107 resultados para Leymus racemosus


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Although studies show that grazing and browsing by herbivores have marked effects on host plants, the mechanisms remain unclear. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of sheep saliva on host plant growth. Sheep saliva was manually applied to clipped plants of two different life forms, a semi-shrub, Artemisia frigida Willd., and a herbaceous species, Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzevel. The results showed that sheep saliva significantly enhanced aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and the ratio of ANPP to belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) for both species. This indicated that sheep saliva promotes aboveground compensatory growth and allocation of photosynthate to aboveground for both plant species. Sheep saliva stimulated only tillering of L. chinensis. Regardless of saliva application, clipping significantly decreased BNPP and plant height, but significantly increased the number of branches or tillers for both plant species. The relative growth rates (RGRs) on both species were significantly greater after clipping with saliva compared with control and clipping without saliva treatments. In addition, RGR of the herbaceous species L. chinensis was faster than that of the semi-shrub A. frigida after application of saliva. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Uptake and release of carbon in grassland ecosystems is very critical to the global carbon balance and carbon storage. In this study, the dynamics of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (FNEE) of two grassland ecosystems were observed continuously using the eddy covariance technique during the growing season of 2003. One is the alpine shrub on the Tibet Plateau, and the other is the sem-arid Leymus chinensis steppe in Inner Mongolia of China. It was found that the FNEE of both ecosystems was significantly depressed under high solar radiation. Comprehensive analysis indicates that the depression of FNEE in the L. chinensis steppe was the results of decreased plant photosynthesis and increased ecosystem respiration (R-eco) under high temperature. Soil water stress in addition to the high atmospheric demand under the strong radiation was the primary factor limiting the stomatal conductance. In contrast, the depression of FNEE in the alpine shrub was closely related to the effects of temperature on both photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration, coupled with the reduction of plant photosynthesis due to partial stomatal closure under high temperature at mid-day. The R,c of the alpine shrub was sensitive to soil temperature during high turbulence (u* > 0.2 m s(-1)) but its FNEE decreased markedly when the temperature was higher than the optimal value of about 12 degrees C. Such low optimal temperature contrasted the optimal value (about 20 degrees C) for the steppe, and was likely due to the acclimation of most alpine plants to the long-term low temperature on the Tibet Plateau. We inferred that water stress was the primary factor causing depression of the FNEE in the semi-arid steppe ecosystem, while relative high temperature under strong solar radiation was the main reason for the decrease of FNEE in the alpine shrub. This study implies that different grassland ecosystems may respond differently to climate change in the future. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Two new species of Leymus, L. pendulus and L. obvipodus, are described and illustrated. These two species are endemic to Qinghai province, China, occurring at the margins of woodlands, wastelands, mountain valleys, and the bases of walls, at 2280-2400 m elevation. Leymus pendulus is unusual in its lax, long, pendent spikes. It is closely related to L. flexus, but differs from that species by pendent spikes, longer rachis internodes, and shorter glumes and lemmas. Leymus obvipodus is unique in the genus in having all spikelets pedicellate. It resembles both L. divaricatus (Drobow) Tzvelev and L. aristiglumus L. B. Cai but differs from the former by lanceolate glumes with 1 to 3 nerves, longer spike-like panicles, taller culms, and lanceolate lemmas with 5 obscure nerves and pubescent margins, and from the latter by lax, longer spike-like panicles, pedicellate spikelets with 4 to 8 florets, narrower glumes, and longer, lustrous lemmas.


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The two major steroidal saponins from the roots of Asparagus racemosus were isolated by RP-HPLC and their structure determined by extensive NMR studies. Their structures did not match those reported previously for shatavarins. I and IV and were found to be 3-O-{[beta-D-glueopyranosy](1 -> 2)][alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1 -> 4)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl}-26-O-(P-D-glu(opyranosyl)-(25S)5 beta-furostan-3p,22 alpha,26-triol and 3-O-{[beta-D-glueopyranosyl(1 -> 2)][alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1 -> 4)]-beta-D-glucopyrariosyl}-(25S)-5 beta-spirostan-3 beta-ol. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new steroidal saponin, shatavarin V, (3-O-{[alpha-L-rhamnopyranosy](1-2)][beta-D-glucopyranosyl(1 -> 4)]-beta-D-glucopyranosyl}-(25S)-5 beta-spirostan-3 beta-ol), was isolated from the roots of Asparagus racemosus by RP-HPLC, and its structure determined by 1D and 2D NMR studies. This data permits clarification of the structures reported for several known saponins: asparinins A and B; asparosides A and B; curillin H; curillosides G and H and shavatarins I and IV. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A subtribo Elephantopinae tem sido alvo de poucos estudos taxonômicos e palinológicos, necessitando de uma reavaliação em seus limites. Assim, o presente estudo teve como proposta atualizar e ampliar o conhecimento de 13 espécies de Elephantopinae ocorrentes no Brasil através de um acurado estudo palinológico, da anatomia foliar e taxonômico, promovendo a delimitação das espécies dos gêneros Elephantopus (10 espécies) Orthopappus (uma espécie) e Pseudelephantopus (duas espécies)além de oferecer subsídios para posteriores análises filogenéticas. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos herbários brasileiros e de material coletado em campo. Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método acetolítico, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos, e analisados sob microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura. As eletromicrografias foram obtidas de grãos de pólen não acetolisados, as análises taxonômicas baseiam-se na metodologia clássica. A anatomia foliar deu-se através da metodologia usual. Os resultados mostram grãos de pólen médios, 3-porados, de exina equinolofada com malhas poligonais organizadas ou não em Elephantopus e Pseudelephantopus, podendo apresentar interrupção na malha poral em Elephantopus. Em Orthopapus os grãos de pólen são 3-colporados, de sexina subequinolofada. A anatomia foliar possibilitou a separação de E. hirtiflorus e E. riparius através da forma ou contorno da nervura principal (planoconvexo), nas demais espécies o contorno é biconvexo. As espécies apresentaram tricomas capitados bisseriados com 8 células, tricomas filamentosos 3-4 celulares, bem como filamentosos de célula distal globosa ou ovóide em E. biflorus, E. micropappus, E. tomentous e Orthopappus angustifolius. Registrou-se variação na ornamentação da cutícula podendo ser lisa ou estriada entre as espécies, bem como a presença de substâncias pécticas na epiderme e drusas nos parênquimas. Em relação aos microcaracteres florais, foram considerados de importância diagnóstica os lóbulos da corola, que variaram entre glandular, glabro e penicilado, este ultimo apenas em E. hirtiflorus, os ápices das anteras que variaram entre obtuso, retuso em E. hirtiflorus e apiculado, lancelolado em E. mollis e E. racemosus, a base da antera variou entre sagitada, caudada lisa em E. riparius e E. tomentosus e caudada em E. riparius. Os macrocaracteres que apresentaram maior valor taxonômico foram a cipsela e o papus, a organização das coflorescências, o número de flores por capítulo e limbo foliar. Neste trabalho aceitou-se a segregação dos três gêneros, com base nos caracteres analisados


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本研究以小麦与多枝赖草属间杂种后代BC_2F_3-F_6为基本材料,首先对其进行抗性鉴定和细胞学分析,从中选出一些抗性较好且体细胞染色体数2n = 42、PMC减数分裂期染色体配对比较正常的株系,进而以此为试材进行花药培养。研究过程中,解决了小麦远缘杂种后代花药培养愈伤组织诱导出愈率、绿苗分化率、最终绿苗得率、移栽成活率以及自然加倍率低等一个个障碍着小麦远缘杂种后代花药培养的关键性技术难题,获得了小麦与多枝赖草杂种后代花药培养的成功,共得到了150多个后代纯系的种子。 对这些后代纯系进行遗传标记技术鉴定。形态标记结果表明,后代材料中带有多枝赖草的标记性状,如耐盐、抗旱、抗黄矮、白粉病等;细胞学分析发现加倍单倍体(H_1)植株减数分裂染色体配对出现环形四价体、测交检测发现棒状二价体增加,初步鉴定选择出小麦与多枝赖草的纯合易位系。进一步利用现代分子生物学技术,进行分子标记、染色体原位杂交,结果表明材料中有外源(多枝赖草)染色体片段的存在。RFLP分析结果不仅证实外源基因的存在,而且初步实现了外源染色体片段的定位。RAPD分析结果,筛选出22个在多枝赖草与普通小麦间有多态性的引物,可以用来对多枝赖草的杂交后代进行分析。所鉴定的三个后代材料中,均扩增出了多枝赖草的同源特性征带,其中“82”2条、“87”2条、“116”6条。进一步说明这些材料中含有多枝赖草的染色体片段。从分子水平上分析证实已将多枝赖草的染色体片段或基因导入普通小麦,获得了纯合易位系。结合综合农艺性状调查、小区产量比较试验以及田间筛选试验等方面的工作,从中筛选鉴定出了一批既有外源基因(如抗黄矮病、抗旱、耐盐等)导人,且农艺性状好的小麦易位系新种质。同时,结合以往的研究工作,建立起一套小麦属间杂种通过花药培养快速获得纯合易位系的技术体系和相应的操作程序。


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羊草(Leymus chinensis (Trin.) Tzvel. )又称碱草,隶属禾本科,赖草属,因其营养价值高,富含蛋白质,适口性好,抗旱,耐盐碱,耐贫瘠,抗逆性强,适应性广等优点,对我国发展草原畜牧业和退化草地、荒漠化治理方面具有举足轻重的作用。近年来,由于自然环境变劣,荒漠化加剧,以及过度放牧等不利影响,加之羊草本身固有的“三低”问题(即结实率低、出苗率低、产草量低)已对羊草生物多样性维持构成了严重的威胁,严重限制了我国人工草地建设和天然草地的改良和沙化治理的步伐。加强羊草生物学研究,开展羊草种质生物多样性保护,成为当前研究的紧迫课题。经对国内外相关文献的查新发现:国外发表的文献匮乏,国内的报导大多集中在草原生态等宏观领域,在羊草繁殖生物学方面缺乏系统的研究。本文以本课题组从国内外收集的羊草资源为材料,从以下几个方面进行了初步探索: 一、羊草繁殖性状与遗传多样性分子标记指标的相关分析。利用分子标记与形态标记对随机抽取的17份羊草种质进行了种质评估的比较研究。结果表明:两种方法均在17份供试材料中鉴别出9份羊草种质,说明分子标记方法用于羊草种质资源鉴定是可行的,并具有快速、准确、不受环境条件限制等优点。在40个10 Mer的随机引物当中筛选出21个有效引物,以之对9份羊草材料进行RAPD 分析,共扩增出115条带,其中95条带表现出多态性,多态比率82.61%,并筛选出S1213-900,S1213-1700,S1215-5500, S1396-1370,S1384-900,S1202-5180,S1220-2200,S1381-1580,S1211-1300,S1211-800为羊草种质所具有的10个特异性标记,据此可将羊草种质与披肩草、赖草加以区分。同时在羊草种内亦发现13条可区分供试羊草种质的特有标记。形态标记与分子标记相关性分析结果显示:羊草种质的小穗数,种子千粒重,叶色,有性繁殖量和结实率5个形态学指标与遗传多样性指标---特有带百分率及遗传距离之间,存在一定相关性。同时对羊草种质资源在收集和评价过程中存在的问题进行了探讨。 二、羊草不同基因型无性繁殖特性比较研究。以本课题组从吉林、内蒙古等省份收集的10个基因型羊草为供试材料,在相同的生态因子作用下,以吉生1号羊草为对照,对10个基因型羊草的叶数增量、芽数增量、芽高度、芽间距、芽重量、根量六个无性系形态性状指标进行测评。结果表明:基因型的差异也是影响羊草无性系生长发育的重要影响因子。因此,在今后的羊草无性繁殖生物学研究中,应综合考虑环境因子和基因型因子对羊草无性繁殖生长发育的影响。在所测评的10个基因型中,各基因型的形态性状指标差异很大,栽3基因型较其他基因型优于对照吉生1号,此结论可为今后培育羊草新种提供重要资料。 三、羊草幼穗离体培养方法的建立。其方法是取羊草幼穗为外植体,经0.1%升汞溶液表面消毒后,接种到含2mg/L的2,4-D的MS培养基上,置于恒温25℃条件下诱导愈伤组织。在加有1mg/L2,4-D的MS培养基上继代2次后,转移到含1mg/L KT和0.5mg/LNAA的MS培养基上分化培养得到再生芽。在除去激素后的基本培养基上获得了生根的试管苗。试管苗移栽到温室后生长正常。羊草试管苗的分化因基因型和外源激素条件的不同而异。 四、羊草有性生殖特性的研究。在自然条件下进行了羊草自交、异交结实性实验,采用FDA染色法检测羊草小孢子活性,并观测羊草雌蕊、雄蕊发育的时空特点。结果表明:在大田中羊草异交结实率远大于其自交结实率;成熟花药中有活性的花粉达到92.2%以上;同时,在发育时间顺序和空间结构上,羊草的雌蕊、雄蕊并不妨碍自体授粉。因此,初步结论认为羊草具自交不和性。