994 resultados para Linear Viscoelastic Materials


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This thesis evaluates the rheological behaviour of asphalt mixtures and the corresponding extracted binders from the mixtures containing different amounts of Reclaimed Asphalt (RA). Generally, the use of RA is limited to certain amounts. The study materials are Stone Mastic Asphalts including a control sample with 0% RA, and other samples with RA rates of 30%, 60% and 100%. Another set of studied mixtures are Asphalt Concretes (AC) types with again a control mix having 0% RA rate and the other mixtures designs containing 30%, 60% and 90% of reclaimed asphalt which also contain additives. In addition to the bitumen samples extracted from asphalt mixes, there are bitumen samples directly extracted from the original RA. To characterize the viscoelastic behaviour of the binders, Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) tests were conducted on bitumen specimens. The resulting influence of the RA content in the bituminous binders are illustrated through master curves, black diagrams and Cole-Cole plots with regressing these experimental data by the application of the analogical 2S2P1D and the analytical CA model. The advantage of the CA model is in its limited number of parameters and thus is a simple model to use. The 2S2P1D model is an analogical rheological model for the prediction of the linear viscoelastic properties of both asphalt binders and mixtures. In order to study the influence of RA on mixtures, the Indirect Tensile Test (ITT) has been conducted. The master curves of different mixture samples are evaluated by regressing the test data points to a sigmoidal function and subsequently by comparing the master curves, the influence of RA materials is studied. The thesis also focusses on the applicability and also differences of CA model and 2S2P1D model for bitumen samples and the sigmoid function for the mixtures and presents the influence of the RA rate on the investigated model parameters.


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In this work, the main factors affecting the rheological behavior of polyethylene terephtalate (PET) in the linear viscoelastic regime (water content, time delay before test, duration of experiment, and temperature) were accessed. Small amplitude oscillatory shear tests were performed after different time delays ranging from 300 to 5000 s for samples with water contents ranging from 0.02 to 0.45 wt %. Time sweep tests were carried out for different durations to explain the changes undergone by PET before and during small amplitude oscillatory shear measurements. Immediately after the time sweep tests, the PET samples were removed from the rheometer, analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and their molar mass was obtained by viscometry analysis. It was shown that for all the samples, the delay before test and residence time within the rheometer (i.e. duration of experiment) result in structural changes of the PET samples, such as increase or decrease of molar mass, broadening of molar mass distribution, and branching phenomena. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 116: 3525-3533, 2010


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Purpose: To evaluate whether the correlation between in vitro bond strength data and estimated clinical retention rates of cervical restorations after two years depends on pooled data obtained from multicenter studies or single-test data. Materials and Methods: Pooled mean data for six dentin adhesive systems (Adper Prompt L-Pop, Clearfil SE, OptiBond FL, Prime & Bond NT, Single Bond, and Scotchbond Multipurpose) and four laboratory methods (macroshear, microshear, macrotensile and microtensile bond strength test) (Scherrer et al, 2010) were correlated to estimated pooled two-year retention rates of Class V restorations using the same adhesive systems. For bond strength data from a single test institute, the literature search in SCOPUS revealed one study that tested all six adhesive systems (microtensile) and two that tested five of the six systems (microtensile, macroshear). The correlation was determined with a database designed to perform a meta-analysis on the clinical performance of cervical restorations (Heintze et al, 2010). The clinical data were pooled and adjusted in a linear mixed model, taking the study effect, dentin preparation, type of isolation and bevelling of enamel into account. A regression analysis was carried out to evaluate the correlation between clinical and laboratory findings. Results: The results of the regression analysis for the pooled data revealed that only the macrotensile (adjusted R2 = 0.86) and microtensile tests (adjusted R2 = 0.64), but not the shear and the microshear tests, correlated well with the clinical findings. As regards the data from a single-test institute, the correlation was not statistically significant. Conclusion: Macrotensile and microtensile bond strength tests showed an adequate correlation with the retention rate of cervical restorations after two years. Bond strength tests should be carried out by different operators and/or research institutes to determine the reliability and technique sensitivity of the material under investigation.


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Certain organic crystals are found to possess high non- linear optical coefficients,often one to two orders of magnitude higher than those of the well known inorganic non-linear optical materials.Benzoyl glycine is one such crystal whose optical second-harmonic generation efficiency is much higher than that of potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Single crystals of benzoyl glycine are grown by solvent evaporation technique using N,N-dimethyl formamide as the solvent.All the nine second-order elastic stiffness constants of this orthorhombic crystal are determined from ultrasonic wave velocity measurements employing the pulse echo overlap technique.The anisotropy of elastic wave propagation in this crystal is demonstrated by plotting the phase velocity, slowness,Young's modulus and linear compressibility surfaces along symmetry planes.The volume compressibility, bulk modulus and relevant Poisson's ratios are also determined. Variation of the diagonal elastic stiffness constants with temperature over a limited range are measured and reported.


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We investigate the ability of an applied electric field to convert the morphology of a diblock-copolymer thin film from a monolayer of spherical domains embedded in the matrix to cylindrical domains that penetrate through the matrix. As expected, the applied field increases the relative stability of cylindrical domains, while simultaneously reducing the energy barrier that impedes the transition to cylinders. The effectiveness of the field is enhanced by a large dielectric contrast between the two block-copolymer components, particularly when the low-dielectric contrast component forms the matrix. Furthermore, the energy barrier is minimized by selecting sphere-forming diblock copolymers that are as compositionally symmetric as possible. Our calculations, which are the most quantitatively reliable to date, are performed using a numerically precise spectral algorithm based on self-consistent-field theory supplemented with an exact treatment for linear dielectric materials.


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We investigate thin films of cylinder-forming diblock copolymer confined between electrically charged parallel plates, using self-consistent-field theory ( SCFT) combined with an exact treatment for linear dielectric materials. Our study focuses on the competition between the surface interactions, which tend to orient cylinder domains parallel to the plates, and the electric field, which favors a perpendicular orientation. The effect of the electric field on the relative stability of the competing morphologies is demonstrated with equilibrium phase diagrams, calculated with the aid of a weak-field approximation. As hoped, modest electric fields are shown to have a significant stabilizing effect on perpendicular cylinders, particularly for thicker films. Our improved SCFT-based treatment removes most of the approximations implemented by previous approaches, thereby managing to resolve outstanding qualitative inconsistencies among different approximation schemes.


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We examine the stability of lamellar stacks in the presence of an electric field, E-0, applied normal to the lamellae. Calculations are performed with self-consistent field theory (SCFT) supplemented by an exact treatment of the electrostatic energy for linear dielectric materials. The calculations identify a critical electric field, E-0*, beyond which the lamellar stack becomes unstable with respect to undulations. This E-0* rapidly decreases towards zero as the number of lamellae in the stack diverges. Our quantitative predictions for E-0* are consistent with previous experimental measurements by Xu and co-workers.


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Changes in the theological properties during crystallisation and in the crystal size and morphology of blends containing rapeseed oil with varying percentages of palm stearin (POs) and palm olein (POf) have been studied. The crystals formed from all three blends were studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy, light microscopy and environmental scanning electron microscopy, which revealed the development of clusters of 3-5 individual elementary "spherulites" in the early stages of crystallisation. The saturated triacylglycerol content of the solid crystals separated at the onset of crystallisation was much greater than that in the total fat. Fat blends with a higher content of palm stearin had a more rapid nucleation rate when observed by light microscopy, and this caused an earlier change in the rheological properties of the fat during crystallisation. Using a low torque amplitude (0.005 Pa, which was within the linear viscoelastic region of all samples studied) and a frequency of 1 Hz, the viscoelastic properties of melted fat during cooling were studied. All samples, prior to crystallisation, showed weak viscoelastic liquid behaviour (G '', loss modulus >G', storage modulus). After crystallisation a more "solid like" behaviour was observed (G' similar to or greater than G ''). The blend having the highest concentration of POs was found to have the earliest onset of crystallisation (27% w/w POs; 12 mins, 22% w/w POs; 13.5 mins, 17% w/w POs, 15 mins, respectively). However, there were no significant differences in the time to the point when G' became greater than G' among the three blends. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this work is to study the potentialities in the phase-shifting real-time holographic interferometry using photorefractive crystals as the recording medium for wave-optics analysis in optical elements and non-linear optical materials. This technique was used for obtaining quantitative measurements from the phase distributions of the wave front of lens and lens systems along the propagation direction with in situ visualization, monitoring and analysis in real time. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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We examined the effect of storage time on culture viability and some rheological properties (yield stress, storage modulus, loss modulus, linear viscoelastic region, structural recuperation and firmness) of fermented milk made with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis in coculture with Streptococcus thermophilus (ST). Acidification profiles and factors that affect viability (postfermentation acidification, acidity and dissolved oxygen) were also studied during 35 days at 4C. Fermented milk prepared with a coculture of ST and Bifidobacterium lactis gave the most constant rheological behavior and the best cell viability during cold storage; it was superior to ST plus LA for probiotic fermented milk production.


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Neste trabalho apresentam-se pocedimentos para análise não linear de estruturas de materiais compostos laminados reforçados por fibras. A formulação é baseada em uma descrição cinemática incremental Lagrangeana Total, que permite o tratamento de deslocamentos arbitrariamente grandes com pequenas deformações, utilizando elementos finitos tridimensionais degenerados deduzidos para a análise de cascas. As estruturas são consideradas como submetidas a cargas mecânicas e a ações de temperatura e de umidade. O material é suposto elástico linear com propriedades dependentes, ou não, dos valores da temperatura e da concentração de umidade, ou viscoelástico linear com uma relação constitutiva em integral hereditária , e com comportamento higrotermo-reologicamente simples. As lâminas são consideradas como sujeitas a falhas, as quais são detectadas através de critérios macroscópicos, baseados em tensões ou em deformações. As equações não lineares de equilíbrio são resolvidas através de procedimentos iterativos e as deformações dependentes do tempo são avaliadas pelo método das variáveis de estado. Diversos exemplos numéricos de estruturas submetidas à flexão, flambagem elástica e viscoelástica e falhas são apresentados.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB


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Reatores elétricos utilizados em subestações de energia têm funções específicas na operacionalização e manutenção da funcionalidade destas instalações, sendo equipamentos aplicados ao controle de reativos, de correntes de curto circuito e surtos de manobra em sistemas de transmissão de energia elétrica. Detectou-se que alguns reatores em funcionamento apresentaram elevados níveis de vibração estrutural. Dois destes reatores operam na subestação da cidade de Rurópolis, situada a oeste do estado do Pará. Outro problema decorrente do elevado nível de vibração destas estruturas é a geração de pontos quentes no núcleo eletromagnético do reator, podendo gerar bolhas de gases altamente inflamáveis. A existência destes problemas operacionais pode ocasionar ao Sistema de Transmissão do Norte do Brasil interrupções na transmissão de energia elétrica. Isto geraria na região Norte e em outras interligadas (Nordeste, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste) elevados prejuízos sociais e financeiros. A aplicação de ferramentas para a minimização do problema vibro-acústico (redução dos níveis vibração e, por conseguinte, ruído) pode evitar danos estruturais e operacionais que resultem na sua indisponibilidade operativa reduzindo, conseqüentemente, perdas e a necessidade do desenvolvimento de equipamentos de custo elevado com baixos índices de vibração. No intuito de se reduzir tais níveis, propõe-se à aplicação de absorvedores dinâmicos na estrutura externa dos reatores. Uma vez dimensionados em quantidade, posição e parâmetros definidores (massa, rigidez e amortecimento) espera-se criar um sistema, que sintonizado com a freqüência da excitação de natureza eletromagnética, absorverá parte da energia vibratória do reator, minimizando-se, os elevados índices detectados e, por conseqüência, todos os problemas subseqüentes. São indicados compostos viscoelásticos nos absorvedores dinâmicos (com propriedades dinâmicas dependentes tanto da temperatura como da freqüência de trabalho), em virtude de estes materiais aumentarem o campo de ação dos absorvedores, adequando-se à elevada densidade modal verificada nas chaparias metálicas do reator.