991 resultados para MASS DETECTION


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The applicability of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) in pesticide multiresidue analysis (organohalogen, organonitrogen, organophosphorus, and pyrethroid) in soil samples was investigated. Fortification experiments were conducted to test the conventional extraction (solid-liquid) and to optimize the extraction procedure in SFE by varying the CO2 Modifier, temperature, extraction time, and pressure. The best efficiency was achieved at 400 bar using methanol as modifier at 60 degreesC. For the SFE method, C-18 cartridges were used for the cleanup. The analytical screening was performed by gas chromatography equipped with electron-capture detection (ECD). Recoveries for the majority of pesticides from spiked samples of soil at different residence times were 1, 20, and 40 days at the fortification level of 0.04-0.10 mg/kg ranging from 70 to 97% for both methods. The detection limits found were <0.01 mg/kg for ECD, and the confirmation of pesticide identity was performed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in a selected-ion monitoring mode. Multiresidue methods were applied in real soil samples, and the results of the methods developed were compared.


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The incomplete combustion of biomass is one of the most important sources of emissions of organic compounds into the atmosphere, like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which show genotoxic activity. Since environmental samples generally contain interferents and trace amounts of PAHs of interest, concentration and clean-up procedures are usually required prior to the final chromatographic analysis. This paper discusses the performance of Sep-Pak cartridges (silica gel and RP18) on clean-up of sugar cane soot extract. The best results were obtained with a silica Sep-Pak cartridge. The recoveries ranged from 79% (benzo[b]fluoranthene) to 113% (benzo[e]pyrene). (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A gas chromatography-mass-selective (GC-MS) detection method to determine buprofezin, pyridaben, and tebufenpyrad on the pulp, peel, and whole fruit of clementines is described. The extraction/partition procedure was performed in one step and no cleanup was necessary with the GC-MS in the SIM-mode pesticide determination. Recovery ranged from 75 to 124% with coefficients of variance ranging between 1 and 13%. The limit of determination was 0.01 mg/kg for all pesticides. The field trials showed a similar degradative behavior for all active ingredients (AI), with a great residue decrease during the first week and stability in the second. Just after treatment buprofezin and tebufenpyrad showed lower residues than the maximum residue limit (MRL) fixed in Italy, while pyridaben was below the MRL after a week.


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A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method for carbaryl quantitation in crop extracts was validated by liquid chromatography (LC) with diode array detection (DAD). For this purpose, six crops (banana, carrot, green bean, orange, peach and potato) were chosen for recovery and reproducibility studies. The general sample preparation included extraction with methanol followed by liquid-liquid partitioning and clean-up on Celite-charcoal adsorbent column of the vegetable extracts. ELISA samples consisted of a diluted LC extract in assay phosphate buffer (pH 7.5). The potential effect of methanol in these samples was evaluated. It was observed that a maximum content of 10% methanol present in the assay buffer could be tolerated without expressive losses in the ELISA performance. Under these conditions, a IC50 similar to 1.48 mu g l(-1) was obtained. A minimum matrix effect with a 1:50 dilution of the methanolic extracts in assay buffer was noticed, except for green bean samples that inhibited completely the assay. For the vegetable extracts, the ELISA sensitivities varied from 3.9 to 5.7 mu g l(-1), and good recoveries (82-96%) with R.S.D.s ranging from 5.7 to 12.1% were found. An excellent correlation between the LC-DAD and ELISA techniques was obtained. The confirmation of the carbaryl in less concentrated samples was achieved by LC-mass spectrometry interfaced with atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation. The [M + H](+)= 202 and [M + H-57](+)=145 ions, equivalent to the protonated molecular and l-naphthol ions, respectively, were used to carbaryl identification in these samples. (C) 1998 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simultaneous method for the trace determination of acidic, neutral herbicides and their transformation products in estuarine waters has been developed through an on-line solid-phase extraction method followed by liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometric detection. An atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) interface was used in the negative ionization mode after optimization of the main APCI parameters. Limits of detection ranged from 0.1 to 0.02 ng/ml for 50 mi of acidified estuarine waters preconcentrated into polymeric precolumns and using time-scheduled selected ion monitoring mode. Two degradation products of the acidic herbicides (4-chloro-2-methylphenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol) did not show good signal response using APCI-MS at the concentration studied due to the higher fragmentor voltage needed for their determination For molinate and the major degradation product of propanil, 3,4-dichloroaniline, positive ion mode was needed for APCI-MS detection. The proposed method was applied to the determination of herbicides in drainage waters from rice fields of the Delta del Ebro (Spain). During the S-month monitoring of the herbicides, 8-hydroxybentazone and 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid were successively found in those samples. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Intact Escherichia coli ribosomes have been projected into the gas phase of a mass spectrometer by means of nanoflow electrospray techniques. Species with mass/charge ratios in excess of 20,000 were detected at the level of individual ions by using time-of-flight analysis. Once in the gas phase the stability of intact ribosomes was investigated and found to increase as a result of cross-linking ribosomal proteins to the rRNA. By lowering the Mg2+ concentration in solutions containing ribosomes the particles were found to dissociate into 30S and 50S subunits. The resolution of the charge states in the spectrum of the 30S subunit enabled its mass to be determined as 852,187 ± 3,918 Da, a value within 0.6% of that calculated from the individual proteins and the 16S RNA. Further dissociation into smaller macromolecular complexes and then individual proteins could be induced by subjecting the particles to increasingly energetic gas phase collisions. The ease with which proteins dissociated from the intact species was found to be related to their known interactions in the ribosome particle. The results show that emerging mass spectrometric techniques can be used to characterize a fully functional biological assembly as well as its isolated components.


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Proteins can undergo a wide variety of oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTM); while reversible modifications are thought to be relevant in physiological processes, non-reversible oxPTM may contribute to pathological situations and disease. The oxidant is also important in determining the type of oxPTM, such as oxidation, chlorination or nitration. The best characterized oxPTMs involved in signalling modulation are partial oxidations of cysteine to disulfide, glutathionylated or sulfenic acid forms that can be reversed by thiol reductants. Proline hydroxylation in HIF signalling is also quite well characterized, and there is increasing evidence that specific oxidations of methionine and tyrosine may have some biological roles. For some proteins regulated by cysteine oxidation, the residues and molecular mechanism involved have been extensively studied and are well understood, such as the protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B and MAP3 kinase ASK1, as well as transcription factor complex Keap1-Nrf2. The advances in understanding of the role oxPTMs in signalling have been facilitated by advances in analytical technology, in particular tandem mass spectrometry techniques. Combinations of peptide sequencing by collisionally induced dissociation and precursor ion scanning or neutral loss to select for specific oxPTMs have proved very useful for identifying oxidatively modified proteins and mapping the sites of oxidation. The development of specific labelling and enrichment procedures for S-nitrosylation or disulfide formation has proved invaluable, and there is ongoing work to establish analogous methods for detection of nitrotyrosine and other modifications.


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It is now recognised that redox control of proteins plays an important role in many signalling pathways both in health and disease. Proteins can undergo a wide variety of oxidative post-translational modifications (oxPTM); while the reversible modifications are thought to be most important in physiological processes, non-reversible oxPTM may contribute to pathological situations and disease. The oxidant is also important in determining the type of oxPTM (chlorination, nitration, etc.), and the susceptibilities of residues vary depending on their structural location. The best characterized oxPTMs involved in signalling modulation are partial oxidations of cysteine to the disulfide, glutathionylated or sulfenic acid forms, but there is increasing evidence that specific oxidations of methionine and tyrosine may have some biological roles. Well understood examples of oxidative regulation include protein tyrosine phosphatases, e.g. PTP1B/C, and members of the MAPK pathways such as MEKK1 and ASK1. Transcription factors such as NFkB and Nrf-2 are also regulated by redox-active cysteines. Improved methods for analysing specific oxPTMs in biological samples are critical for understanding the physiological and pathological roles of these changes, and tandem or MS3 mass spectrometry techniques interfaced with nano-LC separation are being now used. MS3 fragmentation markers for a variety of oxidized residues including tyrosine, tryptophan and proline have been identified, and a precursor ion scanning method that allows the selective identification of these oxPTMs in complex samples has been developed. Such advances in technology offer potential for biomarker development, disease diagnosis and understanding pathology.


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In inflammatory diseases, release of oxidants leads to oxidative damage to proteins. The precise nature of oxidative damage to individual proteins depends on the oxidant involved. Chlorination and nitration are markers of modification by the myeloperoxidase-H2O2-Cl- system and nitric oxide-derived oxidants, respectively. Although these modifications can be detected by western blotting, currently no reliable method exists to identify the specific sites damage to individual proteins in complex mixtures such as clinical samples. We are developing novel LCMS2 and precursor ion scanning methods to address this. LC-MS2 allows separation of peptides and detection of mass changes in oxidized residues on fragmentation of the peptides. We have identified indicative fragment ions for chlorotyrosine, nitrotyrosine, hydroxytyrosine and hydroxytryptophan. A nano-LC/MS3 method involving the dissociation of immonium ions to give specific fragments for the oxidized residues has been developed to overcome the problem of false positives from ions isobaric to these immonium ions that exist in unmodified peptides. The approach has proved able to identify precise protein modifications in individual proteins and mixtures of proteins. An alternative methodology involves multiple reaction monitoring for precursors and fragment ions are specific to oxidized and chlorinated proteins, and this has been tested with human serum albumin. Our ultimate aim is to apply this methodology to the detection of oxidative post-translational modifications in clinical samples for disease diagnosis, monitoring the outcomes of therapy, and improved understanding of disease biochemistry.


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Development of mass spectrometry techniques to detect protein oxidation, which contributes to signalling and inflammation, is important. Label-free approaches have the advantage of reduced sample manipulation, but are challenging in complex samples owing to undirected analysis of large data sets using statistical search engines. To identify oxidised proteins in biological samples, we previously developed a targeted approach involving precursor ion scanning for diagnostic MS3 ions from oxidised residues. Here, we tested this approach for other oxidations, and compared it with an alternative approach involving the use of extracted ion chromatograms (XICs) generated from high-resolution MSMS data using very narrow mass windows. This accurate mass XIC data methodology was effective at identifying nitrotyrosine, chlorotyrosine, and oxidative deamination of lysine, and for tyrosine oxidations highlighted more modified peptide species than precursor ion scanning or statistical database searches. Although some false positive peaks still occurred in the XICs, these could be identified by comparative assessment of the peak intensities. The method has the advantage that a number of different modifications can be analysed simultaneously in a single LC-MSMS run. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Posttranslational Protein modifications in biology and Medicine. Biological significance: The use of accurate mass extracted product ion chromatograms to detect oxidised peptides could improve the identification of oxidatively damaged proteins in inflammatory conditions. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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In this review, we provide a comprehensive bibliographic overview of the role of mass spectrometry and the recent technical developments in the detection of post-translational modifications (PTMs). We briefly describe the principles of mass spectrometry for detecting PTMs and the protein and peptide enrichment strategies for PTM analysis, including phosphorylation, acetylation and oxidation. This review presents a bibliographic overview of the scientific achievements and the recent technical development in the detection of PTMs is provided. In order to ascertain the state of the art in mass spectrometry and proteomics methodologies for the study of PTMs, we analyzed all the PTM data introduced in the Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) and the literature published in the last three years. The evolution of curated data in UniProt for proteins annotated as being post-translationally modified is also analyzed. Additionally, we have undertaken a careful analysis of the research articles published in the years 2010 to 2012 reporting the detection of PTMs in biological samples by mass spectrometry. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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Oxidised biomolecules in aged tissue could potentially be used as biomarkers for age-related diseases; however, it is still unclear whether they causatively contribute to ageing or are consequences of the ageing process. To assess the potential of using protein oxidation as markers of ageing, mass spectrometry (MS) was employed for the identification and quantification of oxidative modifications in obese (ob/ob) mice. Lean muscle mass and strength is reduced in obesity, representing a sarcopenic model in which the levels of oxidation can be evaluated for different muscular systems including calcium homeostasis, metabolism and contractility. Several oxidised residues were identified by tandem MS (MS/MS) in both muscle homogenate and isolated sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), an organelle that regulates intracellular calcium levels in muscle. These modifications include oxidation of methionine, cysteine, tyrosine, and tryptophan in several proteins such as sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA), glycogen phosphorylase, and myosin. Once modifications had been identified, multiple reaction monitoring MS (MRM) was used to quantify the percentage modification of oxidised residues within the samples. Preliminary data suggests proteins in ob/ob mice are more oxidised than the controls. For example SERCA, which constitutes 60-70% of the SR, had approximately a 2-fold increase in cysteine trioxidation of Cys561 in the obese model when compared to the control. Other obese muscle proteins have also shown a similar increase in oxidation for various residues. Further analysis with complex protein mixtures will determine the potential diagnostic use of MRM experiments for analysing protein oxidation in small biological samples such as muscle needle biopsies.