1000 resultados para Luis Pérez
[ES] Antecedentes: La exposición a sustancias químicas es uno de los factores de riesgo más conocidos y relevantes del cáncer vesical (CaV). Asimismo los factores reguladores de la proliferación celular (como los Insulin-like growth factors- IGF) y la expresión de genes involucrados en la transformación de xenobióticos y en la angiogénesis y proliferación celular, parecen ser factores relevantes en la etiología del CaV. Objetivo: Evaluar la relevancia de los hábitos de vida, la exposición a contaminantes ambientales (y factores de crecimiento celular relacionados) y las características genéticas de la población canaria como factores de riesgo de cáncer vesical en un estudio de casos y controles hospitalarios desarrollado en el Complejo Hospitalario Insular Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria.
[EN] This work makes a theoretical–experimental contribution to the study of ester and alkane solutions. Experimental data of isobaric vapor–liquid equilibria (VLE) are presented at 101.3 kPa for binary systems of methyl ethanoate with six alkanes (from C5 to C10), and of volumes and mixing enthalpies, vE and hE.
For many years now, sails have been used as a propulsion system. At present, they are restricted to recreational/sport crafts since the appearance of the first steam vessels in the beginning of the 19 th century. But in the last years, due to the increase of fuel price and the pollution of the environment, it is being studied the possibility to introduce again the sail as a propulsive method combined with other conventional systems. In this paper, it is studied the viability of using a sail as a propellant with other conventional systems of propulsion. After considering the concept of apparent wind, the range of use of this complementary propulsion is presented. The calculation methodology, the numerical simulations and the wind inputs from a specific route are also included.
Although most of the research on Cognitive Radio is focused on communication bands above the HF upper limit (30 MHz), Cognitive Radio principles can also be applied to HF communications to make use of the extremely scarce spectrum more efficiently. In this work we consider legacy users as primary users since these users transmit without resorting to any smart procedure, and our stations using the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work to make short-term predictions of the sojourn time of a primary user in the band and avoid collisions. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes and are trained with real measurements of the 14 MHz band. By using the proposed HMM based model, the prediction model achieves an average 10.3% prediction error rate with one minute-long channel knowledge but it can be reduced when this knowledge is extended: with the previous 8 min knowledge, an average 5.8% prediction error rate is achieved. These results suggest that the resulting activity model for the HF band could actually be used to predict primary users activity and included in a future HF cognitive radio based station.
It is clear that in the near future much broader transmissions in the HF band will replace part of the current narrow band links. Our personal view is that a real wide band signal is infeasible in this environment because the usage is typically very intensive and may suffer interferences from all over the world. Therefore, we envision that dynamic multiband transmissions may provide better satisfactory performance. From the very beginning, we observed that real links with our broadband transceiver suffered interferences out of our multiband but within the acquisition bandwidth that degrade the expected performance. Therefore, we concluded that a mitigation structure is required that operates on severely saturated signals as the interference may be of much higher power. In this paper we address a procedure based on Higher Order Crossings (HOC) statistics that are able to extract most of the signal structure in the case where the amplitude is severely distorted and allows the estimation of the interference carrier frequency to command a variable notch filter that mitigates its effect in the analog domain.
Cognitive Radio principles can be applied to HF communications to make a more efficient use of the extremely scarce spectrum. In this contribution we focus on analyzing the usage of the available channels done by the legacy users, which are regarded as primary users since they are allowed to transmit without resorting any smart procedure, and consider the possibilities for our stations -over the HFDVL (HF Data+Voice Link) architecture- to participate as secondary users. Our goal is to enhance an efficient use of the HF band by detecting the presence of uncoordinated primary users and avoiding collisions with them while transmitting in different HF channels using our broad-band HF transceiver. A model of the primary user activity dynamics in the HF band is developed in this work. It is based on Hidden Markov Models (HMM) which are a powerful tool for modelling stochastic random processes, and is trained with real measurements from the 14 MHz band.
Este artículo documenta el planteamiento, la metodología y los primeros resultados de un plan de monitorización detallada del esfuerzo y de asistencia a actividades presenciales por parte de los estudiantes de las titulaciones ofertadas por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Navales de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid durante el segundo cuatrimestre del curso 2011-2012. Se ha establecido un sistema mecánico de recogida de datos de esfuerzo por parte de los estudiantes utilizando una hoja tipo test especialmente configurada al efecto. Se pasa una hoja en todas y cada una de las actividades presenciales realizadas y en la hoja se solicita información sobre el trabajo "fuera de clase". Se documenta en este artículo cómo se ha estructurado esa hoja, qué tipo de datos se recogen, cómo se tratan mediante una base de datos creada al efecto, qué tipo de análisis se puede realizar y qué resultados preliminares obtenemos de dichos análisis.
In this paper, the foundations of the beta method, widely used in todays ship appendage extrapolations, are explored. The present work pretends to validate the Beta Method using experimental and computational tools. The ship used is a rounded bow tugboat with two significant appendages, namely, a midship protective structure for the propulsion system and a stern keel. The experimental and computational data was obtained through Towing Tank trials and a RANSE CFD code, respectively.
In Spain, natural zeolites have been only found in the volcanic areas of Canary Islands (San Gil, M.M., 1959). However, several years ago the study of the South Eastern region of continental Spain (Cabo de Gata) revealed the presence of a deposit of mordenite being industrially commercialized as bentonite. The deposit San José-Los Escullos is located in the concession registered as Los Murcianos, managed by Bentonitas Especiales, S.A. (BENESA) who was extracting bentonite while ignoring the presence of the zeolite. The name San José-Los Escullos refers to the discovery of mordenite in this deposit. The deposit is located in a volcanic area, constituted by pyroxenic andesites, breccias, tuffs, pyroclasts with andesitic and dacitic composition, largely altered by the hydrothermal solutions. The recent discovery of this zeolite with mordenite content up to 97%, has changed the initial vision about that deposit, and new possible uses of this mineral in the pozzolanic cement industry are foreseen. This work intends to give preliminary data on the characterization of this zeolite according to X-ray diffraction (XRD), ICP analyses, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), as well as to emphasize the pozzolanic properties of this material, using both chemical and mechanical tests.
El tema para la realización de la tesis lo fue porque en las circunstancias en que vivimos y conociendo el momento del desarrollo legislativo deportivo, entendíamos que todo cuanto con la comunicación se relacionase, era un tema de transcendencia y relieve, cuando del extenso e intenso fenómeno deportivo se tratase. Con el objeto de aportar opinión en el sentido de que, la comunicación es base y consecuencia también de este fenómeno universal que es el deporte, y que sin ella, el deporte no alcanzaría la dimensión y el sentido comunitario y educativo que tiene. Esa ha sido la finalidad del trabajo.
Este proyecto consiste en el diseño completo, de una red de distribución de TDT, a nivel local, mediante difusión SFN, Single Frequency Network. Este tipo de difusión, tiene la capacidad de difundir los servicios de televisión en una única frecuencia, cubriendo un área, ya sea local o estatal, aprovechando en las zonas de interferencia los rebotes de la señal y así evitar el uso de una frecuencia distinta por cada centro de emisión, todos los que componen un área de cobertura. Para el diseño de la red, se ha optado por diseñar una red IP, mediante distribución multicast, ya que esta es la tecnología imperante a día de hoy, quedando obsoleta ya, la distribución analógica, ya que consume muchos más recursos y por consiguiente mucho más costosa de implementar. El documento se divide en cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo se realizará una introducción teórica a las redes de distribución SFN, centrándose en el cálculo de los retardos, punto fundamental en el diseño de este tipo de redes. Se continuará unas nociones básicas de redes IP y el protocolo multicast, en el que se basa el trasporte de la señal. El capítulo dos, se centra en el diseño de la red, desde los centros de producción, donde se generan los programas a emitir, hasta los diferentes centros de difusión que cubrirán todo el área de cobertura requerida, pasando por el centro de multiplexación, donde se sitúa la cabecera que compondrá el múltiplex a difundir. Se describirán los equipos y el diseño de los distintos centros que conforman la red, centros de producción, multiplexación y difusión. A demás se realizará el cálculo de retardo de la señal, necesario en este tipo de redes. Se continuará con el capítulo tres, donde se describirá la configuración de la red, tanto a nivel de equipamiento, como el diseño y asignación IP de toda la red, separando la red de servicio de la red de gestión para una mayor confiabilidad y eficiencia de la red. Se finalizará con la descripción de la gestión de la red, que mediante diferentes herramientas, proporcionan un monitoreado en tiempo real de todo el sistema, dando la posibilidad de adelantarsey previniendo posibles incidencias que, puedan causar alguna deficiencia en el servicio que se entrega al usuario final. ABSTRACT. This project involves the complete design of a network´s TDT distribution, locally, by broadcast SFN (Single Frequency Network). This type of broadcast, has the ability to broadcast television´s services on a single frequency, covering an area, whether local or state, drawing on the interference zones, signal´s rebounds, to avoid the use of a different frequency each broadcast center, all those who make a coverage area. For the design of the network, has been chosen to design an IP network using multicast distribution, since this is the prevailing technology today, as the analogue distribution, consumes more resources and therefore, much more costly to implement. The document is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter you can find a theoretical introduction to SFN distribution networks, focusing on the calculation of delays, fundamental point, in the design of these networks. A basic understanding of IP networks and the multicast protocol, in which the transport of the signal is based, will continue. Chapter two focuses on the design of the network, from production centers, where the programs are created to broadcast, to different distribution centers covering the entire area of coverage required, through the multiplexing center, where the head is located, which comprise the multiplex. Also, the equipment and design of the various centers in the network, production centers, multiplexing center and distribution centers, are described. Furthermore, the calculation of signal delay, necessary in such networks, is performed. We will continue with the chapter three, where the network configuration will be described, both in termsofequipment, such as design IP mapping of the entire network, separating the service network and management network, for increased the reliability and efficiency of the network. It will be completed with the description of the management of the network, using different tools provide real-time monitoring of the entire system, making it possible, to anticipate and prevent any incidents that might cause a deficiency in the service being delivered to final user.