920 resultados para Lived Experience
O presente relatório tem como principal objetivo descrever os trabalhos efetuados ao longo do estágio realizado na FASE – Estudos e Projetos, nomeadamente em serviços de fiscalização, no controlo de quantidades e custos, prazos e meios e controlo da qualidade. A obra onde decorreu o estágio tratou-se de uma Empreitada de Reforço de Potência do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico de Venda Nova III. Este relatório começa por apresentar uma descrição da empresa indicando a sua missão, os serviços prestados aos clientes e algumas das principais obras de referência. De seguida contextualiza-se e descreve-se a obra de Reforço de Potência da Barragem de Venda Nova III, importante para a perceção da complexidade construtiva e organizativa em que se inseriu o estágio. Posteriormente são enunciadas as várias atividades executadas em ambiente de obra. A primeira atividade desenvolvida foi o controlo de quantidades e custos de betão, de aço e de elementos da estrutura metálica. A segunda foi o controlo de prazos e meios. A terceira e última foi o controlo da qualidade de materiais, nomeadamente de aço e betão, de acordo com os Planos de Inspeção e Ensaio. Por fim, elaboram-se algumas considerações acerca da experiência vivida e da informação absorvida durante o período de estágio, bem como dos resultados obtidos tendo em conta os objetivos propostos para o desenvolvimento do estágio.
O presente documento, intitulado Relatório de Estágio de Qualificação Profissional, constitui uma reflexão crítica, em relação à experiência vivenciada nos contextos educativos de Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1. Ciclo do Ensino Básico, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada. Este relatório resulta de um quadro teórico conceptual rigoroso, visando o alcance dos objetivos delineados no programa da unidade curricular supramencionada, assim como o desenvolvimento de competência e de saberes, designadamente do perfil específico de desempenho do professor de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e do Educador de Infância. A ação pedagógica desenvolvida pela formanda, nos centros educativos, foi pautada pela metodologia de investigação-ação, que deve ser a base da prática de qualquer educador/professor na medida em que figurou-se improrrogável a ocorrência de momentos de observação intencional, de planificação e de intervenção no terreno, de reflexão crítica e sistemática, visível nas narrativas individuais e colaborativas, de avaliação individualizada dos alunos, estimulando diferentes momentos de diferenciação pedagógica, bem como de adequação da ação aos contextos educativos, levando a uma presente reflexão crítica sistemática. A pesquisa constituiu, também, uma referência eloquente para encontrar soluções eficazes aos desafios quotidianos. Importa, ainda salvaguardar que a referida, para além de sustentar o desenvolvimento da ação educativa, alicerçou o processo construtivista de crescimento pessoal e profissional da formanda, que assumiu uma atitude indagadora, crítica e reflexiva. De relevar o trabalho colaborativo em díade pela mais-valia neste processo de formação, uma vez que potenciou a partilha de saberes, de experiências, e reflexões importantes para o aperfeiçoamento da prática pedagógica. Assim, este relatório espelha o processo dinâmico de formação contribuindo para a construção da identidade profissional da futura educadora e professora.
Mental health awareness has been rising worldwide, motivated by its social and economic costs. Despite the investment in research in neuroscience in the recent years, little is known about the underlying mechanisms in the brain that are correlated with psychiatric conditions. This project, through two feature articles suitable to be published in magazines, provides perspectives onto mental health research. First it presents an example where psychiatry joins forces with neuroscience and computer science in an interdisciplinary effort to improve the life of those affected by mental disorders. The second article gathers opinions which claim that mental health research priorities should be set by patients themselves, or even that people with lived experience of mental health issues should have an active role in that research. This project was planned and researched while I was an Erasmus student at Nottingham Trent University, in the United Kingdom.
RESUMO: Este estudo procurou documentar a perspectiva (s) dos utentes de saúde mental e das associações de prestadores de cuidados sobre a prestação, o papel e a contribuição de serviços de saúde mental da comunidade tal como foram percebidos por um número de informadores-chave, incluindo os utentes do serviço mentais e os próprios prestadores de cuidados. O caso específico da Sociedade Saúde Mental do Gana (MEHSOG) foi o foco deste estudo. O modelo foi o de um estudo de caso, utilizando discussões de grupo e entrevistas com informadores-chave como instrumentos de recolha de dados. Estas ferramentas de colheita de dados foram complementadas por observações dos participantes e pela revisão de documentos da MEHSOG e dos vários grupos de apoio da comunidade de auto-ajuda que compõem a associação nacional. O estudo revelou que os utentes dos serviços de saúde mental e seus prestadores de cuidados constituem um importante grupo de partes interessadas na prestação de serviços de saúde mental da comunidade e no desenvolvimento de políticas que tenham em conta as necessidades e os direitos das pessoas com doença mental ou epilepsia. O envolvimento da MEHSOG promove a mobilização de membros e famílias relacionadas com a doença mental de beneficiar de serviços de tratamento bem organizados com um impacto significativo na melhoria da saúde e da participação dos utentes dos serviços e seus prestadores de cuidados primários em processos de tomada de decisão da família e na comunidade processos de desenvolvimento. Os utentes dos serviços por beneficiarem de tratamento, e os prestadores de cuidados primários, por se tornarem mais livres e menos sobrecarregados com a responsabilidade de cuidar, podem passar a envolver-se mais em atividades que melhoramo seu estado, o de suas famílias e das comunidades. A advocacia dos membros da MEHSOG para conseguir que a “Mental Health Bill” se transforme numa Lei foi também um desenvolvimento significativo resultante da participação ativa dos utentes do serviço em chamar a atenção para uma nova e inclusiva legislação de saúde mental para o Gana. Entre os fatores e oportunidades que permitiram aos utentes dos serviços de saúde mental e aos prestadores de cuidados primários de pessoas com doença mental apoiar activamente a prestação de serviços de saúde mental comunitária e o desenvolvimento de políticas conta-se a contribuição da sociedade civil do Gana, particularmente o movimento da deficiência, e os esforços anteriores de ONGs em saúde mental e dos profissionais de saúde mental para ter uma nova lei em saúde mental. Observámos um certo número de desafios e barreiras que actuam de forma a limitar a influência dos utentes dos serviços de saúde mental na provisão da saúde mental comunitária e no desenvolvimento de políticas. Entre elas o estigma social contra a doença mental e pessoas com doença mental ou epilepsia e seus cuidadores primaries é um factor chave. O estigma tem alterado a percepção e as análises do público em geral, especialmente dos profissionais de saúde e das autoridades políticas afetando a priorização dos problemas de saúde mental nas políticas e programas. Outro desafio foi a deficiente infra-estrutura disponível para apoiar serviços de saúde mentais que assegurem aos utentes permanecerem em bom estado de saúde e bem-estar para serem advogados de si próprios. A recomendação do presente estudo é que os movimentos de utentes dos serviços de saúde mental são importantes e que eles precisam de ser apoiados e encorajados a desempenhar o seu papel como pessoas com experiência vivida para contribuir para a organização e prestação de serviços de saúde mental, bem como para a implementação, monitorização e avaliação de políticas e programas. ------------------------------------ ABSTRACT: This study sought to document the perspective(s) of mental health users and care-givers associations in community mental health service provision and their role and contribution as it was perceived by a number of key informants including the mental service users and care-givers themselves. The specific case of the Mental Health Society of Ghana (MEHSOG) was the focus of this study. A case study approach was used to with Focus Group Discussions and Key Informants Interviews being the data collection tools that were used. These data collection tools were complemented by participant observations and review of documents of the MEHSOG and the various community self-help peer support groups that make up the national association. The study revealed that mental health service users and their care-givers constitute an important stakeholder group in community mental health service provision and development of policies that factor in the needs and rights of persons with mental illness or epilepsy. MEHSOG’s involvement in mobilising members and education families to come forward with the relations with mental illness to benefit from treatment services were well made a significant impact in improving the health and participation of service users and their primary carers in family decision-making processes and in community development processes. Service users, on benefiting from treatment, and primary care-givers, on becoming freer and less burdened with the responsibility of care, move on to engage in secure livelihoods activities, which enhanced their status in their families and communities. The advocacy MEHSOG members undertook in getting the mental health Bill become Law was also noted as significant development that was realised as a result of active involvement of service users in calling for a new and inclusive mental health legislation for Ghana. Enabling factors and opportunities that enabled mental health service users and primary care-givers of people with mental illness to actively support community mental health service provision and policy development is with the vibrant civil society presence in Ghana, particularly the disability movement, and earlier efforts by NGOs in mental health in Ghana long-side mental health professionals to have a new law in mental health. A number of challenges were also noted which were found to limit the extent to which mental health service users can be influential in community mental health service provision and policy development. Key among them was the social stigma against mental illness and people with mental illness or epilepsy and their primary carers. Stigma has affected perceptions, analyses of the general public, especially health practitioners and policy authorities that it has affected their prioritisation of mental health issues in policies and programmes. Another challenge was the poor infrastructure available to support enhanced mental health care services that ensure mental health service users remain in a good state of health and wellbeing to advocate for themselves. The recommendation from the study is that mental health service user movements are important and need to be supported and encouraged to play their role as persons with lived experience to inform organisation and provision of mental health services as well as design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programes.
‘Gypsy economy’ is a conceptual fiction as well as a matter of lived experience. First, it heuristically stabilises analytical focus on diverse economic practices of those traditionally labelled by states majorities as ‘Gypsies’ (Roma, Sinti, Travellers, peoples that identify as Gypsies, and so on). Second, it is a condensed image that makes visible recent changes in the relationship between the society, the state and the market. Ethnographic studies of Romani communities that have experienced marginalisation in relation to the dominant work ethics, informal employment and precarity for generations, but who nevertheless face their situation with self-determination and creativity that they find meaningful, therefore promises to add to the ways of thinking about human economy under the latest capitalism.
El temps del mal. L’experiència i la gestió de la cronicitat en adults. El principal objectiu d’aquesta recerca és l’estudi de l’experiència i la gestió diària de la cronicitat, entenent-la com a categoria analítica que engloba els processos de malalties i/o malestars crònics, biomèdicament diagnosticats o no, que perduren en el temps. La recerca es centra en adults entre 30 i 50 anys amb problemes crònics de salut que impliquin algun tipus de discapacitat i/o dependència (a nivell moderat), i s’ubica en l’àmbit urbà i en la comunitat autònoma de Catalunya (dins del context de l’estat Espanyol). L’estudi analitzarà la gestió individual i social de la cronicitat a través dels itineraris terapèutics i pràctiques assistencials dels processos de salut/malaltia/atenció prenent l’autoatenció com a principal categoria analítica. Per altra banda, es descriurà el rol dels serveis assistencials de la sanitat pública i dels serveis socials, per veure com es duu a terme la gestió – polítiques públiques - de la cronicitat en un país amb estat del benestar com Espanya. L’experiència de la cronicitat s’explorarà a través de les narratives de la vivència de la malaltia/malestar tan com a representació cultural – que dóna compte de les relacions, interaccions i respostes socials – i des d’una perspectiva fenomenològica que ens permet comprendre la naturalesa del patiment en l’experiència viscuda del cos malalt. Aquesta recerca espera poder fer aportacions pertinents que contribueixin des de l’antropologia però amb la intenció d’obrir un diàleg públic i interdisciplinar – professionals de la salut, experts en polítiques públiques i públic en general - a la resolució de l’actual problema de salut pública d’increment de cronicitat. El model públic d’atenció a la salut espanyol es va dissenyar per resoldre problemes de salut aguts, malgrat la major part dels usuaris actuals presentes problemes de salut crònics. L’actual crisi econòmica que amenaça aquest pilar de l’estat del benestar és, alhora, una oportunitat per replantejar-ho.
Résumé : Cet article propose une analyse du vécu de personnes électrosensibles et de la façon dont ils ont répondu aux douleurs chroniques. L'approche proposée vise à relater les stratégies de réponse à ces formes de morbidité en valorisant les récits des protagonistes ; plus particulièrement, l'accent est mis sur les dimensions cognitives, sensorielles, émotionnelles, relationnelles et existentielles engendrées par une symptomatologie qui ne correspond à aucune explication scientifique causale. Leurs récits mettent ainsi en perspective des trajectoires de vie avec les conditions sociales, médicales et somatiques dans lesquelles est menée leur quête de santé. Mettre l'accent sur les expériences quotidiennes qui fondent la représentation que les électrosensibles ont de leurs troubles permet de comprendre les raisons et les modalités des formes d'auto-éviction qu'ils pratiquent. La réalisation des modalités de l'auto-éviction sont alors interprétées comme l'aboutissement d'une trajectoire de vie, produit de choix intuitifs - et non stratégiques - basés sur des sensibilités singulières. Il en résulte un regard anthropologique invitant à interpréter l'expérience des douleurs chroniques au prisme des rapports sensibles que les individus entretiennent avec leur corps, les autres et l'environnement. Abstract: This paper analyses the lived experience of electrosensitive people and the way they reply to chronic pain. The approach aims to relate the way they reply to this kind of morbidity by highlighting their narratives; especially by emphasising the cognitive, the sensorial, the emotional, the relational and the existential dimensions produced by a symptomatology that is not scientifically explained. Their narratives put into perspective their life trajectories with the social, medical and somatic conditions that lead their health quest. Focusing on the ordinary, that shapes the representations the electrosensitive people have of their troubles, would allow us to understand the reasons and modalities of auto-eviction practices. Auto-eviction achievement is interpreted as a life trajectory fulfilment produced by intuitive choices - nonstrategic - based on singular sensitivities. As a result, it invites an anthropological interpretation of chronic pain experiences built on the sensitive relationships that individuals have with their body, the others and the environment.
In Dewey, philosophy and education are inseparable. It is often forgotten that Dewey’s conception of school and education has only been possible because he conceived thought in terms of lived experience, of constantly tested experience, of incessant research; in other words, of 'continuous search' of 'effective means of action'. In addition, according to Dewey, true education is an education in democracy, and that means investing in an education that deals with thought. The service to democratic progress is done precisely through an education in reasonability and taking into account the experience
Implementering av ett informationssystem ur en organisatorisk synvinkel initieras av en idé om ett system och avslutas då användningen av det inte längre kräver en medveten ansträngning. Ifall tolkningen av implementering är denna, är det fråga om en långsam och komplicerad process, som berör organisationens alla parter. Ny informationsteknologi anses påverka flertalet arbetsprocesser och organiseringen av det dagliga arbetet. Möjligheterna att ta i bruk systemet och utnyttja det är många. I avhandlingen undersöks implementering av ett system för att administrera hemvårdsbesök där hemvårdare använde handdatorer för att registrera information om besökens längd och innehåll. I avhandlingen observeras vilka förändringar som sker i arbetets praxis p.g.a. det nya systemet och hur dessa förändringar påverkar vårdarbetet. Forskningen inleds med att strukturera teorier om arbetspraxis för kommande analys. Arbetspraxis är inarbetade och rutinmässiga arbetssätt i arbetets sociomateriella omgivning. Arbetspraxis i avhandlingen innebär hemvårdarens praxis och upplevd erfarenhet, där verksamheten informeras av gemensamma arbetssätt, projekt, identiteter och intressen. Organisationens auktoritet kommer även fram i den förverkligade arbetspraxisen. Forskningen genomfördes som en etnografisk longitudinell studie under åren 2001-2004. I studien observerades hur nyttjandet av handdatorerna framskred ur ett organisatoriskt perspektiv. Hemvårdares arbete och verksamhet (arbetspraxis) observerades både under vårdsbesök och under pauser. Därtill intervjuades hemvårdarna för att erhålla en bättre förståelse för de rationaliteter som styr arbetet och hur systemet togs i bruk. Dokument relaterade till projektet att införa ett nytt system och administrativa dokument har utnyttjats som källmaterial. Analysen av källmaterialet styrdes av det teoretiska tillvägagångssättet att undersöka arbetspraxis. Problem som identifierades i samband med införandet av systemet och de förändringar som det medförde analyserades i detalj. Parallellt analyserades organisatorisk makt, kontroll och arbetsidentitet. Undersökningen beskriver hur det nya systemet gradvis anpassades till hemvården efter ett initialt motstånd. Under själva implementering av systemet ifrågasattes tidigare arbetspraxis och inställningen till den eftersom arbetspraxisens materiella omgivning förändrades. Det teoretiska tillvägagångssättet i att undersöka arbetspraxis framhäver vårdarens agerande i förändringsprocessen. Resultatet av forskningen visar vikten av realistiska målsättningar, givande av gruppstöd med återkoppling samt förmåga att anpassa sig till det oväntade vid införande av informationssystem.
Through this descriptive exploratory study, the ways that wilderness recreation leaders experience nature are illuminated, deconstructing the assumed environmental benefits of and practices used in outdoor recreation (Haluza-Delay, 2001). This study also offers a foundation for advancing an environmental ethic among wilderness recreation leaders, participants, and organizations. With the continued degradation of and threats to natural environments, and the rising popularity of outdoor recreation participation, the outdoor recreation professional can be a leader in promoting human reconnections to the Earth (Henderson, 1999). Leaders of outdoor recreation experiences play an important role in encouraging these revived relationships to natural settings and can contribute to the necessary environmental consciousness shift needed within Western society (Hanna, 1995; Jordan, 1996). The purpose of this research was to describe the lived-experience in nature of wilderness recreation leaders. Specifically, a phenomenological method of inquiry was used to describe the meaning of nature, the connections and relationships to nature, and the behaviours and emotions experienced in nature by a group of wilderness canoe trip leaders employed by a residential summer camp. In addition to the implications of this research, achieving this outcome provides a rich descriptive understanding of wilderness leaders' experiences—a basis from which to extend future research endeavours and programmatic practices that promote effective environmental outcomes of outdoor recreation participation. Each of the five study participants was employed in the summer of 2003 by an Ontario residential summer camp organization that sponsors extended wilderness river canoe trips for youth. Two in-depth and semi-structured interviews were performed with each participant, asking them to reflect on the canoe trip that they led for the summer camp organization during 2003. Phenomenological data was analyzed according to Colaizzi's (1978) thematic analysis process. Consistent with van Manen's (1997) emphasis on phenomenological writing, the final result presents the essence of the nature experiences of wilderness recreation leaders in the format of a narrative description. This narrative piece is the culmination of this research effort. Throughout the journey, however, various foundations within the outdoor recreation field, such as minimum impact principles, environmentally responsible behaviours, anthropocentric and ecocentric worldviews, and effective leadership are deconstructed and discussed.
There are a considerable number of programs and agencies that count on the existence of a unique relationship between nature and human development. In addition, there are significant bodies of literature dedicated to understanding developmentally focused nature-based experiences. This research project was designed to flirther the understanding of this phenomenon. Consequently, the purpose of this research endeavour was to discover the essence ofthe intersection ofpersonal transformation and nature-based leisure, culminating in a rich and detailed account of this otherwise tacit phenomenon. As such, this research built on the assumption of this beneficial intersection of nature and personal transformation and contributes to the understanding ofhow this context is supporting or generating of selfactualization and positive development. Heuristic methods were employed because heuristics is concerned with the quality and essence of an experience, not causal relationships (Moustakas, 1990). Heuristic inquiry begins with the primary researcher and her personal experience and knowledge of the phenomenon. This study also involved four other coresearchers who had also experienced this phenomenon intensely. Co-researchers were found through purposeful and snowball sampling. Rich narrative descriptions of their experiences were gathered through in-depth, semi-structured interviews, and artifact elicitation was employed as a means to get at co-researchers' tacit knowledge. Each coresearcher was interviewed twice (the first interview focused on personal transformation, the second on nature) for approximately four and a half hours in total. Transcripts were read repeatedly to discern patterns that emerged from the study of the narratives and were coded accordingly. Individual narratives were consolidated to create a composite narrative of the experience. Finally, a creative synthesis was developed to represent the essence of this tacit experience. In conclusion the essence of the intersection of nature-based leisure and personal transformation was found to lie in the convergence of the lived experience of authenticity. The physical environment of nature was perceived and experienced to be a space and context of authenticity, leisure experiences were experienced as an engagement of authenticity, and individuals themselves encountered a true or authentic self that emanated from within. The implications of these findings are many, offering suggestions, considerations and implications from reconsidered approaches to environmental education to support for selfdirected human development.
This qualitative study explored secondary teachers' perceptions of scheduling in relation to pedagogy, curriculum, and observation of student learning. Its objective was to determine the best way to organize the scheduling for the delivery of Ontario's new 4-year curriculum. Six participants were chosen. Two were teaching in a semestered timetable, 1 in a traditional timetable, and 3 had experience in both schedules. Participants related a pressure cooker "lived experience" with weaker students in the semester system experiencing a particularly harsh environment. The inadequate amount of time for review in content-heavy courses, gap scheduling problems, catch-up difficulties for students missing classes, and the fast pace of semestering are identified as factors negatively impacting on these students. Government testing adds to the pressure by shifting teachers' time and attention in the classroom from deeper learning to a superficial coverage of material, from curriculum as lived to curriculum as text to be covered. Scheduling choice should be available in public education to accommodate the needs of all students. Curriculum guidelines need to be revamped to reflect the content that teachers believe is necessary for a successful course delivery. Applied level courses need to be developed for students who are not academically inferior but learn differently.
This study examines the experiences and meaning of physical activity in the aquatic environment to enhance social, cultural and political understanding of its impact in the lives of individuals with physical disabilities. Interviews, lived experience descriptions and artifacts present an explanation of the felt sense oftheir bodies as they engage in swimming or scuba diving. 11 Combining written, verbal and visual descriptions generated by informants provides a detailed account of the unique qualities of physical activity in the water for those with physical disabilities. Participants' descriptions highlight that context is an important aspect of physical activity among individuals with physical disabilities through discussion of motility and the role of the lived body. Aspects of the aquatic environment create a setting that facilitates forgetfulness of the lived body's presence. Instructors and participants alike will benefit from learning the difference between the object body and the lived body, listening to the body's voice as they participate in physical activity .
Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a complex health problem of psychological manifestations not fully understood. Using interpretive phenomenological analysis, 11 semi-structured interviews were conducted to help understand the meaning of the lived experience of CLBP; focusing on the psychological response to pain and the role of depression, catastrophizing, fear-avoidance behavior, anxiety and somatization. Participants characterized CLBP as persistent tolerable low back pain (TLBP) interrupted by periods of intolerable low back pain (ILBP). ILBP contributed to recurring bouts of helplessness, depression, frustration with the medical system and increased fear based on the perceived consequences of anticipated recurrences, all of which were mediated by the uncertainty of such pain. During times of TLBP all participants pursued a permanent pain consciousness as they felt susceptible to experience a recurrence. As CLBP progressed, participants felt they were living with a weakness, became isolated from those without CLBP and integrated pain into their self-concept.
This inquiry examines reported critical incidents that shaped the lived experience of 5 university TAs as they negotiated multiple roles and relationships within the teaching and learning context. Questions and ensuing conversations explore the ways in which these critical incidents in teaching contributed to the TAs' understanding of themselves as teachers, of teaching and learning tensions in higher education, and of the institutional contexts in which they work. The inquiry also explores the ways in which narrative, particularly creative fiction, can represent the stories TAs tell of their experiences.