985 resultados para Lie-superalgebras


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This paper reconsiders the evidence on lying or deception presented in Gneezy (2005,American Economic Review). We argue that Gneezy?s data cannot reject the hipótesis that people are one of two kinds: either a person will never lie, or a person will lie whenever she prefers the outcome obtained by lying over the outcome obtained by telling the truth. This implies that so long as lying induces a preferred outcome over truth-telling, a person?s decisión of whether to lie may be completely insensitive to other changes in the induced outcomes, such as exactly how much she monetarily gains relative to how much she hurts an anonymous partner. We run new but similar experiments to those of Gneezy in order to test this hypothesis. We find that our data cannot reject this hypothesis either, but we also discover substantial differences in behavior between our sub jects and Gneezy?s sub jects.


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Let A be a semiprime 2 and 3-torsion free non-commutative associative algebra. We show that the Lie algebra Der(A) of(associative) derivations of A is strongly non-degenerate, which is a strong form of semiprimeness for Lie algebras, under some additional restrictions on the center of A. This result follows from a description of the quadratic annihilator of a general Lie algebra inside appropriate Lie overalgebras. Similar results are obtained for an associative algebra A with involution and the Lie algebra SDer(A) of involution preserving derivations of A


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PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct effect of surgical treatment of subfoveolar neovascular membranes in age related macular degeneration to macular functions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen eyes of 13 patients were included in this study. Macular function was assayed by visual acuity and central visual field using the Octopus perimeter before surgery and in the first three post operative months. Pre and post operative fluorescein angiography frames were digitalized and the size of each lesions were compared. RESULTS: After a 3 months follow up, visual acuity remained stable or improved in 66% of the patients. However, visual acuity was better than 0.1 in 15% of the patients. Central visual field comparison disclosed a significant worsening of the retinal sensitivity in the 3 degree field surrounding the central point. On fluorescein frames, submacular scar was 141% of the size of the neovascular membrane. After a mean follow up of 6.9 months (range 3-14), one case of recurrence occurred. A cataract was observed in 85% of the phakic patients followed for more than six months. CONCLUSION: After a short term follow up, surgery can stabilise visual acuity, even though it remains poor. A worsening of the scotoma in the 3 degrees surrounding the central point is observed. However, patients noticed a subjective visual improvement in 62% of the case.


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Résumé Les mutations du gène APP (amyloïde de la protéine de précurseur) sur le chromosome 21 mènent à une surproduction de protéines β amyloïdes dans la maladie d'Alzheimer (MA). Il existe donc un consensus impliquant la cascade amyloïde dans la genèse et le développement de la MA. C'est pourquoi, afin d'évaluer l'hypothèse de la cascade inflammatoire de la MA, on combine des manipulations génétiques chez des modèles de souris transgéniques avec des traitements anti-inflammatoires. Les animaux porteurs d'une mutation génétique induite permettent d'évaluer le rôle de certains gènes dans le développement de la maladie. Pour ce faire j'ai étudié les performances de différentes cohortes de souris soumises à un ensemble de trois épreuves comportementales complémentaires ; la première étudiant les conduites exploratoires, la deuxième évaluant la capacité de l'animal à effectuer un apprentissage de lieu et la troisième explorant l'efficacité des animaux dans une tâche dite d'élimination. Enfin, une évaluation complémentaire a été fondée sur le répertoire des troubles du comportement des animaux. Chez les animaux APP homozygotes, l'organisation de la mémoire se dégrade et se modifie avec l'âge. Chez ces animaux, le déficit des mémoires de références et de travail se manifeste déjà chez les souris jeunes (dès l'âge de 50 jours).De plus, il est apparu un certain nombre de troubles comportementaux. Enfin les APP homozygotes sont ceux qui ont le plus de dépôt de plaques amyloïdes localisé dans l'hippocampe. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes, tant la mémoire de référence, utilisée au cours d'un apprentissage de lieu, que la mémoire de travail permettant d'éviter des bras déjà visités, ne sont affectées que chez les sujets de 15 mois. De plus, tous les troubles du comportement sont présents à 15 mois, mais de manière moins intense que chez les animaux APP homozygotes. Un traitement anti-TNF administré aux APP hétérozygotes n'a pas permis d'améliorer leur performance mais a un effet bénéfique sur les troubles du comportement. Enfin, le pourcentage des dépôts de plaques a été estimé à trois fois moins élevé chez ces animaux hétérozygotes de 16 mois que chez les APP homozygotes de 8 mois. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes dont le gène TNFα est bloqué, les mémoires de travail et de référence sont altérées déjà à l'âge de 6 mois, en dépit du blocage de l'expression de TNF. Ces jeunes animaux ont même une capacité cognitive inférieure à celle des animaux hétérozygotes APP, en gardant toutefois leur activité et performance exploratoires intactes. Ainsi, il semble que le blocage de l'expression du gène TNFα chez des souris APP n'influence pas leurs capacités cognitives mais permet, d'une part, d'éviter l'apparition des troubles du comportement et d'autre part, ralentit le processus du déclin cognitif. Enfin, le pourcentage de plaques amyloïdes a été évalué à deux fois plus élevés pour les KO TNF-α APP hétérozygotes de 15 mois par rapport à des APP hétérozygotes sans traitement du même âge. Chez les animaux APP hétérozygotes surexprimant le TNFα, cette association génétique péjore la performance cognitive comparée à celle des APP homozygotes. Ces animaux ont une altération des mémoires de travail et de référence équivalente à celle retrouvée chez des APP homozygotes. Un traitement anti-inflammatoire administré à ces souris n'améliore pas la capacité cognitive mais permet d'une part, d'éviter l'apparition des troubles comportementaux, et d'autre part, d'entraîner la presque disparition des plaques amyloïdes. Abstract Mutations on the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene on chromosome 21 lead to an overproduction of β amyloid in both human early onset familial Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and transgenic (TG) mice. On the other hand, inflammatory responses in the brain seem to contribute to the genesis and evolution of neurodegenerative damage. To study the influence of inflammatory factors - especially TNFα - on brain amyloid and behavioural components, TG mice expressing mutant amyloid precursor protein were treated with anti-TNFα antibody and compared with controls injected with PBS buffer or human globulins, as well as with APP mice knockout for the TNFα gene. The APP/V717 mutation leads to a brain deposit of amyloid and to significant behavioural deficits in both homozygous at different ages and heterozygous only at 15 months. The percentage of amyloid is almost triple in APP+/+ than in APP+/- animals, indicating a gene dosage effect. There is no significant effect of an anti-TNF treatment on the deposit of brain amyloid nor spatial learning capabilities. Transgenic mice show also stereotyped behaviour but the anti-TNF treatment decreases the production of stereotypies. The blockade of gene TNFα seems several cognitive alterations and increases the production of amyloid in APP mice at 15 months; but this combination allows to avoid the appearance of stereotyped behavior and in addition, the process of the cognitive decline slows down. Tg6074 mice (overexpressing TNF) increase deleterious effects on behavioural adaptive resources. Treatment with anti-TNF doesn't show changes in cognitive performances but seems to increase the production of amyloid and the stereotyped behaviour.


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Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a pathological aging of the macula, brought about by the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. It induces geographic atrophy of the retina and/or choroidal neovascularization. In the latter, abnormal vessels develop from the choriocapillaris, with the involvement of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor). The VEGF family includes several factors, including VEGF-A, B, C, D, F and PlGF (placental growth factor). Their biological properties and their affinities to the VEGFR1, VEGFR2 and VEGFR3 receptors found on endothelial cells differ. Exudative AMD involves mainly VEGF-A and VEGF-R2. Anti-VEGF agents used in ophthalmology (ranibizumab, bevacizumab and aflibercept) are designed to primarily target this pathway. In vitro, all have sufficient affinity to their ligands. Their therapeutic efficacy must therefore be judged based on clinical criteria. In clinical practice, the minimum number of injections required for a satisfactory result appears to be comparable with all the three. The few available studies on therapeutic substitutions of anti-VEGF compounds suggest that some patients may benefit from substituting the anti-VEGF in cases of an unsatisfactory response to an initial molecule. Although local side effects, including increased risk of geographic atrophy, and systemic effects, including vascular accidents, have been suggested, these risks remain low, specially compared to the benefits of the treatment. Differences in safety between anti-VEGF are theoretically possible but unproven.