970 resultados para MAJOR NONCARDIAC SURGERY


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Determinar la incidencia de fibrilación auricular en las primeras 72 horas del post operatorio en pacientes llevados a revascularización miocárdica utilizando dos técnicas de anestésia una convencional (AC) con anestésicos inhalados y opioides y otra con dexmedetomidina (AD.). cohorte retrospectivo, en donde se seleccionarán dos grupos de estudio, un grupo de expuestos, pacientes llevados a revascularización miocárdica con utilización técnica anestésica convencional y un grupo de no expuestos pacientes llevados a revascularización miocárdica con uso de dexmedetomidina como técnica de anestesia; A estos grupos se les hizo seguimiento por 72 horas para determinar la presencia de fibrilación auricular y la terapéutica instaurada.


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OBJECTIVES: Aspirin therapy is usually continued throughout the perioperative period to reduce the risk for thromboembolic stroke and myocardial infarction after carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Aspirin irreversibly binds cyclooxygenase-1, thereby reducing platelet aggregation for the lifetime of each platelet. However, recent research from this unit has shown that aggregation in response to arachidonic acid increases significantly, but transiently, during CEA, which suggests that the anti-platelet effect of aspirin is temporarily reversed. The purpose of the current study was to determine when this phenomenon occurs and to identify the possible mechanisms involved. METHODS: Platelet aggregation was measured in platelet-rich plasma from 41 patients undergoing CEA who were stabilized with 150 mg of aspirin daily. Blood was taken at 8 time points: before anesthesia, after anesthesia, before heparinization, 3 minutes after heparinization, 3 minutes after shunt insertion, 10 minutes after flow restoration, 4 hours postoperatively, and 24 hours postoperatively. Platelet aggregation was also measured at similar times in a group of 18 patients undergoing peripheral angioplasty without general anesthesia. RESULTS: All patient platelets were effectively inhibited by aspirin at the start of the operation. There was a significant intraoperative increase in platelet response to arachidonic acid in both groups of patients, which occurred within 3 minutes of administration of unfractionated heparin. In the CEA group this resulted in a greater than 10-fold increase in mean aggregation, to 5 mmol/L of arachidonic acid (5 mmol/L), rising from 3.9% +/- 2.2% preoperatively to 45.1% +/- 29.3% after administration of heparin ( P <.0001). This increased aggregation persisted into the early postoperative period, but by 24 hours post operation aggregation had returned to near preoperative values. Aggregation in response to other platelet agonists (adenosine diphosphate, thrombin receptor agonist peptide) showed only a small increase at the same time, which could be accounted for by a parallel increase in the level of spontaneous aggregation. CONCLUSION: Administration of heparin significantly increases platelet aggregation in response to arachidonic acid, despite adequate inhibition by aspirin administered preoperatively. This apparent reversal in anti-platelet activity persisted into the immediate early postoperative period, and could explain why a small proportion of patients are at increased risk for acute cardiovascular events after major vascular surgery, despite aspirin therapy.


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The execution of a appropriate odontological surgical treatment for patients with Myocardial Infarction has been based in established protocols for important works in world wide literature during the sixty’s and seventy’s decade, established with a minimum of six months before the noncardiac surgery. The recent advancements in the medical assessment of surgical risk based on the individual analysis of each case with availability of new therapeutic tools in reference to medical or dental treatment, allowing for new procedures that can be used in the execution of safer odontological surgery for each patients. This review of the literature shows the actual tendencies of the treatment of patients with Myocardial Infarction concerning specific care before, during and after surgery based on laboratory evaluation and drug therapy as well as the possibility of surgical treatment before six months post-infarction.


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Em todo o mundo, são realizadas mais de 230 milhões de operações por ano e as complicações cardíacas são as causas mais comuns de morbidade e mortalidade pós-operatórias. Com o aumento da expectativa de vida da população mundial, um número crescente de pacientes com múltiplas comorbidades tem sido submetido a operações não cardíacas. Em consequência, é esperado um aumento de complicações cardiovasculares associadas a tais procedimentos e o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) perioperatório poderá se tornar um problema frequente. No Brasil, o número de operações não cardíacas também está aumentando, sendo realizadas aproximadamente três milhões de cirurgias por ano. Apesar dos avanços nas técnicas cirúrgicas e anestésicas, a mortalidade e o custo relacionados a estes procedimentos também estão aumentando, sendo fundamental o desenvolvimento de estratégias para a redução da mortalidade. A ocorrência de um IAM perioperatório prolonga a necessidade de terapia intensiva, a estadia hospitalar, aumenta o custo da internação e diminui a sobrevida a longo prazo. Esta revisão aborda a fisiopatologia, a incidência, o diagnóstico e o tratamento do IAM perioperatório, baseado nas evidências atuais.


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There is a gap between knowledge and recommendations regarding venous thromboembolism (VTE) on the one hand and daily practice on the other. This fact has prompted a Swiss multidisciplinary group consisting of angiologists, haematologists, internists, and emergency medicine and pharmaceutical medicine specialists interested in VTE, the SAMEX group, to set up a series of surveys and studies that give useful insight into the situation in our country. Their projects encompassed prophylactic and therapeutic aspects of VTE, and enrolled over 7000 patients from five academic and 45 non-academic acute care hospitals and fifty-three private practices in Switzerland. This comprehensive Swiss Clinical Study Programme forms the largest database surveying current clinical patterns of VTE management in a representative sample of the Swiss patient population. Overall the programme shows a lack of thromboprophylaxis use in hospitalised at-risk medical patients, particularly in those with cancer, acute heart or respiratory failure and the elderly, as well as under-prescription of extended prophylaxis beyond hospital discharge in patients undergoing major cancer surgery. In regard to VTE treatment, planning of anticoagulation duration, administration of LMWH for cancer-associated thrombosis, and the use of compression therapy for prevention of post-thrombotic syndrome in patients with symptomatic proximal DVT require improvement. In conclusion, this programme highlights insufficient awareness of venous thromboembolic disease in Switzerland, underestimation of its burden and inconsistent application of international consensus statement guidelines regarding prophylaxis and treatment adopted by the Swiss Expert Group.


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INTRODUCTION: Rivaroxaban (RXA) is licensed for prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism after major orthopaedic surgery of the lower limbs. Currently, no test to quantify RXA in plasma has been validated in an inter-laboratory setting. Our study had three aims: to assess i) the feasibility of RXA quantification with a commercial anti-FXa assay, ii) its accuracy and precision in an inter-laboratory setting, and iii) the influence of 10mg of RXA on routine coagulation tests. METHODS: The same chromogenic anti-FXa assay (Hyphen BioMed) was used in all participating laboratories. RXA calibrators and sets of blinded probes (aim ii.) were prepared in vitro by spiking normal plasma. The precise RXA content was assessed by high-pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. For ex-vivo studies (aim iii), plasma samples from 20 healthy volunteers taken before and 2 - 3hours after ingestion of 10mg of RXA were analyzed by participating laboratories. RESULTS: RXA can be assayed chromogenically. Among the participating laboratories, the mean accuracy and the mean coefficient of variation for precision of RXA quantification were 7.0% and 8.8%, respectively. Mean RXA concentration was 114±43?g/L .RXA significantly altered prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, factor analysis for intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Determinations of thrombin time, fibrinogen, FXIII and D-Dimer levels were not affected. CONCLUSIONS: RXA plasma levels can be quantified accurately and precisely by a chromogenic anti-FXa assay on different coagulometers in different laboratories. Ingestion of 10mg RXA results in significant alterations of both PT- and aPTT-based coagulation assays.


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For drug therapy a differentiation of acute and chronic pain is essential. In emergency situations of acute abdominal pain a fast diagnosis is mandatory. Analgesia should be provided as soon as possible. The different groups of analgesics should be used according to their known effects, side effects and contraindications. Postoperative pain after abdominal surgery has to be considered as a special condition of acute abdominal pain. Main treatment options are non opioid analgesics and opioids. Opioids can be administered intravenously via patient controlled analgesia (PCA) devices. In major abdominal surgery neuroaxial analgesia, preferentially administered via an epidural catheter provides excellent pain relief with positive impact on gastrointestinal motility and patients' recovery. Because of difficulties to allocate chronic abdominal pain to a specific organ, causal treatment often turns out to be difficult. Peripheral and central sensitization, as well as an alteration of the endogenous pain modulation comes to the fore in these chronic pain conditions. Co-analgesics like anticonvulsants and antidepressants are utilized to reduce sensitization and improve the endogenous pain modulating system. Non drug approaches and alternative treatment options might be useful. In contrast, orally or transcutaneously administered opioids are the principal corner stone for the treatment of cancer pain.


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Surgical stress response markedly increases sympathetic nerve activity and catecholamine concentrations. This may contribute to peripheral vasoconstriction, reduced wound perfusion and subsequent tissue hypoxia. Opioids are known to depress the hypothalamic-adrenal response to surgery in a dose-dependent manner. We tested the hypothesis that continuous remifentanil administration produces improved subcutaneous tissue oxygen tension compared to fentanyl bolus administration. Forty-six patients undergoing major abdominal surgery were randomly assigned to receive either fentanyl bolus administration or continuous remifentanil infusion. Mean subcutaneous tissue oxygen values over the entire intra-operative period were significantly higher in the remifentanil group, when compared to the fentanyl group: 8 (2) kPa vs 6.7 (1.5) kPa, % CI difference: - 2.3 kPa to - 0.3 kPa, p = 0.013. Continuous intra-operative opioid administration may blunt vasoconstriction caused by surgical stress and adrenergic responses more than an equi-effective anaesthetic regimen based on smaller-dose bolus opioid administration.


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BACKGROUND: The addition of ketamine to morphine for patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) is supported by previous basic and clinical research, but has been challenged by subsequent negative studies. Important limitations of previous studies are the low number of patients analyzed, the use of morphine-ketamine combinations that may not the optimal, and that not all the relevant outcomes have been analyzed. In this study, we compared the combination of morphine and ketamine with morphine alone for postoperative PCA in large patient groups. We used a morphine-ketamine combination identified by an optimization procedure in our previous study. METHODS: After major elective orthopedic surgery, 352 patients received either PCA with morphine bolus 1.5 mg (Group M, n = 176) or a bolus of morphine plus ketamine 1.5 mg each (Group MK, n = 176) in a randomized, double-blind fashion. Unsatisfactory treatment was defined as the occurrence of either inadequate analgesia or unacceptable side effects. In addition, total consumption of PCA drugs, duration of PCA use, direct medical costs, and number of patients with chronic postoperative pain 3 and 6 mo after operation were recorded. RESULTS: The incidence of unsatisfactory treatment was 33.0% in Group M and 36.9% in Group MK (P = 0.50). No significant differences were found between the groups with respect to secondary end points. CONCLUSIONS: Small-dose ketamine combined with morphine for PCA provides no benefit to patients undergoing major orthopedic surgery and cannot be recommended for routine use.


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BACKGROUND: The postoperative assessment of volume status is not straightforward because of concomitant changes in intravascular volume and vascular tone. Hypovolemia and blood flow redistribution may compromise the perfusion of the intraabdominal organs. We investigated the effects of a volume challenge in different intra- and extraabdominal vascular beds. METHODS: Twelve pigs were studied 6 h after major intraabdominal surgery under general anesthesia when clinically normovolemic. Volume challenges consisted of 200 mL rapidly infused 6% hydroxyethyl starch. Systemic (continuous thermodilution) and regional (ultrasound Doppler) flows in carotid, renal, celiac trunk, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries and the portal vein were continuously measured. The acute and sustained effects of the challenge were compared with baseline. RESULTS: Volume challenge produced a sustained increase of 22% +/- 15% in cardiac output (P < 0.001). Blood flow increased by 10% +/- 9% in the renal artery, by 22% +/- 15% in the carotid artery, by 26% +/- 15% in the superior mesenteric artery, and by 31% +/- 20% in the portal vein (all P < 0.001). Blood flow increases in the celiac trunk (8% +/- 13%) and the hepatic artery (7% +/- 19%) were not significant. Increases in regional blood flow occurred early and were sustained. Mean arterial and central venous blood pressures increased early and decreased later (all P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: A volume challenge in clinically euvolemic postoperative animals was associated with a sustained increase in blood flow to all vascular beds, although the increase in the celiac trunk and the hepatic artery was very modest and did not reach statistical significance. Whether improved postoperative organ perfusion is accompanied by a lower complication rate should be evaluated in further studies.


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PURPOSE Blood loss and blood substitution are associated with higher morbidity after major abdominal surgery. During major liver resection, low local venous pressure, has been shown to reduce blood loss. Ambiguity persists concerning the impact of local venous pressure on blood loss during open radical cystectomy. We aimed to determine the association between intraoperative blood loss and pelvic venous pressure (PVP) and determine factors affecting PVP. MATERIAL AND METHODS In the frame of a single-center, double-blind, randomized trial, PVP was measured in 82 patients from a norepinephrine/low-volume group and in 81 from a control group with liberal hydration. For this secondary analysis, patients from each arm were stratified into subgroups with PVP <5 mmHg or ≥5 mmHg measured after cystectomy (optimal cut-off value for discrimination of patients with relevant blood loss according to the Youden's index). RESULTS Median blood loss was 800 ml [range: 300-1600] in 55/163 patients (34%) with PVP <5 mmHg and 1200 ml [400-3000] in 108/163 patients (66%) with PVP ≥5 mmHg; (P<0.0001). A PVP <5 mmHg was measured in 42/82 patients (51%) in the norepinephrine/low-volume group and 13/81 (16%) in the control group (P<0.0001). PVP dropped significantly after removal of abdominal packing and abdominal lifting in both groups at all time points (at begin and end of pelvic lymph node dissection, end of cystectomy) (P<0.0001). No correlation between PVP and central venous pressure could be detected. CONCLUSIONS Blood loss was significantly reduced in patients with low PVP. Factors affecting PVP were fluid management and abdominal packing.


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BACKGROUND The Journey bicruciate substituting (BCS) total knee replacement (TKR) is intended to improve knee kinematics by more closely approximating the surfaces of a normal knee. The purpose of this analysis was to address the safety of Journey BCS knees by studying early complication and revision rates in a consecutive case series. METHODS Between December 2006 and May 2011, a single surgeon implanted 226 Journey BCS total knee prostheses in 191 patients (124 women, 67 men) who were eligible for study. Mean age at surgery was 68 years (41-85 years).Outcome measures were early complications and minor and major revision rates. All complications were considered, irrespective of whether conservative treatment or revision was required. RESULTS The average implantation time was 3.5 years (range 1.3-5.8 years). Thirty-three complications (14.6% of 226 knees) required minor or major revision surgery in 25 patients. The remaining eight patients were treated conservatively. Sixteen minor revisions were performed in 12 patients. Thirteen major revisions were required in 13 patients, which results in a rate of 1.65 major revisions per 100 component years. The linear trend of the early complication rate by treatment year was not significant (p = .22).Multivariate logistic regression showed no significant predictors for the occurrence of a complication or for revision surgery. A tendency towards higher complication rates was observed in female patients, although it was not significant (p = .066). CONCLUSIONS The complication and revision rates of the Journey BCS knee implant are high in comparison with those reported for other established total knee systems. Caution is advised when using this implant, particularly for less experienced knee surgeons.


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BACKGROUND After cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), acquired coagulopathy often leads to post-CPB bleeding. Though multifactorial in origin, this coagulopathy is often aggravated by deficient fibrinogen levels. OBJECTIVE To assess whether laboratory and thrombelastometric testing on CPB can predict plasma fibrinogen immediately after CPB weaning. PATIENTS / METHODS This prospective study in 110 patients undergoing major cardiovascular surgery at risk of post-CPB bleeding compares fibrinogen level (Clauss method) and function (fibrin-specific thrombelastometry) in order to study the predictability of their course early after termination of CPB. Linear regression analysis and receiver operating characteristics were used to determine correlations and predictive accuracy. RESULTS Quantitative estimation of post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen from on-CPB fibrinogen was feasible with small bias (+0.19 g/l), but with poor precision and a percentage of error >30%. A clinically useful alternative approach was developed by using on-CPB A10 to predict a Clauss fibrinogen range of interest instead of a discrete level. An on-CPB A10 ≤10 mm identified patients with a post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen of ≤1.5 g/l with a sensitivity of 0.99 and a positive predictive value of 0.60; it also identified those without a post-CPB Clauss fibrinogen <2.0 g/l with a specificity of 0.83. CONCLUSIONS When measured on CPB prior to weaning, a FIBTEM A10 ≤10 mm is an early alert for post-CPB fibrinogen levels below or within the substitution range (1.5-2.0 g/l) recommended in case of post-CPB coagulopathic bleeding. This helps to minimize the delay to data-based hemostatic management after weaning from CPB.


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OBJECTIVES To evaluate cognitive trajectories after radical cystectomy and their impact on surgical outcomes, including urinary continence. METHODS Ninety patients received cognitive testing using the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) before open radical cystectomy as well as 3 days and 2 weeks after surgery. Based on MMSE changes ≥3 points between the three time points, five cognitive trajectories emerged (stable cognition, persistent or transient deterioration or persistent or transient improvement). Surgical outcomes were assessed 90 days, 6 months and 1 year postoperatively. RESULTS Mean age was 67.9 ± 9.3 years (range 40 - 88 years). Sixty-six patients (73.3%) had stable cognition, nine patients (10.0%) persistent and seven patients (7.8%) transient deterioration, five patients (5.6%) persistent and three patients (3.3%) transient improvement. An impaired preoperative cognition was the only significant risk factor of short-term cognitive deterioration (OR adjusted for age and sex 9.4, 95%CI 1.6-56.5, p=0.014). Cognition showed no associations with 1-year mortality, 90-day complication rate, cancer progression or duration of in-hospital stay. Patients with transient or persistent cognitive deterioration had an increased risk for nighttime incontinence (OR adjusted for age and sex 5.1, 95%CI 1.1-22.4, p=0.032). CONCLUSIONS In this study, the majority of patients showed stable cognition after major abdominopelvic surgery. Cognitive deterioration occurred in a small subgroup of patients, and an impaired preoperative cognition was the only significant risk factor. Postoperative cognitive deterioration was associated with nighttime incontinence.