996 resultados para Lotteries--Massachusetts


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Letter to S.D. Woodruff from Louis Cabot of Brookline, Massachusetts asking if shares are transferable by lease, Jan. 3, 1884.


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While the Present Popularity of Lotteries and the Ferocious Attacks They Are the Object of Would Induce One to Think They Are a Novelty, Lotteries Already Existed At the Dawn of History. in This Paper, We Will Give a Brief Historical Survey of Games of Chance, with Special Emphasis on Lotteries. This Survey Serves As a Background for Forthcoming Studies Where We Examine Why They Were Frequently Popular And, At the Same Time, the Object of the Scorn of a Number of Would-Be Reformers.


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Underdeclarations Are Typical When Alcohol, Tobacco and Gambling Consumptions Are Questioned in Surveys. Recent Surveys on Expenditures on Lotteries Have Similar Problems: the Declared Expenditures Equal Between 60 to 65 Percent of the Revenues of the Various State-Run Lottery Entreprises. by Using the Relatively Accurate Data on the Revenue Side of This Industry One Can Deal with the Problem of Underdeclarations of Consumption Patterns in Suveys and Obtain Better Income Elasticity Estimates. the Statistical Analysis Permits to Test Specific Hypotheses on a Lottery Model Developed by Brenner, and Suggests Broader Implications Both for Future Econometric Analysis and the Confidence One Gives to Elasticity Estimates Derived From Aggregate Sectorial Data for All Consumption Expenditures.


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En el tiempo comprendido entre 1989 y 1992, el autor intenta penetrar en los entresijos de la Educación norteamericana, situar el estado de las Ciencias Sociales en Estados Unidos, abordar el modelo educativo del Estado de Massachusetts y, finalmente, analizar los contenidos de los currícula de los centros privados de Enseñanza Secundaria de dicho Estado. El trabajo se basa en el análisis de los currícula de Historia y Ciencias Sociales en numerosos centros privados del Estado de Massachusetts, así como también en algunos públicos: contenidos de estas ciencias, modelos de evaluación, actitudes que pretenden fomentar, metolología, etc. La investigación se desarrolla en dos líneas claramente definidas, por un lado, trabajo de campo, muy costoso pero de gran interés, con visitas a centros y numerosas entrevistas con profesores; por otro, análisis y estudio de las fuentes bibliográficas y documentales: fuentes históricas, fuentes educativas generales, fuentes didácticas, especialmente de ciencias sociales (currículum del centro y currículum del área) y Bibliotecas públicas y universitarias. El contraste entre las ideas de la Reforma Educativa española y el modelo educativo de enseñanza privada norteamericano, es grande en unos casos y coincidente en otros. Coincide en objetivos y metodología. Difiere en su proyección y contenido social. Diríamos aún más, ¿está la sociedad española realmente preparada para asumir en su totalidad el coste de una educación tan selectiva? y ¿es ello deseable?. No olvidemos que las diferencias entre los centros públicos y los privados, en Secundaria son enormes. En los Estados Unidos la educación privada de élite, cara y diferenciada, se acerca aproximadamente al veinte por ciento; en España, hoy por hoy, este tipo de educación es sólo una mínima excepción. Mientras nos vayamos acercando, paso a paso, al modelo educativo privado norteamericano, aceptando una gran lentitud en el proceso, pero a cambio de que llegue a todos y cada uno de los ciudadanos, ese modelo será una meta a alcanzar, más o menos utópica - ¿no debe ser siempre un modelo la utopía? -, sin duda alguna.


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The question of why the New England Federalists failed to force a confrontation with the national government has been a continuing historical controversy. I feel that the vigorous stance of the New England Democratic-Republicans particularly in Maine (then a part of Massachusetts), to radical Federalist schemes acted to restrain their opponents. In the final analysis my argument is that New England could not act without Maine. To paraphrase Federalist George Herbert of Ellsworth, on such a slender thread do the destinies of nations hang.


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A poster of the front cover for the publication prepared by the RISD Department of Landscape Architecture.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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L’obiettivo di questo elaborato è fornire una panoramica sul tema vasto e complesso dell’istruzione bilingue, con particolari riferimenti alla combinazione linguistica inglese/spagnolo nello stato del Massachusetts. La mia analisi è ristretta alle politiche adottate a riguardo dal Massachusetts, perché nonostante il bilinguismo sia una realtà molto diffusa negli Stati Uniti d’America, ogni stato fa storia a sé e la gestisce in maniera differente. In questo elaborato, dopo un breve excursus storico sugli eventi principali che hanno spianato la strada all’istruzione bilingue, ho passato in rassegna varie tipologie di programmi che sono stati messe a punto nelle scuole del Bay State, concentrandomi infine sul ruolo che i genitori hanno nell’istruzione dei propri figli. Un ultimo paragrafo finale è dedicato alla possibile applicazione di queste direttive in territorio italiano.


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Transportation corridors in megaregions present a unique challenge for planners because of the high concentration of development, complex interjurisdictional issues, and history of independent development of core urban centers. The concept of resilience, as applied to megaregions, can be used to understand better the performance of these corridors. Resiliency is the ability to recover from or adjust easily to change. Resiliency performance measures can be expanded on for application to megaregions throughout the United States. When applied to transportation corridors in megaregions and represented by performance measures such as redundancy, continuity, connectivity, and travel time reliability, the concept of resiliency captures the spatial and temporal relationships between the attributes of a corridor, a network, and neighboring facilities over time at the regional and local levels. This paper focuses on the development of performance measurements for evaluating corridor resiliency as well as a plan for implementing analysis methods at the jurisdictional level. The transportation corridor between Boston, Massachusetts, and Washington, D.C., is used as a case study to represent the applicability of these measures to megaregions throughout the country.