998 resultados para Lock-out


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A mediados de 1919, la ciudad de Buenos Aires se vio conmovida por sucesivas huelgas de los trabajadores y periodistas de los diarios y por un extendido lock-out patronal. Esa crisis desembocó en una situación inédita: durante una quincena, los ciudadanos de Buenos Aires se vieron privados del acceso a los periódicos. El presente trabajo traza el panorama general de la prensa de Buenos Aires en esta coyuntura crítica, y examina los móviles y demandas de los trabajadores, periodistas y empresarios del sector, sus estrategias de acción y las consecuencias del conflicto en el ámbito de la organización sectorial.


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A mediados de 1919, la ciudad de Buenos Aires se vio conmovida por sucesivas huelgas de los trabajadores y periodistas de los diarios y por un extendido lock-out patronal. Esa crisis desembocó en una situación inédita: durante una quincena, los ciudadanos de Buenos Aires se vieron privados del acceso a los periódicos. El presente trabajo traza el panorama general de la prensa de Buenos Aires en esta coyuntura crítica, y examina los móviles y demandas de los trabajadores, periodistas y empresarios del sector, sus estrategias de acción y las consecuencias del conflicto en el ámbito de la organización sectorial.


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Le 22 novembre 1942, un arrêt de travail se produit dans la section dite de l'empochage de la mine d'amiante Québec Asbestos d'East-Broughton. Dès lors il faut se demander si cet arrêt de travail est une grève ou un lock-out, car ce conflit se déroule pendant une période de crise où le gouvernement interdisait toute grève ou lock-out. A travers ce conflit, on remarque que les mineurs se regroupent pour mettre leurs intérêts en commun. A première vue il est certain que la question primordiale était un rajustement des salaires. Par contre, on peut aussi remarquer que la question de la reconnaissance syndicale prend elle aussi une place importante à l'intérieur de cet arrêt de travail. Donc, mon projet de recherche concerne la syndicalisation dans l'industrie minière et plus particulièrement la syndicalisation des travailleurs de l'amiante: le cas d'East-Broughton 1936-1943. Dans ce travail, il sera question de la formation du Syndicat National Catholique de l'Amiante d'East-Broughton (S.N.C.A.E.B.) et des problèmes rencontrés par ce dernier pour sa reconnaissance par la compagnie Québec Asbestos Corporation. En particulier, j'analyserai les événements qui se sont produits lors du lock-out de ladite mine, fin 1942 et début 1943…


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Ce mémoire analyse la mobilisation multiniveaux de la section locale 9490 d'Alma du syndicat des Métallos lors de son conflit de travail avec Rio Tinto Alcan à l'hiver 2012. Lors de la négociation pour le renouvellement de la convention collective, le syndicat, affilié à la FTQ, est mis en lock-out par Rio Tinto Alcan, une entreprise multinationale anglo-australienne. Rio Tinto achète Alcan, une entreprise multinationale canadienne, au milieu des années 2000 et souhaite rentabiliser son investissement. Le Syndicat tient à maintenir ses acquis et les emplois de qualité dans la région et à ne pas céder devant ce nouvel employeur. Le syndicat des Métallos est affilié au syndicat international United SteelWorkers. Ensemble, ils mettront sur pied une campagne stratégique internationale afin de faire contrepoids aux énormes ressources de l'employeur. Cette étude analyse le déploiement d'un syndicat international lors d'un conflit de travail au niveau local avec une entreprise multinationale et identifie les impacts de la campagne sur les relations de travail.


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Ce mémoire analyse la mobilisation multiniveaux de la section locale 9490 d'Alma du syndicat des Métallos lors de son conflit de travail avec Rio Tinto Alcan à l'hiver 2012. Lors de la négociation pour le renouvellement de la convention collective, le syndicat, affilié à la FTQ, est mis en lock-out par Rio Tinto Alcan, une entreprise multinationale anglo-australienne. Rio Tinto achète Alcan, une entreprise multinationale canadienne, au milieu des années 2000 et souhaite rentabiliser son investissement. Le Syndicat tient à maintenir ses acquis et les emplois de qualité dans la région et à ne pas céder devant ce nouvel employeur. Le syndicat des Métallos est affilié au syndicat international United SteelWorkers. Ensemble, ils mettront sur pied une campagne stratégique internationale afin de faire contrepoids aux énormes ressources de l'employeur. Cette étude analyse le déploiement d'un syndicat international lors d'un conflit de travail au niveau local avec une entreprise multinationale et identifie les impacts de la campagne sur les relations de travail.


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Background: Intranasal administration of fentanyl is a non-invasive method of analgesic delivery which has been shown to be effective. This pilot study aimed to assess the practicality and tolerability of patient-controlled intranasal fentanyl for relieving pain during childbirth. Methods: This prospective, non-randomised, clinical trial recruited women with a singleton pregnancy during November 2009 to October 2011. Exclusion criteria included respiratory disease, gestation <37 weeks and pregnancy complications. The device administered fentanyl 54 lg per spray, incorporating a 3-min lock-out. Data collected included demographics, dose, additional analgesia, adverse events, pain relief and delivery outcomes. Follow-up data were obtained within 48 h regarding tolerability of the device. Results: The final sample included 32 women: mean age was 28.7 years and gestation 39.8 weeks. Mean fentanyl dose was 734 lg and duration of use was 3.5 h. Most women (78.2%) reported satisfactory to excellent pain relief using the nasal device. Four neonates (12.5%) required bag-mask ventilation at birth: three had adequate respiration within 5 min and one required short-term observation in the special-care nursery. For all items, there was a trend towards an adverse outcome, including neonatal respiratory support, as the dose of fentanyl increased. On follow-up, 84.4% reported they would use intranasal fentanyl for their next childbirth experience. Conclusions: Patient-controlled intranasal fentanyl provides an acceptable level of analgesia during childbirth. It may, however, increase the risk of neonatal respiratory depression. Future, randomised studies should evaluate the safety and efficacy of patient-controlled intranasal fentanyl compared with existing analgesia options.


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Separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure heteronuclear dipolar couplings. The method provides site-specific dipolar couplings for oriented samples such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. A majority of the SLF techniques utilize the well-known Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) pulse scheme which employs spin exchange at the magic angle under Hartmann-Hahn match. Though PISEMA provides a relatively large scaling factor for the heteronuclear dipolar coupling and a better resolution along the dipolar dimension, it has a few shortcomings. One of the major problems with PISEMA is that the sequence is very much sensitive to proton carrier offset and the measured dipolar coupling changes dramatically with the change in the carrier frequency. The study presented here focuses on modified PISEMA sequences which are relatively insensitive to proton offsets over a large range. In the proposed sequences, the proton magnetization is cycled through two quadrants while the effective field is cycled through either two or four quadrants. The modified sequences have been named as 2(n)-SEMA where n represents the number of quadrants the effective field is cycled through. Experiments carried out on a liquid crystal and a single crystal of a model peptide demonstrate the usefulness of the modified sequences. A systematic study under various offsets and Hartmann-Hahn mismatch conditions has been carried out and the performance is compared with PISEMA under similar conditions.


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Background: DNA-binding protein from starved cells (Dps) are nano-compartments that can oxidize and store iron rendering protection from free radicals. Results: A histidine-aspartate ionic cluster in mycobaterial Dps2 modulates the rate of iron entry and exit in these proteins. Conclusion: Substitutions that disrupt the cluster interface alter the iron uptake/release properties with localized structural changes. Significance: Identifying important gating residues can help in designing nano-delivery vehicles. Dps (DNA-binding protein from starved cells) are dodecameric assemblies belonging to the ferritin family that can bind DNA, carry out ferroxidation, and store iron in their shells. The ferritin-like trimeric pore harbors the channel for the entry and exit of iron. By representing the structure of Dps as a network we have identified a charge-driven interface formed by a histidine aspartate cluster at the pore interface unique to Mycobacterium smegmatis Dps protein, MsDps2. Site-directed mutagenesis was employed to generate mutants to disrupt the charged interactions. Kinetics of iron uptake/release of the wild type and mutants were compared. Crystal structures were solved at a resolution of 1.8-2.2 for the various mutants to compare structural alterations vis a vis the wild type protein. The substitutions at the pore interface resulted in alterations in the side chain conformations leading to an overall weakening of the interface network, especially in cases of substitutions that alter the charge at the pore interface. Contrary to earlier findings where conserved aspartate residues were found crucial for iron release, we propose here that in the case of MsDps2, it is the interplay of negative-positive potentials at the pore that enables proper functioning of the protein. In similar studies in ferritins, negative and positive patches near the iron exit pore were found to be important in iron uptake/release kinetics. The unique ionic cluster in MsDps2 makes it a suitable candidate to act as nano-delivery vehicle, as these gated pores can be manipulated to exhibit conformations allowing for slow or fast rates of iron release.


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Application of High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) has been increasingly popular since the new superconducting materials were discovered. This paper presents a new high-precision digital lock-in measurement technique which is used for measuring critical current and AC loss of the 2nd Generation HTS tape. Using a lock-in amplifier and nano-voltage meter, we can resolve signals at nano-volt level, while using a specially designed compensation coil we can cancel out inductive by adjusting the coil inductance. Furthermore, a finer correction for the inductive component can be achieved by adjusting the reference phase of the lock-in amplifier. The critical current and AC loss measurement algorithms and hardware layout are described and analyzed, and results for both numerical and experimental data under varieties of frequencies are presented. © 2008 SICE.


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The integration of the central and east European countries (CEECs) into the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) could become a major problem. At the Copenhagen European summit in December 2002, the EU agreed a transitional period with a gradual phasing in of direct payments. However, this strategy will not solve the problems of the CAP: budgetary limits remain problematic, the policy ignores possible developments in the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the extension of direct payments to the CEECs will further capitalize, and hence lock-in, agricultural support. The latter makes future reform even more difficult and, to overcome these problems, we suggest an alternative strategy to integrate the CEECs into the CAP. The EU should phase out direct payments by applying a bond scheme. Finally, we consider whether this option is politically viable.