844 resultados para Lexical access
Cognitive scientists were not quick to embrace the functional neuroimaging technologies that emerged during the late 20th century. In this new century, cognitive scientists continue to question, not unreasonably, the relevance of functional neuroimaging investigations that fail to address questions of interest to cognitive science. However, some ultra-cognitive scientists assert that these experiments can never be of relevance to the Study of cognition. Their reasoning reflects an adherence to a functionalist philosophy that arbitrarily and purposefully distinguishes mental information-processing systems from brain or brain-like operations. This article addresses whether data from properly conducted functional neuroimaging studies can inform and Subsequently constrain the assumptions of theoretical cognitive models. The article commences with a focus upon the functionalist philosophy espoused by the ultra-cognitive scientists, contrasting it with the materialist philosophy that motivates both cognitive neuromiaging investigations and connectionist modelling of cognitive systems. Connectionism and cognitive neuroimaging share many features, including an emphasis on unified cognitive and neural models of systems that combine localist and distributed representations. The utility of designing cognitive neuroimaging studies to test (primarily) connectionist models of cognitive phenomena is illustrated using data from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations of language production and episodic memory. (C) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
We report the case of a neologistic jargonaphasic and ask whether her target-related and abstruse neologisms are the result of a single deficit, which affects some items more severely than others, or two deficits: one to lexical access and the other to phonological encoding. We analyse both correct/incorrect performance and errors and apply both traditional and formal methods (maximum-likelihood estimation and model selection). All evidence points to a single deficit at the level of phonological encoding. Further characteristics are used to constrain the locus still further. V.S. does not show the type of length effect expected of a memory component, nor the pattern of errors associated with an articulatory deficit. We conclude that her neologistic errors can result from a single deficit at a level of phonological encoding that immediately follows lexical access where segments are represented in terms of their features. We do not conclude, however, that this is the only possible locus that will produce phonological errors in aphasia, or, indeed, jargonaphasia.
Over recent years, evidence has been accumulating in favour of the importance of long-term information as a variable which can affect the success of short-term recall. Lexicality, word frequency, imagery and meaning have all been shown to augment short term recall performance. Two competing theories as to the causes of this long-term memory influence are outlined and tested in this thesis. The first approach is the order-encoding account, which ascribes the effect to the usage of resources at encoding, hypothesising that word lists which require less effort to process will benefit from increased levels of order encoding, in turn enhancing recall success. The alternative view, trace redintegration theory, suggests that order is automatically encoded phonologically, and that long-term information can only influence the interpretation of the resultant memory trace. The free recall experiments reported here attempted to determine the importance of order encoding as a facilitatory framework and to determine the locus of the effects of long-term information in free recall. Experiments 1 and 2 examined the effects of word frequency and semantic categorisation over a filled delay, and experiments 3 and 4 did the same for immediate recall. Free recall was improved by both long-term factors tested. Order information was not used over a short filled delay, but was evident in immediate recall. Furthermore, it was found that both long-term factors increased the amount of order information retained. Experiment 5 induced an order encoding effect over a filled delay, leaving a picture of short-term processes which are closely associated with long-term processes, and which fit conceptions of short-term memory being part of language processes rather better than either the encoding or the retrieval-based models. Experiments 6 and 7 aimed to determine to what extent phonological processes were responsible for the pattern of results observed. Articulatory suppression affected the encoding of order information where speech rate had no direct influence, suggesting that it is ease of lexical access which is the most important factor in the influence of long-term memory on immediate recall tasks. The evidence presented in this thesis does not offer complete support for either the retrieval-based account or the order encoding account of long-term influence. Instead, the evidence sits best with models that are based upon language-processing. The path urged for future research is to find ways in which this diffuse model can be better specified, and which can take account of the versatility of the human brain.
Na sociedade moderna, constata-se que os indivíduos multilingues compreendem e falam várias línguas e que essa proficiência tem despertado, ao longo de várias décadas, a curiosidade de numerosos especialistas no assunto (neurolinguistas, psicolinguistas). Sobre este assunto, Dijkstra (2003:11) preconiza que os falantes multilingues devem ter armazenado um vasto número de palavras no seu léxico mental no qual parece ser difícil recuperar uma palavra. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho, que se enquadra no Mestrado em Português Língua Não Materna, oferece uma revisão da literatura sobre o conhecimento neurolinguístico e psicolinguístico da aquisição multilingue do léxico em sujeitos bi / multilingues ; tendo como ponto nevrálgico o controlo inibitório e o acesso lexical. No decorrer desta pesquisa, a qual pôde contar com a participação de trinta e três informantes falantes de português europeu (3 monolingues, 3 bilingues, 5 trilingues e 22 multilingues), procurou-se averiguar se os informantes bi / multilingues seriam mais rápidos e precisos do que os monolingues, aquando da realização de tarefas trilingues de nomeação oral de imagens e de decisão lexical. A investigação realizada fornece dados para uma reflexão sobre o modo como falantes com estas particularidades acedem ao (s) seu (s) reportório (s) linguístico (s), bem como sobre a forma como exercem o controlo inibitório sobre o seu vasto campo linguístico.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Nesta dissertação, assumimos os pressupostos formais do modelo não-linear da Fonologia Lexical (FL). Adotamos, como hipótese de trabalho - nos termos de Labov (1981), Labov (1994) e Kiparsky (1988)- a resolução da controvérsia neogramática a partir deste modelo. Para tanto, apresentamos a análise de dois fenômenos do Português Brasileiro (PB), com base em dados empíricos extraídos da cidade de Porto Alegre, os quais confrontamos com as predições que emanam do modelo teórico. Num primeiro momento, discutimos o status lexical e pós-lexical das regras de vocalização de /l/ e monotongação de /ow/. Num segundo momento, apresentamos a caracterização desses dois tipos de mudança. Essas discussões fundamentam-se em resultados estatísticos, obtidos a partir da utilização do pacote VARBRUL. Partindo dessas discussões, propomos o ordenamento dessas regras nos componentes do modelo da Fonologia Lexical (FL), rastreando esses processos nos módulos do léxico e do pós-léxico. A escolha destes dois fenômenos não é aleatória: da análise destas regras nos termos da FL emergem questões não devidamente tratadas no PB, como a opacidade e a presença de regras variáveis no léxico. Também destacamos a controvérsia sobre a representação dos segmentos envolvidos nestes processos: dedicamos um capítulo para a discussão sobre a representação da lateral e do processo de vocalização; e outro para a discussão sobre a representação subjacente do ditongo /ow/. Conforme a análise dos resultados, concluímos que a regra de monotongação de /ow/ comporta-se como regra lexical e implementa um tipo de mudança que se difunde lexicalmente. Já a regra de vocalização de /l/ caracteriza-se como regra pós-lexical e encaixa-se no molde de mudança neogramática.
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Este estudo tem por objetivo principal mapear uma parcela do corpus coletado por pesquisadores do projeto GeoLinTerm para a elaboração do Atlas Geossociolinguístico do Pará (ALIPA) no intento de projetar imagens prévias desse, no que se refere à variação lexical na zona rural do Estado. Para tanto, foram cartografados dados de doze municípios, sendo dois de cada uma das seis mesorregiões paraenses, quais sejam: Santarém e Oriximiná (Mesorregião do Baixo Amazonas); Anajás e Breves (Mesorregião do Marajó); Castanhal e Santo Antônio do Tauá (Mesorregião Metropolitana de Belém); Abaetetuba e Bragança (Mesorregião Nordeste); Altamira e Itaituba (Mesorregião Sudoeste); e Conceição do Araguaia e Redenção (Mesorregião Sudeste). Foram adotados os pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Dialetologia e da Geografia Linguística, essas que, com o advento da Sociolinguística Labovina, passaram a controlar variantes sociais, como: sexo, idade, escolaridade dos informantes, além da variante geográfica tradicionalmente estudada, o que resultou no que se entende hoje por multidimensionalidade nos atlas linguísticos. Os dados foram selecionados, transcritos foneticamente, cartografados e discutidos. As análises foram realizadas no intuito de dar conta das dimensões diatópica, diagenérica e diageracional da variação ocorrida na fala dos informantes. Tratando as lexias cartografadas em cada carta lexical, foi realizado um levantamento do registro dessas lexias em dicionários de língua portuguesa e em outros estudos dialetológicos. Além disso, as variantes sociais são quantificadas em gráficos que demonstram as porcentagens de ocorrências das lexias mais recorrentes em cada carta. Como resultados obtivemos a produção de cinquenta cartas lexicais, dentre as quais, foram selecionadas as trinta mais produtivas do ponto de vista da variação lexical para serem apresentadas e discutidas neste trabalho. Observou-se que, em linhas gerais, se tomarmos o critério da predominância, os dados cartografados se organizam em agrupamentos lexicais de três tipos, formados a partir da distribuição geolinguística das lexias nos pontos de inquérito.
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo central identificar, mapear e descrever a variação lexical do português falado na zona rural de seis municípios da mesorregião Sudeste Paraense: Curionópolis, Itupiranga, Santana do Araguaia, São Félix do Xingu, São João do Araguaia e Tucuruí. Esta mesorregião apresenta importância considerável no contexto sócio-político-econômico-cultural do Estado do Pará. A pesquisa é orientada pelos pressupostos da dialetologia, sob o método da geolinguística. Este trabalho faz parte do projeto GeoLinTerm, mas com pesquisa específica do eixo do projeto ALiPA. Fizemos o levantamento de alguns trabalhos realizados ao longo dos estudos geolinguísticos. A metodologia utilizada contou com a aplicação de um questionário semântico lexical, adaptado, contendo quatorze campos semânticos, que foi respondido pelos informantes selecionados. Os dados coletados nos seis municípios, objeto da pesquisa, contêm registros de fala de 22 informantes da zona rural da mesorregião Sudeste Paraense, dentro do perfil metodológico estabelecido pelo ALiPA. Após a coleta, fizemos o tratamento dos dados com a seleção, a transcrição, a elaboração de 30 cartas e a descrição dos resultados. Das 256 perguntas do questionário, selecionamos as 30 mais frequentes e com maior variação para serem desenvolvidas nas cartas. Em seguida às cartas, mostramos as ocorrências por localidade, sexo e faixa etária.
Lexica and terminology databases play a vital role in many NLP applications, but currently most such resources are published in application-specific formats, or with custom access interfaces, leading to the problem that much of this data is in ‘‘data silos’’ and hence difficult to access. The Semantic Web and in particular the Linked Data initiative provide effective solutions to this problem, as well as possibilities for data reuse by inter-lexicon linking, and incorporation of data categories by dereferencable URIs. The Semantic Web focuses on the use of ontologies to describe semantics on the Web, but currently there is no standard for providing complex lexical information for such ontologies and for describing the relationship between the lexicon and the ontology. We present our model, lemon, which aims to address these gaps
Three studies investigated the relation between symbolic gestures and words, aiming at discover the neural basis and behavioural features of the lexical semantic processing and integration of the two communicative signals. The first study aimed at determining whether elaboration of communicative signals (symbolic gestures and words) is always accompanied by integration with each other and, if present, this integration can be considered in support of the existence of a same control mechanism. Experiment 1 aimed at determining whether and how gesture is integrated with word. Participants were administered with a semantic priming paradigm with a lexical decision task and pronounced a target word, which was preceded by a meaningful or meaningless prime gesture. When meaningful, the gesture could be either congruent or incongruent with word meaning. Duration of prime presentation (100, 250, 400 ms) randomly varied. Voice spectra, lip kinematics, and time to response were recorded and analyzed. Formant 1 of voice spectra, and mean velocity in lip kinematics increased when the prime was meaningful and congruent with the word, as compared to meaningless gesture. In other words, parameters of voice and movement were magnified by congruence, but this occurred only when prime duration was 250 ms. Time to response to meaningful gesture was shorter in the condition of congruence compared to incongruence. Experiment 2 aimed at determining whether the mechanism of integration of a prime word with a target word is similar to that of a prime gesture with a target word. Formant 1 of the target word increased when word prime was meaningful and congruent, as compared to meaningless congruent prime. Increase was, however, present for whatever prime word duration. In the second study, experiment 3 aimed at determining whether symbolic prime gesture comprehension makes use of motor simulation. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was delivered to left primary motor cortex 100, 250, 500 ms after prime gesture presentation. Motor Evoked Potential of First Dorsal Interosseus increased when stimulation occurred 100 ms post-stimulus. Thus, gesture was understood within 100ms and integrated with the target word within 250 ms. Experiment 4 excluded any hand motor simulation in order to comprehend prime word. The effect of the prior presentation of a symbolic gesture on congruent target word processing was investigated in study 3. In experiment 5, symbolic gestures were presented as primes, followed by semantically congruent target word or pseudowords. In this case, lexical-semantic decision was accompanied by a motor simulation at 100ms after the onset of the verbal stimuli. Summing up, the same type of integration with a word was present for both prime gesture and word. It was probably subsequent to understanding of the signal, which used motor simulation for gesture and direct access to semantics for words. However, gesture and words could be understood at the same motor level through simulation if words were preceded by an adequate gestural context. Results are discussed in the prospective of a continuum between transitive actions and emblems, in parallelism with language; the grounded/symbolic content of the different signals evidences relation between sensorimotor and linguistic systems, which could interact at different levels.
One of the most important factors of recognition, belonging and identification in scientific communities is their specialized language: doctors, mathematicians and anthropologists feel they are part of a group with which they can interact because they share a common “language”. While ideology is present in all academic registers, it is in human sciences where its presence (or absence) leads to more visible linguistic phenomena. An interesting example is that of lesbian studies: as non-heterosexual members of society have become less stigmatized, lesbian studies have developed a language of their own. In our paper, we shall explore the mechanisms used in the creation of specific vocabulary in this academic area, paying special attention to the refashioning or deconstruction of meaning of established terms as a result of changes in social perception or the challenging of pre-determined meanings.
"All the tablets here published form part of the Nippur collections now in the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania."--Pref.