899 resultados para Library Access Considerations: A User’s Perspective


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Baseline survey and Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) during January 2003 to December 2004 on the fishing community revealed that unregulated fishing, use of destructive fishing gears, poaching of fishes, difficulties encountered in enforcing fisheries regulation and the helplessness of fishers to find alternative sources of income during banned fishing period (June to October) were the major management problems. CBFM (Community Based Fisheries Management) system as an alternative management strategy has been introduced to ensure active participation of the target group-the poor fishers living around the beet who were previously deprived to get access to the beet. Establishing a leasing system for controlled access, ensuring greater user-group participation through equitable distribution of all resource benefits among members, attempting to enforce penalties for illegal fishing linked with surprise checks to enforce management regulations are some of the recent steps taken by the BMC (Beel Management Committee). Chapila fish intake by the community was 31.25 g/head/day before stocking the beel by carp fingerlings. After stocking, they consumed chapila as fish protein from 8.33 g to 20.8 g/head/day during the fishing season (November to May) indicating that due to introduction of carp fingerlings, chapila production has been decreased in 2003-2004. About 77.5% families around the beel were found to be dependent directly and/or indirectly on chapila and other indigenous fishes of the beel for their livelihood, through fishing, marketing and other activities like net and boat preparation and nets mending etc. Particularly fishers' families were found to face serious problem during non-fishing period like June to October for their livelihood. Analyzing the present research result it was also observed that other than declination in biodiversity, the fishing pressure on promising chapila of the beel was found high and that is why the production of chapila has also been decreased. To get sustainable chapila production from the heel, it is suggested to ensure successful spawning and recruitment as juveniles, and hence the chapila should be undisturbed during its breeding period from March to July, and fishing pressure on the same species needs to be reduced for obtaining sustainable fish production.


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In this paper, we address the problem of designing multirate codes for a multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system by restricting the receiver to be a successive decoding and interference cancellation type, when each of the antennas is encoded independently. Furthermore, it is assumed that the receiver knows the instantaneous fading channel states but the transmitter does not have access to them. It is well known that, in theory, minimum-mean-square error (MMSE) based successive decoding of multiple access (in multi-user communications) and MIMO channels achieves the total channel capacity. However, for this scheme to perform optimally, the optimal rates of each antenna (per-antenna rates) must be known at the transmitter. We show that the optimal per-antenna rates at the transmitter can be estimated using only the statistical characteristics of the MIMO channel in time-varying Rayleigh MIMO channel environments. Based on the results, multirate codes are designed using punctured turbo codes for a horizontal coded MIMO system. Simulation results show performances within about one to two dBs of MIMO channel capacity.


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Esta dissertação descreve o processo de desenvolvimento de um sistema de informação para a gestão da informação académica de programas de pósgraduação - Sistema WebMaster - que tem como objectivo tornar aquela informação acessível aos utilizadores através da World Wide Web (WWW). Começa-se por apresentar alguns conceitos que se julgam relevantes para a compreensão da problemática dos sistemas de informação em toda a sua abrangência numa determinada organização, particularizando alguns conceitos para o caso das universidades. De seguida reflecte-se sobre os sistemas de informação com base na Web, confrontando-se os conceitos de Web Site (tradicional) e aplicação Web, a nível de arquitectura tecnológica, principais vantagens e desvantagens, fazendo-se, ainda, uma breve referência às principais tecnologias para a construção de soluções com geração dinâmica de conteúdos. Por último representa-se o sistema WebMaster ao longo das suas diferentes etapas de desenvolvimento, desde a análise de requisitos, projecto do sistema, até à fase da implementação. A fase análise de requisitos foi levada a cabo através de um inquérito realizado aos potenciais utilizadores no sentido de identificar as suas necessidades de informação. Com base nos resultados desta fase apresenta-se o projecto do sistema numa perspectiva conceptual, navegacional e de interface de utilizador, fazendo uso da metodologia OOHDM - Object-Oriented Hypermedia Design Method. Finalmente, passa-se à fase da implementação que, com base nas etapas anteriores e nas tecnologias seleccionadas na fase do planeamento, proporciona um espaço interactivo e de troca de informação a todos os interessados da comunidade académica envolvidos em cursos de pós-graduação.


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Les services aux usagers des bibliothèques représentent un sujet fondamental en bibliothéconomie. Or, les usagers sont un groupe hétérogène à qui l’on doit offrir les mêmes services ou, à tout le moins, la possibilité d’obtenir des services répondant à leurs besoins en matière d’adaptation des lieux et des services. Malheureusement, les bibliothèques publiques ont parfois du mal à rendre un service adapté adéquat et les personnes concernées connaissent souvent mal les services dont elles pourraient bénéficier. Pourtant, les personnes handicapées font partie intégrante des usagers et leur présence augmente, notamment à cause du vieillissement de la population et d’une meilleure capacité d’établir des diagnostics. Notons que ces citoyens revendiquent de plus en plus leur autonomie et le fait de pouvoir profiter des mêmes services que le reste de la population. Ceci est d’autant plus vrai depuis l’apparition d’aides techniques et des outils technologiques tels les ordinateurs, les tablettes, les logiciels, etc. qui leur permettent de vivre leur vie à part entière. Aussi, les bibliothèques et leurs gestionnaires doivent impérativement s’assurer que l’accueil de ces usagers « comme les autres », mais aux besoins particuliers, sera assuré convenablement. Puisqu’il manque d’études concernant les services offerts aux personnes handicapées dans les bibliothèques publiques du Québec, nous avons décidé de procéder à une enquête, par le biais d’un questionnaire électronique administré aux employés de bibliothèques dont les fonctions sont de participer aux services aux usagers. Les réponses obtenues ont permis de dresser un portrait de la situation actuelle en matière de services aux personnes adultes handicapées dans les bibliothèques publiques québécoises et d’avancer certaines recommandations. Les résultats devraient aider les responsables de bibliothèques à déterminer où et comment concentrer leurs efforts pour rendre leurs établissements plus accueillants pour les personnes ayant des incapacités. Plus précisément, les objectifs de la recherche étaient les suivants : 1. Recenser les services offerts par les bibliothèques publiques québécoises aux usagers adultes handicapés. 2. Recenser les éléments d’accessibilité présents dans les infrastructures des bibliothèques publiques québécoises. 3. Évaluer l’impact de certaines caractéristiques des bibliothèques sur l’offre de services aux usagers adultes handicapés et les éléments reliés à l’accessibilité. 4. Comparer les résultats des enquêtes précédentes (Bibliothèque nationale du Canada 1976 ; Bergeron 1987) pour mettre en évidence les recommandations qui ont été appliquées et celles qui ne l’ont pas été.


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Perceptual multimedia quality is of paramount importance to the continued take-up and proliferation of multimedia applications: users will not use and pay for applications if they are perceived to be of low quality. Whilst traditionally distributed multimedia quality has been characterised by Quality of Service (QoS) parameters, these neglect the user perspective of the issue of quality. In order to redress this shortcoming, we characterise the user multimedia perspective using the Quality of Perception (QoP) metric, which encompasses not only a user’s satisfaction with the quality of a multimedia presentation, but also his/her ability to analyse, synthesise and assimilate informational content of multimedia. In recognition of the fact that monitoring eye movements offers insights into visual perception, as well as the associated attention mechanisms and cognitive processes, this paper reports on the results of a study investigating the impact of differing multimedia presentation frame rates on user QoP and eye path data. Our results show that provision of higher frame rates, usually assumed to provide better multimedia presentation quality, do not significantly impact upon the median coordinate value of eye path data. Moreover, higher frame rates do not significantly increase level of participant information assimilation, although they do significantly improve overall user enjoyment and quality perception of the multimedia content being shown.


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While watching TV, viewers use the remote control to turn the TV set on and off, change channel and volume, to adjust the image and audio settings, etc. Worldwide, research institutes collect information about audience measurement, which can also be used to provide personalization and recommendation services, among others. The interactive digital TV offers viewers the opportunity to interact with interactive applications associated with the broadcast program. Interactive TV infrastructure supports the capture of the user-TV interaction at fine-grained levels. In this paper we propose the capture of all the user interaction with a TV remote control-including short term and instant interactions: we argue that the corresponding captured information can be used to create content pervasively and automatically, and that this content can be used by a wide variety of services, such as audience measurement, personalization and recommendation services. The capture of fine grained data about instant and interval-based interactions also allows the underlying infrastructure to offer services at the same scale, such as annotation services and adaptative applications. We present the main modules of an infrastructure for TV-based services, along with a detailed example of a document used to record the user-remote control interaction. Our approach is evaluated by means of a proof-of-concept prototype which uses the Brazilian Digital TV System, the Ginga-NCL middleware.


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Esse trabalho cuida, em linhas gerais, do acesso à Justiça, na perspectiva de acesso à ordem jurídica justa, a compreender tanto o acesso à orientação jurídica quanto o acesso ao sistema judicial, a partir da revisão teórica e da observação empírica dos Balcões de Justiça e Cidadania (BJC), instalados pelo Tribunal de Justiça do Estado da Bahia na cidade de Salvador. A proposta é proceder a uma análise profunda dos BJC para verificar de que forma colaboram para a inclusão no sistema de justiça de parte da população da Capital do Estado que não teria como obter informações sobre seus direitos e/ou resolverem seus conflitos. Para tanto, elaborei uma hipótese: a de que os Balcões de Justiça e Cidadania contribuem para dar acesso à população que procura orientação quanto aos seus direitos, ou tem conflitos cuja solução ainda não foi formalizada judicialmente. Em seguida, defini alguns parâmetros para conduzir a investigação: a) natureza da demanda dos serviços jurídicos - o número de atendimentos dos BJC de Salvador, desde aqueles atendimentos que se referiam a orientação jurídica até os que diziam respeito a conflitos de interesse; b) número de acordos realizados nos BJC de Salvador; c) natureza do conflito levado aos BJC; d) características dos locais em que estão situados os BJC; e) perfil dos usuários dos serviços dos BJC; f) satisfação dos usuários dos serviços prestados nos BJC de Salvador. O objetivo é sumariar alguns insights oriundos da pesquisa desenvolvida nos BJC da cidade de Salvador, por acreditar que poderá ter alguma utilidade para o desenvolvimento da prática e para se pensar uma política pública efetiva de acesso à Justiça, customizada aos contornos da cidade de Salvador.


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The so called Campaign for the Improvement and Diffusion of High School (in Portuguese, CADES) took place between 1953 and 1971, in Brazil. During this period, the Campaign published or helped publish dozens of books, in different teaching areas, and several of them were located by the authors of this article. These books guided high school teachers with respect to curriculum planning, legal aspects and methods of teaching. In this article, we contextualize historically this Campaign and also mention its objectives. We briefly describe some of the books found - especially those related to the teaching of mathematics - in order to open perspectives for future approaches and research that can be done based on this written material. Our main aim is to discuss its orientations and to provide ingredients that enable the construction of considerations related to this perspective of training mathematics teachers during a period when there were few colleges and universities to prepare teachers in Brazil.


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[ES] El estándar Functional Mockup Interface (FMI), es un estándar abierto e independiente de cualquier aplicación o herramienta que permite compartir modelos de sistemas dinámicos entre aplicaciones. Provee una interfaz escrita en lenguaje C que ha de ser implementada por las distintas herramientas exportadoras y pone en común un conjunto de funciones para manipular los modelos.
JavaFMI es una herramienta que permite utilizar simulaciones que cumplen con el estándar FMI en aplicaciones Java de una manera muy simple, limpia y eficiente. Es un proyecto open source con licencia LGPL V2.1H y su código fuente se encuentra disponible para ser clonado en la pagina del proyecto. El proyecto se encuentra alojado en www.bitbucket.org/siani/javafmi y cuenta con una página de bienvenida donde se explica como se usa la librería, una página para reportar incidencias o solicitar que se implementen nuevas historias y una página donde se listan todas las versiones que hay disponibles para descargar. JavaFMI se distribuye como un fichero zip que contiene el .jar con el código compilado de la librería una carpeta lib con las dos dependencias que tiene con librerías externas y una copia de la licencia. Comparada con JFMI, con menos lineas de código, una API limpia, expresiva y auto documentada, y un rendimiento que es un 66 % mejor, JavaFMI es objetivamente la mejor herramienta Java que existe para manipular FMUs de la versión 1.0 y 2.0 del estándar FMI.


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Page 2 - The vice provost for University Libraries writes about the many efforts underway to archive electronic resources for future use. • The director of the Tri-Campus Libraries comments on freedom of speech & the academic library. Page 3 - Manuscripts from Archives & Special Collections record the recollections of a Civil War nurse, a Connecticut naturalist, and a prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials. Page 4 - A WPA mural by James Daugherty is rescued and installed in the Jeremy Richard Library. • Access Services finds new ways to improve services for library users. Page 5 - A renovated UConn Health Center Library is transformed from a warehouse for print into an information commons. Page 6 - Staff news


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La investigación se propuso abordar cómo las bibliotecas públicas en contextos populares pueden agenciar procesos de subjetividad colectiva a partir de sus servicios bibliotecarios. Se plantea un análisis sobre estas bibliotecas como agencias de construcción de la esfera pública, mediante un estudio de caso en una biblioteca pública-popular en Bogotá, Colombia. Se propone inicialmente ilustrar cómo ha sido la forma en que la bibliotecología ha abordado la pregunta sobre ¿Qué es una biblioteca pública y cuál es su papel social y político?, identificando las razones por las que consideramos que se hacen necesarias indagaciones desde las ciencias sociales. Luego, haciendo un repaso sobre las teorías de la subjetividad y la subjetividad colectiva, se construye alrededor de la categoría de subjetividad colectiva un instrumento para la indagación de corte cualitativo, que permite explorar en las narrativas subjetivas de los usuarios, elementos para describir procesos agenciados desde la biblioteca pública escogida. Por último, se presentan las consideraciones finales sobre las bibliotecas públicas como agencias de procesos socioculturales que intervienen como escenarios de formación y participación


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La investigación se propuso abordar cómo las bibliotecas públicas en contextos populares pueden agenciar procesos de subjetividad colectiva a partir de sus servicios bibliotecarios. Se plantea un análisis sobre estas bibliotecas como agencias de construcción de la esfera pública, mediante un estudio de caso en una biblioteca pública-popular en Bogotá, Colombia. Se propone inicialmente ilustrar cómo ha sido la forma en que la bibliotecología ha abordado la pregunta sobre ¿Qué es una biblioteca pública y cuál es su papel social y político?, identificando las razones por las que consideramos que se hacen necesarias indagaciones desde las ciencias sociales. Luego, haciendo un repaso sobre las teorías de la subjetividad y la subjetividad colectiva, se construye alrededor de la categoría de subjetividad colectiva un instrumento para la indagación de corte cualitativo, que permite explorar en las narrativas subjetivas de los usuarios, elementos para describir procesos agenciados desde la biblioteca pública escogida. Por último, se presentan las consideraciones finales sobre las bibliotecas públicas como agencias de procesos socioculturales que intervienen como escenarios de formación y participación


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La investigación se propuso abordar cómo las bibliotecas públicas en contextos populares pueden agenciar procesos de subjetividad colectiva a partir de sus servicios bibliotecarios. Se plantea un análisis sobre estas bibliotecas como agencias de construcción de la esfera pública, mediante un estudio de caso en una biblioteca pública-popular en Bogotá, Colombia. Se propone inicialmente ilustrar cómo ha sido la forma en que la bibliotecología ha abordado la pregunta sobre ¿Qué es una biblioteca pública y cuál es su papel social y político?, identificando las razones por las que consideramos que se hacen necesarias indagaciones desde las ciencias sociales. Luego, haciendo un repaso sobre las teorías de la subjetividad y la subjetividad colectiva, se construye alrededor de la categoría de subjetividad colectiva un instrumento para la indagación de corte cualitativo, que permite explorar en las narrativas subjetivas de los usuarios, elementos para describir procesos agenciados desde la biblioteca pública escogida. Por último, se presentan las consideraciones finales sobre las bibliotecas públicas como agencias de procesos socioculturales que intervienen como escenarios de formación y participación


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This review analyzes the existing research on the information needs of rural health professionals and relates it to the broader information-needs literature to establish whether the information needs of rural health professionals differ from those of other health professionals. The analysis of these studies indicates that rural health practitioners appear to have the same basic needs for patient-care information as their urban counterparts, and that both groups rely on colleagues and personal libraries as their main sources of information. Rural practitioners, however, tend to make less use of journals and online databases and ask fewer clinical questions; a difference that correlates with geographic and demographic factors. Rural practitioners experience pronounced barriers to information access including lack of time, isolation, inadequate library access, lack of equipment, lack of skills, costs, and inadequate Internet infrastructure. Outreach efforts to this group of underserved health professionals must be sustained to achieve equity in information access and to change information-seeking behaviors.


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Many people think of language as words. Words are small, convenient units, especially in written English, where they are separated by spaces. Dictionaries seem to reinforce this idea, because entries are arranged as a list of alphabetically-ordered words. Traditionally, linguists and teachers focused on grammar and treated words as self-contained units of meaning, which fill the available grammatical slots in a sentence. More recently, attention has shifted from grammar to lexis, and from words to chunks. Dictionary headwords are convenient points of access for the user, but modern dictionary entries usually deal with chunks, because meanings often do not arise from individual words, but from the chunks in which the words occur. Corpus research confirms that native speakers of a language actually work with larger “chunks” of language. This paper will show that teachers and learners will benefit from treating language as chunks rather than words.