dos helmintos permite a correta classificação destes organismos, bem como fornece subsídios que poderão ser utilizados para diagnóstico e controle. A microscopia laser confocal é uma ferramenta para estudar a organização estrutural de várias espécies de helmintos, possibilitando acesso a detalhes morfológicos não evidenciados pela microscopia óptica. Echinostoma paraensei é um trematódeo, digenético, hermafrodita parasito de numerosos hospedeiros vertebrados. Neste trabalho foi investigado o desenvolvimento dos órgãos reprodutivo e a morfometria de E. paraensei, desde a fase jovem até a adulta, como contribuição ao conhecimento do desenvolvimento reprodutivo desta espécie. Os trematódeos foram recuperados aos 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 e 21 dias posterior à infecção (dpi) experimental em hamsters. Estes foram corados em carmim clorídrico, desidratados em série alcoólica e montados em lâmina permanente em bálsamo do Canadá, fotografados e medidos usando microscopia de luz de campo claro (MCC) e microscopia de varredura laser confocal (MVLC). Entre 3 e 4 dpi, os primórdios genitais estavam presentes e nenhuma organização do sistema reprodutivo foi visualizada por MCC e MVLC. Os primórdio do ovário, dos testículos e da bolsa do cirro foram visualizados por MCC aos 5 e 6 dpi, no entanto, MVLC dos helmintos aos 5dpi mostra que estes primórdios, o ootipo e o útero estavam presentes, como estruturas individualizadas. A bolsa do cirro apresenta metratermo e o ovário com primórdio do oótipo adjacente aos 7dpi por MVLC. A vesícula seminal, receptáculo seminal, células diferenciadas nos testículos, ducto e reservatório vitelínico e oviducto foram visualizados após 10 dias, enquanto os espermatozóides na vesícula seminal, ovos e oócitos, células vitelínicas, poro e canal de Laurer aos 14 dias. A morfometria evidencia um acelerado crescimento dos órgãos reprodutores a partir do 7 dia. Os testículos apresentam aumento significativo no comprimento do 7 ao 21 dia e o ovário durante o período de 7 à 10 dpi. Aos 21 dpi, todos os helmintos apresentaram glândulas vitelínicas, útero contendo ovos e espermatozóides no oviducto enquanto outros ovos estão sendo formados. As mudanças morfológicas acentuadas durante a gametogênese consistem no aumento do comprimento do helminto, maturação das gônadas, desenvolvimento e maturação das glândulas vitelínicas. O desenvolvimento do helminto como um todo está relacionado à maturação dos órgãos reprodutivo masculino e feminino indicando o investimento deste trematódeo em garantir a produção e eliminação dos ovos ao meio exterior.


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The findings are presented of a study conducted to use autochthonously obtained, nonpathogenic heterotrophic marine bacteria as a substitute feed for microalgae in rearing larval Penaeus monodon. Eleven strains were isolated: Micrococcus (MCC), Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Bacillus (two strains; BAC-1, BAC-2), Pseudomonas (two strains; PSM-1, PSM-2), Vibrio parahemolyticus, V. fluviatilis, Moraxella (MOR) and Flavobacterium. Six nonhemolytic strains were then chosen for the Penaeus monodon larval feed trials: BAC-1, BAC-2, PSM-1, PSM-2, MCC and MOR. The study demonstrates that bacterial biomass could be further investigated as a partial substitute for microalgae in penaeid shrimp larval rearing.


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In this paper we present a wafer level three-dimensional simulation model of the Gate Commutated Thyristor (GCT) under inductive switching conditions. The simulations are validated by extensive experimental measurements. To the authors' knowledge such a complex simulation domain has not been used so far. This method allows the in depth study of large area devices such as GCTs, Gate Turn Off Thyristors (GTOs) and Phase Control Thyristors (PCTs). The model captures complex phenomena, such as current filamentation including subsequent failure, which allow us to predict the Maximum Controllable turn-off Current (MCC) and the Safe Operating Area (SOA) previously impossible using 2D distributed models. © 2012 IEEE.


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生物降解脂肪族聚酷如聚乙交醋(PGA)、聚丙交醋(PLA)、聚。一己内酷(PCL)以及它们的共聚物由于具有良好的生物相容性和生物降解性而在外科手术缝合线、组织工程、药物控制释放、骨固定等领域得到很多应用。但是,它们自身缺乏功能基团,亲水性差,因而在应用上受到很大限制。因此,含有功能侧基生物降解聚合物的制备在过去十年中受到大家极大的关注。功能基团的引入对于调节聚合物的性能如:亲水性、生物降解性和药物的渗透性等非常重要。需要特别指出的是,功能基团的引入为把药物和其它生物活性物质与聚合物结合进而扩大聚合物的应用范围提供了机会。本文合成了几个功能化单体并且通过共聚的方法制备了几种新型的两亲性功能化聚合物。这些改性后的聚合物可以通过化学键接上药物或者其它生物活性物质,有望作为靶向控释药物载体和智能化的组织工程支架材料。具体的研究结果如下:1.以2,2-二羟甲基丙酸节酷为功能单体,通过两步法成功合成了一系列新的带功能基团的聚酷酞胺,并通过1H NMR和FTIR对聚合物的化学结构进行了表征,DSC结果表明所合成的聚酯酰胺的Tm和Tg分别在150℃和0℃左右;2.合成了功能化的环状单体(35)-3-[(苄氧羰基)乙基」吗啉-2,5-二酮(BEMD),并以PEG作为引发剂,Sn(Oct)2作为催化剂,通过L一LA和BEMD的开环共聚合得到共聚物PLGBG-PEG-PLGBG;随后用10%铭碳催化氢化得到带有侧梭基的两亲性嵌段共聚物PLGG-PEG-PLGG和其它两亲性嵌段共聚物一样,PLGG-PEG-PLGG在水溶液中能够自组装成胶束,用花作为荧光探针,通过荧光光谱法研究了其形成胶束的过程并测定了它们的临界胶束浓度,发现在总的分子量大致相当的情况下,PLGG-PEG4600-PLGG比PLGG-PEG2000-PLGG有较高的临界胶束浓度;场发射电子显微镜表征结果显示胶束具有均一的球形特征,动态光散射结果表明该胶束具有较窄的单峰粒径分布;蛋白酶K溶液中的降解研究表明带有侧梭基的PLGG-PEG-PLGG比PLA具有更快的降解速率;人胚关节软骨细胞培养结果表明所合成的聚合物PLGG-PEG-PLGG显示出较好的细胞相容性。3.在缩合剂DCC和催化剂DMAP存在下,带有侧梭基的两亲性嵌段共聚物PLGOPEG-PLGG和紫杉醇发生缩合反应得到两亲性嵌段共聚物一紫杉醇键合药P(LGG-paclitaxel)-PEG-P(LGG-paclitaxel)。它具有两亲性嵌段共聚物的性质,能够自组装成胶束,场发射电子显微镜表征结果表明胶束具有均一的球形特征,动态光散射结果表明该胶束具有较窄的粒径分布,平均粒径为119.4nm。该胶束的药物释放具有pH敏感性,酸性环境中比生理环境中(pH=7.4)具有较快的释放速率。P(LGG-Paclitaxel)-PEG-P(LGG-paclitaxel)胶束的壳层由良好亲水性的PEG组成,避免了胶束纳米粒子在血液循环中被人体网状内皮系统吞噬,保证有充足的时间通过EPR效应在肿瘤部位聚集,进而通过细胞内吞进入细胞并在细胞内的酸性环境中释放药物,进一步的研究工作有待深入进行。4.合成了功能化的环状碳酸酷单体MBC,以MPEG作为引发剂,ZnEt2作为催化剂,LLA和MBC发生开环共聚合,以较高的转化率,得到高分子量共聚物MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)。13C NMR表明LLA和确c发生了无规共聚合;DSC征结果表明MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)为无定型态聚合物,Tg在20-50℃之间,随着MBc含量的增加而降低;MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)脱保护后得到带侧梭基的MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC),它的Tg明显提高,可能是聚合物侧梭基之间强的氢键作用力以及梭基对水解反应的催化作用造成的;脱保护前后的共聚物在蛋白酶K溶液中的降解研究表明,MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC)的降解速率大于MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MBC)的降解速率;人胚关节软骨细胞培养结果表明,所合成的MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC)是一种具有良好生物相容性的新型生物降解材料。5.利用本实验室开发的一种新型有机氨锯引发剂Sr-PO在温和的条件下通过顺序加料聚合的方法合成了新的嵌段共聚物PCL-b-PMBC。WAXD结果表明 PCL-b-PMBc中PCL的衍射峰均可观察到,只是衍射峰的强度随着PMBC含量的增加而减弱。DSC结果表明PCL-b-PMBC中PCL的Tm在57到52℃之间,并且随着PMBC含量的增加而降低。PCL-b-PMBC的玻璃化转变在-41.6 到-23.3℃之间,随着PMBC含量的增加而增加,这表明PMBC和PCL之间 有着强的相互作用,尽管两段不是完全相容的。PCL-b-PMBC的侧节醋在10%把碳催化下氢化还原为带侧梭基的PCL-b-PMCC后,衍射峰和结晶焙大大降低,说明侧梭基的存在使得分子链间有着强的氢键相互作用而不利于结晶。由以上分析可知,PCL-b-PMCC侧梭基的存在将会使共聚物的降解速度大大提高,而且因为功能梭基的存在可以使共聚物通过化学键连接上药物、短肤、寡糖或者其它生物活性物质,从而扩大该聚合物在生物医学领域的应用范围。


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Novel biodegradable poly(carbonate ester)s with photolabile protecting groups were synthesized by ring-opening copolymerization Of L-lactide (LA) with 5-methyl-5-(2-nitro-benzoxycarbonyl)-1,3-dioxan-2-one (MNC) with diethyl zinc (Et2Zn) as catalyst. The poly(L-lactide-co-5-methyl-5-carboxyl-1,3-dioxan-2-one) (P(LA-co-MCC)) was obtained by UV irradiation Of poly(L-lactide acid-co-5-methyl-5-(2-nitro-benzoxycarbonyl)-1,3-dioxan-2-one) (P(LA-co-MNC)) to remove the protective 2-nitrobenzyl group.


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A diblcok copolymer monomethoxy poly (ethylene glycol)-block-poly(L-lactide-co-2-methyl-2-carboxyl-propylene carbonate) (MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC)) was obtained by copolymerization of L-lactide (LA) and 2-methyl-2-benzoxycarbonyl-propylene carbonate (MBC) and subsequent catalytic hydrogenation. The pendant carboxyl groups of the copolymer MPEG-b-P(LA-co-MCC) were conjugated with antitumor drug docetaxel and tripeptide arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD), respectively.


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Tese de Doutoramento apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Doutror em Ciências da Terra.


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In Spain, during the recent housing bubble, purchasing a home seemed the most advantageous strategy to access housing, and there was a wide social consensus about the unavoidability of mortgage indebtedness. However, such consensus has been challenged by the financial and real-estate crisis. The victims of home repossessions have been affected by the transgression of several principles, such as the fair compensation for effort and sacrifice, the prioritisation of basic needs over financial commitments, the possibility of a second chance for over-indebted people, or the State's responsibility to guarantee its citizens' livelihood. Such principles may be understood as part of a moral economy, and their transgression has resulted in the emergence of a social movement, the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH), that is questioning the legitimacy of mortgage debts. The article reflects on the extent to which the perception of over-indebtedness and evictions as unfair situations can have an effect on the reproduction of the political-economic system, insofar the latter is perceived as able or unable to repair injustice.


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A method using a combination of ball milling, acid hydrolysis, and ultrasound was developed to obtain a high yield of cellulose nanofibers from flax fibers and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanocomposites were prepared with these additives by a solution-casting technique. The cellulose nanofibers and nanocomposite films that were produced were characterized with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry, X- ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. Nanofibers derived from MCC were on average approximately 8 nm in diameter and 111 nm in length. The diameter of the cellulose nanofibers produced from flax fibers was approximately 9 nm, and the length was 141 nm. A significant enhancement of the thermal and mechanical properties was achieved with a small addition of cellulose nanofibers to the polymer matrix. Interestingly, the flax nanofibers had the same reinforcing effects as MCC nanofibers in the matrix. Dynamic mechanical analysis results indicated that the use of cellulose nanofibers (acid hydrolysis) induced a mechanical percolation phenomenon leading to outstanding and unusual mechanical properties through the formation of a rigid filler network in the PVA matrix. X-ray diffraction showed that there was no significant change in the crystallinity of the PVA matrix with the incorporation of cellulose nanofibers. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Two different procedures were compared for the preparation of cellulose nanofibres from flax and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC). The first involved a combination of high energy ball milling, acid hydrolysis and ultrasound, whilst the second employed a high pressure homogenisation technique, with and without various pre-treatments of the fibrous feedstock. The geometry and microstructure of the cellulose nanofibres were observed by SEM and TEM and their particle size measured using image analysis and dynamic light scattering. Aspect ratios of nanofibres made by microfluidisation were orders of magnitude greater than those achieved by acid hydrolysis. FTIR, XRD and TGA were used to characterise changes to chemical functionality, cellulose crystallinity and thermal stability resulting from the approaches used for preparing the cellulose nanofibres. Hydrolysis using sulphuric acid gave rise to esterification of the cellulose nanofibres, a decrease in crystallinity with MCC, but an increase with flax, together with an overall reduction in thermal stability. Increased shear history of flax subjected to multiple passes through the microfluidiser, raised both cellulose nanofibril crystallinity and thermal stability, the latter being strongly influenced by acid, alkaline and, most markedly, silane pretreatment.


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This paper presents the finite element (FE) analysis of the consolidation of the foundation of an embankment constructed over soft clay deposit which shows significant time dependent behaviour and was improved with prefabricated vertical drains. To assess the capability of a simple elastic viscoplastic (EVP) model to predict the long term performance of a geotechnical structure constructed on soft soils, a well documented (Leneghans) embankment was analyzed to predict its long term behaviour characteristics. Two fully coupled two dimensional (2D) plane strain FE analyses have been carried out. In one of these, the foundation of the embankment was modelled with a relatively simpler time dependent EVP model and in the other one, for comparison purposes, the foundation soil was modelled with elasto-plastic Modified Cam-clay (MCC) model. Details of the analyses and the results are discussed in comparison with the field performance. Predictions from the creep (EVP) model were found to be better than those from Elasto-plastic (MCC) analysis. However, the creep analysis requires an additional parameter and additional computational time and resources. © 2011 Taylor & Francis.


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Purpose of review: Appropriate selection and definition of outcome measures are essential for clinical trials to be maximally informative. Core outcome sets (an agreed, standardized collection of outcomes measured and reported in all trials for a specific clinical area) were developed due to established inconsistencies in trial outcome selection. This review discusses the rationale for, and methods of, core outcome set development, as well as current initiatives in critical care.

Recent findings: Recent systematic reviews of reported outcomes and measurement instruments relevant to the critically ill highlight inconsistencies in outcome selection, definition, and measurement, thus establishing the need for core outcome sets. Current critical care initiatives include development of core outcome sets for trials aimed at reducing mechanical ventilation duration; rehabilitation following critical illness; long-term outcomes in acute respiratory failure; and epidemic and pandemic studies of severe acute respiratory infection.

Summary: Development and utilization of core outcome sets for studies relevant to the critically ill is in its infancy compared to other specialties. Notwithstanding, core outcome set development frameworks and guidelines are available, several sets are in various stages of development, and there is strong support from international investigator-led collaborations including the International Forum for Acute Care Trialists.


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