60 resultados para M-ovoid


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Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNST) involving spinal nerve roots are uncommon in dogs. A nine-year old, intact, mixed-breed dog, demonstrated clinical signs of incoordination in the pelvic limbs and micturition for approximately one week. Clinical examination revealed proprioceptive deficits and bilateral patellar hyperreflexia. During exploratory celiotomy a mass was observed adhered to the lumbar vertebral segments. Medical therapy was initiated, but neurological signs were progressive, and the owner opted for euthanasia. Gross examination showed that the mass in the abdominal cavity was attached to the lumbar segments L3 and L4, causing bone lysis in L3, but showed no tumor invasion into the spinal canal. Microscopic features were characterized by prominent proliferation of ovoid and fusiform cells with poorly defined cytoplasm arranged in interlacing bundles and concentric whorls. The cells were embedded in a delicate to moderate collagenous stroma and moderate anisokariose and high mitotic activity were noted. The immunohistochemical assay showed positive staining for GFAP, S-100 protein and vimentin, and negative staining for factor VIII, α-actin and citokeratine. The definitive diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made on the basis of the histological and immunohistochemical findings.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Vegetal) - IBRC


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Ultrastructure of spermatozoa of the crab Ucides cordatus Linnaeus, 1763 is described and illustrated. Three parts can be distinguished: 1. the elongate-ovoid acrosome located anteriorly; 2. the cytoplasmic region; and 3. the nuclear region. The acrosome is composed of a thick electron-dense wall and a less electron-dense subacrosomal space. The cytoplasm region connects the acrosome with the nucleus, and three arms filled with microtubules arise from this region. The nucleus is polymorphous. The spermatozoon of Ucides cordatus follows the general pattern described for other Decapods.


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Spermatozoa of amazon fish, Acestrorhynchus falcatus Bloch, 1794 were investigated by optical microscopy (DIC) and electron microscopy (TEM). Spermatozoa have no acrosome, the head is ovoid, and the midpiece region cylindrical, contains spherical mitochondria. The centriolar complex is located at the lateral side of the nucleus, formed by nine peripheral pairs of microtubules and arranged in a right angle to each other. The flagellum consists of nine pairs of peripheral and two central microtubules.


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ABSTRACT: The eastern border of the Transition Subdomain of the Carajás Province is constituteddominantly of Archean tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG). Deformed monzogranites, similar to the Planalto granite suite, and metagabbros inserted in association mafic-enderbitic also occur. Paleoproterozoic isotropic granites and mafic dykes devoid of significant deformation crosscut the Archean lithologies. The TTGs are exposed as blocks or as flat outcrops in areas of low relief and commonly include quartz-diorite enclaves. The TTG rocks display gray colour and are generally medium-grained, showing compositional banding or, sometimes, homogeneous aspect. They show commonly a NW-SW to E-W trending foliation with vertical to subvertical dips and were submitted to NE-SW stress. Locally, it was identified a NE-SW foliation transposed to E-W along shear zones. In some instances, they exhibit mylonitic to protomilonitics features, registered in the oval form of plagioclase porphyroclasts or boudinated leucogranitics veins. Two petrographic varieties are recognized for this association: biotite-trondjhemite and subordinate biotite-granodiorites, both have similar mineralogical and textural aspects and are characterized by a poorly preserved igneous texture, partially overwritten by an intense recrystallization. EDS analyses revealed that the plagioclase is a calcic oligoclase (An27-19), with Or ranging from 0.6 - 2.3%. The biotites are ferromagnesian, with dominance of Fe over Mg (Fe / [Fe + Mg] ranging from 0.54 to 0.59) and the analyzed epidote presents pistacite contents ranging from 23 to 27.6 % and plot mostly in the range of magmatic epidotes. The trondhjemite shows all typical characteristics of Archean TTG suites. They have high La/Yb and Sr/Y ratios, suggesting they were derived from the partial melting of garnet amphibolite sources at high pressures (ca. 1.5 GPa) or, at least, that their magmatic evolution was controlled by the fractionation of garnet and possibly amphibole, without significant influence of plagioclase. The studied TTGs show similarities with Mariazinha tonalite and Mogno trondjemite, of the Rio Maria Domain, Colorado trondhjemite and, in at a lesser degree, to the Rio Verde trondhjemite, of the Carajás Domain. The granodiorites display a calc-alkaline signature and shows LILE enrichment, specifically K2O, Rb and Ba, when compared to the trondhjemites, but still preserving some geochemical features of the TTG. The geochemical data indicate that the trondhjemite and granodiorite are not related by fractional crystallization. An origin of the granodiorite by partial melting of the TTG rocks is also discarded. The granodiorite could, however, result of contamination of TTG magmas by lithosphere metasomatism or assimilation of sediments from subducted oceanic crust along trondhjemite liquid genesis. In the eastern portion of the mapped area, it was identified a small, E-W trending granite stock clearly controlled by shear zones. The rocks have mylonitic textures, characterized by ovoid-shaped feldspar porphyroclasts, wrapped by recrystallized quartz and mica. These granitic rocks have geochemical signatures of reduced A-type granites and are similar to the Planalto granite suite. Boulders of mafic rocks crop out locally in the northern portion of the area. These rocks show a dominant granoblastic texture, and are mainly composed of amphibole and plagioclase, with subordinate biotite and quartz. In the northern part of the mapped area, it was identified a body of isotropic granite without significant deformation and showing locally rapakivi textures. This granitic pluton was correlated to the Paleoproterozoic A-type granites, represented in the Carajás Domain by the Serra dos Carajás suite and Rio Branco Granite. These granites were not studied in detail. The geological and geochemical aspects shown by the Archean granitoids identified in the eastern part of the Transition Subdomain implies in the existence of significant TTG rocks in the Transition Subdomain. This reinforces the hypothesis that the Transition Subdomain could represent an extension of the Rio Maria Domain, but affected by crustal reworking events in the Neoarchean.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mandibular condyle from 20-day-old rats was examined in the electron microscope with particular attention to intracellular secretory granules and extracellular matrix. Moreover, type II collagen was localized by an immunoperoxidase method. The condyle has been divided into five layers: (1) the most superficial, articular layer, (2) polymorphic cell layer, (3) flattened cell layer, (4) upper hypertrophic, and (5) lower hypertrophic cell layers. In the articular layer, the cells seldom divide, but in the polymorphic layer and upper part of the flattened cell layer, mitosis gives rise to new cells. In these layers, cells produce two types of secretory granules, usually in distinct stacks of the Golgi apparatus; type a, cylindrical granules, in which 300-nm-long threads are packed in bundles which appear lucent after formaldehyde fixation; and type b, spherical granules loaded with short, dotted filaments. The matrix is composed of thick banded lucent fibrils in a loose feltwork of short, dotted filaments. The cells arising from mitosis undergo endochondral differentiation, which begins in the lower part of the flattened cell layer and is completed in the upper hypertrophic cell layer; it is followed by gradual cell degeneration in the lower hypertrophic cell layer. The cells produce two main types of secretory granules: type b as above; and type c, ovoid granules containing 300-nm-long threads associated with short, dotted filaments. A possibly different secretory granule, type d, dense and cigar-shaped, is also produced. The matrix is composed of thin banded fibrils in a dense feltwork. In the matrix of the superficial layers, the lucency of the fibrils indicated that they were composed of collagen I, whereas the lucency of the cylindrical secretory granules suggested that they transported collagen I precursors to the matrix. Moreover, the use of ruthenium red indicated that the feltwork was composed of proteoglycan; the dotted filaments packed in spherical granules were similar to, and presumably the source of, the matrix feltwork. The superficial layers did not contain collagen II and were collectively referred to as perichondrium. In the deep layers, the ovoid secretory granules displayed collagen II antigenicity and were likely to transport precursors of this collagen to the matrix, where it appeared in the thin banded fibrils. That these granules also carried proteoglycan to the matrix was suggested by their content of short dotted filaments. Thus the deep layers contained collagen II and proteoglycan as in cartilage; they were collectively referred to as the hyaline cartilage region.


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We describe the male reproductive apparatus of the giant hermit crab Petrochirus diogenes, with morphological and biometric analyses of the spermatophore, the gonopore and the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa. Specimens were collected from the southern coast of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Morphological analyses were done using stereoscopic, light, transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The reproductive system of this hermit crab is composed of elongate and lobular testes followed by vasa deferentia that connect to the exterior via gonopores. The gonopores are ovoid and surrounded by setae, and each gonopore is composed of a membranous operculum that forms a depression constituting the gonopore opening. The gonopore constitutes a unique structure among the Diogenidae due to its number of setae. The spermatophores are tripartite, composed of a sperm-containing ampulla, a peduncle and a proximal foot. The spermatozoon has 3 main regions (acrosomal vesicle, nucleus and cytoplasm). The structure of the spermatophore indicates that this species can be considered an exception within Diogenidae with regard to spermatophore morphology and can therefore be used for phylogenetic inferences.


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An 84-year-old woman underwent hysterectomy due to a friable endometrial mass infiltrating almost half way through the myometrial wall. The tumor consisted of papillary structures with thin fibrovascular cores covered by several layers of pleomorphic cells. The deeply located neoplastic cells were ovoid with a pale eosinophilic cytoplasm resembling urothelial cells. A diagnosis of papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium with transitional cell differentiation was made. Although she recovered well after surgery, she died one year later because of disseminated disease. In an attempt to obtain new insights into the physiopathology of this very rare tumor, an immunohistochemical panel with 32 markers was performed. The neoplastic cells were positive for cytokeratin 5, vimentin, p63, p21, VEGF, Ki67, BAG1, and bcl-2. The expression of BAG-1 and bcl-2 may suggest that anti-apoptotic stimuli are preponderant in this neoplasm.


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Parapoxvirus (PPV) are member of a genus in the family poxviridae which currently encompasses four species: the prototype orf virus (OV), bovine papular stomatitis virus (BPSV), pseudocowpox virus (PCPV) and parapoxvirus of New Zealand red deer (PVNZ). PPVs cause widespread, but localized diseases of small and large ruminants and they can also be transmitted to man. Knowledge of the molecular biology of PPV is still limited as compared to orthopoxviruses, especially vaccinia virus (VACV). The PPV genome displays a high G+C content and relatively small size for poxvirus. Coventional electron microscopy displays PPV virions with ovoid shape and slightly smaller in size than the brickshaped orthopoxviruses. The most striking feature, which readily enables identification of PPV, is a tubule-like structure that surrounds the particle in a spiral fashion. PPV genome organization and content is very similar to that of other poxviruses, the central region contain 88 genes which are present in all poxviruse, in contrast the terminal regions are variable and contain a set of genes unique to the genus PPV. Genes in the near-terminal regions of the genome are frequently not essential for growth in cultured cells encoding factors with important roles in virushost interactions including modulating host immune responses and determining host range. Recently it was suggested that the open reading frames (ORFs) 109 and 110 of the OV genome have a major role in determining species specificity during natural infection in sheep and goats. This hypothesis is based on the analysis of a few number of sequences of different sheep and goats viral isolates. PPV replicate into the cytoplasm of infected cells and produce three structurally different infectious particles: the intracellular mature virions (IMV), intracellular enveloped virions (IEV) and the extracellular enveloped virions (EEV). The vaccinia A33R and A34R hotologue proteins encoded by the ORFS 109 and 110 are expressed in the envelope of the IEV and EEV. The F1L immunodominant protein of orf virus is the major component of the surface tubule structure of the IMV and can post-translationaly insert into membranes via Cterminal, hydrofobic anchor sequence like its orthologue VACV H3L protein. Moreover the F1L protein binds to glycosaminoglycans on the cell surface and has an important role in IMV adsorption to mammalian cells. In this study we investigated the morphogenesis of the PPV through the construction of a mutant virus deleted of the F1L protein. A study of the deleted virus life cycle was conducted in different type of cells and its morphology was observed with electron microscopy. It was demonstared that F1L protein have important role in morphogenesis and infectivity. Moreover it is essential to determine the spiral fashion of the tubule like structure of the virion surface. Some pathogenetic aspects of the PPV infection were studied, in particular the protein implicated in the host range were analysed in detail. An experimental infection with OV and PCPV was conducted in goats and sheep. After infection, the severity of the lesions were comparable in both the animal species. The OV did not result in severe disease neither in sheep nor in goats, suggesting that host factors, rather than virus strain characteristics, may play an important role in the pathogenesis of the Parapoxvirus infections. The PCPV failed to produce any lesion in both sheep and goats, ruling out the possibility of any recombination between PCPV and OV during natural infection in these animal species. The phylogenetic analysis of the ORFs 109 and 110 from several goats and sheep viral isolates showed a clustering based on the antigenic content of the protein that was independent from species and geographic origin.


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PURPOSE: To quantify optical coherence tomography (OCT) images of the central retina in patients with blue-cone monochromatism (BCM) and achromatopsia (ACH) compared with healthy control individuals. METHODS: The study included 15 patients with ACH, 6 with BCM, and 20 control subjects. Diagnosis of BCM and ACH was established by visual acuity testing, morphologic examination, color vision testing, and Ganzfeld ERG recording. OCT images were acquired with the Stratus OCT 3 (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Oberkochen, Germany). Foveal OCT images were analyzed by calculating longitudinal reflectivity profiles (LRPs) from scan lines. Profiles were analyzed quantitatively to determine foveal thickness and distances between reflectivity layers. RESULTS: Patients with ACH and BCM had a mean visual acuity of 20/200 and 20/60, respectively. Color vision testing results were characteristic of the diseases. The LRPs of control subjects yielded four peaks (P1-P4), presumably representing the RPE (P1), the ovoid region of the photoreceptors (P2), the external limiting membrane (ELM) (P3), and the internal limiting membrane (P4). In patients with ACH, P2 was absent, but foveal thickness (P1-P4) did not differ significantly from that in the control subjects (187 +/- 20 vs. 192 +/- 14 microm, respectively). The distance from P1 to P3 did not differ significantly (78 +/- 10 vs. 82 +/- 5 microm) between ACH and controls subjects. In patients with BCM, P3 was lacking, and P2 advanced toward P1 compared with the control subjects (32 +/- 6 vs. 48 +/- 4 microm). Foveal thickness (153 +/- 16 microm) was significantly reduced compared with that in control subjects and patients with ACH. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative OCT image analysis reveals distinct patterns for controls subjects and patients with ACH and BCM, respectively. Quantitative analysis of OCT imaging can be useful in differentiating retinal diseases affecting photoreceptors. Foveal thickness is similar in both normal subjects and patients with ACH but is decreased in patients with BCM.


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This article describes identification of a metastatic adenocarcinoma to the intertransversarius cervicis muscle using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in a dog that presented with chronic lameness of the right forelimb. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right sided, ovoid signal abnormality within the intertransversarius cervicis muscle lateral to the sixth cervical (C6) vertebra. The lesion was uniform, hyperintense on T2- and isointense on T1-weighted images to muscle and exhibited uniform contrast enhancement on T1-weighted images. The MRI findings were consistent with a neoplasia. Surgical excision was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was metastatic fibrous adenocarcinoma. The dog recovered rapidly but 6 months post-operatively he was killed because of lung metastases. Necropsy was declined and the primary tumour could not be identified.


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OBJECTIVE: Measures to reduce radiation exposure and injected iodine mass are becoming more important with the widespread and often repetitive use of pulmonary CT angiography (CTA) in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. In this retrospective study, we analyzed the capability of 2 low-kilovoltage CTA-protocols to achieve these goals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ninety patients weighing less than 100 kg were examined by a pulmonary CTA protocol using either 100 kVp (group A) or 80 kVp (group B). Volume and flow rate of contrast medium were reduced in group B (75 mL at 3 mL/s) compared with group A (100 mL at 4 mL/s). Attenuation was measured in the central and peripheral pulmonary arteries, and the contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) were calculated. Entrance skin dose was estimated by measuring the surface dose in an ovoid-cylindrical polymethyl methacrylate chest phantom with 2 various dimensions corresponding to the range of chest diameters in our patients. Quantitative image parameters, estimated effective dose, and skin dose in both groups were compared by the t test. Arterial enhancement, noise, and overall quality were independently assessed by 3 radiologists, and results were compared between the groups using nonparametric tests. RESULTS: Mean attenuation in the pulmonary arteries in group B (427.6 +/- 116 HU) was significantly higher than in group A (342.1 +/- 87.7 HU; P < 0.001), whereas CNR showed no difference (group A, 20.6 +/- 7.3 and group B, 22.2 +/- 7.1; P = 0.302). Effective dose was lower by more than 40% with 80 kVp (1.68 +/- 0.23 mSv) compared with 100 kVp (2.87 +/- 0.88 mSv) (P < 0.001). Surface dose was significantly lower at 80 kVp compared with 100 kVp at both phantom dimensions (2.75 vs. 3.22 mGy; P = 0.027 and 2.22 vs. 2.73 mGy; P = 0.005, respectively). Image quality did not differ significantly between the groups (P = 0.151). CONCLUSIONS: Using 80 kVp in pulmonary CTA permits reduced patient exposure by 40% and CM volume by 25% compared with 100 kVp without deterioration of image quality in patients weighing less than 100 kg.