998 resultados para Lithium salt


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Beginning with the ‘frog-leg experiment’ by Galvani (1786), followed by the demonstrations of Volta pile by Volta (1792) and lead-acid accumulator by Plante´ (1859), several battery chemistries have been developed and realized commercially. The development of lithium-ion rechargeable battery in the early 1990s is a breakthrough in the science and technology of batteries. Owing to its high energy density and high operating voltage, the Li-ion battery has become the battery of choice for various portable applications such as note-book computers, cellular telephones, camcorders, etc. Huge efforts are underway in succeeding the development of large size batteries for electric vehicle applications. The origin of lithium-ion battery lies in the discovery that Li+-ions can reversibly be intercalated into/de-intercalated from the Van der Walls gap between graphene sheets of carbon materials at a potential close to the Li/Li+ electrode. By employing carbon as the negative electrode material in rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, the problems associated with metallic lithium in rechargeable lithium batteries have been mitigated. Complimentary investigations on intercalation compounds based on transition metals have resulted in establishing LiCoO2 as the promising cathode material. By employing carbon and LiCoO2, respectively, as the negative and positive electrodes in a non-aqueous lithium-salt electrolyte,a Li-ion cell with a voltage value of about 3.5 V has resulted.Subsequent to commercialization of Li-ion batteries, a number of research activities concerning various aspects of the battery components began in several laboratories across the globe. Regarding the positive electrode materials, research priorities have been to develop different kinds of active materials concerning various aspects such as safety, high capacity, low cost, high stability with long cycle-life, environmental compatibility,understanding relationships between crystallographic and electrochemical properties. The present review discusses the published literature on different positive electrode materials of Li-ion batteries, with a focus on the effect of particle size on electrochemical performance.


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We discuss here the crucial role of the particle network and its stability on the long-range ion transport in solid liquid composite electrolytes. The solid liquid composite electrolytes chosen for the study here comprise nanometer sized silica (SiO2) particles having various surface chemical functionalities dispersed in nonaqueous lithium salt solutions, viz, lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) in two different polyethylene glycol based solvents. These systems constitute representative examples of an independent class of soft matter electrolytes known as ``soggy sand'' electrolytes, which have tremendous potential in diverse electrochemical devices. The oxide additive acts as a heterogeneous dopant creating free charge carriers and enhancing the local ion transport. For long-range transport, however, a stable spanning particle network is needed. Systematic experimental investigations here reveal that the spatial and time dependent characteristics of the particle network in the liquid solution are nontrivial. The network characteristics are predominantly determined by the chemical makeup of the electrolyte components and the chemical interactions between them. It is noteworthy that in this study the steady state macroscopic ionic conductivity and viscosity of the solid liquid composite electrolyte are observed to be greatly determined by the additive oxide surface chemical functionality, solvent chemical composition, and solvent dielectric constant.


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The organic/inorganic nanocomposites polymer electrolytes were designed and synthesized. The organic/inorganic nanocomposites membrane materials and their lithium salt complexes have been found thermally stable below 200 degrees C. The conductivity of the organic/inorganic nanocomposites polymer electrolytes prepared at room temperature was at magnitude range of 10(-6) S/cm. (c) 2007 Li Qi. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Chinese Chemical Society. All rights reserved.


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Four isomers of steroidal saponins were differentiated using multiple-stage tandem mass spectrometry combined with electrospray ionization (ESI-MSn). With the addition of lithium salt, the [M+Li](+) ions of saponins were observed in the ESI spectra. MSn spectra of these [M+Li](+) ions provided detailed structural information and allowed differentiation of the four isomeric saponins. The cross-ring cleavage ions from the saccharide chains of the saponins could be used as diagnostic ions for information concerning the linkage of the sugar moieties of the saponins. The masses of the X, A, Y and C type fragment ions formed from [M+Li](+) ions of the isomeric saponins provided information defining the methyl group locations.


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Herein, the N-butyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide and the N-propyl-N-methylpyrrolidinium bis(fluorosulfonyl)amide room temperature ionic liquids, combined with the lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)amide salt, are investigated as electrolytes for Li/LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (Li/NMC) batteries. To conduct this study, volumetric properties, ionic conductivity and viscosity of the pure ionic liquids and selected electrolytes were firstly determined as a function of temperature and composition in solution. These data were then compared with those measured in the case of the standard alkyl carbonate-based electrolyte: e.g. the EC/PC/3DMC + 1 mol·L−1 LiPF6. The compatibility of the selected electrolytes with the lithium electrode was then investigated by following the evolution of Li/electrolyte interfaces through impedance measurements. Interestingly, the impedances of the investigated Li/electrolyte interfaces were found to be more than three times lower than that measured using the standard electrolyte. Finally, electrochemical performances of the ionic liquid-based electrolytes were investigated using galvanostatic charge and discharge and cyclic voltammetry of each Li/NMC cell. Using these electrolytes, each tested Li cell reaches up to 145 mA·h·g−1 at C/10 and 110 mA·h·g−1 at C with a coulombic efficiency close to 100 %.


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L'étude suivante décrit la synthèse des ligands nacnacxylH, nacnacBnH, nacnacR,RH et nacnacCyH en utilisant une méthode générale qui implique des rendements élevés et des coûts raisonnables, la complexation de ces ligands au Zr, la caractérisation de ces complexes et l’investigation de leurs réactivités. Les complexes de zirconium ont été obtenus en utilisant deux méthodes synthétiques principales : la première consiste en traitement du sel de lithium du ligand avec le ZrCl4. La seconde est la réaction du ligand neutre avec les complexes d’alkyl-zirconium(IV) par protonation de l'alkyle coordonné. Le ligand adopte deux modes de coordination avec le Zr. Une coordination 2 est observée dans les complexes octaèdriques contenant un ou deux ligands nacnac. En présence d'un autre ligand ayant une coordonnation 5, par exemple Cp ou Ind, le ligand nacnac se trouve en coordination x avec le centre métallique de zirconium. En solution, les complexes obtenus de (nacnac)2ZrX2 montrent un comportement dynamique via un « Bailar-twist » et les paramètres d'activation de cette isomérisation ont été obtenus. Le complexe octaèdrique (nacnacBn)2ZrCl2, 2c, n'a pas montré de réactivité dans la carbozirconation et son alkylation n'était pas possible par l’échange des chlorures avec les alkyles. L’analogue dimethylé (nacnacBn)2ZrMe2, 2d, peut être préparé par alkylation du ZrCl4 avant la complexation du ligand. Ce dernier a été prouvé aussi de ne pas être réactif dans la carbozirconation.


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Résumé: Dans le but de préparer des complexes de Zr pour la catalyse homogène de la polymérisation des lactides et de l’hydroamination des olefines, l’elaboration et l’optimisation d’une méthode systématique et efficace de synthèse des ligands dikétimines ayant différents substituants alkyles (R) à la position N,N’ a été realisée. Des dikétimines (nacnacRH) symétriques ont été obtenus avec une pureté de plus de 95 % et un rendement de 65 % lorsque R = Me et des rendements allant de 80 à 95 % lorsque le groupe R = n-Pr, i-Pr, i-Bu, Bu, Cy et (+)-CH(Me)Ph. La synthèse des dikétimines ayant des substituants N-alkyls différents, dite asymétriques, donne toujours un mélange statistique de trois ligands: nacnacR,R’H, nacnacR,RH et nacnacR’,R’H qui n’ont pu être separés. Seuls les dikétimines asymétriques avec un substituant N-alkyl et un autre N-aryl (nacnacR,ArH) ont été obtenus avec des rendements plus élevés que celui du mélange statistique. Par la suite, la complexation de ces ligands bidentés au Zr, la caractérisation de ces complexes et l’investigation de la réactivité ont été étudiés. Les complexes de Zr de type (nacnacR)2ZrCl2 ont été obtenus par deux voies de synthèse principales: la première consiste à traiter le sel de lithium du ligand avec le ZrCl4. La seconde est la réaction du ligand avec les complexes neutres d’alkyl-zirconium(IV) par protonation de l'alkyle coordonné. En solution, les complexes obtenus de (nacnacR)2ZrX2 possèdent un comportement dynamique via un « Bailar-twist » et les paramètres d'activation de cette isomérisation ont été calculés. Le complexe octaèdrique (nacnacBn)2ZrCl2 n'est pas réactif dans la carbozirconation et son alkylation n'était pas possible par l’échange des chlorures avec les alkyles. L’analogue diméthylé (nacnacBn)2ZrMe2 peut être préparé par alkylation du ZrCl4 avant la complexation du ligand. On a également observé que ce dernier n’est pas réactif dans la carbozirconation. L‘analogue diéthoxyde (nacnacBn)2Zr(OEt)2 est obtenu par échange des diméthyles avec les éthoxydes. La polymérisation du lactide avec celui-ci en tant que précurseur est relativement lente et ne peut être effectuée que dans le monomère fondu. Par conséquent, pour résoudre les problèmes rencontrés avec les complexes de zirconium (dikétiminates non-pontés), un ligand dikétimines pontés par le diaminocyclohexane, (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2, LH2, (Xyl = 2,6-diméthylphényle) a été préparé. La complexation de ce ligand tetradenté au metal a été réalisée par deux voies de synthèse; la première est la réaction du sel de lithium de ce ligand avec le ZrCl4(THF)2. La deuxième est la déprotonation du ligand neutre avec le Zr(NMe2)4 et l’élimination du diméthylamine. Des complexes du type: (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrX2 avec X = Cl, NMe2 ont été obtenus. Les ligands de chlorure sont dans ce cas facilement remplaçables par des éthoxydes ou des méthyles. On a observé l’activité la plus élevée jamais observée pour un complexe d’un métal du groupe 4 avec le complexe de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OEt)2 dans la polymérisation de lactide. L'étude cinétique a montré que la loi de vitesse est du premier ordre en catalyseur et en monomère et la constante de vitesse est k = 14 (1) L mol-1 s-1. L'analyse des polymères a montré l’obtention de masses moléculaires faibles et l’abscence de stéréocontrôle. La réaction de (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2ZrCl2 avec le triflate d’argent donne le (±)-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2. Le complexe bis-triflate obtenu possède une activité catalytique elevée pour les additions du type aza-Michael. L’utilisation du R,R-C6H10(nacnacXylH)2Zr(OTf)2 énantiopur comme catalyseur, dans les additions du type aza-Michael asymétriques donne le produit desiré avec un excès énantiomérique de 19%.


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The lithium salt of the anionic SPS pincer ligand composed of a central hypervalent lambda(4)-phosphinine ring bearing two ortho-positioned diphenylphosphine sulfide side arms reacts with [Mn(CO)(5)Br] to give fac-[Mn(SPS)(CO)(3)], This isomer can be converted photochemicaily to mer-[Mn(SPS)(CO)(3)], with a very high quantum yield (0.80 +/- 0.05). The thermal backreaction is slow (taking ca. 8 h at room temperature), in contrast to rapid electrodecatalyzed mer-to-fac isomerization triggered by electrochemical reduction of mer-[Mn(SPS)(CO)(3)]. Both geometric isomers of [Mn(SPS)(CO)(3)] have been characterized by X-ray crystallography. Both isomers show luminescence from a low-lying (IL)-I-3 (SPS-based) excited state. The light emission of fac-[Mn(SPS)(CO)(3)] is largely quenched by the efficient photoisomerization occurring probably from a low-lying Mn-CO dissociative excited state. Density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent DFT calculations describe the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) and lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of fac- and mer-[Mn(CO)(3)(SPS)] as ligand-centered orbitals, largely localized on the phosphinine ring of the SPS pincer ligand. In line with the ligand nature of its frontier orbitals, fac-[Mn(SPS)(CO)(3)] is electrochemically reversibly oxidized and reduced to the corresponding radical cation and anion, respectively. The spectroscopic (electron paramagnetic resonance, IR, and UV-vis) characterization of the radical species provides other evidence for the localization of the redox steps on the SIPS ligand. The smaller HOMO-LUMO energy difference in the case of mer-[Mn(CO)(3)(SPS)], reflected in the electronic absorption and emission spectra, corresponds with its lower oxidation potential compared to that of the fac isomer. The thermodynamic instability of mer-[Mn(CO)(3)(SPS)], confirmed by the DFT calculations, increases upon one-electron reduction and oxidation of the complex.


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Thin films of MnO(2) nanoparticles were grown using the layer-by-layer method with poly (diallyldimetylammonium) as the intercalated layer. The film growth was followed by UV-vis, electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM), and atomic force microscopy. Linear growth due to electrostatic immobilization of layers was observed up to 30 bilayers, but electrical connectivity was maintained only for 12 MnO(2)/PPDA bilayers. The electrochemical characterization of this film in 1-butyl-2,3-dimethyl-imidazolium (BMMI) bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (TFSI) (BMMITFSI) with and without addition of a lithium salt indicated a higher electrochemical response of the nanostructured electrode in the lithium-containing electrolyte. On the basis of EQCM experiments, it was possible to confirm that the charge compensation process is achieved mainly by the TFSI anion at short times (<2 s) and by BMMI and lithium cations at longer times. The fact that large ions like TFSI and BMMI participate in the electroneutrality is attributed to the redox reaction that occurs at the superficial sites and to the high concentration of these species compared to that of lithium cations.


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This paper describes the preparation and characterization of a solid polymer electrolyte based on amylopectin-rich starch plasticized with glycerol. The samples were characterized through ionic conductivity (sigma) measurements, scanning electron microscopy, thermal analysis, and spectroscopy in the UV-Vis-NIR region. The results showed that the highest sigma (1.1 x 10(-4) Scm(-1) at 30 degrees C) was obtained for the sample with n = [O]/[Li] = 6.5 ratio. In addition, the samples plasticized with 30-35 wt.% of glycerol presented high ionic conductivity, transparency and conduction stability. The ionic conductivity measurements as a function of lithium salt contents showed a maximum for n=6.5. The ionic conductivity as a function of time for amylopectin-rich starch plasticized with 30 wt.% of glycerol and containing [O]/[Li] = 10 showed conduction stability over 6 months (sigma similar to 3.01 x 10(-5) S cm(-1)). (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Gelatin is a cheap and abundant natural product with very good biodegradation properties and can be used to obtain acetic acid or LiClO(4)-based gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs) with high ionic conductivity and good stability. This article presents results of GPEs obtained by the plasticization of gelatin and addition of LiBF(4), where the optimization of the system was achieved by using a factorial design type 22 with two variables: glycerol and LiBF(4). From this analysis it was stated that the effect of glycerol as a plasticizer on the ionic conductivity results is much more important than the effect obtained by varying the lithium salt content or the effect of the interaction of both variables. Also all the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction measurements, UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and impedance spectroscopy. The ionic conductivity results of all analyzed samples as a function of temperature obey predominantly an Arrhenius relationship and the samples are stable up to 160 degrees C. Good conductivity results combined with transparency and good adhesion to the electrodes have shown that gelatin-based GPEs are very promising materials to be used as solid electrolytes in electrochromic devices. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multinuclear pulsed field gradient NMR measurements and rheological viscosity measurements were performed on three series of polymer gel electrolytes. The gels were based on a lithium salt electrolyte swollen into a copolymer matrix comprising an acrylate backbone and ethylene oxide side chains. In each series the side chains differed in length and number, but the acrylate-to-ethylene oxide ratio was kept constant. It was found that the self-diffusion coefficient of the cations was much lower than that of the anions, and that it decreased rapidly when the side chains got longer. In contrast, the self-diffusion coefficient of the anions was found to be independent of chain length. In the gel electrolytes, the diffusion coefficients of the solvent molecules are relatively constant despite an increased viscosity with increasing length of the side chains. However, in salt-free gels made for comparison, the diffusion coefficients of the solvent molecules decreased with increasing length of the side chains, which is consistent with an increased viscosity.


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The copolymerization of lithium 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonate (LiAMPS) with N,N ′-dimethylacrylamide has yielded polyelectrolyte systems which can be gelled with an ethylene carbonate/N ′,N ′-dimethylacetamide solvent mixture and show high ionic conductivities. 7Li linewidth and relaxation times as well as 1H NMR diffusion coefficients have been used to investigate the effect of copolymer composition as well as copolymer concentration in the gel electrolyte with respect to ionic transport and polyelectrolyte structure. It appears that ion association is likely even in the case of low lithium salt concentration; however a rapid exchange exists between the associated and non-associated lithium species. Beyond 0.2 M of LiAMPS, both the conductivity and solvent diffusion reach a plateau, whilst lithium ion linewidth and spin-spin relaxation are suggestive, on average, of a less mobile species. The thermal analysis data is also supportive of this association effectively leading to a form of phase separation on the nanoscale, which gives a lower overall activity of lithium ions in the solvent rich regions beyond about 0.2 M of LiAMPS, thereby leading to an increase in the final liquidus temperature of the binary liquid solvent from –9 to +5°C.


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Nano-particle oxide fillers including TiO2, SiO2 and Al2O3 have previously been shown to have a significant affect on the properties of polymer electrolytes, especially those based on polyether–lithium salt systems. In some cases, conductivity increases of more than one order of magnitude have been reported in crystalline PEO-based complexes. In this work, we report on the effects of TiO2 on a completely amorphous polyether-based system to remove the complication of multiple phases presented by the semi-crystalline nature of PEO. Multinuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has shown that the lithium ion environment is changed by the addition of filler. Vibrational spectroscopy shows that the filler influences the disordered-longitudinal acoustic modes (DLAM) in the case of an amorphous polyether and suggests an interaction between the filler surface and the polymer. Positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy indicates an increase in free volume upon addition of filler to an amorphous polyether–salt complex, coinciding with an apparent increase in polymer mobility as determined from 1H T2 NMR measurements. Impedance spectroscopy has shown clear evidence of an inter-phase region that may be more or less conductive than the bulk polymer electrolyte itself. The data support a model which includes conduction through an interfacial region in addition to the bulk polymer