997 resultados para Leydig Cells


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El present treball analitza al microscopi òptic i al microscopi electrònic de transmissió el testicle de Sus domesticus (raça Landrace - varietat anglesa) a partir de mascles reproductors porcins adults i sans. L'objectiu principal de tots els centres d'Inseminació Artificial Porcina i de les Explotacions de Selecció i Multiplicació Porcina és garantir una excel·lent qualitat espermàtica al llarg de la vida reproductiva útil d'un mascle reproductor porcí. Així doncs, un millor coneixement dels patrons estructural i ultraestructural normals del testicle permetrà diagnosticar amb facilitat quina ha estat l'estructura o funció testicular afectada quan s'observa una disminució de la qualitat del semen. Les anàlisis seminals i hormonals són certament crucials en la valoració d'aquests mascles, però, no són totalment informatives de les alteracions testiculars, ja que és necessari conèixer l'organització microscòpica. Diversos estudis sobre testicle han demostrat que els marcadors més sensibles per a l'avaluació de la funció testicular són els següents: (1) la grandària testicular, (2) el gruix i l'organització de la càpsula testicular, (3) el percentatge de túbuls seminífers i de teixit intersticial en el parènquima testicular, (4) el diàmetre dels túbuls seminífers, (5) l'alçada i la composició de cèl·lules germinals de l'epiteli seminífer, (6) el gruix i l'organització de la làmina pròpia i, (7) la morfologia i la grandària de les cèl·lules de Leydig. El primer objectiu concret del present estudi ha estat, per tant, caracteritzar tots aquests paràmetres testiculars en mascles porcins sans i adults. L'organització estructural del testicle i les mesures quantitatives utilitzades com a marcadors no mostren diferències significatives ni entres els mascles porcins (P > 0,01), ni entre el testicle dret i l'esquerre (P > 0,01). Els testicles, de 330,80  16,99 g de pes, estan envoltats per una càpsula, de 2.375,13  246,68 m de gruix, la qual es divideix en tres capes: la túnica vaginalis constitueix l'1,82  0,78 % de la càpsula i està composta per una capa mesotelial externa i una capa interna de teixit conjuntiu dens; la túnica albuginea representa el 37,31  3,27 % i és de teixit conjuntiu dens i, la túnica vasculosa constitueix el 64,24 4,40 % i és de teixit conjuntiu lax. En el parènquima testicular els túbuls seminífers i el teixit intersticial representen el 72,44  2,12 % i el 27,46  2,12 %, respectivament. Els túbuls seminífers, de 226,23  18,08 m de diàmetre, es troben fortament recargolats i empaquetats, i estan compostos per la làmina pròpia i l'epiteli seminífer. La làmina pròpia, de 4-4,5 m de gruix, està formada per la làmina basal i dues capes de cèl·lules peritubulars. L'epiteli seminífer, amb una alçada mitjana de 66,11  10,62 m, és columnar i estratificat amb cèl·lules de Sertoli i diferents generacions d'espermatogònies, espermatòcits i espermàtides. El teixit intersticial és un teixit conjuntiu lax amb abundants cèl·lules de Leydig polièdriques fortament empaquetades (ca. 15 x 12 m). El segon objectiu concret d'aquest estudi ha estat estudiar des del punt de vista morfològic i morfomètric (alçada, longitud, freqüència relativa d'aparició i durada) els estadis del cicle de l'epiteli seminífer en els mascles porcins de la raça Landrace (varietat anglesa), classificats d'acord amb el mètode de la morfologia tubular. Els estadis premeiòtics ( I, II i III) ocupen el 31,9 % del cicle espermatogènic i es caracteritzen, principalment, per la presència de cèl·lules en les fase inicials de la meiosi I. Les primeres etapes de la meiosi I no afecten els paràmetres morfomètrics de l'epiteli seminífer ja que els valors obtinguts per l'alçada de l'epiteli seminífer, la freqüència relativa, la longitud i la durada d'aquests estadis són molt variables. Els estadis meiòtics (IV i V) representen el 16,4 % del cicle espermatogènic i estan constituïts, principlament, per cèl·lules en un estat avançat de la meiosi I i /o cèl·lules en meiosi II. Les últimes fases de la meiosi I i també de la meiosi II tenen lloc ràpidament, la qual cosa resulta en una baixa freqüència relativa d'aparició i, per tant, en una baixa durada dels estadis meiòtics. Els estadis postmeiòtics (VI, VII i VIII) ocupen el 50,6 % del cicle espermatogènic. L'esdeveniment més important que té lloc en aquests estadis és la fase de maduració de l'espermiogènesi. En la fase de maduració, les espermàtides experimenten diverses modificacions morfològiques i estructurals que donen lloc, finalment, als espermatozoides. La complexitat d'aquests processos fa que els estadis postmeiòtics presentin valors més grans de freqüència relativa, longitud i durada. El tercer objectiu concret d'aquest treball ha estat descriure a nivell ultraestructural el procés d'espermiogènesi, i relacionar les transformacions que experimenten les espermàtides en fase d'elongació amb els canvis ultraestructurals que tenen lloc en les diferents cèl·lules que constitueixen el testicle (cèl·lules germinals, de Sertoli i de Leydig, principalment). L'espermiogènesi del mascle porcí de la raça Landrace (varietat anglesa) s'ha dividit en 9 passos que vénen definits per 9 tipus diferents d'espermàtides. Al llarg de l'espermiogènesi no s'observen diferències ultraestructurals significatives (P > 0,01) ni entre els mascles porcins ni entre el testicle esquerre i dret en les cèl·lules que constitueixen el testicle.


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Insulin-like peptide 3 (INSL3), a major product of testicular Leydig cells, is also expressed by the ovary but its functional role remains poorly understood. Here, we quantified expression of INSL3 and its receptor RXFP2 in theca interna (TIC) and granulosa (GC) compartments of developing bovine antral follicles and in corpora lutea (CL). INSL3 and RXFP2 mRNA levels were much higher in TIC than GC and increased progressively during follicle maturation with INSL3 peaking in large (11-18mm) estrogen-active follicles and RXFP2 peaking in 9-10mm follicles before declining in larger (11-18mm) follicles. Expression of both INSL3 and RXFP2 in CL was much lower than in TIC. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry confirmed abundant expression of INSL3 mRNA and protein in TIC. These observations indicate follicular TIC rather than CL as the primary site of both INSL3 production and action, implying a predominantly auto-/paracrine role in TIC. To corroborate the above findings, we showed that in vitro exposure of TIC to a luteinizing concentration of LH greatly attenuated expression of both INSL3 and its receptor while increasing progesterone secretion and expression of STAR and CYP11A1. Moreover, in vivo, a significant cyclic variation in plasma INSL3 was observed during synchronized estrous cycles. INSL3 and estradiol-17β followed a similar pattern, both increasing after luteolysis, before falling sharply after the LH surge. Thus, theca-derived INSL3, likely from the dominant pre-ovulatory follicle, is detectable in peripheral blood of cattle and expression is down-regulated during luteinisation induced by the pre-ovulatory LH surge. Collectively, these findings underscore the likely role of INSL3 as an important intrafollicular modulator of TIC function/steroidogenesis, whilst raising doubts about its potential contribution to CL function.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foi realizado um estudo morfométrico de testículos escrotais e retidos de 10 eqüinos criptórquios unilaterais, sendo cinco abdominais e cinco inguinais. As características avaliadas foram espessura da albugínea testicular, área dos túbulos seminíferos e número de células de Leydig. A espessura da albugínea testicular mostrou-se reduzida (P< 0,05) nas gônadas criptórquias abdominais quando comparadas às escrotais contralaterais. Também foram observadas diferenças (P< 0,01) nas áreas dos túbulos seminíferos dos testículos abdominais e inguinais, que se apresentaram diminuídas quando comparadas às dos escrotais contralaterais. A diminuição foi de, aproximadamente, 45% nos testículos abdominais e de 31% nos inguinais. Não foram verificadas diferenças (P> 0,05) na contagem de células de Leydig das gônadas criptórquias comparadas às escrotais contralaterais. Nos eqüinos, o criptorquismo afetou com maior intensidade a área dos túbulos seminíferos dos testículos abdominais e inguinais e a espessura da albugínea daqueles retidos no abdome.


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Nesta pesquisa foram obtidos dados histológicos e morfométricos comparativos sobre os testículos de gatos, pós-orquiectomia, divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1, gatos com até 1 ano de idade e Grupo 2, animais acima de 1 ano. Verificou-se que: (1) aos 4 meses de idade os túbulos seminíferos apresentaram-se pouco desenvolvidos e com ausência de luz, epitélio seminífero baixo, células de Sertoli indiferenciadas e tecido intersticial escasso; (2) aos 5 meses os túbulos seminíferos começaram a se diferenciar com aumento do diâmetro e luz tubulares e as demais estruturas permaneceram semelhantes à observação anterior; (3) aos 6-7 meses ocorreu o início da espermatogênese e espermiogênese; as células de Leydig apareceram maiores, poliédricas com citoplasma vacuolizado e núcleo claro, e tecido intersticial esparso com poucos vasos sangüíneos; (4) os animais com 1 ano de idade apresentaram morfologia testicular igual à do animal adulto, com túbulos seminíferos de maior diâmetro, epitélio germinativo alto e luz tubular pequena, as células de Leydig aparecendo poliédricas, com dimensões variadas, citoplasma vacuolizado, núcleo claro e nucléolo evidente, e espaço intertubular seminífero variado com vasos sanguíneos, predominantemente evidentes; (5) no Grupo 1 o diâmetro médio dos túbulos seminíferos foi de 160,58µm e no Grupo 2 foi de 185,94µm, sendo os valores médios significantes entre si; (6) a altura média do epitélio seminífero foi de 49,51µm para o Grupo 1 e de 63,29µm para o Grupo 2, estaticamente significantes; (7) os maiores valores mensurados foram obtidos para os gatos do Grupo 2, por serem gatos adultos e portanto com os órgãos reprodutores funcionais.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ectothermic vertebrates have a well-developed system of melanin-containing cells, which localize in several organs and tissues and compose an extracutaneous pigmentary system. This research aimed at characterizing histological and ultrastructural patterns of pigmented cells in the testes of the anura Eupemphix nattereri (Steindachner, 1963), including the stereological and quantitative evaluation of this cell type in the gonads. Ten adult males were collected in Nova Itapirema, São Paulo, Brazil, and submitted to morphological studies with light and transmission electron microscopy. The testis presents a great number of large cells with many brown granules and long cytoplasmic processes. The pigmented cells found in the testis are structurally similar to melanocytes, characterized by large amounts of melanosomes. The cells may be in intimate contact with the same cell type, with myoid cells surrounded by a large amount of collagen fibers, Leydig cells, and next to fibroblasts. The distribution and amount of extracutaneous melanocytes is variable when other organs and membranes are analyzed, allowing the establishment of species-specific patterns for the extracutaneous pigmentary system.


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Testicles of 30 mongrel cats were analyzed histologically and morphometrically, divided into three groups: G1 (1-2 years old), G2 (over 2 and up to 4 years old) and G3 (over 4 and up to 6 years old). After orchiectomy and histopathology, the morphometric parameters studied were: thickness of the tunica albuginea (72 mu m) and seminiferous epithelium (77.19 mu m), perimeter (53.81; 90.57 mu m), (54.80; 101.07 mu m); area (174.23; 494.55 mu m(2)), (176.68; 629.70 mu m(2)); maximum diameter (14.94; 28.02 mu m), (14.76; 31.66 mu m); minimum diameter (13.25; 21.92 mu m), (13.30; 24.52 mu m); and shape factor (index for regularity of the format) (1.36; 1.36), (1.39; 1.35) of the nucleus and cytoplasm of spermatogonia and Leydig cells, respectively. The results can be used for comparative studies and contribute knowledge concerning the height of the seminiferous epithelium, thickness of the tunica albuginea and size of spermatogonia and Leydig cells.


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The present study aimed to compare testicular histology and the testicular cell population as well as spermatogenic efficiency in goats with different scrotal conformations. Eighteen goats were divided into 3 groups: Group I - goats without bipartition of the scrotum, Group II - animals with bipartition of the scrotum up to 50% of the testicular length, Group III - goats with scrotal bipartition more than 50% of the testicular length. In goats in Groups I, II and III, the values for the volume density of seminiferous epithelium were 68.9 +/- 0.6%, 71.5 +/- 2.8% and 73.4 +/- 4.7% (P < 0.05), the height of the seminiferous epithelium were 60.2 +/- 4.9 mu m, 61.0 +/- 5.0 mu m and 73.1 +/- 6.6 mu m (P < 0.05), total length of seminiferous tubules found for Groups I, II and III were 2091.9 +/- 27 m, 2172.5 +/- 24.1 m, and 2340.1 14 m (P < 0.05), number of Sertoli and Leydig cells were 1.8 +/- 0.4 x 10(9) and 1.4 +/- 0.1 x 10(9), 2.2 +/- 0.4 and 2.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(9), and 2.5 +/- 0.1 10(9) and 2.3 +/- 0.510(9)(P < 0.05)and daily sperm production observed were 2.1 0.3 x 109, 2.8 0.4 x 109, and 3.1 0.7 x 109 (P < 0.05). In conclusion, goats with greater scrotal bipartition have a greater capacity to produce reproductive cells that is reflected in a greater reproductive potential. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The testicular stroma of the vampire bat including the testicular capsula and the lamina propria of the seminiferous tubuli, was strongly PAS-positive. This observation was a possible indication of great amounts of structural glycogen and other glycoconjugates at the level of smooth muscle cells; elongated contractile cells and/or collagen frameworks of the tunica albuginea and tubular lamina propria. In the last the basement membranes of the seminiferous tubules were particularly strongly PAS positive, as an indication of their neutral mucosubstances structural composition, previously described (Malmi et al., 1987). The epithelium lining from the cavitary and surface rete testis complex showed low reactivities to mucosubstances; total proteins and lipids and oxidative enzymes studied. Although the apical granulation at the rete testis epithelium showed an intense PAS reactivity with hypothesis of glycoprotein secretion, through the rete. The PAS, Sudan Black B, NADH, MDH and LDH reactions of the testicular interstitium seem correlate to steroid metabolism (biosynthesis and secretion), at the Leydig cells level. The seminiferous epithelium generally had low reactions to all the histochemical studies realized. Particularly in the adbasal compartment the histochemical localizations of NADH diaphorase and LDH were possible related to glycolytic activities and general carbohydrates metabolism, both enzymes, and hydrogen transport, the NADH. The strong PAS, diastase and PAS, and alcian blue pH 2.5 and PAS reactions observed in the adluminal seminiferous epithelium compartment were directly related to the spermatids acrosomal glycoconjugates structuration. Also the SDH localization at this level seems to be related to the mitochondrial activities at the middle piece level in the late spermatids.


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The chambers of the rete testis (RT) of guinea pig are lined by a simple epithelium, whose cells are squamous, cubical and columnar in shape. The epithelial cells with distinct shapes were counted and the quantitative analysis of the number of these cells showed relative predominance of cubical cells. The ultrastructural observations showed predominance of membrane interdigitations among the epithelial cells. These cells present common cytoplasmic organelles. The Golgi complex polarity is typical with observation of electronlucent vesicles on the Golgi cis face closely related to rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lamellae, mitochondria and large number of polysomes on the Golgi trans face. These related structures present in Golgi area of RT cells suggest secretory activity which maybe occurs in the RT epithelium. Endocytotic process also occurs in the RT and this function probably concerns the uptake of substances and resorption of seminiferous fluid. Apical cilia present in RT epithelium cells are related with fluid transport and perhaps with chemoreception. Presence of spermatozoa portions enclosed into the cytoplasm of some epithelium cells has been refferred to as spermatophagy. The RT complex is mainly supported by loose connective tissue, with collagen fibres and some Leydig cells. Leydig cells are adjacent to the network channels of the septal part of the RT and apparently are able to secrete inside the RT lumen.


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This study describes the male reproductive cycle of Sibynomorphus mikanii from southeastern Brazil considering macroscopic and microscopic variables. Spermatogenesis occurs during spring-summer (September-December) and spermiogenesis or maturation occurs in summer (December-February). The length and width of the kidney, the tubular diameter, and the epithelium height of the sexual segment of the kidney (SSK) are larger in summer-autumn (December-May). Histochemical reaction of the SSK [periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and bromophenol blue (BB)] shows stronger results during summer-autumn, indicating an increase in the secretory activity of the granules. Testicular regression is observed in autumn and early winter (March-June) when a peak in the width of the ductus deferens occurs. The distal ductus deferens as well as the ampulla ductus deferentis exhibit secretory activities with positive reaction for PAS and BB. These results suggest that this secretion may nourish the spermatozoa while they are being stored in the ductus deferens. The increase in the Leydig cell nuclear diameter in association with SSK hypertrophy and the presence of sperm in the female indicate that the mating season occurs in autumn when testes begin to decrease their activity. The peak activity of Leydig cells and SSK exhibits an associated pattern with the mating season. However, spermatogenesis is dissociated of the copulation characterizing a complex reproductive cycle. At the individual level, S. mikanii males present a continuous cyclical reproductive pattern in the testes and kidneys (SSK), whereas at the populational level the reproductive pattern may be classified as seasonal semisynchronous. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Oestrogens can affect expression of genes encoding steroidogenic enzymes in fish gonads. However, little information is available on their effects at the protein level. In this context, we first analysed the expression of key steroidogenic enzyme genes and proteins in zebrafish testis, paying attention also to other cell types than Leydig cells. Gene expression was analysed by quantitative PCR on fluorescence-activated cell-sorting fractions coupled or not to differential plating, while protein synthesis was studied by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies against zebrafish Cyp17a1, Cyp19a1a and Cyp19a1b. Furthermore, we have evaluated the effect of oestrogen treatment (17β-oestradiol (E2), 10 nM) on the localization of these enzymes after 7 and 14 days of in vivo exposure in order to study how oestrogen-mediated modulation of their expression is linked to oestrogen effects on spermatogenesis. The major outcomes of this study are that Leydig cells express Cyp17a1 and Cyp19a1a, while testicular germ cells express Cyp17a1 and both, Cyp19a1a and Cyp19a1b. As regards Cyp17a1, both protein and mRNA seem to be quantitatively dominating in Leydig cells. Moreover, E2 exposure specifically affects only Leydig cell Cyp17a1 synthesis, preceding the disruption of spermatogenesis. The oestrogen-induced suppression of the androgen production capacity in Leydig cells is a major event in altering spermatogenesis, while germ cell steroidogenesis may have to be fuelled by precursors from Leydig cells. Further studies are needed to elucidate the functionality of steroidogenic enzymes in germ cells and their potential role in testicular physiology. © 2013 Society for Endocrinology.