Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding is still a clinical challenge for gastroenterologists. The recent development of novel technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of different bleeding causes has allowed a better management of patients, but it also determines the need of a deeper comprehension of pathophysiology and the analysis of local expertise in order to develop a rational management algorithm. Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding can be divided in occult, when a positive occult blood fecal test is the main manifestation, and overt, when external sings of bleeding are visible. In this paper we are going to focus on overt gastrointestinal bleeding, describing the physiopathology of the most usual causes, analyzing the diagnostic procedures available, from the most classical to the novel ones, and establishing a standard algorithm which can be adapted depending on the local expertise or availability. Finally, we will review the main therapeutic options for this complex and not so uncommon clinical problem.
BACKGROUND In Spain, hospital medicines are assessed and selected by local Pharmacy and Therapeutics committees (PTCs). Of all the drugs assessed, cancer drugs are particularly important because of their budgetary impact and the sometimes arguable added value with respect to existing alternatives. This study analyzed the PTC drug selection process and the main objective was to evaluate the degree of compliance of prescriptions for oncology drugs with their criteria for use. METHODS This was a retrospective observational study (May 2007 to April 2010) of PTC-assessed drugs. The variables measured to describe the committee's activity were number of drugs assessed per year and number of drugs included in any of these settings: without restrictions, with criteria for use, and not included in formulary. These drugs were also analyzed by therapeutic group. To assess the degree of compliance of prescriptions, a score was calculated to determine whether prescriptions for bevacizumab, cetuximab, trastuzumab, and bortezomib were issued in accordance with PTC drug use criteria. RESULTS The PTC received requests for inclusion of 40 drugs, of which 32 were included in the hospital formulary (80.0%). Criteria for use were established for 28 (87.5%) of the drugs included. In total, 293 patients were treated with the four cancer drugs in eight different therapeutic indications. The average prescription compliance scores were as follows: bevacizumab, 83% for metastatic colorectal cancer, 100% for metastatic breast cancer, and 82.3% for non-small-cell lung cancer; cetuximab, 62.0% for colorectal cancer and 50% for head and neck cancer; trastuzumab, 95.1% for early breast cancer and 82.4% for metastatic breast cancer; and bortezomib, 63.7% for multiple myeloma. CONCLUSION The degree of compliance with criteria for use of cancer drugs was reasonably high. PTC functions need to be changed so that they can carry out more innovative tasks, such as monitoring conditions for drug use.
Lipid nanocapsules (NCs) represent promising tools in clinical practice for diagnosis and therapy applications. However, the NC appropriate functionalization is essential to guarantee high biocompatibility and molecule loading ability. In any medical application, the immune system-impact of differently functionalized NCs still remains to be fully understood. A comprehensive study on the action exerted on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and major immune subpopulations by three different NC coatings: pluronic, chitosan and polyethylene glycol-polylactic acid (PEG) is reported. After a deep particle characterization, the uptake was assessed by flow-cytometry and confocal microscopy, focusing then on apoptosis, necrosis and proliferation impact in T cells and monocytes. Cell functionality by cell diameter variations, different activation marker analysis and cytokine assays were performed. We demonstrated that the NCs impact on the immune cell response is strongly correlated to their coating. Pluronic-NCs were able to induce immunomodulation of innate immunity inducing monocyte activations. Immunomodulation was observed in monocytes and T lymphocytes treated with Chitosan-NCs. Conversely, PEG-NCs were completely inert. These findings are of particular value towards a pre-selection of specific NC coatings depending on biomedical purposes for pre-clinical investigations; i.e. the immune-specific action of particular NC coating can be excellent for immunotherapy applications.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Stanford University School of Medicine. Division of Radiation Oncology, Estats Units, entre 2010 i 2012. Durant els dos anys de beca postdoctoral he estat treballant en dos projectes diferents. En primer lloc, i com a continuació d'estudis previs del grup, volíem estudiar la causa de les diferències en nivells d'hipòxia que havíem observat en models de càncer de pulmó. La nostra hipòtesi es basava en el fet que aquestes diferències es devien a la funcionalitat de la vasculatura. Vam utilitzar dos models preclínics: un en què els tumors es formaven espontàniament als pulmons i l'altre on nosaltres injectàvem les cèl•lules de manera subcutània. Vam utilitzar tècniques com la ressonància magnètica dinàmica amb agent de contrast (DCE-MRI) i l'assaig de perfusió amb el Hoeschst 33342 i ambdues van demostrar que la funcionalitat de la vasculatura dels tumors espontanis era molt més elevada comparada amb la dels tumors subcutanis. D'aquest estudi, en podem concloure que les diferències en els nivells d'hipòxia en els diferents models tumorals de càncer de pulmó podrien ser deguts a la variació en la formació i funcionalitat de la vasculatura. Per tant, la selecció de models preclínics és essencial, tant pels estudi d'hipòxia i angiogènesi, com per a teràpies adreçades a aquests fenòmens. L'altre projecte que he estat desenvolupant es basa en l'estudi de la radioteràpia i els seus possibles efectes a l’hora de potenciar l'autoregeneració del tumor a partir de les cèl•lules tumorals circulants (CTC). Aquest efecte s'ha descrit en alguns models tumorals preclínics. Per tal de dur a terme els nostres estudis, vam utilitzar una línia tumoral de càncer de mama de ratolí, marcada permanentment amb el gen de Photinus pyralis o sense marcar i vam fer estudis in vitro i in vivo. Ambdós estudis han demostrat que la radiació tumoral promou la invasió cel•lular i l'autoregeneració del tumor per CTC. Aquest descobriment s'ha de considerar dins d'un context de radioteràpia clínica per tal d'aconseguir el millor tractament en pacients amb nivells de CTC elevats.
Until recently, most research efforts aimed at developing anti-cancer tools were focusing on small molecules. Alternative compounds are now being increasingly assessed for their potential anti-cancer properties, including peptides and their derivatives. One earlier limitation to the use of peptides was their limited capacity to cross membranes but this limitation was alleviated with the characterization of cell-permeable sequences. Additionally, means are designed to target peptides to their malignant targets. Most anti-cancer peptidic compounds induce apoptosis of tumor cells by modulating the activity of Bcl-2 family members that control the release of death factors from the mitochondria or by inhibiting negative regulators of caspases, the proteases that mediate the apoptotic response in cells. Some of these peptides have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumors in mouse models. Hopefully, pro-apoptotic anti-tumor peptides will soon be tested for their efficacy in patients with cancers.
Summary : Lipid metabolism disorders, leading to obesity and cardiovascular diseases, are a major public health issue worldwide. These diseases have been treated by drugs and surgery, leading to tremendous costs and secondary morbidity. The aim of this thesis work is to investigate the mechanisms of actions of a new, micronutrition-based, approach to prevent obesity and cardiovascular diseases. This specific combination of micronutrients, Lipistase, incorporated into any dietary ail can be used in the daily food. Micronutrients are substances used by the living organism in small quantities to maintain physiological homeostasis. However, the human body is not able to produce them and has to obtain them from dietary sources. The combination of micronutrients investigated here, is composed of 26 compounds including trace elements, vitamins, minerals, ails and plant extracts, known to have individually a beneficial effect on lipid metabolism regulation. These specific micronutrients are used for the first time in a combinatorial mode targeting several metabolic pathways for better homeostasis control as opposed to a single target treatment, either chemical or natural. Short and long term studies, in different mouse strains, showed a significant decrease in plasma triglycerides, body weight gain and body fat mass in animals that were fed with a standard diet containing Lipistase. Additionally, a greatly reduced fat accumulation was observed in adipose tissue and liver of Lipistase-treated animals, while lipid and glucose utilization by skeletal muscle was enhanced. Moreover, the size of atherosclerotic plaques was significantly reduced in mice whose masher was treated during pregnancy and suckling, without showing any adverse effect. Finally, Lipistase has been shown to increase longevity by 20%. The control mice that did not receive Lipistase in their diet did not show all these beneficial effects. These micronutrients are used at the lowest dosage ever reported for treating Lipid disorders, resulting in far much lower costs as well as probably a higher safety. This is the first approach being very suitable for an effective large scale prevention policy for obesity and cardiovascular diseases, like iodine in dietary salt has been for goiter. Résumé : Les dysrégulations du métabolisme des lipids, à l'origine d'obésité et de maladies cardiovasculaires, sont un problème de santé publique majeur et mondial. Ces maladies impliquent des traitements médicamenteux et chirurgicaux dont le coût la morbidité secondaire sont très important. Le but de ce travail de thèse est d'étudier les mécanismes d'action d'une nouvelle approche préventive, basée sur la micronutrition. Cette combinaison spécifique de micronutriments, Lipistase, peut être incorporée dans n'importe quelle huile alimentaire et utilisée dans l'alimentation quotidienne. Les micronutrirnents sont des substances essentielles, à très faibles doses, pour le maintien de l'homéostasie physiologique des organismes vivants. Cependant, étant incapable de les synthétiser, le corps humain est dépendant en cela de l'apport alimentaire. La combinaison de micronutriments que nous avons étudié contient 26 composants, incluant des extraits de plantes, des huiles, des vitamines, des métaux et des minéraux, tous connus pour avoir individuellement des effets bénéfiques sur la régulation du métabolisme des lipides. Ces micronutriments spécifiques sont utilisés pour la première fois en mode combinatoire, ciblant ainsi plusieurs voies métaboliques pour un meilleur control de l'homéostasie, par opposition monothérapies chimiques ou naturelles. Des expériences de court et long terme, avec divers modèles de souris, ont montré une diminution significative des taux de triglycérides plasmatiques, de la prise de poids et de la masse graisseuse corporelle chez les animaux qui ont reçu Lipistase dans la nourriture standard. Une accumulation significativement moins importante des graisses a été observée dans le tissu adipeux et hépatique des souris traitées, alors que l'utilisation des lipides et glucose a été favorisée dans le muscle. En outre, la taille des plaques d'athérosclérose aété significativement réduite chez les souris dont la mère a été traitée pendant la grossesse et l'allaitement, sans montrer aucun effet indésirable. Enfin, les souris traitées par Lipistase ont vécu 20% plus longtèmps. Les souris contrôles qui n'ont pas reçu Lipistase dans la nourriture n'ont montré aucun de ces effets bénéfiques. Ces micronutriments sont utilisés au dosage le plus faible jamais rapporté pour le traitement des maladies du métabolisme lipidique, permettant ainsi un coût plus faible et surtout une meilleure sécurité. C'est une approche adéquate pour une politique de prévention de santé publique à large échelle de l'obésité et des maladies cardiovasculaires. C'est en cela et sous bien d'autres aspects, une première dans la prise en charge des maladies du métabolisme lipidique et pourrait même être pour ces dernières ce que l'iode du sel de cuisine a été pour le goitre.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and specific inhibitors of cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, are therapeutic groups widely used for the treatment of pain, inflammation and fever. There is growing experimental and clinical evidence indicating NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors also have anti-cancer activity. Epidemiological studies have shown that regular use of Aspirin and other NSAIDs reduces the risk of developing cancer, in particular of the colon. Molecular pathology studies have revealed that COX-2 is expressed by cancer cells and cells of the tumor stroma during tumor progression and in response to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Experimental studies have demonstrated that COX-2 over expression promotes tumorigenesis, and that NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors suppress tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Clinical trials have shown that NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors suppress colon polyp formation and malignant progression in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) syndrome. Recent advances in the understanding of the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the anti-cancer effects of NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors have demonstrated that these drugs target both tumor cells and the tumor vasculature. The therapeutic benefits of COX-2 inhibitors in the treatment of human cancer in combination with chemotherapy or radiotherapy are currently being tested in clinical trials. In this article we will review recent advances in the understanding of the anti-tumor mechanisms of these drugs and discuss their potential application in clinical oncology.
This document was produced to help the state and citizens of Iowa with the price list of preferred drug list of medicines that diabetics can use.
Nuclear hormone receptors play a major role in many important biological processes. Most nuclear hormone receptors are ubiquitously expressed and regulate processes such as metabolism, circadian function, and development. They function in these processes to maintain homeostasis through modulation of transcriptional gene networks. In this study we evaluate the effectiveness of a nuclear hormone receptor gene to modulate retinal degeneration and restore the integrity of the retina. Currently, there are no effective treatment options for retinal degenerative diseases leading to progressive and irreversible blindness. In this study we demonstrate that the nuclear hormone receptor gene Nr1d1 (Rev-Erba) rescues Nr2e3- associated retinal degeneration in the rd7 mouse, which lacks a functional Nr2e3 gene. Mutations in human NR2E3 are associated with several retinal degenerations including enhanced S cone syndrome and retinitis pigmentosa. The rd7 mouse, lacking Nr2e3, exhibits an increase in S cones and slow, progressive retinal degeneration. A traditional genetic mapping approach previously identified candidate modifier loci. Here, we demonstrate that in vivo delivery of the candidate modifier gene, Nr1d1 rescues Nr2e3 associated retinal degeneration. We observed clinical, histological, functional, and molecular restoration of the rd7 retina. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the mechanism of rescue at the molecular and functional level is through the re-regulation of key genes within the Nr2e3-directed transcriptional network. Together, these findings reveal the potency of nuclear receptors as modulators of disease and specifically of NR1D1 as a novel therapeutic for retinal degenerations.
Prostate cancer initially responds to hormone-based therapeutics such as anti-androgen treatment or chemotherapeutics but eventually becomes resistant. Novel treatment options are therefore urgently needed. This thesis study applied a high-throughput screen of 4910 known drugs and drug-like small molecules to identify compounds that selectively inhibit growth of prostate cancer cells. In addition, the mechanisms underlying the cellular sensitivity to potent cancer selective compounds were addressed. Surprisingly, many of the compounds currently used in the clinics or studied in clinical trials were not cancer-selective. Only four drugs, aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor disulfiram (Antabus), antibiotic ionophore monensin, histone deacetylase inhibitor tricostatin A and fungicide thiram inhibited prostate cancer cell growth at nanomolar concentrations without major effects on non-malignant prostate epithelial cells. Disulfiram, monensin and a structurally similar compound to monensin, salinomycin, induced oxidative stress and inhibited aldehyde dehydrogenase activity. Moreover, monensin and salinomycin reduced androgen receptor signalling and steroidogenesis, enforced cell differentiation and reduced the overall levels of cancer stem cells. Taken together, novel and potentially prostate cancer-selective therapeutic agents were identified in this study, including the description of a multitude of intoxicating mechanisms such as those relating to oxidative stress. The results provide novel insights into prostate cancer biology and exemplify useful means of considering novel approaches to cancer treatment.
The present paper reviews the application of patch-clamp principles to the detection and measurement of macromolecular translocation along the nuclear pores. We demonstrate that the tight-seal 'gigaseal' between the pipette tip and the nuclear membrane is possible in the presence of fully operational nuclear pores. We show that the ability to form a gigaseal in nucleus-attached configurations does not mean that only the activity of channels from the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope can be detected. Instead, we show that, in the presence of fully operational nuclear pores, it is likely that the large-conductance ion channel activity recorded derives from the nuclear pores. We conclude the technical section with the suggestion that the best way to demonstrate that the nuclear pores are responsible for ion channel activity is by showing with fluorescence microscopy the nuclear translocation of ions and small molecules and the exclusion of the same from the cisterna enclosed by the two membranes of the envelope. Since transcription factors and mRNAs, two major groups of nuclear macromolecules, use nuclear pores to enter and exit the nucleus and play essential roles in the control of gene activity and expression, this review should be useful to cell and molecular biologists interested in understanding how patch-clamp can be used to quantitate the translocation of such macromolecules into and out of the nucleus
We have developed a system with two epi-illumination sources, a DC-regulated lamp for transillumination and mechanical switches for rapid shift of illumination and detection of defined areas (250-750 µm²) by fluorescence and phosphorescence videomicroscopy. The system permits investigation of standard microvascular parameters, vascular permeability as well as intra- and extravascular PO2 by phosphorescence quenching of Pd-meso-tetra (4-carboxyphenyl) porphine (PORPH). A Pechan prism was used to position a defined region over the photomultiplier and TV camera. In order to validate the system for in vivo use, in vitro tests were performed with probes at concentrations that can be found in microvascular studies. Extensive in vitro evaluations were performed by filling glass capillaries with solutions of various concentrations of FITC-dextran (diluted in blood and in saline) mixed with different amounts of PORPH. Fluorescence intensity and phosphorescence decay were determined for each mixture. FITC-dextran solutions without PORPH and PORPH solutions without FITC-dextran were used as references. Phosphorescence decay curves were relatively unaffected by the presence of FITC-dextran at all concentrations tested (0.1 µg/ml to 5 mg/ml). Likewise, fluorescence determinations were performed in the presence of PORPH (0.05 to 0.5 mg/ml). The system was successfully used to study macromolecular extravasation and PO2 in the rat mesentery circulation under controlled conditions and during ischemia-reperfusion.
The interaction of biological molecules with water is an important determinant of structural properties both in molecular assemblies, and in conformation of individual macromolecules. By observing the effects of manipulating the activity of water (which can be accomplished by limiting its concentration or by adding additional solutes, "osmotic stress"), one can learn something about intrinsic physical properties of biological molecules as well as measure an energetic contribution of closely associated water molecules to overall equilibria in biological reactions. Here two such studies are reported. The first of these examines several species of lysolipid which, while present in relatively low concentrations in biomembranes, have been shown to affect many cellular processes involving membrane-protein or membrane-membrane interactions. Monolayer elastic constants were determined by combining X-ray diffraction and the osmotic stress technique. Spontaneous radii of curvature of lysophosphatidylcholines were determined to be positive and in the range +30A to +70A, while lysophosphatidylethanolamines proved to be essentially flat. Neither lysolipid significantly affected the bending modulus of the monolayer in which it was incorporated. The second study examines the role of water in theprocess of polymerization of actin into filaments. Water activity was manipulated by adding osmolytes and the effect on the equilibrium dissociation constant (measured as the criticalmonomer concentration) was determined. As water activity was decreased, the critical concentration was reduced for Ca-actin but not for Mg-actin, suggesting that 10-12 fewer water molecules are associated with Ca-actin in the polymerized state. Thisunexpectedly small amount of water is discussed in the context of the common structural motif of a nucleotide binding cleft.
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