932 resultados para Liquid mixture technique
Water still represents, on its critical properties and phase transitions, a problem of current scientific interest, as a consequence of the countless open questions and of the inadequacy of the existent theoretical models, mainly related to the different solid and liquid phases that this substance possesses. For example, there are 13 known crystalline forms of water, and also amorphous phases. One of them, the amorphous ice of very high density (VHDA), was just recently observed. Other example is the anomalous behavior in the macroscopic density, which presents a maximum at the temperature of 277 K. In order to experimentally investigate the behavior of one of the liquid-solid phase transitions, the anomaly in its density and also the metastability, we used three different cooling techniques and, as comparison systems, we made use of the solvents: acetone and ethyl alcohol. The first studied cooling system employ a Peltier plate, a device recently developed, which makes use of small cubes made up of semiconductors to change heat among two surfaces; the second system is a commercial refrigerator, similar to the residential ones. Finally, the liquid nitrogen technique, which is used to refrigerate the samples in a container, in two ways: a very fast and other one, almost static. In those three systems, three Beckers of aluminum were used (with a volume of 80 ml, each), containing water, alcohol and acetone. They were closed and maintained at atmospheric pressure. Inside of each Becker were installed three thermocouples, disposed along the vertical axis of the Beckers, one close to the inferior surface, other to the medium level and the last one close the superior surface. A system of data acquisition was built via virtual instrumentation using as a central equipment a Data-Acquisition board. The temperature data were collected by the three thermocouples in the three Beckers, simultaneously, in function of freezing time. We will present the behavior of temperature versus freezing time for the three substances. The results show the characterization of the transitions of the liquid
In this work we investigate the effect of a BCS-type pairing term for free spinless fermions, with a propensity to form a condensate of pairs in a 1+1 dimension. Using the of bosonization technique we explore the possible condition of existence of quasiparticles in a superconducting state. Although there is no spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry the propagator of one-particle fermion is massive and, in fact, resembles the one-particle Green s function of conventional quasiparticles
The separation oil-water by the use of flotation process is characterized by the involvement between the liquid and gas phases. For the comprehension of this process, it s necessary to analyze the physical and chemical properties command float flotation, defining the nature and forces over the particles. The interface chemistry has an important role on the flotation technology once, by dispersion of a gas phase into a liquid mixture the particles desired get stuck into air bubbles, being conduced to a superficial layer where can be physically separated. Through the study of interface interaction involved in the system used for this work, was possible to apply the results in an mathematical model able to determine the probability of flotation using a different view related to petroleum emulsions such as oil-water. The terms of probability of flotation correlate the collision and addition between particles of oil and air bubbles, that as more collisions, better is the probability of flotation. The additional probability was analyzed by the isotherm of absorption from Freundlich, represents itself the add probability between air bubbles and oil particles. The mathematical scheme for float flotation involved the injected air flow, the size of bubbles and quantity for second, the volume of float cell, viscosity of environment and concentration of demulsifier. The results shown that the float agent developed by castor oil, pos pH variation, salt quantity, temperature, concentration and water-oil quantity, presented efficient extraction of oil from water, up to 95%, using concentrations around 11 ppm of demulsifier. The best results were compared to other commercial products, codified by ―W‖ and ―Z‖, being observed an equivalent demulsifier power between Agflot and commercial product ―W‖ and superior to commercial product ―Z‖
PMN ceramic relaxor has been investigated by several researchers and many aspects of this material, like powder morphology, phase decomposition, weight loss during sintering process, densification, between others, still are investigated. PMN powder preparation has been shown more efficient when synthesized by columbite route, however lead addition stage for the PMN powder synthesis remains problematical. Therefore, this work proposes a new association of methodologies, using columbite route and the hydroxide precipitation method. Through use of the powder mixture technique, which permitted to obtain good green and sintered densities, was possible to observe K+ y Li + dopants reduce weight loss in sintering process and change significantly the dielectric properties. Addition of LiNbO3 seeds in conformation stage, which react in a distinct way as a function of the particle size, promotes the formation of differenced grains in the ceramic bulk. Consequently, very different dielectrics properties from conventional PMN ceramic were obtained.
The main aim of this study was to develop dense and conducting SnO 2 ceramics without precipitated phases on the grain boundaries, which was verified using field emission scanning microscopy (FE-SEM) coupled with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDS). Two sample groups were investigated, where the first sample group was doped with zinc while the second one was doped with cobalt. The ceramics were prepared using the oxides mixture method and the sintering was carried out in a conventional muffle oven as well as in microwave oven. The results obtained were found to be similar regarding the relative density for the two sintering methods while time and temperature gains were observed for the microwave sintering method. The relative densities obtained were nearly 95%, for the two sintering methods. Concerning the electrical characterization measurements-electric field x current density as well as the environment temperature, the ceramics obtained through the conventional sintering method presented non-ohmic behavior. For the microwave sintered ceramics, we observed an ohmic behavior with electrical resistivity of 1.3 Ωcm for the samples doped with ZnO/Nb 2O 5 and 2.5 Ωcm for that of the samples doped with CoO/Nb 2O 5. The FE-SEM/EDS results for the microwave sintered ceramics indicated a structure with a reduced number of pores and other phases segregated at the grain boundaries, which leads to a better conductive ceramic than the conventional oven sintered samples. The dilatometry analysis determined the muffle sintering temperature and the difference between the densification of cobalt and zinc oxides. The addition of niobium oxide resulted in the decrease in resistivity, which thus led us to conclude that it is possible to obtain dense ceramics with low electrical resistivity based on SnO 2 using commercial oxides by the oxides mixture technique and the microwave oven sintering method. Copyright © 2011 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The HPLC technique with UV-Vis detection was employed in the analysis of cocaine content in apprehended samples of cocaine and crack. A peak signal for cocaine was obtained in 3.5 minutes run by using acetonitrile/water (95:5v/v) as a mobile phase. Optimized spectrophotometric signal was obtained at a wavelength of 224 nm. The analytical curve from 1.0 to 40.0 ppm of cocaine was obtained, showing a linear correlation coefficient of 0.9989, with detection and quantification limits of 0.75 ppm and 3.78 ppm, respectively. This methodology was employed at the dosage of confiscated samples of cocaine and crack in the Scientific Police Laboratory of Ribeirão Preto-SP city.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A Photocatalyst ceramic powder that presented high photoactivity based on TiO2 modified with 25% molar of SnO2 and up to 5% molar of Ag2O was obtained in the present work. The aforementioned ceramic powder was obtained using all commercial oxides as well as the oxides mixture technique. The powders were ground in high energy mill for one hour with subsequent thermal treatment at 400°C for four hours. They were, furthermore, characterized using surface area of around 6m2/g, where the X-Ray diffraction results provided evidence for the presence of anatase and rutile phases, known to be typical characteristics of both the TiO2 and SnO2 used. During the thermal treatment, Ag2O was reduced to metallic silver. The photodegradation rehearsals were carried out using a 0.01 mmol/L Rhodamine B solution in a 100mg/L photocatalyst suspension in a 500ml beaker, which was irradiated with 4W germicide Ultraviolet light of 254nm. In addition, samples were removed after duration of about 10 minutes to an hour, where they were analyzed thoroughly in UV-vis spectrophotometer. The analysis of the results indicated that for the compositions up to 2.5% molar of Ag2O, the photoactivity was found to be greater than that of Degussa P25 photocatalyst powder, and as such it was then used as a reference. Taking into account 90% degradation of Rhodamine B, a duration period of 11 minutes was obtained for the developed photocatalyst powder compared to the 38 minutes observed for the Degussa P25. FEG-SEM micrographies enabled the verification of the morphology as well as the interaction of the oxide particles with the metallic silver, which led us to propose a model for the increase in photoactivity observed in the photocatalyst powder under investigation.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A new approach for the determination of free and total valproic acid in small samples of 140 μL human plasma based on capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection is proposed. A dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction technique was employed in order to remove biological matrices prior to instrumental analysis. The free valproic acid was determined by isolating free valproic acid from protein-bound valproic acid by ultrafiltration under centrifugation of 100 μL sample. The filtrate was acidified to turn valproic acid into its protonated neutral form and then extracted. The determination of total valproic acid was carried out by acidifying 40 μL untreated plasma to release the protein-bound valproic acid prior to extraction. A solution consisting of 10 mM histidine, 10 mM 3-(N-morpholino)propanesulfonic acid and 10 μM hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide of pH 6.5 was used as background electrolyte for the electrophoretic separation. The method showed good linearity in the range of 0.4-300 μg/mL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9996. The limit of detection was 0.08 μg/mL, and the reproducibility of the peak area was excellent (RSD=0.7-3.5%, n=3, for the concentration range from 1 to 150 μg/mL). The results for the free and total valproic acid concentration in human plasma were found to be comparable to those obtained with a standard immunoassay. The corresponding correlation coefficients were 0.9847 for free and 0.9521 for total valproic acid.
Esse trabalho constitui o desenvolvimento da modelagem térmica e simulação por métodos numéricos de dois componentes fundamentais do ciclo de refrigeração por absorção de calor com o par amônia/água: o absorvedor e o gerador. A função do absorvedor é produzir mistura líquida com alta fração mássica de amônia a partir de mistura líquida com baixa fração mássica de amônia e mistura vapor mediante retirada de calor. A função do gerador é produzir mistura líquido/vapor a partir de mistura líquida mediante o fornecimento de calor. É proposto o uso da tecnologia de filmes descendentes sobre placas inclinadas e o método de diferenças finitas para dividir o comprimento da placa em volumes de controle discretos e realizar os balanços de massa, espécie de amônia e energia juntamente com as equações de transferência de calor e massa para o filme descendente. O objetivo desse trabalho é obter um modelo matemático simplificado para ser utilizado em controle e otimização. Esse modelo foi utilizado para calcular as trocas de calor e massa no absorvedor e gerador para diversas condições a partir de dados operacionais, tais como: dimensões desses componentes, ângulo de inclinação da placa, temperatura de superfície e condições de entrada da fase líquida e vapor. Esses resultados foram utilizados para estabelecer relações de causa e efeito entre as variáveis e parâmetros do problema. Os resultados mostraram que o ângulo de inclinação da placa ótimo tanto para o absorvedor como para o gerador é a posição vertical, ou 90°. A posição vertical proporciona o menor comprimento de equilíbrio (0,85 m para o absorvedor e 1,27 m para o gerador com as condições testadas) e se mostrou estável, pois até 75° não foram verificadas variações no funcionamento do absorvedor e gerador. Dentre as condições testadas para uma placa de 0,5 m verificou-se que as maiores efetividades térmicas no absorvedor e gerador foram respectivamente 0,9 e 0,7 e as maiores efetividades mássicas no absorvedor e gerador foram respectivamente 0,6 e 0,5. É esperado que os dados obtidos sejam utilizados em trabalhos futuros para a construção de um protótipo laboratorial e na validação do modelo.
Benzodiazepines are among the most prescribed compounds for anti-anxiety and are present in many toxicological screens. These drugs are also prominent in the commission of drug facilitated sexual assaults due their effects on the central nervous system. Due to their potency, a low dose of these compounds is often administered to victims; therefore, the target detection limit for these compounds in biological samples is 10 ng/mL. Currently these compounds are predominantly analyzed using immunoassay techniques; however more specific screening methods are needed. ^ The goal of this dissertation was to develop a rapid, specific screening technique for benzodiazepines in urine samples utilizing surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), which has previously been shown be capable of to detect trace quantities of pharmaceutical compounds in aqueous solutions. Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy has the advantage of overcoming the low sensitivity and fluorescence effects seen with conventional Raman spectroscopy. The spectra are obtained by applying an analyte onto a SERS-active metal substrate such as colloidal metal particles. SERS signals can be further increased with the addition of aggregate solutions. These agents cause the nanoparticles to amass and form hot-spots which increase the signal intensity. ^ In this work, the colloidal particles are spherical gold nanoparticles in aqueous solution with an average size of approximately 30 nm. The optimum aggregating agent for the detection of benzodiazepines was determined to be 16.7 mM MgCl2, providing the highest signal intensities at the lowest drug concentrations with limits of detection between 0.5 and 127 ng/mL. A supported liquid extraction technique was utilized as a rapid clean extraction for benzodiazepines from urine at a pH of 5.0, allowing for clean extraction with limits of detection between 6 and 640 ng/mL. It was shown that at this pH other drugs that are prevalent in urine samples can be removed providing the selective detection of the benzodiazepine of interest. ^ This technique has been shown to provide rapid (less than twenty minutes), sensitive, and specific detection of benzodiazepines at low concentrations in urine. It provides the forensic community with a sensitive and specific screening technique for the detection of benzodiazepines in drug facilitated assault cases.^