800 resultados para Locomotor apparel


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La presente unidad didáctica aborda el estudio del sistema locomotor acompañado del trabajo de mejora de la condición física en los aspectos de fuerza y flexibilidad. La unidad pretende: A) Que el alumno conozca mejor su cuerpo. B) Que el alumno sea consciente de cúal es la finalidad de los distintos ejercicios físicos que trabaja. C) Dotar al alumno de conocimientos que pueda emplear a lo largo de su vida y que le permitan mantenerse en forma. D) Capacitar al alumno para que relacione los conceptos teóricos con la práctica. E) Mejorar su condición física.


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Analizar la retención de conocimientos de Anatomía con el paso de los años y el estudio de la pérdida global de conocimientos en el tiempo. Hipótesis: A) Independencia entre las calificaciones obtenidas y el recuerdo de la asignatura al paso de los años. B) Correlación directa negativa entre el volumen de adquisición inicial y pérdida de conocimientos en el tiempo. C) Influencia selectiva en el recuerdo por el uso medio en años sucesivos. 124 alumnos de la Facultad de Medicina de Murcia pertenecientes a los cursos: segundo, cuarto, y sexto, de una población total de 660 alumnos. Las variables utilizadas fueron entre otras: personales, familiares, académicas, evolución de los conocimientos de anatomía a lo largo de los cursos, evolución del aspecto: magnitud de pérdida de conocimientos con los años, evolución de los conocimientos de anatomía según el nivel académico obtenido, áreas temáticas de la anatomía, relación de la anatomía con otras asignaturas, etc.. Test de 28 preguntas en cinco áreas temáticas: generalidades, cabeza y cuello, tronco, extremidad superior y extremidad inferior. X² de Pearson para la asociación o dependencia de las características cualitativas. T de Student para la comparación de medias. Análisis de varianza simple. Hay tres perfiles diferenciados de retención de conocimientos en el aparato locomotor: máxima pérdida (miembros superior e inferior); intermedio (tronco); mínima pérdida (generalidades, cabeza y cuello). Los niveles de calificación de anatomía mantienen relación positiva con Bioquímica, Fisiología y Biología. La profesión y el nivel de estudios del padre no influyen en el nivel de calificaciones. Los varones obtienen mejores notas que las mujeres, y estas, pierden más conocimientos al año de aprobar. Los conocimientos del aparato locomotor se van perdiendo en los tres cursos siguientes de la carrera y se recuperan algo en quinto curso. Cuanto más se aprende en su momento, más se acuerda al año siguiente. La diferencia de lo aprendido en su momento (calificaciones) desaparece al tercer año y se recupera en quinto curso, al volver a usar los conceptos. La anatomía posee un alto grado de profesionalización docente y eficacia en nuestra facultad debido a la tendencia a la memorización y a la integración de sus conocimientos en el resto de disciplinas académicas.


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The administration of antisense oligonucleotides (AOs) to skip one or more exons in mutated forms of the DMD gene and so restore the reading frame of the transcript is one of the most promising approaches to treat Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). At present, preclinical studies demonstrating the efficacy and safety of long-term AO administration have not been conducted. Furthermore, it is essential to determine the minimal effective dose and frequency of administration. In this study, two different low doses (LDs) of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomer (PMO) designed to skip the mutated exon 23 in the mdx dystrophic mouse were administered for up to 12 months. Mice treated for 50 weeks showed a substantial dose-related amelioration of the pathology, particularly in the diaphragm. Moreover, the generalized physical activity was profoundly enhanced compared to untreated mdx mice showing that widespread, albeit partial, dystrophin expression restores the normal activity in mdx mice. Our results show for the first time that a chronic long-term administration of LDs of unmodified PMO, equivalent to doses in use in DMD boys, is safe, significantly ameliorates the muscular dystrophic phenotype and improves the activity of dystrophin-deficient mice, thus encouraging the further clinical translation of this approach in humans.


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Drug abuse is a concerning health problem in adults and has been recognized as a major problem in adolescents. induction of immediate-early genes (IEG), such as c-Fos or Egr-1, is used to identify brain areas that become activated in response to various stimuli, including addictive drugs. It is known that the environment can alter the response to drugs of abuse. Accordingly, environmental cues may trigger drug-seeking behavior when the drug is repeatedly administered in a given environment. The goal of this study was first to examine for age differences in context-dependent sensitization and then evaluate IEG expression in different brain regions. For this, groups of mice received i.p. ethanol (2.0 g/kg) or saline in the test apparatus, while other groups received the solutions in the home cage, for 15 days. One week after this treatment phase, mice were challenged with ethanol injection. Acutely, ethanol increased both locomotor activity and IEG expression in different brain regions, indistinctly, in adolescent and adult mice. However, adults exhibited a typical context-dependent behavioral sensitization following repeated ethanol treatment, while adolescent mice presented gradually smaller locomotion across treatment, when ethanol was administered in a paired regimen with environment. Conversely, ethanol-treated adolescents expressed context-independent behavioral sensitization. Overall, repeated ethanol administration desensitized IEG expression in both adolescent and adult mice, but this effect was greatest in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex of adolescents treated in the context-dependent paradigm. These results suggest developmental differences in the sensitivity to the conditioned and unconditioned locomotor effects of ethanol. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Caffeine and femproporex are psychostimulants drugs widely consumed in Brazil. Behavioral sensitization is defined as an augmentation in the behavioral effect of a psychostimulant upon re-administration. Repeated administration of a psychostimulant produces behavioral sensitization to that drug and cross-sensitization to other drugs. We investigated whether repeated administration of caffeine increases femproporex-induced locomotor activity in adolescent and adult rats. Forty-eight adolescent (postnatal day 27) and 32 adult (postnatal day 60) received i.p. injections of caffeine (CAF) (10.0 mg/kg) (adolescent N = 24; adult N = 16)) or saline (adolescent N = 24; adult N = 16) once daily for ten days. Three days following the last injection each group was subdivided and received a challenge injection of femproporex (2.0 mg/kg i.p) or saline. Locomotor activity was recorded for 1 hour in 5 - minute intervals. Our results showed that repeated injections of caffeine increased femproporex - induced locomotor activity in adult and adolescent rats.


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Adolescents differ from adults in their acute sensitivity to several drugs of abuse, but little is known about the long-term neurobehavioral effects of adolescent drug exposure. To explore this further, we evaluated the locomotor responses to repeated cocaine administration in adolescent and adult male DBA/2J mice and alterations in extracellular levels of dopamine (DA) and glutamate (GLU) in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) in response to a subsequent cocaine challenge. Adolescent and adult mice were treated daily with saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, i.p) for 9 consecutive days. Ten days following the last injection, animals were implanted with microdialysis probes and 24 h later microdialysis samples were collected before and after an acute cocaine challenge. Adolescents but not adults demonstrated development of behavioral sensitization to cocaine. Microdialysis procedures revealed that cocaine-treated mice displayed greater peak increases in extracellular DA in response to a subsequent cocaine challenge as compared to saline-treated mice, in contrast with lower peak increases in extracellular GLU. While adults exhibited greater peaks in extracellular DA in response to cocaine than adolescents did, adolescent mice presented a more rapid onset of peak extracellular DA levels than adults. Our results indicate differences in the behavioral and neurochemical responses to cocaine in adolescent versus adult mice, which may be relevant to the increased risk of developing addiction in humans who are exposed to drugs of abuse during adolescence. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to investigate the effect of different patterns of high-frequency stimulation at the nucleus accumbens shell on ethanol preference and circadian locomotor activity in adult male alcohol preferring (P) and nonpreferring (NP) rats.


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Meal-fed conscious rabbits normally exhibit postprandial elevation in blood pressure, heart rate (HR) and locomotor activity, which is abolished by consumption of a high-fat diet (HFD). Here, we assessed whether the cardiovascular changes are attributable to the increased caloric intake due to greater fat content or to hyperphagia. Rabbits were meal-fed during the baseline period then maintained on either an ad libitum normal fat diet (NFD) or ad libitum HFD for 2 weeks. Blood pressure, HR and locomotor activity were measured daily by radio-telemetry alongside food intake and body weight. Caloric intake in rabbits given a NFD ad libitum rose 50% from baseline but there were no changes in cardiovascular parameters. By contrast, HR increased by 10% on the first day of the ad libitum HFD (p<0.001) prior to any change in body weight while blood pressure increased 7% after 4d (p<0.01) and remained elevated. Baseline 24-h patterns of blood pressure and HR were closely associated with mealtime, characterised by afternoon peaks and morning troughs. When the NFD was changed from meal-fed to ad libitum, blood pressure and HR did not change but afternoon activity levels decreased (p<0.05). By contrast, after 13d ad libitum HFD, morning HR, blood pressure and activity increased by 20%, 8% and 71%, respectively. Increased caloric intake specifically from fat, but not as a result of hyperphagia, appears to directly modulate cardiovascular homeostasis and circadian patterns, independent of white adipose tissue accumulation.


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Caffeine is the legal stimulant consumed most extensively by the human world population and may be found eventually in the urine and/or blood of race horses, the fact that caffeine is in foods led us to determine the highest no-effect dose (HNED) of caffeine on the spontaneous locomotor activity of horses and then to quantify this substance in urine until it disappeared. We built two behavioural stalls equipped with juxtaposed photoelectric sensors that emit infrared beams that divide the stall into nine sectors in a 'tic-tac-toe' fashion. Each time a beam was interrupted by a leg of the horse, a pulse was generated; the pulses were counted at 5-min intervals and stored by a microcomputer. Environmental effects were minimized by installing exhaust fans producing white noise that obscured outside sounds. One-way observation windows prevented the animals from seeing outside. The sensors were turned on 45 min before drug administration (saline control or caffeine), the animals were observed for up to 8 h after i.v. administration of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 or 5.0 mg caffeine kg(-1). The HNED of caffeine for stimulation of the spontaneous locomotor activity of horses was 2.0 mg kg(-1). The quantification of caffeine in urine and plasma samples was done by gradient HPLC with UV detection. The no-effect threshold should not be greater than 2.0 mug caffeine ml(-1) plasma or 5.0 mug caffeine ml(-1) urine. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.