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In this paper, we apply our compressible lattice Boltzmann model to a rotating parabolic coordinate system to simulate Rossby vortices emerging in a layer of shallow water flowing zonally in a rotating paraboloidal vessel. By introducing a scaling factor, nonuniform curvilinear mesh can be mapped to a flat uniform mesh and then normal lattice Boltzmann method works. Since the mass per unit area on the two-dimensional (2D) surface varies with the thickness of the water layer, the 2D flow seems to be "compressible" and our compressible model is applied. Simulation solutions meet with the experimental observations qualitatively. Based on this research, quantitative solutions and many natural phenomena simulations in planetary atmospheres, oceans, and magnetized plasma, such as the famous Jovian Giant Red Spot, the Galactic Spiral-vortex, the Gulf Stream, and the Kuroshio Current, etc,, can be expected.


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This thesis describes a series of experimental, numerical, and analytical studies involving the Caltech magnetohydrodynamically (MHD)-driven plasma jet experiment. The plasma jet is created via a capacitor discharge that powers a magnetized coaxial planar electrodes system. The jet is collimated and accelerated by the MHD forces.

We present three-dimensional ideal MHD finite-volume simulations of the plasma jet experiment using an astrophysical magnetic tower as the baseline model. A compact magnetic energy/helicity injection is exploited in the simulation analogous to both the experiment and to astrophysical situations. Detailed analysis provides a comprehensive description of the interplay of magnetic force, pressure, and flow effects. We delineate both the jet structure and the transition process that converts the injected magnetic energy to other forms.

When the experimental jet is sufficiently long, it undergoes a global kink instability and then a secondary local Rayleigh-Taylor instability caused by lateral acceleration of the kink instability. We present an MHD theory of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability on the cylindrical surface of a plasma flux rope in the presence of a lateral external gravity. The Rayleigh-Taylor instability is found to couple to the classic current-driven instability, resulting in a new type of hybrid instability. The coupled instability, produced by combination of helical magnetic field, curvature of the cylindrical geometry, and lateral gravity, is fundamentally different from the classic magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability occurring at a two-dimensional planar interface.

In the experiment, this instability cascade from macro-scale to micro-scale eventually leads to the failure of MHD. When the Rayleigh-Taylor instability becomes nonlinear, it compresses and pinches the plasma jet to a scale smaller than the ion skin depth and triggers a fast magnetic reconnection. We built a specially designed high-speed 3D magnetic probe and successfully detected the high frequency magnetic fluctuations of broadband whistler waves associated with the fast reconnection. The magnetic fluctuations exhibit power-law spectra. The magnetic components of single-frequency whistler waves are found to be circularly polarized regardless of the angle between the wave propagation direction and the background magnetic field.


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Slowly evolving, regularly spaced patterns have been observed in proton projection images of plasma channels drilled by intense (greater than or similar to 10(19) W cm(-2)) short (similar to 1 ps) laser pulses propagating in an ionized gas jet. The nature and geometry of the electromagnetic fields generating such patterns have been inferred by simulating the laser-plasma interaction and the following plasma evolution with a two-dimensional particle-in-cell code and the probe proton deflections by particle tracing. The analysis suggests the formation of rows of magnetized soliton remnants, with a quasistatic magnetic field associated with vortexlike electron currents resembling those of magnetic vortices.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of the Rao-dust-magnetohydrodynamic (R-D-MHD) waves in a dusty magnetoplasma are studied. By employing the inertialess electron equation of motion, inertial ion equation of motion, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, and the continuity equation in a plasma with immobile charged dust grains, the linear and nonlinear propagation of two-dimensional R-D-MHD waves are investigated. In the linear regime, the existence of immobile dust grains produces the Rao cutoff frequency, which is proportional to the dust charge density and the ion gyrofrequency. On the other hand, the dynamics of amplitude modulated R-D-MHD waves is governed by the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation. The latter has been derived by using the reductive perturbation technique and the two-timescale analysis which accounts for the harmonic generation nonlinearity in plasmas. The stability of the modulated wave envelope against non-resonant perturbations is studied. Finally, the possibility of localized envelope excitations is discussed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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The nonlinear coupling between two magnetic-field-aligned electromagnetic electron-cyclotron (EMEC) waves in plasmas is considered. Evaluating the ponderomotive coupling between the EMEC waves and quasistationary plasma density perturbations, a pair of coupled nonlinear Schrodinger equations (CNLSEs) is obtained. The CNLSEs are then used to investigate the occurrence of modulational instability in magnetized plasmas. Waves in the vicinity of the zero-group-dispersion point are considered, so that the group dispersion terms may either bear the same or different signs. It is found that a stable EMEC wave can be destabilized due to its nonlinear interactions with an unstable one, while a pair of unstable EMEC waves yields an increased instability growth rate. Individually stable waves remain stable while interacting with one another. Stationary nonlinear solutions of the coupled equations are presented. The relevance of our investigation to nonlinear phenomena in space plasmas is discussed. (c) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The expansion of a dense plasma through a more rarefied ionized medium has been studied by means of two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. The initial conditions involve a density jump by a factor of 100, located in the middle of an otherwise equally dense electron-proton plasma with uniform proton and electron temperatures of 10 eV and 1 keV, respectively. Simulations show the creation of a purely electrostatic collisionless shock together with an ion-acoustic soliton tied to its downstream region. The shock front is seen to evolve in filamentary structures consistently with the onset of the ion-ion instability. Meanwhile, an un-magnetized drift instability is triggered in the core part of the dense plasma. Such results explain recent experimental laser-plasma experiments, carried out in similar conditions, and are of intrinsic relevance to non-relativistic shock scenarios in the solar and astrophysical systems.


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The development of current instabilities behind the front of a cylindrically expanding plasma has been investigated experimentally via proton probing techniques. A multitude of tubelike filamentary structures is observed to form behind the front of a plasma created by irradiating solid-density wire targets with a high-intensity (I~1019??W/cm2), picosecond-duration laser pulse. These filaments exhibit a remarkable degree of stability, persisting for several tens of picoseconds, and appear to be magnetized over a filament length corresponding to several filament radii. Particle-in-cell simulations indicate that their formation can be attributed to a Weibel instability driven by a thermal anisotropy of the electron population. We suggest that these results may have implications in astrophysical scenarios, particularly concerning the problem of the generation of strong, spatially extended and sustained magnetic fields in astrophysical jets.


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The linear and nonlinear properties of large-amplitude electron-acoustic waves are investigated in a magnetized plasma comprising two distinct electron populations (hot and cold) and immobile ions. The hot electrons are assumed to be in a non-Maxwellian state, characterized by an excess of superthermal particles, here modeled by a kappa-type long-tailed distribution function. Waves are assumed to propagate obliquely to the ambient magnetic field. Two types of electrostatic modes are shown to exist in the linear regime, and their properties are briefly analyzed. A nonlinear pseudopotential-type analysis reveals the existence of large-amplitude electrostatic solitary waves and allows for an investigation of their propagation characteristics and existence domain, in terms of the soliton speed (Mach number). The effects of the key plasma configuration parameters, namely the superthermality index and the cold electron density, on the soliton characteristics and existence domain, are studied. The role of obliqueness and magnetic field is discussed.


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The occurrence of rogue waves (freak waves) associated with electromagnetic pulse propagation interacting with a plasma is investigated, from first principles. A multiscale technique is employed to solve the fluid Maxwell equations describing weakly nonlinear circularly polarized electromagnetic pulses in magnetized plasmas. A nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) type equation is shown to govern the amplitude of the vector potential. A set of non-stationary envelope solutions of the NLS equation are considered as potential candidates for the modeling of rogue waves (freak waves) in beam-plasma interactions, namely in the form of the Peregrine soliton, the Akhmediev breather and the Kuznetsov-Ma breather. The variation of the structural properties of the latter structures with relevant plasma parameters is investigated, in particular focusing on the ratio between the (magnetic field dependent) cyclotron (gyro-)frequency and the plasma frequency. © 2013 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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The propagation of linear and nonlinear electrostatic waves is investigated in a magnetized anisotropic electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasma with superthermal electrons and positrons. A two-dimensional plasma geometry is assumed. The ions are assumed to be warm and anisotropic due to an external magnetic field. The anisotropic ion pressure is defined using the double adiabatic Chew-Golberger-Low (CGL) theory. In the linear regime, two normal modes are predicted, whose characteristics are investigated parametrically, focusing on the effect of superthermality of electrons and positrons, ion pressure anisotropy, positron concentration and magnetic field strength. A Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) type equation is derived for the electrostatic potential (disturbance) via a reductive perturbation method. The parametric role of superthermality, positron content, ion pressure anisotropy and magnetic field strength on the characteristics of solitary wave structures is investigated. Following Allen and Rowlands [J. Plasma Phys. 53, 63 (1995)], we have shown that the pulse soliton solution of the ZK equation is unstable to oblique perturbations, and have analytically traced the dependence of the instability growth rate on superthermality and ion pressure anisotropy.


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Propagation of intense circularly polarized laser pulses in strongly magnetized inhomogeneous plasmas is investigated. It is shown that a left-hand circularly polarized laser pulse propagating up the density gradient of the plasma along the magnetic field is reflected at the left-cutoff density. However, a right-hand circularly polarized laser can penetrate up the density gradient deep into the plasma without cutoff or resonance and turbulently heat the electrons trapped in its wake. Results from particle-in-cell simulations are in good agreement with that from the theory. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The dynamics of linear and nonlinear ionic-scale electrostatic excitations propagating in a magnetized relativistic quantum plasma is studied. A quantum-hydrodynamic model is adopted and degenerate statistics for the electrons is taken into account. The dispersion properties of linear ion acoustic waves are examined in detail. A modified characteristic charge screening length and "sound speed" are introduced, for relativistic quantum plasmas. By employing the reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetzov-type equation is derived. Using the small-k expansion method, the stability profile of weakly nonlinear slightly supersonic electrostatic pulses is also discussed. The effect of electron degeneracy on the basic characteristics of electrostatic excitations is investigated. The entire analysis is valid in a three-dimensional as well as in two-dimensional geometry. A brief discussion of possible applications in laboratory and space plasmas is included.


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By means of self-consistent three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) numerical simulations, we analyze magnetized solar-like stellar winds and their dependence on the plasma-beta parameter (the ratio between thermal and magnetic energy densities). This is the first study to perform such analysis solving the fully ideal three-dimensional MHD equations. We adopt in our simulations a heating parameter described by gamma, which is responsible for the thermal acceleration of the wind. We analyze winds with polar magnetic field intensities ranging from 1 to 20 G. We show that the wind structure presents characteristics that are similar to the solar coronal wind. The steady-state magnetic field topology for all cases is similar, presenting a configuration of helmet streamer-type, with zones of closed field lines and open field lines coexisting. Higher magnetic field intensities lead to faster and hotter winds. For the maximum magnetic intensity simulated of 20 G and solar coronal base density, the wind velocity reaches values of similar to 1000 km s(-1) at r similar to 20r(0) and a maximum temperature of similar to 6 x 10(6) K at r similar to 6r(0). The increase of the field intensity generates a larger ""dead zone"" in the wind, i.e., the closed loops that inhibit matter to escape from latitudes lower than similar to 45 degrees extend farther away from the star. The Lorentz force leads naturally to a latitude-dependent wind. We show that by increasing the density and maintaining B(0) = 20 G the system recover back to slower and cooler winds. For a fixed gamma, we show that the key parameter in determining the wind velocity profile is the beta-parameter at the coronal base. Therefore, there is a group of magnetized flows that would present the same terminal velocity despite its thermal and magnetic energy densities, as long as the plasma-beta parameter is the same. This degeneracy, however, can be removed if we compare other physical parameters of the wind, such as the mass-loss rate. We analyze the influence of gamma in our results and we show that it is also important in determining the wind structure.


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The one-fluid magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) theory of magnetorotational instability (MRI) in an ideal plasma is presented. The theory predicts the possibility of MRI for arbitrary 0, where 0 is the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic field pressure. The kinetic theory of MRI in a collisionless plasma is developed. It is demonstrated that as in the ideal MHD, MRI can occur in such a plasma for arbitrary P. The mechanism of MRI is discussed; it is shown that the instability appears because of a perturbed parallel electric field. The electrodynamic description of MRI is formulated under the assumption that the dispersion relation is expressed in terms of the permittivity tensor; general properties of this tensor are analyzed. It is shown to be separated into the nonrotational and rotational parts. With this in mind, the first step for incorporation of MRI into the general theory of plasma instabilities is taken. The rotation effects on Alfven waves are considered.


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The behavior of plasma and sheath characteristics under the action of an applied magnetic field is important in many applications including plasma probes and material processing. Plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) has been developed as a fast and efficient surface modification technique of complex shaped three-dimensional objects. The PIII process relies on the acceleration of ions across a high-voltage plasma sheath that develops around the target. Recent studies have shown that the sheath dynamics is significantly affected by an external magnetic field. In this work we describe a two-dimensional computer simulation of magnetic field enhanced plasma immersion implantation system. Negative bias voltage is applied to a cylindrical target located on the axis of a grounded cylindrical vacuum chamber filled with uniform nitrogen plasma. An axial magnetic field is created by a solenoid installed inside the cylindrical target. The computer code employs the Monte Carlo method for collision of electrons and neutrals in the plasma and a particle-in-cell (PIC) algorithm for simulating the movement of charged particles in the electromagnetic field. Secondary electron emission from the target subjected to ion bombardment is also included. It is found that a high-density plasma region is formed around the cylindrical target due to the intense background gas ionization by the magnetized electrons drifting in the crossed ExB fields. An increase of implantation current density in front of high density plasma region is observed. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.