Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: This study evaluated oropharyngeal airway changes and stability following surgical counter-clockwise rotation and advancement of the maxillo-mandibular complex.Methods and Patients: Fifty-six adults (48 females, 8 males), between 15 and 51 years of age, were treated with Le Fort I osteotomies and bilateral mandibular ramus sagittal split osteotomies to advance the maxillo-mandibular complex with a counter-clockwise rotation. The average postsurgical follow-up was 34 months. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, digitized twice, and averaged to estimate Surgical changes (T2-T1) and Postsurgical changes (T3-T2).Results: During surgery, the occlusal plane angle decreased significantly (8.6 +/- 5.8 degrees) and the maxillo-mandibular complex advanced and rotated counter-clock-wise. The maxilla moved forward (2.4 +/- 2.7 mm) at ANS and the mandible was advanced 13.1 +/- 5.1 min at menton, 10 +/- 4.4 mm at point B, and 6.9 +/- 3.7 mm at lower incisor edge. Postsurgical hard tissue changes were not statistically significant. While the upper oropharyngeal airway decreased significantly (4.2 +/- 3.4 min) immediately after surgery, the narrowest retropalatal, lowest retropalatal airway, and the narrowest retroglossal airway measurements increased 2.9 +/- 2.7, 3.7 +/- 3.2, and 4.4 +/- 4.4 mm, respectively. Over the average 34 months Postsurgical period, upper retropalatal airway increased 3.9 +/- 3.7 mm, while narrowest retropalatal, lowest retropalatal airway, and narrowest retroglossal airway remained stable. Head posture showed flexure immediately after Surgery (4.8 +/- 5.9 degrees) and extension postsurgically (1.6 +/- 5.6 degrees).Conclusion: Maxillo-mandibular advancement with counter-clockwise rotation produces immediate increases in middle and lower oropharyngeal airway dimensions, which were constrained by changes in head posture but remain stable over the postsurgical period. The upper oropharyngeal airway space increased only on the longest follow-up. (C) 2006 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.
In view of the relevance of the mylohyoid nerve to clinical difficulties in achieving deep analgesia of the lower incisors, a dissection study was undertaken. Dissections from 29 adult cadavers of both sexes were studied with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The following observations were made: a supplementary branch of the mylohyoid nerve entered the mandible through accessory foramina in the lingual side of the mandibular symphysis in 50% of the cases; it generrally arose from the right side (76.9%) and entered the inferior retromental foramen (84.6%); the mylohyoid nerve branch either ended directly in the incisor teeth and the gingiva or joined the ipsilateral or contralateral incisive nerve. In view of this information concerning the high incidence of possible involvement of the mylohyoid nerve in mandibular sensory innervation, it is advisable to block it whenever intervention in the lower incisors is indicated. Routine mylohyoid injection is recommended after mental nerve block. If the inferior alveolar nerve is chosen for anesthetic purposes, additional mylohyoid injection should be given only if pain persists. The mylohyoid injection should be given at the inferior retromental foramen on the median aspect of the inferior border of the mandible through extraoral approach.
One of the main purposes of mucogingival therapy is to obtain full root coverage. Several treatment modalities have been developed, but few techniques can provide complete root coverage in a class III Miller recession. Thus, the aim of this case report is to present a successful clinical case of a Miller class III gingival recession in which complete root coverage was obtained by means of a multidisciplinary approach. A 17-year-old Caucasian female was referred for treatment of a gingival recession on the mandibular left central incisor. The following procedures were planned for root coverage in this case: free gingival graft, orthodontic movement by means of alignment and leveling and coronally advanced flap (CAF). The case has been followed up for 12 years and the patient presents no recession, no abnormal probing depth and no bleeding on probing, with a wide attached gingiva band. A compromised tooth with poor prognosis, which would be indicated for extraction, can be treated by orthodontic movement and periodontal therapy, with possibility of 100% root coverage in some class III recessions.
Odontogenics tumors are uncommon in the dog. Ameloblastoma is considered a benign, aggressive and non-inductive odontogenic neoplasia commonly located in the incisor teeth. Its conclusive diagnosis is obtained by histopathological examination. Due to the expansive nature of this neoplasia, its resection needs to have an adequate surgical margin so it will have excellent prognostics. A canine, male, Pekingese, 8 years old had an increased volume in the rostral region of the mandible, adhered, consistency moderately firm. Radiography revealed extensive mandibular bone lysis caused by the neoplasia. Biopsy identified the tumor as ameloblastoma. Combining data from the clinical, radiographic and histopatological study and after explain to the owner regarding the postoperative esthetic it was held a bilateral rostral mandibulectomy. The fragment removed was assessed radiographically and histopathologically for evidence of tumor at its edges. The patient is active and healthy without evidence of metastasis or recurrence. The radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of edges of the fragment showed no tumor evidence. The patient is active and healthy without evidence of metastasis or recurrence since January 2010 when mandibulectomy was performed.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate skeletal and dental stability in patients who had temporomandibular joint (TMJ) reconstruction and mandibular counterclockwise advancement using TMJ Concepts total join, prostheses (TMJ Concepts Inc. Ventura, CA) with maxillary osteotomies being performed at the same operation. All patients were operated at Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas TX, USA, by one surgeon (Wolford). Forty-seven females were studied; the average post-surgical follow-up was 40.6 months. Lateral cephalograms were analyzed to estimate surgical and post-surgical changes. During surgery, the occlusal plane angle decreased 14.9 +/- 8.0 degrees. The maxilla moved forward and upward. The posterior nasal spine moved downward and forward. The mandible advanced 7.9 +/- 3.5 mm at the lower incisor tips, 12.4 +/- 5.4 mm at Point B, 17.3 +/- 7.0 mm at menton, 18.4 +/- 8.5 mm at pogonion, and 11.0 +/- 5.3 mm at gonion. Vertically, the lower incisors moved upward -2.9 +/- 4.0 mm. At the longest follow-up post surgery, the maxilla showed minor horizontal changes while all mandibular measurements remained stable. TMJ reconstruction and mandibular advancement with TMJ Concepts total joint prosthesis in conjunction with maxillary osteotomies for counter-clockwise rotation of the rnaxillo-mandibular complex was a stable procedure for these patients at the longest follow-up.
Purpose: In order to assist in the selection of artificial teeth for complete dentures, this study aimed to assess the relationship between horizontal and vertical measurements of the face and the morphology of the maxillary central incisor. Materials and Methods: This was a study of 50 plaster casts and 100 teleradiographs - 50 in lateral norm and 50 in frontal norm, belonging to 50 individuals, Caucasian, with a naturally optimal occlusion, matching at least four of the six keys of Andrews. Images of the upper central incisors were obtained by scanning the plaster casts (three-dimensional) and subjectively classified by three examiners as oval, triangular or quadrangular. Facial measures (vertical and horizontal) were defined by means of teleradiographs. In order to check inter-examiner agreement on the classification of central incisor, the Kappa test was used. To verify whether data had normal distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used ( P > 0.2) was used. One-way analysis of variance was employed to assess the association between variables (P > 0.05). Results: When vertical measurements were compared with the three incisor shapes, there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05): Triangular (0.54), oval (0.63) and quadrangular (0.51). Similarly, no difference (P > 0.05) was found for facial width (139.08, 143.37, 141.65), maxillary width (76.68, 78.99, 76.91) and mandibular width (103.47, 105.50, 103.11). Conclusions: The majority of cases showed that horizontal and vertical measurements of the face cannot be used as a reference for determining the morphology of the maxillary central incisor crown. It is relevant to analyze and compare other morphological structures to improve the oral health-related quality of life for the conventional denture wearer.
PURPOSE: The purpose of the present systematic review was to evaluate the soft tissue/hard tissue ratio in bilateral sagittal split advancement osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation (RIF) or wire fixation (WF). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The databases PubMed, Medline, CINAHL, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Google Scholar Beta were searched. From the original 711 articles identified, 12 were finally included. Only 3 studies were prospective and 9 were retrospective. The postoperative follow-up ranged from 3 months to 12.7 years for RIF and 6 months to 5 years for WF. RESULTS: The short- and long-term ratios for the lower lip to lower incisor for BSSO with RIF or WF were 50%. No difference between the short- and long-term ratios for the mentolabial-fold to point B and soft tissue pogonion to pogonion could be observed. It was a 1:1 ratio. One exception was seen for the long-term results of the soft tissue pogonion to pogonion in BSSO with RIF; they tended to be greater than a 1:1 ratio. The upper lip mainly showed retrusion but with high variability. CONCLUSIONS: Despite a large number of studies on the short- and long-term effects of mandibular advancement by BSSO, the results of the present systematic review have shown that evidence-based conclusions on soft tissue changes are still unknown. This is mostly because of the inherent problems of retrospective studies, inferior study designs, and the lack of standardized outcome measures. Well-designed prospective studies with sufficient sample sizes that have excluded patients undergoing additional surgery (ie, genioplasty or maxillary surgery) are needed.
Our aim in this study was to compare intermolar widths after alignment of crowded mandibular dental arches in nonextraction adolescent patients between conventional and self-ligating brackets.
Objectives: Circumferential septal fiberotomy (CSF) following orthodontic treatment has been propagated to improve stability and prevent relapse of tooth alignment. The hypothesis of no difference between performed CSF and controls was tested. Methods: In 9 consecutively admitted patients at the end of orthodontic tooth alignment, the lower arch-wire was removed. CSF was performed from the mandibular canine to the central incisor on a randomly chosen side, while the contra-lateral side served as unsurgerized control. At baseline and every 4 weeks up to 6 months, study casts were taken and 1) analyzed using the Irregularity Index (II)according to Little and 2)photographed, traced and superimposed digitally. The translational and rotational movements of teeth as well as gingival parameters were analyzed as well. Results: By using the II and by superimposing the tracings, no statistically significant differences were found between the test (CSF) and control sides for any parameters. Moreover, CSF did not impinge on the gingival tissues. Conclusion: Since CSF did not improve stability of orthodontically aligned teeth nor prevent relapse during the healing pahse of up to 6 months, CSF should not be recommended following orthodontic therapy.
PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to conduct a long-term prospective follow-up on the stability of soft tissues after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) with rigid internal fixation to set back the mandible. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Seventeen consecutive patients (6 females, 11 males) were re-examined 12.7 years (T5) after surgery. The precedent follow-ups included: before surgery (T1), 5 days (T2) after surgery, 6.6 months (T3) after surgery, and 14.4 months after (T4) surgery. Lateral cephalograms were traced by hand, digitized, and evaluated with the Dentofacial Planner program (Dentofacial Software, Toronto, Canada). The x-axis for the system of coordinates ran through Sella (point 0) and the line NSL -7 degrees. RESULTS: The net effect of the soft tissue chin (soft tissue pogonion) was 79% of the setback at pogonion. At the lower lip (labrale inferior) it was 100% of the setback at lower incisor position. Point B' followed point B to 99%. Labrale inferior and menton' also showed a significant backward, as well as a downward, movement (T5 to T2). Gender correlated significantly (P = .004) with the anterior displacement of point B' and pogonion' (P = .012). The soft tissue relapse 12.7 years after BSSO setback surgery at point B' was 3% and 13% at pogonion'. CONCLUSION: Among the reasons for 3-dimensional long-term soft tissue changes of shape, the surgical technique, the normal process of human aging, the initial growth direction, and remodeling processes must be considered. Growth direction positively influenced the long-term outcome of setback surgery in female compared with male patients because further posterior movement of the mandibular soft tissue occurred.
Lacebacks may be used to limit unwanted incisor proclination during initial orthodontic alignment; however, their use has not met with universal approval. This systematic review aims to appraise the evidence in relation to the effectiveness of lacebacks in controlling incisor position during initial alignment. Electronic database searches of published literature (MEDLINE via Ovid, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, LILACS, and IBECS) and unpublished literature were performed. Search terms used included randomized controlled trial, controlled clinical trial, random allocation, double blind method, orthodontics, and laceback. Data were extracted using custom forms. Risk of bias assessment was made using the Cochrane Collaboration risk of bias tool. The quality of the evidence was also assessed using GRADE. Mean differences in incisor inclination and antero-posterior changes in incisor and molar position during alignment were calculated. Two studies involving 97 participants were found to be at low risk of bias and were included in the quantitative synthesis. The random effects meta-analysis demonstrated that the use of lacebacks was associated with 0.5 mm greater posterior movement of the incisors during alignment; this finding was of limited clinical importance and statistically non-significant [95 per cent confidence interval (CI): -1.25, 0.25, P = 0.19]. Little difference (0.46 mm) was also found between laceback and non-laceback groups with regards to mesial molar movement (95 per cent CI: -0.33, 1.24, P = 0.26). According to the GRADE assessment, the overall quality of evidence relating to the use of lacebacks was high. There is no evidence to support the use of lacebacks for the control of the sagittal position of the incisors during initial orthodontic alignment.
Objective: To assess the prevalence of lateral incisor agenesis impacted canines and supernumerary teeth in a young adult male population. Materials and Methods: The panoramic radiographs of 1745 military students (mean age: 18.6 ± 0.52 years) who attended the Center of Aviation Medicine of the Armed Forces of Greece during the period 1997-2011 were initially analyzed for lateral incisor agenesis by two observers. After exclusion of the known orthodontic cases, a subgroup of 1636 examinees (mean age: 18.6 ± 0.44 years) was evaluated for canine impaction and supernumerary teeth. Results: Twenty-eight missing lateral incisors were observed in 22 military students, indicating an incidence of 1.3% in the investigated population. No lateral incisor agenesis was detected in the mandibular arch. A prevalence rate of 0.8% was determined for canine impaction in the sample of young adults. The majority of impacted teeth (86.7%) were diagnosed in the maxillary arch. Thirty-five supernumerary teeth were observed in 24 examinees (prevalence rate: 1.5%). The ratio of supernumerary teeth located in the maxilla versus the mandible was 2.2:1. The most common type of supernumerary tooth was the upper distomolar. Conclusion: The prevalence of lateral incisor agenesis, canine impaction, and supernumerary teeth ranged from 0.8 to 1.5% in the sample of male Greek military students.