843 resultados para MAFIC DYKE SWARMS


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The occurrence of high-pressure mafic-ultramafic bodies within major shear zones is one of the indicators of paleo-subduction. In mafic granulites of the Andriamena complex (north-eastern Madagascar) we document unusual textures including garnet-clinopyroxene-quartz coronas that formed after the breakdown of orthopyroxene-plagioclase-ilmenite. Textural evidence and isochemical phase diagram calculations in the Na2O-CaO-K2O-FeO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-TiO2 system indicate a pressure-temperature (P-T) evolution from an isothermal (780 degrees C) pressure up to c. 24 kbar to decompression and cooling. Such a P-T trajectory is typically attained in a subduction zone setting where a gabbroic/ultramafic complex is subducted and later exhumed to the present crustal level during oceanic closure and final continental collision. The present results suggest that the presence of such deeply subducted rocks of the Andriamena complex is related to formation of the Betsimisaraka suture. LA-ICPMS U-Pb zircon dating of pelitic gneisses from the Betsimisaraka suture yields low Th/U ratios and protolith ages ranging from 2535 to 2625 Ma. A granitic gneiss from the Alaotra complex yields a zircon crystallization age of ca. 818 Ma and Th/U ratios vary from 1.08 to 2.09. K-Ar dating of muscovite and biotite from biotite-kyanite-sillimanite gneiss and garnet-biotite gneiss yields age of 486 +/- 9 Ma and 459 +/- 9 Ma respectively. We have estimated regional crustal thicknesses in NE Madagascar using a flexural inversion technique, which indicates the presence of an anomalously thick crust (c. 43 km) beneath the Antananarivo block. This result is consistent with the present concept that subduction beneath the Antananarivo block resulted in a more competent and thicker crust. The textural data, thermodynamic model, and geophysical evidence together provide a new insight to the subduction history, crustal thickening and evolution of the high-pressure Andriamena complex and its link to the terminal formation of the Betsimisaraka suture in north-eastern Madagascar. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido no litoral norte do estado de São Paulo, onde ocorrem boas exposições de rochas intrusivas da porção meridional do Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar, de idade eocretácica. O objetivo principal da dissertação é caracterizar os regimes tectônicos associados à colocação e à deformação de diques máficos na área de São Sebastião (SP) e sua distribuição espacial, a partir de interpretações de imagens de sensores remotos, análise de dados estruturais de campo e descrição petrográfica das rochas ígneas. A área apresenta grande complexidade no tocante ao magmatismo, uma vez que ocorrem diques de diabásios toleítico e alcalino, lamprófiro e rochas alcalinas félsicas como fonolitos, traquitos e sienitos, estes sob a forma diques, sills e plugs. Os diabásios toleíticos tem idades em torno 134 Ma, correlatas com o início do rifteamento sul-atlântico, enquanto que as rochas alcalinas datam de 86 Ma e estão relacionadas com um magmatismo intraplaca posterior. Os lineamentos estruturais orientam-se majoritariamente na direção ENE-WSW, paralela às foliações metamórficas e zonas de cisalhamento observadas no campo e descritas na literatura, referentes ao Domínio Costeiro da Faixa Ribeira. Os diques se orientam na direção NE-SW, com azimute semelhante porém ângulos de mergulho discordantes da foliação em grande parte da área, onde as foliações são de baixo ângulo. Um segundo conjunto de lineamentos orientado NW-SE ocorre como um importante conjunto de fraturas que cortam tanto as rochas do embasamento proterozóico quanto as rochas alcalinas neocretácicas. Diques com esta orientação são escassos. Um terceiro conjunto NNE-SSW ocorre na porção oeste da área, associado à presença de diques de diabásio que por vezes mostram indicadores de movimentação sinistral. A análise cinemática dos diques mostra um predomínio de distensão pura durante sua colocação, com um tensor de compressão mínima de orientação NW-SE, ortogonal ao principal trend dos diques. Componentes direcionais, por vezes ambíguas, são comumente observadas, com um discreto predomínio de componente sinistral. O mesmo padrão cinemático é observado para os diques toleíticos e para os alcalinos, sugerindo que o campo de tensões local pouco variou durante o Cretáceo. Embora o embasamento não tenha sido diretamente reativado durante a colocação dos diques, sua anisotropia pode ter controlado de certa forma a orientação do campo de tensões local durante o Cretáceo. Os mapas geofísicos da bacia de Santos existentes na literatura sugerem certo paralelismo entre as estruturas observadas na área de estudo e aquelas interpretadas na bacia. As estruturas NNE-SSW são paralelas ao trend das sub-bacias e ao gráben de Merluza, enquanto que as estruturas NW-SE são paralelas a zonas de transferência descritas na literatura.


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Lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos afloram no litoral dos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro e integram o Enxame de Diques da Serra do Mar (EDSM). Essas rochas ocorrem sob a forma de diques e intrudem o Orógeno Ribeira, de idade Neoproterozóica/Cambro-Ordoviciana, inserindo-se no contexto geodinâmico de abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul durante o Cretáceo Superior. Essas intrusões são subverticais e orientam-se preferencialmente a NE-SW, seguindo a estruturação das rochas encaixantes. Os lamprófiros são classificados como monchiquitos e camptonitos e exibem, respectivamente, textura hipocristalina e holocristalina. Apresentam também textura panidiomórfica, fenocristais de clinopiroxênio e olivina, imersos em matriz formada essencialmente por esses mesmos minerais, além de biotita, kaersutita e minerais opacos. O camptonito apresenta ainda plagioclásio na matriz. Os diabásios alcalinos são hipocristalinos a holocristalinos, equigranulares a inequigranulares, com fenocristais de olivina e/ou clinopiroxênio e/ou plagioclásio, em uma matriz composta essencialmente por esses minerais. As rochas estudadas caracterizam séries alcalinas miaskíticas, com os lamprófiros sendo tanto sódicos, potássicos e ultrapotássicos e os diabásios alcalinos como predominantemente sódicos. Modelagens petrogenéticas envolvendo possíveis processos evolutivos mostram que é improvável que os lamprófiros sejam cogenéticos por processos evolutivos envolvendo tanto cristalização fracionada, com ou sem assimilação concomitante, quanto hibridização. O mesmo ocorre para os diabásios alcalinos. A discriminação de fontes mantélicas foi feita com base nos teores de elementos traços de amostras representativas de líquidos parentais e indica que esse magmatismo alcalino está relacionado a fontes lherzolíticas com fusão parcial na zona de estabilidade do espinélio, isto é, a poucas profundidades. Os dados litogeoquímicos e isotópicos do sistema Sr-Nd das rochas estudadas sugerem tanto o envolvimento de fontes férteis, associadas ao manto sublitosférico, quanto de fontes enriquecidas, relacionadas ao manto litosférico subcontinental. Modelagens de mistura binária revelam que a petrogênese dos lamprófiros e diabásios alcalinos envolveu uma grande participação de um componente fértil misturado com contribuições menores de um componente enriquecido. Idades TDM (760-557 Ma) obtidas sugerem remobilização do manto litosférico no Neoproterozóico, talvez relacionadas à subducção da Placa São Francisco preteritamente à colisão do Orógeno Ribeira. Altas razões CaO/Al2O3 para os líquidos lamprofíricos menos evoluídos, altos teores de Zr, correlações negativas Zr/Hf e Ti/Eu e associação com carbonatitos indicam condições metassomáticas de alto CO2/H2O. Em escala local, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera não isotérmica parecem mais aplicáveis. No entanto, modelos geodinâmicos baseados na astenosfera isotérmica (com o envolvimento de plumas) parecem mais indicados num contexto regional, considerando-se outras províncias alcalinas contemporâneas e correlatas.


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Apesar da grande quantidade de estudos geoquímicos e geocronológicos que têm sido executados no enxame de diques de Ponta Grossa (EDPG), pouco se sabe a respeito da tectônica associada ao seu sin e pós emplacement. O objetivo desse estudo é identificar nos diques possíveis indicadores cinemáticos a fim de compreender essa dinâmica, além de caracterizar a tectônica rúptil Meso-cenozóica associada à área, afetando todas as rochas. A área de estudo está situada no entorno da Baía de Paranaguá, estado do Paraná, onde os diques do EDPG afloram intrudindo domínios pré-cambrianos, compostos por gnaisses, sequências metassedimentares e suítes graníticas pertencentes ao Terreno Paranaguá e uma pequena parte às Microplacas Curitiba e Luís Alves, ambos em contato através de Zonas de cisalhamento (SIGA JR, 1995). Essas rochas possuem direção de foliação marcante NE-SW. Os diques estudados foram divididos em dois grupos com base em estudos petrográficos, com forte predomínio dos básicos toleíticos e subordinadamente, os básicos alcalinos. Alguns diques compostos também foram encontrados, o que demonstra ao menos dois pulsos magmáticos possivelmente associados ao mesmo evento. São diques verticais a subverticais e possuem direção principal NW-SE. Com frequência apresentam fraturamento interno de direção NE-SW, provavelmente associados ao seu processo de resfriamento. Possuem formato tabular, porém não é raro que ocorram irregulares. As principais feições indicativas de movimentação oblíqua na intrusão desses diques são as estruturas de borda em degraus, tocos e zigue-zague, que demonstram em geral uma componente distensional destral de deslocamento. Agregando dados dos demais enxames de diques toleíticos principais, chegou-se a um valor médio de N80E para o tensor σ3 da abertura do Atlântico Sul, coerente com o esperado também para EDPG, visto que foram intrudidos em um ambiente transtensivo (CORREA GOMES, 1996). Falhas e fraturas são observadas cortando tanto as rochas encaixantes quanto os diques, caracterizando uma tectônica posterior à intrusão. As principais famílias de fraturas são N20-30E, N30-40W, N80W e N60-70E, formando zonas preferenciais de erosão no cruzamento entre elas. As falhas podem apresentar plano de falha bem definido com estrias e ressaltos, ocorrendo preenchidas ou não, tendo sido observados preenchimento de sílica e material carbonático. Predomina nas falhas observadas, cinemática sinistral demonstrando mudança no campo de esforços com relação ao emplacement dos diques. O estudo da tectônica rúptil assim como do emplacement dos diques da área vem a contribuir para o melhor entendimento dos processos de abertura do Oceano Atlântico Sul, além de abranger a região emersa do que constitui o embasamento da bacia de Santos, foco de extensivos estudos atualmente, podendo-se inferir que os mesmos processos tenham afetado a região offshore.


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The present paper considers the problem of autonomous synchronization of attitudes in a swarm of spacecraft. Building upon our recent results on consensus on manifolds, we model the spacecraft as particles on SO(3) and drive these particles to a common point in SO(3). Unlike the Euler angle or quaternion descriptions, this model suffers no singularities nor double-points. Our approach is fully cooperative and autonomous: we use no leader nor external reference. We present two types of control laws, in terms of applied control torques, that globally drive the swarm towards attitude synchronization: one that requires tree-like or all-to-all inter-satellite communication (most efficient) and one that works with nearly arbitrary communication (most robust).


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Eight kinds of plants were tested in channel-dyke and field irrigation systems. The removal rates of TP, phosphate, TN, ammonia, CODcr and BOD, in the channel-dyke system with napiergrass (Pennisetum purpurem Schumach, x Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng American) were 83.2, 82.3, 76.3, 96.2, 73.5 and 85.8%, respectively. The field irrigation systems with rice I-yuanyou No.1(88-132) (Oryza sativa L.) and rice II- suakoko8 (Oryza glaberrima) had high efficiency for N removal; the removal rate were 84.7 and 84.3%, respectively. The mass balance data revealed that napiergrass, rice I and II were the most important nutrient sinks, assimilating more than 50% of TP and TN. Plant uptake of N and P as percentage of total removal from wastewater correlated with biomass yield of and planting mode. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Anduo area is located in the Central Tibet, the middle segment of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture. Anduo Block is the northern part of Lhasa terrane. The relationships among the different geological bodies were determined during the 1: 250000 regional geological surveying. Petrography, petrologic geochemistry, isotopic geochemistry and geochronology of igneous rocks from the suture and granitoids from Anduo Block were analyzed systematically as a whole for the first time. Then, their tectonic setting and history are discussed.Anduo ophiolitic melange consists of metamorphic peridotites, cumulates, plagiogranites, sheeted dykes swarm, pillow lava and radiolarian cherts. The concentration of Cr and Ni in the metamorphic peridotites is very high, with Mg# about 0.94 ~ 0.97, higher 87Sr/86Sr and Pb isotopic ratios, and lower 143Nd/i44Nd ratio. LREE is enriched relative to HREE and positive Eu anomaly is very clear. The REE distribution curve is U shape. Nb and Ta anomalies from cumulate gabbro and sheeted dyke swarm are not clear, while that are slightly negative from pillow lava. Plagiogranite belongs to strong calc-alkaline series with high Si, middle Al, low Fe, Mg and low K contents. Eu anomaly (~ 1.23) from plagiogranites is slightly positive. The character of all components of ophiolite is similar to that of the MORB, while to some extent the ophiolite was influenced by crustal material. Anduo ophiolite formed in a mature back-arc basin. Additionally, intermediate acidity volcanic rocks within Anduo phiolite melange are island arc calc-alkline rocks related to ocean subduction.The early-middle Jurassic plutonic rocks are tonalite, granodiorite bearing-phenocryst, magaporphyritic hornblende monzogranite, magaporphyritic monzogranite, monzogranite bearing-phenocryst and syenogranite in turn. They belong to calc-alkaline series which developed from middle K to high K series temporally. REE distribution curves of all plutonic rocks are similar and parallel to each other. SREE and negative Eu anomaly values decrease. In the multi-element spider diagram, the curves of different plutons are similar to each other, but troughs of Nb, Sr, P and Ti from young plutons become more evident. This suggests that thereare some closely petrogenetic affinities among plutonic rocks which make up amagma plutonism cycle of the early-middle Jurassic. Magma source is mainly crustal,but abundant mafic microgranular enclaves within granitoids indicate that crastalmagma should be mixed with mantle-derived magma and the mantle-derived magmadecreased subsequently. Tonalite has features of I-type granite, magaporphyriticmonzogranite is transition type, and monzogranite bearing-phenocryst is S-typegranite. The characteristic of granitoids from Anduo Block suggest that the formingtectonic setting is active continental margin.Reliable zircon U-Pb SHRIMP ages are obtained in the study area firstly. Plagiogranite from the Anduo ophiolite of the Bangonghu-Nujiang suture is 175.1 Ma, and granitoids from Anduo Block is 172.6-185.4 Ma. Additionally, plagioclase from the plagiogranite dates a 40Ar/39Ar age of 144 Ma, while biotite and hornblend from granitoids of Anduo Block give a 163-165 Ma.Similar cooling ages of plagiogranite from the Anduo ophiolitic melange and granitoids from Anduo Block and the spatial distribution of the ophiolitic rocks between Anduo, Naqu, and Shainzha area suggest that bilateral subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin took place in the early-middle Jurassic. During this subduction, Anduo ophiolitic rocks were related to north subduction of the Bangonghu-Nujiang oceanic basin and Anduo back-arc basin spreading, while granitoids from Anduo Block were related to south subduction.


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The Xiangshan U deposit, the largest hydrothermal U deposit in China, is hosted in late Jurassic felsic volcanic rocks although the U mineralization post dates the volcanics by at least 20 Ma. The mineralization coincides with intrusion of local mantle-derived mafic dykes formed during Cretaceous crustal extension in South China. Ore-forming fluids are rich in CO2, and U in the fluid is thought to have been dissolved in the form of UO2 (CO3)22− and UO2 (CO3) 34− complexes. This paper provides He and Ar isotope data of fluid inclusions in pyrites and C isotope data of calcites associated with U mineralization (pitchblende) in the Xiangshan U deposit. He isotopic compositions range between 0.1 and 2.0Ra (where Ra is the 3He/4He ratio of air=1.39×10−6) and correlates with 40Ar/36Ar; although there is potential for significant 3He production via 6Li(n,α)3H(β)3He reactions in a U deposit (due to abundant neutrons), nucleogenic production cannot account for either the 3He concentration in these fluids, nor the correlations between He and Ar isotopic compositions. It is more likely that the high 3He/4He ratios represent trapped mantle-derived gases. A mantle origin for the volatiles of Xiangshan is consistent with the δ13C values of calcites, which vary from −3.5‰ to −7.7‰, overlapping the range of mantle CO2. The He, Ar and CO2 characteristics of the ore-forming fluids responsible for the deposit are consistent with mixing between 3He- and CO2-rich mantle-derived fluids and CO2-poor meteoric fluids. These fluids were likely produced during Cretaceous extension and dyke intrusion which permitted mantle-derived CO2 to migrate upward and remobilize U from the acid volcanic source rocks, resulting in the formation of the U deposit. Subsequent decay of U within the fluid inclusions has reduced the 3He/4He ratio, and variations in U/3He result in the range in 3He/4He observed with U/3He ratios in the range 5–17×103 likely corresponding to U concentrations in the fluids b0.2 ppm.


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Cook, Anthony; Mege, D.; Garel, E.; Lagabrielle, Y., (2003) 'Volcanic rifting at Martian grabens', Journal of Geophysical Research 108(E5) pp. 1-33 RAE2008


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Tofua Island is the largest emergent mafic volcano within the Tofua arc, Tonga, southwest Pacific. The volcano is dominated by a distinctive caldera averaging 4 km in diameter, containing a freshwater lake in the south and east. The latest paroxysmal (VEI 5-6) explosive volcanism includes two phases of activity, each emplacing a high-grade ignimbrite. The products are basaltic andesites with between 52 wt.% and 57 wt.% SiO(2). The first and largest eruption caused the inward collapse of a stratovolcano and produced the 'Tofua' ignimbrite and a sub-circular caldera located slightly northwest of the island's centre. This ignimbrite was deposited in a radial fashion over the entire island, with associated Plinian fall deposits up to 0.5 m thick on islands > 40 km away. Common sub-rounded and frequently cauliform scoria bombs throughout the ignimbrite attest to a small degree of marginal magma-water interaction. The common intense welding of the coarse-grained eruptive products, however, suggests that the majority of the erupted magma was hot, water-undersaturated and supplied at high rates with moderately low fragmentation efficiency and low levels of interaction with external water. We propose that the development of a water-saturated dacite body at shallow (<6 km) depth resulted in failure of the chamber roof to cause sudden evacuation of material, producing a Plinian eruption column. Following a brief period of quiescence, largescale faulting in the southeast of the island produced a second explosive phase believed to result from recharge of a chemically distinct magma depleted in incompatible elements. This similar, but smaller eruption, emplaced the 'Hokula' Ignimbrite sheet in the northeast of the island. A maximum total volume of 8 km(3) of juvenile material was erupted by these events. The main eruption column is estimated to have reached a height of similar to 12 km, and to have produced a major atmospheric injection of gas, and tephra recorded in the widespread series of fall deposits found on coral islands 40-80 km to the east (in the direction of regional upper-tropospheric winds). Radiocarbon dating of charcoal below the Tofua ignimbrite and organic material below the related fall units imply this eruption sequence occurred post 1,000 years BP. We estimate an eruption magnitude of 2.24x10(13) kg, sulphur release of 12 Tg and tentatively assign this eruption to the AD 1030 volcanic sulphate spike recorded in Antarctic ice sheet records.


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The Mont Collon mafic complex is one of the best preserved examples of the Early Permian magmatism in the Central Alps, related to the intra-continental collapse of the Variscan belt. It mostly consists (> 95 vol.%) of ol+hy-nonnative plagioclase-wehrlites, olivine- and cpx-gabbros with cumulitic structures, crosscut by acid dikes. Pegmatitic gabbros, troctolites and anorthosites outcrop locally. A well-preserved cumulative, sequence is exposed in the Dents de Bertol area (center of intrusion). PT-calculations indicate that this layered magma chamber emplaced at mid-crustal levels at about 0.5 GPa and 1100 degrees C. The Mont Collon cumulitic rocks record little magmatic differentiation, as illustrated by the restricted range of clinopyroxene mg-number (Mg#(cpx)=83-89). Whole-rock incompatible trace-element contents (e.g. Nb, Zr, Ba) vary largely and without correlation with major-element composition. These features are characteristic of an in-situ crystallization process with variable amounts of interstitial liquid L trapped between the cumulus mineral phases. LA-ICPMS measurements show that trace-element distribution in the latter is homogeneous, pointing to subsolidus re-equilibration between crystals and interstitial melts. A quantitative modeling based on Langmuir's in-situ crystallization equation successfully duplicated the REE concentrations in cumulitic minerals of all rock facies of the intrusion. The calculated amounts of interstitial liquid L vary between 0 and 35% for degrees of differentiation F of 0 to 20%, relative to the least evolved facies of the intrusion. L values are well correlated with the modal proportions of interstitial amphibole and whole-rock incompatible trace-element concentrations (e.g. Zr, Nb) of the tested samples. However, the in-situ crystallization model reaches its limitations with rock containing high modal content of REE-bearing minerals (i.e. zircon), such as pegmatitic gabbros. Dikes of anorthositic composition, locally crosscutting the layered lithologies, evidence that the Mont Collon rocks evolved in open system with mixing of intercumulus liquids of different origins and possibly contrasting compositions. The proposed model is not able to resolve these complex open systems, but migrating liquids could be partly responsible for the observed dispersion of points in some correlation diagrams. Absence of significant differentiation with recurrent lithologies in the cumulitic pile of Dents de Bertol points to an efficiently convective magma chamber, with possible periodic replenishment, (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.