962 resultados para Local organizations


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Se trata de dar un panorama general de las zonas rurales del periurbano con centro en el Municipio de La Plata, caracterizadas como un campo social rural periurbano, contextualizado en el "Gran Buenos Aires". Se hace una historia y caracterización territorial local atendiendo a los diversos procesos sociales involucrados y a los distintos actores sociales en juego. Se analizan particularmente las políticas regionales, el asociativismo y los cambios en las relaciones sociales interculturales y en las organizaciones locales que confluyen en la situación actual, que condicionan las circunstancias de un desarrollo local.


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No gerenciamento de recursos hídricos, a bacia hidrográfica é considerada a unidade natural de gestão. Suas características físicas definem um espaço onde a água converge para uma saída comum. O desenvolvimento integrado de uma bacia, bem como os possíveis conflitos ocasionados por demandas concorrentes do mesmo recurso, devem ser administrados respeitando esse conceito de unidade. No caso específico da bacia hidrográfica do Rio Jaguari, existe uma crescente preocupação relacionada aos usos múltiplos da água superficial. O rio Jaguari, importante afluente do Paraíba do Sul no estado de São Paulo, tem suas águas represadas para geração de energia elétrica e regularização de vazões. Nos últimos anos, tem-se constatado um crescente rebaixamento dos níveis operacionais da represa do Jaguari. Segundo estudos da sociedade civil organizada local, a tendência é de esgotamento do reservatório em poucos anos. Este trabalho aborda a questão do rebaixamento dos níveis de Jaguari através da aplicação do software DHI Mike Basin 2000. Trata-se de um simulador genérico para sistemas de recursos hídricos, de ampla aplicação. A bacia do Jaguari é representada em um modelo matemático e são simulados quatro cenários distintos de usos de água na bacia. Verifica-se que o problema é real e requer uma intervenção multi-institucional para ser solucionado.


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Emerging markets have recently been experiencing a dramatic increased in the number of mobile phone per capita. M-government has, hence, been heralded as an opportunity to leap-frog the technology cycle and provide cheaper and more inclusive and services to all. This chapter explores, within an emerging market context, the legitimacy and resistance facing civil servants’ at the engagement stage with m-government activities and the direct implication for resource management. Thirty in depth interview, in Turkey, are drawn-upon with key ICT civil servant in local organizations. The findings show that three types of resources are perceived as central namely: (i) diffusion of information management, (ii) operating system resource management and (iii) human resource management. The main evidence suggests that legitimacy for each resource management, at local level, is an ongoing struggle where all groups deploy multiples forms of resistance. Overall, greater attention in the resource management strategy for m-government application needs to be devoted to enablers such as civil servants rather than the final consumers or citizens.


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This research aims to provide a reflection on the preservation practices of Brasilia as Cultural Heritage in four analytical/political dimensions: conceptual, urban, political-institutional and legal. In order to do that, the preparation process for the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Urban Set (PPCUB) was taken as research object. This preservation plan is representative of the context which determines the relation between goals and preservation practices in the social production process of urban space. Designed by Lucio Costa in 1957, Brasilia received the Cultural Heritage title 27 years later, in 1987. It was recognized a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) in the same year as it "represents a unique artistic piece of work, a masterpiece of creative genius"; and "an outstanding example of a type of construction or architectural compound that illustrates a significant stage in history" (SILVA, 2003). Brasilia’s urban conception, also recognised in the district and federal levels, gives prominence to the 'urban scales' – monumental, residential, gregarious and bucolic – as the main aspects to be preserved. Despite being an undoubted representative, Brasilia seemingly displays a contradiction. On the one hand, the essential value of the city’s urban design is acknowledged as cultural heritage at international, national and district levels. On the other hand, numerous ways of urban interventions disregard the principles of that conception. In 2012, the international Monitoring Report raised some issues which highlight the following main needs: primary need for clear definition of the urban scales’ characteristics and boundaries; definition of a legal framework that conciliates national and district laws of occupation and use of land; creation of inter-sectors executive authority with both decision-making and financial autonomy; and promotion of heritage educational programs. This report also proposes "to cancel the current process of approval conducted by PPCUB and establish a formal consultation process through a committee made up by GDF and IPHAN, which will enable the active participation of University of Brasilia, the Architects Association, ICOMOS and local organizations" (SEDHAB, 2010). Already in its drafting process, the international recommendations evidence that preserving Brasilia’s urban design conception is not among the goals to be achieved. Thus, this research highlights that the intentional nature of PPCUB’s plans does little towards realizing the current proposals.


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Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) were heavily hunted in the past throughout the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), and are currently listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In most WCR countries, including Haiti and the Dominican Republic, remaining manatee populations are believed to be small and declining, but current information is needed on their status, distribution, and local threats to the species.

To assess the past and current distribution and conservation status of the Antillean manatee in Hispaniola, I conducted a systematic review of documentary archives dating from the pre-Columbian era to 2013. I then surveyed more than 670 artisanal fishers from Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2013-2014 using a standardized questionnaire. Finally, to identify important areas for manatees in the Dominican Republic, I developed a country-wide ensemble model of manatee distribution, and compared modeled hotspots with those identified by fishers.

Manatees were historically abundant in Hispaniola, but were hunted for their meat and became relatively rare by the end of the 19th century. The use of manatee body parts diversified with time to include their oil, skin, and bones. Traditional uses for folk medicine and handcrafts persist today in coastal communities in the Dominican Republic. Most threats to Antillean manatees in Hispaniola are anthropogenic in nature, and most mortality is caused by fisheries. I estimated a minimum island-wide annual mortality of approximately 20 animals. To understand the impact of this level of mortality, and to provide a baseline for measuring the success of future conservation actions, the Dominican Republic and Haiti should work together to obtain a reliable estimate of the current population size of manatees in Hispaniola.

In Haiti, the survey of fishers showed a wider distribution range of the species than suggested by the documentary archive review: fishers reported recent manatee sightings in seven of nine coastal departments, and three manatee hotspot areas were identified in the north, central, and south coasts. Thus, the contracted manatee distribution range suggested by the documentary archive review likely reflects a lack of research in Haiti. Both the review and the interviews agreed that manatees no longer occupy freshwater habitats in the country. In general, more dedicated manatee studies are needed in Haiti, employing aerial, land, or boat surveys.

In the Dominican Republic, the documentary archive review and the survey of fishers showed that manatees still occur throughout the country, and occasionally occupy freshwater habitats. Monte Cristi province in the north coast, and Barahona province in the south coast, were identified as focal areas. Sighting reports of manatees decreased from Monte Cristi eastwards to the adjacent province in the Dominican Republic, and westwards into Haiti. Along the north coast of Haiti, the number of manatee sighting and capture reports decreased with increasing distance to Monte Cristi province. There was good agreement among the modeled manatee hotspots, hotspots identified by fishers, and hotspots identified during previous dedicated manatee studies. The concordance of these results suggests that the distribution and patterns of habitat use of manatees in the Dominican Republic have not changed dramatically in over 30 years, and that the remaining manatees exhibit some degree of site fidelity. The ensemble modeling approach used in the present study produced accurate and detailed maps of manatee distribution with minimum data requirements. This modeling strategy is replicable and readily transferable to other countries in the Caribbean or elsewhere with limited data on a species of interest.

The intrinsic value of manatees was stronger for artisanal fishers in the Dominican Republic than in Haiti, and most Dominican fishers showed a positive attitude towards manatee conservation. The Dominican Republic is an upper middle income country with a high Human Development Index. It possesses a legal framework that specifically protects manatees, and has a greater number of marine protected areas, more dedicated manatee studies, and more manatee education and awareness campaigns than Haiti. The constant presence of manatees in specific coastal segments of the Dominican Republic, the perceived decline in the number of manatee captures, and a more conservation-minded public, offer hope for manatee conservation, as non-consumptive uses of manatees become more popular. I recommend a series of conservation actions in the Dominican Republic, including: reducing risks to manatees from harmful fishing gear and watercraft at confirmed manatee hotspots; providing alternative economic alternatives for displaced fishers, and developing responsible ecotourism ventures for manatee watching; improving law enforcement to reduce fisheries-related manatee deaths, stop the illegal trade in manatee body parts, and better protect manatee habitat; and continuing education and awareness campaigns for coastal communities near manatee hotspots.

In contrast, most fishers in Haiti continue to value manatees as a source of food and income, and showed a generally negative attitude towards manatee conservation. Haiti is a low income country with a low Human Development Index. Only a single dedicated manatee study has been conducted in Haiti, and manatees are not officially protected. Positive initiatives for manatees in Haiti include: protected areas declared in 2013 and 2014 that enclose two of the manatee hotspots identified in the present study; and local organizations that are currently working on coastal and marine environmental issues, including research and education on marine mammals. Future conservation efforts for manatees in Haiti should focus on addressing poverty and providing viable economic alternatives for coastal communities. I recommend a community partnership approach for manatee conservation, paired with education and awareness campaigns to inform coastal communities about the conservation situation of manatees in Haiti, and to help change their perceived value. Haiti should also provide legal protection for manatees and their habitat.


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La organización del Partido Progresista tiene una configuración abierta, que ensaya fórmulas de elecciones primarias y que con contará con dos núcleos: La minoría parlamentaria y una organización que será permanente desde 1846, en la que se distingue la Junta Central y la Comisión Directiva. Entre los políticos de la generación del progreso Francisco de Luxán será el primero de una nómina muy reducida de ministros con formación científico-técnica, y entre los dirigentes del Partido Progresista y de la Unión Liberal será también el único con formación científico-técnica.


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Se presenta un breve marco conceptual sobre "sostenibilidad", las condiciones ambientales que atentan contra la misma y consecuentemente contra el desarrollo de los países.[Dentro de este marco se señalan datos de especialistas sobre los cambios que experimentará la tierra, en las próximas décadas, de no tomarse acciones determinantes que los eviten.]De este marco se parte para señalar posibles estrategias en donde las bibliotecas pueden jugar un papel muy importante, sobre todo las bibliotecas públicas y las escolares. Estas por medio de las organizaciones locales y educativas, pueden ayudar al desarrollo sostenible en Centro América y Panamá, trabajando eficazmente la información que se está generando y la que se producirá en el futuro.


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As perturbações psiquiátricas e os problemas de saúde mental infantojuvenil têm vindo a merecer especial atenção por parte da comunidade científica, não só pelo facto de se estimar que 10 a 20% das crianças apresentem um ou mais problemas de saúde mental, não só por estes valores terem tendência a aumentar, mas também pelo impacto humano e financeiro que acarretam para a sociedade. Em Portugal, o Plano Nacional da Saúde Mental 2007-2016 é categórico ao afirmar a necessidade de promover a saúde mental infantojuvenil junto da população e ao salientar a importância do envolvimento e articulação com outras estruturas comunitárias ligadas à saúde, educação e direito de menores. Este trabalho vai de encontro a estas linhas de orientação, na medida em que procura identificar, desenvolver e implementar diversos aspetos inerentes à vertente comunitária da saúde mental infantojuvenil. Numa primeira fase é realizado um levantamento das reais necessidades da população infantojuvenil do concelho de Odemira e é definida uma rede de articulação entre os serviços de saúde, escolas e outras entidades locais com competência nesta área. De forma a melhorar a prestação dos cuidados e a garantir respostas adequadas às necessidades identificadas, também se procurou o individual desenvolvimento de competências especializadas na área da saúde mental infantojuvenil. Por último, atendendo à importância da implementação atempada de medidas preventivas de determinados fenómenos psicopatológicos, procurou-se treinar e desenvolver a capacidade de sensibilização e reforço de competências de uma bolsa populacional específica: a comunidade escolar. De um modo geral, os resultados obtidos demonstram aplicabilidade na prática clínica dos cuidados, contribuindo para a melhoria dos mesmos. Algumas das estratégias utilizadas constituem-se como ponto de partida para projetos futuros, podendo ser replicadas e adequadas a outros contextos de intervenção; ABSTRACT: LINK HEALTH-SCHOOL: the intervention in the community context Psychiatric disorders and problems of youth mental health have been given special attention by the scientific community, not only because it is estimated that 10-20% of children present one or more mental health problems, not only because these values have tendency to increase, but also the human and financial impact to society. In Portugal, the Mental Health National Plan 2007-2016 is emphatic in affirming the need to promote the mental youth health within the population and to emphasize the importance of the involvement and coordination with other community entities related to health, education and minors rights. This paper follows these guidelines, it tries to identify, develop and implement various aspects related to the Community part of youth health. In the first phase is carried out a survey of the real needs of youth population of the Odemira County and defined a network between health services, schools and other local organizations with expertise in this area. In order to improve the delivery of health care and ensure appropriate responses to the identified needs, also sought the individual development of expertise in the area of youth mental health. Finally, given the value of timely implementation of preventive measures of certain psychopathological phenomena, it sought to train and develop the awareness and skills improvement of a specific population: the school community. In general, the results prove the applicability of the procedures in clinical practice, contributing to a practice improvement. Some of the strategies used are the Foundation for future projects, they can be replicated and adapted to other contexts of intervention.


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Sports and recreation management is addressed here using a model that combines the policies and methodologies applied in the Costa Rican context as a result of a concern to identify the real needs in the sports, recreation, and health promotion fields through the different manifestations of human movement.  This approach has been developed during eight years of work in the Costa Rican Sports and Recreation Institute (Instituto Costarricense del Deporte y la Recreación-ICODER) together with different Costa Rican communities, both rural and urban, and local organizations, such as Comprehensive Development Community Associations, Sports and Recreation Community Boards (CCDR), Municipal Mayorships, and NGOs, among others.  This article particularly takes into consideration the experience of the CCDRs as entities that have been given the responsibility by the Costa Rican Government to promote and manage municipal sports and recreation services with a convenient offering that would meet the needs of users or customers.  In this way, this article is aimed at answering the question on how Boards should conduct an efficient management in a way that they also meet the needs of public users or customers in the municipalities of the country, by proposing a management model that serves as an additional instrument to improving the already existing services managed by the aforementioned entities.  This study presents a model of Costa Rican management structured with the theoretical elements that currently define the organization and planning of sports and recreation as a service.


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Este estudio de caso se centra en la campaña #dereitos365, desarrollada entre diciembre de 2014 y enero de 2015 en Galicia para reclamar una implicación ciudadana durante todo el año y no solo en la época navideña. Partiendo del potencial de las redes sociales e Internet y tomando este caso como referencia, el objetivo de la investigación es profundizar en el papel de las ONG como agentes de transformación social y como promotoras de un diálogo interactivo y multidireccional que implique a los nuevos ciudadanos. Los resultados muestran una campaña marcadamente institucional que busca la movilización y concienciación ciudadana para la construcción de una sociedad más justa y solidaria, generando visibilidad y cierta interactividad a través de mensajes reivindicativos, sobre todo por parte de organizaciones locales, y de un alto contenido multimedia.


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Cette recherche explore comment l’infrastructure et les utilisations d’eBird, l’un des plus grands projets de science citoyenne dans le monde, se développent et évoluent dans le temps et l’espace. Nous nous concentrerons sur le travail d’eBird avec deux de ses partenaires latino-américains, le Mexique et le Pérou, chacun avec un portail Web géré par des organisations locales. eBird, qui est maintenant un grand réseau mondial de partenariats, donne occasion aux citoyens du monde entier la possibilité de contribuer à la science et à la conservation d’oiseaux à partir de ses observations téléchargées en ligne. Ces observations sont gérées et gardées dans une base de données qui est unifiée, globale et accessible pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent au sujet des oiseaux et sa conservation. De même, les utilisateurs profitent des fonctionnalités de la plateforme pour organiser et visualiser leurs données et celles d’autres. L’étude est basée sur une méthodologie qualitative à partir de l’observation des plateformes Web et des entrevues semi-structurées avec les membres du Laboratoire d’ornithologie de Cornell, l’équipe eBird et les membres des organisations partenaires locales responsables d’eBird Pérou et eBird Mexique. Nous analysons eBird comme une infrastructure qui prend en considération les aspects sociaux et techniques dans son ensemble, comme un tout. Nous explorons aussi à la variété de différents types d’utilisation de la plateforme et de ses données par ses divers utilisateurs. Trois grandes thématiques ressortent : l’importance de la collaboration comme une philosophie qui sous-tend le développement d’eBird, l’élargissement des relations et connexions d’eBird à travers ses partenariats, ainsi que l’augmentation de la participation et le volume des données. Finalement, au fil du temps on a vu une évolution des données et de ses différentes utilisations, et ce qu’eBird représente comme infrastructure.


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Cette recherche explore comment l’infrastructure et les utilisations d’eBird, l’un des plus grands projets de science citoyenne dans le monde, se développent et évoluent dans le temps et l’espace. Nous nous concentrerons sur le travail d’eBird avec deux de ses partenaires latino-américains, le Mexique et le Pérou, chacun avec un portail Web géré par des organisations locales. eBird, qui est maintenant un grand réseau mondial de partenariats, donne occasion aux citoyens du monde entier la possibilité de contribuer à la science et à la conservation d’oiseaux à partir de ses observations téléchargées en ligne. Ces observations sont gérées et gardées dans une base de données qui est unifiée, globale et accessible pour tous ceux qui s’intéressent au sujet des oiseaux et sa conservation. De même, les utilisateurs profitent des fonctionnalités de la plateforme pour organiser et visualiser leurs données et celles d’autres. L’étude est basée sur une méthodologie qualitative à partir de l’observation des plateformes Web et des entrevues semi-structurées avec les membres du Laboratoire d’ornithologie de Cornell, l’équipe eBird et les membres des organisations partenaires locales responsables d’eBird Pérou et eBird Mexique. Nous analysons eBird comme une infrastructure qui prend en considération les aspects sociaux et techniques dans son ensemble, comme un tout. Nous explorons aussi à la variété de différents types d’utilisation de la plateforme et de ses données par ses divers utilisateurs. Trois grandes thématiques ressortent : l’importance de la collaboration comme une philosophie qui sous-tend le développement d’eBird, l’élargissement des relations et connexions d’eBird à travers ses partenariats, ainsi que l’augmentation de la participation et le volume des données. Finalement, au fil du temps on a vu une évolution des données et de ses différentes utilisations, et ce qu’eBird représente comme infrastructure.


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The Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center is a University of Iowa interdisciplinary collaboration created to make more accessible educational and service programs focused on strengthening the operational capacity of Iowa nonprofit organizations. The Center works collaboratively with government agencies, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions to impart new knowledge through activities and provide information and training resources to help nonprofit organizations and interested persons throughout Iowa. We seek to build the capacity and develop the effectiveness of community-based organizations and enhance the overall effectiveness of local organizations in building communities.


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The Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center is a University of Iowa interdisciplinary collaboration created to make more accessible educational and service programs focused on strengthening the operational capacity of Iowa nonprofit organizations. The Center works collaboratively with government agencies, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions to impart new knowledge through activities and provide information and training resources to help nonprofit organizations and interested persons throughout Iowa. We seek to build the capacity and develop the effectiveness of community-based organizations and enhance the overall effectiveness of local organizations in building communities.


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The Larned A. Waterman Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center is a University of Iowa interdisciplinary collaboration created to make more accessible educational and service programs focused on strengthening the operational capacity of Iowa nonprofit organizations. The Center works collaboratively with government agencies, nonprofit organizations and educational institutions to impart new knowledge through activities and provide information and training resources to help nonprofit organizations and interested persons throughout Iowa. We seek to build the capacity and develop the effectiveness of community-based organizations and enhance the overall effectiveness of local organizations in building communities.