995 resultados para Logel, Christine


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La création, Bois dormant, met en scène un charpentier-ébéniste qui consacre tous ses temps libres à la création de mobilier, dans un cycle de production inutile. Sa dilapidation insensée de bois incite la nature à se révolter contre lui et à propager une énergie qui donne vie à tous les objets de sa maison. Ce conte revisite plusieurs contes (La Barbe bleue, Les Aventures de Pinocchio, Otesánek, La Belle au bois dormant, Les Aventures d’Alice au pays des merveilles, Cendrillon) pour les transformer en cauchemar, en effriter les morales, en décupler les cruautés et en utiliser les motifs pour illustrer l’absurdité du monde moderne. Ce conte-Frankenstein, par son esthétique baroque où prime la parenthèse, fait de la surenchère un reflet de la surconsommation. L’essai, La réécriture féministe contemporaine de quatre contes dans Putain, de Nelly Arcan et Peau d’âne, de Christine Angot, explore comment, par les réécritures qu’ils inspirent, les contes de Perrault et des frères Grimm constituent un puissant matériau d’incarnation qui facilite la venue à l’écriture du traumatisme chez Christine Angot et Nelly Arcan, mais qui sert aussi d’outil de dénonciation féministe pour elles. Dans Putain, de Nelly Arcan, la narratrice met en lumière, par des réinterprétations des contes du Petit Chaperon rouge, de La Belle au bois dormant et de Blanche-Neige, différents aspects de sa détresse face à l’oppression du regard masculin. Quant à Christine Angot, dans Peau d’âne, elle propose, par une réécriture du conte de Peau d’âne en parallèle avec celui de La Belle au bois dormant, de révéler les répercussions perverses des dictats de la mode et de la loi du père sur l’identité de la femme. Toutes ces réécritures permettent de déjouer la logique valorisée par les contes et d’en démontrer l’absurdité et le caractère malsain d’un point de vue féministe.


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This response examines what is overlooked in Sylvester’s analysis of similarities between the US police security response to the Boston marathon bombings (2013) and Kevin Powers’ fictionalized account of the US war operations in Al Tafar, Iraq (2004) and evaluates the consequences for our understanding of contemporary war. This is done by highlighting differences between the experience of residents in Boston and the (real) town of Tal Afar, key among them the insecurity, fear and calamity that result from the distinct political realities in these locations. The experience of war from the perspective of the victims adds an important dimension to the debate over the changing nature of war. At a time that is marked by an unprecedented level of technologization and visual mediation, it brings into focus the fragmentary and often one-sided evidence on which our knowledge of contemporary war is based. It reminds us to ask not only what we know about war, but how we know it.


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Analysis of the thinking on just war and conflict mediation of the only classical woman strategist, who lived around 1400, and wrote this with a view to the Hundred Years' War and civil wars and insurgencies taking place in her lifetime. Christine de Pizan's Feats of Arms and Chivalry would later become the first printed and widely distributed field manual, translated into English and printed by Caxton for Henry VII Tudor.


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The Christine South Gee Papers include family histories; biographical data; annual reports of home demonstration work in South Carolina (1920-1922) compiled by Mrs. Gee; speeches; magazine articles (1935-1963); newspaper clippings (1934-1968); photographs (1903-1954) and certificates of awards. The collection primarily pertains to Mrs. Gee’s work as South Carolina State Home Demonstration Agent (1918-1923); her role in the formation of the South Carolina Extension Homemakers’ Council (1921), formerly the South Carolina Council of Farm Women; her activities as president of the South Carolina Council for the Common Good (1943-1945); her study of development in programs for adult education and rural women; and her historical interest in South Carolina statesmen and political leaders. Family histories include information on the Puckett, Smith, Martin, Hudgens, McNeese, Rodgers, and Saxon families.


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Analisi del tedesco austriaco nella letteratura per bambini e per ragazzi attraverso la lettura di "Achtung! Vranek sieht ganz harmlos aus", di Christine Nöstlinger. Breve excursus storico sulla letteratura per bambini e studio delle differenze grammaticali rispetto al tedesco standard con l'aiuto di esempi tratti dal libro.


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La tesi si compone di una proposta di traduzione dei primi due capitoli del romanzo per ragazzi "Maikäfer, flieg!" di Christine Nöstlinger. Ad una breve introduzione segue un capitolo contenente alcune informazioni circa l’autrice e la sua opera, segue poi un’analisi del testo di partenza e delle sue caratteristiche. Il quarto capitolo contiene la proposta di traduzione e infine il quinto capitolo si compone di un commento alla traduzione, nel quale vengono esplicate le strategie adottate nel corso del processo traduttivo.


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Water-saturated debris flows are among some of the most destructive mass movements. Their complex nature presents a challenge for quantitative description and modeling. In order to improve understanding of the dynamics of these flows, it is important to seek a simplified dynamic system underlying their behavior. Models currently in use to describe the motion of debris flows employ depth-averaged equations of motion, typically assuming negligible effects from vertical acceleration. However, in many cases debris flows experience significant vertical acceleration as they move across irregular surfaces, and it has been proposed that friction associated with vertical forces and liquefaction merit inclusion in any comprehensive mechanical model. The intent of this work is to determine the effect of vertical acceleration through a series of laboratory experiments designed to simulate debris flows, testing a recent model for debris flows experimentally. In the experiments, a mass of water-saturated sediment is released suddenly from a holding container, and parameters including rate of collapse, pore-fluid pressure, and bed load are monitored. Experiments are simplified to axial geometry so that variables act solely in the vertical dimension. Steady state equations to infer motion of the moving sediment mass are not sufficient to model accurately the independent solid and fluid constituents in these experiments. The model developed in this work more accurately predicts the bed-normal stress of a saturated sediment mass in motion and illustrates the importance of acceleration and deceleration.