147 resultados para Ligaments


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Elastin isolated from fresh bovine ligaments was dissolved in a mixture of 1,1,1,3,3,3-Hexafluoro-2-propanol and water and electrospun into fiber membranes under different processing conditions. Fiber mats of randomly and aligned fibers were obtained with fixed and rotating ground collectors and fibrils were composed by thin ribbons whose width depends on electrospinning conditions; fibrils with 721 nm up to 2.12 m width were achieved. After cross-linking with glutaraldehyde, -elastin can uptake as much as 1700 % of PBS solution and a slight increase on fiber thickness was observed. The glass transition temperature of electrospun fiber mats was found to occur at ~ 80 ºC. Moreover, -Elastin showed to be a perfect elastomeric material, and no mechanical hysteresis was found in cycle mechanical measurements. The elastic modulus obtained for oriented and random fibers mats in a PBS solution was 330 ± 10 kPa and 732 ± 165 kPa, respectively. Finally, the electrospinning and cross-linking process does not inhibit MC-3T3-E1 cell adhesion. Cell culture results showed good cell adhesion and proliferation in the cross-linked elastin fiber mats.


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A articulação tíbio-társica (tornozelo) é considerada uma das articulações mais relevantes e mais susceptível à lesão, sendo que a entorse do tornozelo consiste na lesão mais comum em desportistas, com uma percentagem de ocorrência de 35% no andebol. Este trabalho centra-se, assim, na problemática das entorses do tornozelo nos jogadores de andebol e da sua relação com o treino proprioceptivo como medida preventiva. O objectivo do presente trabalho foi a realização de uma revisão sistemática que estuda o treino proprioceptivo na prevenção da entorse do tornozelo, para isso, tentámos identificar a possível relação entre entorse do tornozelo e treino proprioceptivo. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho foi uma revisão da literatura, sendo realizada uma pesquisa electrónica na base de dados da B-On, utilizando combinações de palavras-chave. No total resultaram 758 artigos, tendo sido pela sua relevância selecionados 29. Neste trabalho ficou evidente a relação do treino proprioceptivo com a prevenção da entorse do tornozelo. De todas as medidas preventivas o treino proprioceptivo é o que apresenta melhores resultados, pois, este tipo de treino está direccionado para uma estruturação da zona lesionada, fortalecendo os músculos e ligamentos, restaurando a componente proprioceptiva das estruturas danificadas e permitindo uma resposta mais rápida do Sistema Nervoso Central, aos vários estímulos a que está sujeito o atleta. Foi possível descrever em que consiste o treino proprioceptivo e os seus constituintes, adaptando-o ao andebol. Com esta revisão da literatura não foi possível obter um consenso sobre o efeito do treino proprioceptivo na prevenção de entorses do tornozelo.


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Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease of the axial skeleton. The major outcome of this disease is defined by new bone formation, commonly observed in the ligaments of the intervertebral joints, that can lead to the formation of bony spurs, known as syndesmophytes. Previous studies have shown that serum levels of TNF, IL-6 and IL-17 are increased in AS patients and may be implicated in the development of secondary osteoporosis, since these cytokines are able to induce osteoclast (OC) differentiation and, therefore, bone resorption. In this work we aimed to assess the effects of TNF-blocking therapy in the systemic inflammatory environment of AS patients with active disease as well as in OC differentiation and activity. To accomplish this objective, we cultured circulating monocytes from AS patients, before and after therapy, under osteoclastogenic conditions and we performed two functional assays (TRAP staining and resorption pit assay) and analyzed the expression of osteoclast specific genes. We have shown that AS patients with active disease have increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines when compared with healthy subjects. We also found that IL-17, TGF-β and osteoprotegerin are decreased after TNF-blocking therapy. Interestingly, we also observed that after TNF-blocking therapy the expression of some genes is favoring osteoclastogenesis and that differentiated OCs have increased resorption activity. These results suggest that in active AS there may be an uncoupling between inflammation and OC activity that is reset by TNF-blocking therapy.


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RESUMO: Objectivo: Este estudo teve por objectivo descrever a prática clínica e os resultados da intervenção da fisioterapia, às 6, 12 e 24 semanas, em indivíduos após ligamentoplastia do LCA. Introdução: O sucesso da ligamentoplastia do LCA está directamente relacionado com a reabilitação após a realização da mesma, permitindo ao utente o retorno a um estilo de vida activo. Apesar de se saber que um programa de reabilitação estruturado e baseado na evidência tem um papel fulcral nos resultados após cirurgia, e de existir consenso sobre a efectividade destes programas após a cirurgia, o mesmo não se pode afirmar acerca de quais os melhores componentes que devem fazer parte desse programa. Tendo em conta a heterogeneidade encontrada na literatura, no que diz respeito à nomenclatura utilizada, às diferenças de duração dos protocolos e às variações significativas nas recomendações dos cuidados de reabilitação, torna-se primordial a realização duma caracterização da prática clínica da fisioterapia em indivíduos submetidos a ligamentoplastia em Portugal, e consequentemente, descrever quais os resultados obtidos ao nível da incapacidade funcional, intensidade de dor e percepção global de melhoria. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo de série de casos, com uma amostra de conveniência, do tipo não probabilístico, constituída por 14 utentes referidos para 4 clínicas de fisioterapia e para 3 hospitais, e que cumpriam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos. Os utentes foram avaliados em 4 momentos pré-definidos: na 1ª sessão de fisioterapia e às 6, 12 e 24 semanas após cirurgia. Os resultados obtidos após intervenção da fisioterapia foram descritos ao nível da incapacidade funcional, da intensidade da dor e da percepção global de melhoria. Paralelamente realizou-se uma caracterização da prática clínica relativamente às modalidades utilizadas, número de sessões de tratamento e duração do episódio de cuidados. Resultados: Observou-se uma tendência de melhoria ao longo das 24 semanas em todas as dimensões da Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) e na Escala Numérica da Dor (END), assim como na percepção de melhoria pelo utente, medida através da Patient Global Impression of Change Scale (PGIC). Às 6 semanas, as melhorias nas variáveis de resultados foram superiores às encontradas às 12 e 24 semanas, ao nível da incapacidade funcional (à excepção das dimensões KOOS – actividades desportivas e de lazer e KOOS - qualidade de vida) e dor. Relativamente à intervenção da fisioterapia observou-se uma grande heterogeneidade nas modalidades e procedimentos utilizados. Em média realizaram-se 58,14 (±14,15) sessões, sendo que 71 foi o número de sessões mais utilizado. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que apesar da heterogeneidade da prática clínica, a intervenção da fisioterapia proporciona melhorias ao nível da capacidade funcional e da dor, em indivíduos submetidos a ligamentoplastia do LCA e que essas melhorias são percepcionadas pelos participantes como clinicamente importantes. ---------ABSTRACT: Objective: The aim of this study was to describe the clinical practice and the results of physical therapy intervention, at 6, 12 and 24 weeks, in subjects after ACL reconstruction. Introduction: The success of ACL reconstruction is directly related with the rehabilitation after the surgery, allowing the patient to an active lifestyle return. Despite knowing that a rehabilitation program based on evidence and well designed has a key role in the results after surgery, the same cannot be said about what the best components that should make part of this program. Taking into account the heterogeneity found in the literature, whether at the level of the nomenclature used, whether at level of the differences in duration of the protocols, as well as the existence of recommendations of rehabilitative care that present significant variations at the international level, it becomes paramount to achieving a characterization of the clinical practice of physical therapy in subjects after ACL reconstruction in Portugal, and consequently describe the results obtained regarding to functional disability and pain intensity. Methodology: A case series design with a convenience sample of 14 patients referred to 7 different outpatients physical therapy settings, that fulfilled the pre- established inclusion and exclusion criteria. Patients were evaluated in four pre-defined moments: in the first session of physiotherapy and at 6, 12 and 24 weeks after surgery. The results obtained after physiotherapy intervention were described at the level of functional disability, pain and global perception of change. Subsequently, it was proceeded the characterization the practice of physical therapy regarding to the modalities used, the number of treatment sessions and duration of the episode of care. Results: It was found that there was a trend of improvement, clinically important, over the 24 weeks in all dimensions of Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) and in the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS). At 6 weeks, improvements were superior to those found at 12 and 24 weeks, at the level of functional disability (with the exception of the KOOS-sports and recreation function and KOOS-knee related quality of life dimensions) and pain. As regards the intervention of physical therapy found that the heterogeneity encountered both at the level of clinical practice as evidence,are difficult to compare. On average 58,14 (±14,15) sessions were held, with 71 was the most commonly used sessions numbers. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that in spite of the heterogeneity of clinical practice, physical therapy intervention provides improvements in terms of functional disability and pain in subjects after ACL reconstruction.


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Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) injuries are often associated with other ligament lesions. Multiligament reconstructions require an important quantity of grafts and often determine the need for cadaver allografts during the surgical repair procedures. Herein, the fundamentals of allografts that have been currently used for PCL reconstructions are overviewed. The main issues to be considered when surgeons choose this therapeutic option are also discussed.


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A prevalência de pessoas que referem dor no complexo articular do ombro, com concomitante limitação na capacidade para realizar atividades da vida diária, é elevada. Estes níveis de prevalência sobrecarregam quer os utentes, como a própria sociedade. A evidência científica atual indicia a existência de uma relação entre as alterações da articulação escápulo-torácica e as patologias associadas à articulação gleno-umeral. A capacidade de quantificar, cinemática e cineticamente, as disfunções ao nível das articulações escápulo-torácica e gleno-umeral, é algo de enorme importância, quer para a comunidade biomecânica, como para a clínica. No decorrer dos trabalhos desta tese foi desenvolvido, através do software OpenSim, um modelo tridimensional músculo-esquelético do complexo articular do ombro que inclui a representação do tórax/coluna, clavícula, omoplata, úmero, rádio, cúbito e articulações que permitem os movimentos relativos desses segmentos, assim como, 16 músculos e 4 ligamentos. Com um total de 11 graus de liberdade, incluindo um novo modelo articular escápulo-torácico, os resultados demonstram que este é capaz de reconstruir de forma precisa e rápida os movimentos escápulo-torácicos e glenoumerais, recorrendo para tal, à cinemática inversa, e à dinâmica inversa e direta. Conta ainda com um método de transformação inovador para determinar, com base nas especificidades dos sujeitos, os locais de inserção muscular. As principais motivações subjacentes ao desenvolvimento desta tese foram contribuir para o aprofundar do atual conhecimento sobre as disfunções do complexo articular do ombro e, simultaneamente, proporcionar à comunidade clínica uma ferramenta biomecânica de livre acesso com o intuito de melhor suportar as decisões clínicas e dessa forma concorrer para uma prática mais efetiva.


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Depuis plus de 30 ans, la prothèse totale de genou est une solution fréquemment proposée aux patients présentant une arthrose de genou avancée pour laquelle les traitements conservateurs, à but symptomatique, sont dépassés. Cette intervention, désormais bien maîtrisée, permet d'obtenir des résultats fi ables. Les questions, récurrentes et légitimes de la part d'un(e) futur(e) opéré(e), concernent principalement la longévité de l'implant, la récupération fonctionnelle et l'amélioration de sa qualité de vie altérée par les symptômes. Naturellement, la charge pondérale, l'activité du patient ainsi que les propriétés mécaniques et les choix liés à la prothèse (fi xation des implants avec ou sans ciment, conservation ou non des ligaments croisés, utilisation de plateau mobile ou fi xe, resurfaçage ou non de la rotule) sont tous des facteurs déterminants dans le succès thérapeutique.


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Posterolateral corner (PLC) injuries of the knee are uncommon injury patterns that may result in significant degrees of functional disability. When surgery is necessary to address this injury a good knowledge of anatomy and a good surgical exposure is the mainstay. This report reviews the complex anatomy of the posterolateral corner (PLC) of knee and describes the osteotomy of Gerdy tubercle as a technical variant to approach this anatomical region. This surgical step allowing a good mobilisation of the multiple layers of ilio-tibial tract from distal to proximal makes an excellent exposure of the PLC structures with absence of morbidity.


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Le but de mon travail de master est de présenter les résultats à une année postopératoire d'une étude prospective sur une nouvelle prothèse totale du genou : la F.I.R.S.T. Evolution. Cette prothèse s'intéresse à des patients plus jeunes, avec une importante laxité des ligaments collatéraux. L'étude finale suivra à cinq ans une cohorte de cinquante patients environ. Actuellement, nous suivons 17 patients opérés avec cette prothèse (dont 9 femmes et 8 hommes, 9 genoux droits et 8 genoux gauches) avec un âge moyen de 69,10 ans (de 42 à 83 ans). Pour l'obtention des résultats, les patients ont remplis des questionnaires spécifiques couramment utilisés (Eq5D, WOMAC, KSS, échelle analogique de la douleur EVA/VAS, UCLA activity-rating level), ont bénéficié de contrôles radiologiques réguliers et d'une analyse régulière de la marche, à trois vitesses différentes. Cette analyse est objective et se base sur un système de capteurs miniaturisés. Les résultats cliniques obtenus à une année démontrent une amélioration globale de la fonction du genou et de la qualité de vie perçue par le patient (Eq5D, WOMAC, EVA/VAS, KSS, UCLA). Les données à une année de l'analyse de marche montrent une amélioration significative dans tous les paramètres du cycle de marche et aux différentes vitesses. En comparant nos résultats avec ceux précédemment obtenus, nous pouvons être satisfaits car ils se sont améliorés depuis la dernière échéance à 6 mois. De plus, nos résultats à une année suivent ceux obtenus dans d'autres études utilisant les mêmes questionnaires et une analyse objective de la marche. On s'attend à ce que ces données se stabilisent voire continuent de s'améliorer dans les années à venir.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the results of acute grade I and II acromioclavicular (AC) joint sprains treated by conservative measures. Between 1993 and 1997, 37 consecutive patients were treated conservatively for AC joint sprains, grade I and II in the Tossy classification. Of these patients, 4 were excluded (three lost to follow-up and one sustained a further AC injury), leaving a series of 33 patients. Among them, in 9 (27%), chronic AC joint pathology that required subsequent surgery developed at a mean of 26 months after injury. The remaining 24 were reviewed clinically and radiologically at a mean of 6.3 years (range, 4-8 years) after injury. At the latest follow-up, 17 of the 33 patients (52%) remained asymptomatic. Of the 24 patients reviewed, 7 complained of activity-related pain. Eight patients presented with residual anteroposterior instability. Tenderness at the AC joint as well as a positive cross-body test was observed in 12 patients. The mean Constant score at follow-up was 82 points. The x-ray films showed degenerative changes in 13 patients, ossification of the coracoclavicular ligaments in 2, an association of degenerative changes with ossification of the coracoclavicular ligaments in 3, and distal clavicular osteolysis in 3. Only 4 cases had no radiographic changes after this kind of AC injury. On the basis of these results, we conclude that the severity of the consequences after grade I and II AC sprains is underestimated.


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BACKGROUND: Iterative reconstruction (IR) techniques reduce image noise in multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) imaging. They can therefore be used to reduce radiation dose while maintaining diagnostic image quality nearly constant. However, CT manufacturers offer several strength levels of IR to choose from. PURPOSE: To determine the optimal strength level of IR in low-dose MDCT of the cervical spine. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Thirty consecutive patients investigated by low-dose cervical spine MDCT were prospectively studied. Raw data were reconstructed using filtered back-projection and sinogram-affirmed IR (SAFIRE, strength levels 1 to 5) techniques. Image noise, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) were measured at C3-C4 and C6-C7 levels. Two radiologists independently and blindly evaluated various anatomical structures (both dense and soft tissues) using a 4-point scale. They also rated the overall diagnostic image quality using a 10-point scale. RESULTS: As IR strength levels increased, image noise decreased linearly, while SNR and CNR both increased linearly at C3-C4 and C6-C7 levels (P < 0.001). For the intervertebral discs, the content of neural foramina and dural sac, and for the ligaments, subjective image quality scores increased linearly with increasing IR strength level (P ≤ 0.03). Conversely, for the soft tissues and trabecular bone, the scores decreased linearly with increasing IR strength level (P < 0.001). Finally, the overall diagnostic image quality scores increased linearly with increasing IR strength level (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The optimal strength level of IR in low-dose cervical spine MDCT depends on the anatomical structure to be analyzed. For the intervertebral discs and the content of neural foramina, high strength levels of IR are recommended.


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Objectives: In patients with lateral osteoarthritis of the knee, use of external unicompartmental knee arthroplasty it is a well known surgical alternative, used by the minor trauma involved, short hospital stay and rapid recovery. The purpose of this study is to show the clinical outcomes to short-medium term of patients undergoing this procedure. Methods: we describe the technique used and the peculiarities of the prosthesis (A Mobile-bearing lateral unicompartmental knee replacement, Oxford Domed ®). This is an observational retrospective longitudinal study, of 15 arthroplasties performed in 13 women and 2 men, between 2010 and 2013, with a mean age of 60’7 years, with a diagnosis of lateral osteoarthritis of the knee, without involvement of the medial or patellofemoral compartment and cruciate ligaments functionally intact, with a mean follow up of 25 months. All patients complete the Oxford Knee Score and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) during the study. Results: The results are favorable, with an improvement of 6.60 points on the EVA, 3.73 for 1 in the postoperatory funcionality, the OKS very satisfactory with an average of 38 points over 50 and without any postoperative function surgical revision. Anserine tendinitis was observed in 20% of cases. Conclusions: The benefits of this surgery against their alternatives are assessed, and their potential drawbacks. External unicompartmental knee arthroplasty is an effective alternative in cases of knee osteoarthritis of the lateral compartment with no other associated injuries.


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Total knee replacement (TKR) is an operation that has radically improved the quality of life of millions of people during the last decades. However, some technical details, concerning the surgical procedure, are still a matter of a strong debate. In this review of the literature, we have included the best evidence available of the last decade, related to TKR surgery like the use of tourniquet during operation, patellar resufacing, all-polyethilene tibial component, cemented or cementless fixation, mobile bearings, or posterior-stabilized versus cruciate-retaining prosthesis.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to report the MRI findings in dorsal fractures of the triquetrum, with an emphasis on dorsal carpal ligament injuries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 21 patients (16 men, five women; mean age, 41.9 years) with acute or subacute (≤ 6 weeks) dorsal triquetral fractures on radiography and MRI were included in this two-center retrospective study. MRI of the wrist was performed on 3-T units with transverse T1-weighted, coronal or transverse (or both) fat-suppressed T2weighted, transverse gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted turbo spin-echo, and 3D gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted gradient-recalled echo sequences. Three musculoskeletal radiologists evaluated the ulnar styloid process index (USPI) on radiographs and the following MRI features: fracture pattern (types 1-6), bone fragment size and displacement, bone marrow edema distribution, and dorsal carpal ligament tears. RESULTS: Eight type 1, one type 2, six type 3, five type 4, and one type 5 fractures were identified. These fractures were associated with 14 (66.7%), 17 (81.0%), and 16 (76.2%) tears of the dorsal radiocarpal, ulnotriquetral, and intercarpal ligaments, respectively. There was no correlation between bone marrow edema distribution and dorsal carpal ligament injuries (all p > 0.05). The mean (± SD) bone fragment volume and displacement were 205 ± 157 mm(3) and 1.0 ± 1.1 mm, respectively. The mean USPI was 0.21 ± 0.10. CONCLUSION: Dorsal fractures of the triquetrum are frequently associated with dorsal carpal ligament injuries. Bone marrow edema distribution is not correlated with these ligament tears.


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Objectifs: Comparer la qualité d'image entre des protocoles dose-standard avec rétroprojection filtrée et basse-dose avec reconstruction itérative en scanner du rachis cervical. Matériels et méthodes: 40 patients ont été investigués par scanner du rachis cervical et prospectivement randomisés en 2 groupes: dose-standard (120kV, 275mAs) avec rétroprojection filtrée, basse-dose (120kV, 150mAs) avec reconstruction itérative. Mesure du bruit, signal-sur-bruit et contraste-sur-bruit. Analyse semi-quantitative (4 points) par 2 observateurs indépendants des disques, foramens, cordon médullaire, ligaments, parties molles et vertèbres, en C3-C4 et C6-C7. Evaluation semi-quantitative (10 points) de la qualité d'image globale. Les paramètres de dose ont été mesurés. Résultats: Il n'y avait aucune différence significative de bruit, signal-sur-bruit ou contraste-sur-bruit entre les 2 protocoles (p≥0.39). En basse-dose avec reconstruction itérative, la visibilité était significativement meilleure pour les disques, foramens et ligaments (p≤0.05), égale pour le cordon médullaire et moins bonne pour les parties molles et vertèbres (p≤0.02). La qualité d'image globale était meilleure, avec une réduction de dose de 41%. Conclusion: Le scanner du rachis cervical basse-dose avec reconstruction itérative fournit des images égales ou meilleures pour les disques, foramens et ligaments, tout en réduisant la dose d'environ 40%.