952 resultados para Leitão de Barros
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo dinâmico genérico para reatores de polimerização em leito fluidizado com capacidade de predizer produção, condições de operação e propriedades do produto, como o índice de fluidez e densidade. Este modelo genérico é então aplicado ao caso específico da polimerização de eteno em reatores do processo UNIPOL, utilizando catalisador de óxido de cromo. De modo a obter um modelo validado, os parâmetros cinéticos são estimados utilizando experimentos realizados em uma planta piloto UNIPOL. Também é apresentado um modelo simplificado em relação ao modelo proposto inicialmente, cujo objetivo é remover as interações dos parâmetros das malhas de controle com os parâmetros cinéticos a serem estimados, aproveitando medidas de planta não utilizadas pelo outro modelo. Junto com a parte de estimação de parâmetros é apresentada a metodologia da análise de sensibilidade para o planejamento de experimentos e estimação de parâmetros.
A adsorção em leito fixo de carvão ativado granular é uma das mais importantes alternativas para a remoção de compostos orgânicos voláteis em efluentes aquosos, em concentrações baixas. O objetivo deste trabalho é colocar em funcionamento uma unidade piloto de adsorção e desenvolver uma metodologia para avaliar o comportamento de adsorventes nesta planta como a usada no projeto de unidades de adsorção de leito fixo. Esta planta piloto possui uma coluna de 20 mm de diâmetro interno, encamisada. Ela é equipada com espectrofotômetro UV on-line, que permite a medida da concentração de componentes orgânicos voláteis na corrente de efluente. Também, possui módulos para a aquisição de dados de temperatura, vazão e pressão diferencial. Nessa planta, foram realizados experimentos, à temperatura ambiente, para aquisição de curvas de ruptura experimentais da adsorção de tolueno de uma corrente aquosa, em um leito fixo de carvão ativado. O leito era composto por um carvão ativado granular (8 x 12 mesh). Diferentes alturas de leito (5 e 10 cm) e vazões ( 0,8 e 1,6 L.h-1) foram testados, mantendo a concentração de tolueno na alimentação em aproximadamente 50 ppm. Concomitantemente, foram realizados testes para a caracterização do adsorvente, obtendo-se 15,4 % de conteúdo de umidade e 8,7 % de cinzas, massa específica bulk de 0,5 g.mL-1, massa específica real de 1,72 g.mL-1 e 681 m2.g-1 de área superficial A estimação da difusividade mássica e do coeficiente de transferência de massa referente à fase sólida foram obtidos através de dados de testes cinéticos, obtendo-se, respectivamente, os valores médios de 6,1 cm2.h-1 e 0,0162 cm.h-1. As alturas das zonas de transferência de massa obtidas para a vazão de 0,8 L.h-1 aumentaram com o aumento da altura do leito, indicando comportamento de padrões proporcionais. Além disso, analisaram-se dados preliminares de pressão diferencial no leito, que indicam que ela aumentou enquanto havia adsorção. A metodologia desenvolvida poderá ser aplicada para estudar a adsorção com outros pares adsorvente/adsorvato.
O presente trabalho descreve estudos relativos à validação e aperfeiçoamento de uma nova técnica de adsorção em flocos de materiais adsorventes pulverizados e seu uso em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado. A técnica consiste na utilização de polímeros aquo-solúveis para a floculação de suspensões aquosas de materiais adsorventes pulverizados, baseando-se no baixo custo dos mesmos e no fato de que a capacidade de adsorção dos flocos resultantes não é afetada significativamente pelo polímero floculante. O uso da técnica em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado possibilita ainda a vantagem de união dos processos de adsorção e separação sólido-líquido em uma única etapa. Os estudos foram realizados a partir da floculação de carvão ativado e zeólita natural pulverizados, separados e em mistura, para a adsorção de fenol e nitrogênio amoniacal (separados e misturados). Foi realizada uma adequada caracterização dos materiais particulados, incluindo a determinação de distribuição granulométrica, área superficial específica, potencial zeta, dentre outros. Estudos em escala de bancada foram realizados com ambos os poluentes e materiais adsorventes a fim de obter parâmetros de processo (capacidade de adsorção, cinética e concentração de floculante). Estudos em escala semipiloto com um reator de leito expandido/fluidizado de geometria cilíndrico-cônica foram realizados para estudar a adsorção dos poluentes em leito de flocos dos materiais adsorventes (separados e misturados), assim como a regeneração/reciclo do mesmo. A caracterização dos materiais apresentou propriedades semelhantes para ambos (distribuição granulométrica, potencial zeta) e outras distintas para cada um deles (massa específica, área superficial específica) A capacidade de troca catiônica da zeólita natural foi determinada em 1,02 meq NH4 +.g-1 (após homoionização com NaCl). Este material, proveniente do Chile, mostrou um significativo potencial de aplicação como adsorvente de corantes (como o azul de metileno) e, principalmente, de nitrogênio amoniacal. O floculante utilizado na geração dos flocos adsorventes, separados e misturados, foi do tipo poliacrilamida catiônica e sua concentração ótima foi de 4 e 5 mg.g-1, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos em escala de bancada (batelada) mostraram elevada cinética (valor médio de 0,3 min-1) e alta capacidade (valor médio de 13,4 mg NH3-N.g-1) em pH neutro (aproximadamente 6) para a adsorção de nitrogênio amoniacal em zeólita natural pulverizada e floculada. No caso da adsorção de fenol em carvão ativado pulverizado e floculado, foram obtidas uma alta cinética (valor médio de 0,8 min-1) e elevada capacidade (156 mg.g-1). Os dados cinéticos e de equilíbrio foram adequadamente descritos por um modelo cinético para reações reversíveis de primeira ordem e pelas isotermas de Langmuir e Freundlich, respectivamente. Tanto a cinética quanto a capacidade de adsorção não mostraram-se afetadas de forma significativa pelo uso do polímero floculante, sendo observada uma ausência de sinergismo na adsorção dos poluentes devido à mistura dos dois materiais adsorventes, tanto pulverizados quanto floculados. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos em escala semipiloto validaram a utilização de flocos de zeólita natural e carvão ativado pulverizados (não- misturados) em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado na adsorção de nitrogênio amoniacal (11 mg NH3-N.g-1) e fenol (132 mg.g-1), respectivamente, dentro das condições experimentais estabelecidas (taxas de aplicação de 38 e 19 m.h-1, respectivamente) A regeneração/reciclo do leito saturado de flocos mostrou-se viável para o caso da adsorção de nitrogênio amoniacal em zeólita natural, sendo insatisfatória para o leito de carvão ativado saturado em fenol. O uso de leitos mistos mostrou-se eficaz e com vantagens tais como a adsorção de múltiplos poluentes em uma única etapa e a possibilidade de aumento da taxa de aplicação no uso de materiais adsorventes menos densos (carvão ativado) misturados com materiais adsorventes de maior massa específica (zeólita natural). Uma pré-avaliação dos custos operacionais envolvidos na técnica para uso em reator de leito expandido/fluidizado foi realizada, sendo estimados entre 0,32 e 1,48 US$.m-3 (volume de solução sintética de poluente tratada até o ponto de exaustão do leito). Finalmente, são discutidas as potencialidades, vantagens/desvantagens e a viabilidade da nova técnica como processo físico-químico alternativo de adsorção em materiais adsorventes pulverizados.
Curso de Tecnologia Sucroalcooleira. Disciplina de Tecnologia de Produção de Açúcar. Ilustração. Dimensão: 1831x807. Tamanho: 131Kb.
The purpose of this dissertation is the architectural project of the ambulatory complex of the Federal University of Pará in Belém. It is a health care establishment whose focus is sustainability, energy efficiency and humanization. This design went through the application of architectural concepts, the study of references (theorical and empirical ones), planning, examining the terrain and its conditions and the preliminay design and resulted in a preliminary architecture blueprint. The empirical research is based on the main building of the Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto in Belém, Hospital Sarah Kubitschek of Fortaleza (Architect João Filgueiras de Lima - Lelé) and Hospital e Maternity São Luiz of São Paulo (Architect Siegbert Zanettini). Part of the planning is based on the method "Problem Seeking of Pena and Parshal (2001)". During the development process I sought to incorporate sustainability criterias, energy efficiency and humanization. In relation to sustainability the dissertation focuses on the utilization of rainwater for non-potable usage
Oxide type spinel AB2O4 presents structure adjusted for application in the automobile industry. The spinel of cobalt has many practical applications had its excellent physical and chemical properties such as catalyst in hydrocarbon oxidation reaction. The CeO2 has been used in many of these processes because it assigns to a material with excellent thermal resistance and mechanics, high capacity of oxygen stockage (OSC) among others properties. This work deals with the synthesis, characterization and catalytic application of spinel of cobalt and CeO2 with fluorita structure, obtained for method of Pechini and method of Gel-Combustion. The process of Pechini, the puff was obtained at 300 ºC for 2 h in air. In the process of Gel-Combustion the approximately at 350 ºC material was prepared and burnt for Pyrolysis, both had been calcined at 500 ºC, 700 ºC, 900 ºC and 1050 ºC for 2 h in air. The materials of the calcinations had been characterized by TG/DTA, electronic microscopy of sweepings (MEV), spectroscopy of absorption in the infra-red ray (FTIR) and diffraction of X-rays (DRX). The obtained material reaches the phase oxide at 450 oC for Pechini method and 500 °C for combustion method. The samples were submitted catalytic reaction of n-hexane on superficies of materials. The reactor function in molar ration of 0, 85 mol.h-1.g-1 and temperature of system was 450 °C. The sample obtained for Pechini and support in alumine of superficial area of 178,63 m2.g-1 calcined at 700 ºC, give results of catalytic conversions of 39 % and the sample obtained for method of gel-combustion and support in alumina of 150 mesh calcined at 500 ºC result 13 % of conversion. Both method were selective specie C1
The destructive impact of improper disposal of heavy metals in the environment increases as a direct result of population explosion, urbanization and industrial expansion and technological developments. Argil are potential materials for adsorption of inorganic and the pelletization of it is required for use in adsorptive columns of fixed bed. The low cost and the possibility of regeneration makes these materials attractive for use in the purification process, capable of removing inorganic compounds in contaminated aquatic environments. In this work was made pellets of a mixture of dolomite and montmorillonite by wet agglomeration, in different percentages. The removal of Pb (II) was investigated through experimental studies, and was modeled by kinetic models and isotherms of adsorption. The materials were characterized using the techniques of XRD, TG / DTA, FT-IR, and surface area by BET method. The results showed the adsorption efficiency of the contaminant by the composite material studied in synthetic solution. The study found that the adsorption follows the Langmuir model, and the kinetics of adsorption follows the model of pseudosecond order
The acceleration of industrial growth in recent decades on all continents aroused the interest of the companies to counter the impacts produced on the environment, spurred primarily by major disasters in the petroleum industry. In this context, the water produced is responsible for the largest volume of effluent from the production and extraction of oil and natural gas. This effluent has in its composition some critical components such as inorganic salts, heavy metals (Fe, Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, ), presence of oil and chemicals added in the various production processes. In response to impact, have been triggered by research alternative adsorbent materials for water treatment and water produced, in order to removing oils and acids and heavy metals. Many surveys of diatomaceous earth (diatomite) in Brazil involve studies on the physico-chemical, mineral deposits, extraction, processing and applications. The official estimated Jazi are around 2.5 million tonnes, the main located in the states of Bahia (44%) and Rio Grande do Norte (37,4%). Moreover, these two states appear as large offshore producers, earning a prominent role in research of adsorbents such as diatomite for treatment of water produced. Its main applications are as an agent of filtration, adsorption of oils and greases, industrial load and thermal insulator. The objective of this work was the processing and characterization of diatomite diatomaceous earth obtained from the municipality of Macaíba-RN (known locally as tabatinga) as a low cost regenerative adsorbent for removal of heavy metals in the application of water produced treatment. In this work we adopted a methodology for batch processing, practiced by small businesses located in producing regions of Brazil. The characterization was made by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and specific surface area (BET). Research conducted showed that the improvement process used was effective for small volume production of diatomite concentrated. The diatomite obtained was treated by calcination at temperature of 900 oC for 2 hours, with and without fluxing Na2CO3 (4%), according to optimal results in the literature. Column adsorption experiments were conducted to percolation of the in nature, calcined and calcined fluxing diatomites. Effluent was used as a saline solution containing ions of Cu, Zn, Na, Ca and Mg simulating the composition of produced waters in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The breakthrough curves for simultaneous removal of copper ions and zinc as a result, 84.3% for calcined diatomite and diatomite with 97.3 % for fluxing. The calcined fluxing diatomite was more efficient permeability through the bed and removal of copper and zinc ions. The fresh diatomite had trouble with the permeability through the bed under the conditions tested, compared with the other obtained diatomite. The results are presented as promising for application in the petroleum industry
This study aimed to validate the technology at Bed Bath System, in view of bedridden elderly and their caregivers, with a view to transforming the conventional paradigm regarding the practice of bodily hygiene held in bath chairs adapted in long-stay institutions for the elderly. This is an experimental study involving 51 (fifty one) elderly and 17 (seventeen) caregivers of three long-stay institutions for the elderly of the city of João Pessoa. For data collection, applied initially to cognitive assessment scale Mini Mental State Examination, with the aim of tracking the subject group of elderly cognitively able to participate in the study. In the second phase, to measure the percentage of agreement and disagreement about the attributes of the subjects of the shower chair and adapted the system for bed bath, used a questionnaire with closed questions, Likert scale model of four (4) points, with a good reliability index (0.728), estimated by alpha conbrach, evidenced by the Wilcoxon test a significant difference (P<0.05) between the responses of seniors and caregivers about the attributes involving technology system in bath bed and bath chair adapted, confirming the perspective of the subjects that the two systems differ significantly. However, the system bed bath got greater degree of agreement for their use, characterizing this system is a technology that makes the differential bed bath pleasurable action, quality and humanized
This study aims to understand the feelings of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) that experienced a change of shift at the bedside. The change of shift is one of the routines used by nursing in their work process and of great significance for the patient; therefore, deserves careful analysis in seeking to perfect themselves for the improvement of nursing care. It is a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. The collection of information was performed using semi-structured interview, in August and September of 2011, after authorization from the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, as opinion 290/2011. The analysis, based on interviews of patients, took the humanization as the thread of investigation backed by authors who deal on the subject and the theory of the gift of Marcel Mauss that sits on drug give-receive-return. The results indicate that the change of shift at the bedside but has not configured, the content of the speech of patients interviewed, as a moment that has generated fear and anxiety, could be deduced by the expression of silence, tears and other signs during interviews, how hard it is to live this experience. Nevertheless, despite this apparent tranquility, revealed uncertainty and apprehension face the speech of professional, during the visit at the bedside, particularly when referring to their health and their neighbors. On the other hand, the indifference to the participation of the patient at the time of the visit, expressing an attitude of merely technical nature, dehumanizes the act of taking care, the essence of nursing. And, for all the patients that we understand, about the visit to the bedside, as well as the ICU, we can infer that there is suffering for them. However, we understand your feelings and revelations seeking support in the theory of Mauss's gift: the patient receives the gift (care), and imbued with a feeling of gratitude, the rewards in the form of compliments and courtesies. Precisely for this reason, we need to sharpen our sensitivity to deal about the human condition in all its vulnerability.
Supported catalysts of CuCl2 on sílica were used in the methane oxychlorination reaction. The materials were synthesized by the ion exchange technique in a basic solution, using a copper-ammonia complex with 3 and 6 % of nominal copper loading. The materials where characterized by thermogravimetry (TG), X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF), Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR), Scanning Electron Microscopy with X-ray microanalysis (SEM/EDS), BET specific area and pore distribution. The characterization confirms the presence of copper on the support surface, concluding that the ion exchange technique was adequate in the catalyst synthesis. For the reaction test, an oxychlorination bench scale unit was employed. The tests were carried at 673 and 773 K. The results showed the influence of temperature and catalyst copper content on the oxychlorination of methane reaction
This work aims at the implementation and adaptation of a computational model for the study of the Fischer-Tropsch reaction in a slurry bed reactor from synthesis gas (CO+H2) for the selective production of hydrocarbons (CnHm), with emphasis on evaluation of the influence of operating conditions on the distribution of products formed during the reaction.The present model takes into account effects of rigorous phase equilibrium in a reactive flash drum, a detailed kinetic model able of predicting the formation of each chemical species of the reaction system, as well as control loops of the process variables for pressure and level of slurry phase. As a result, a system of Differential Algebraic Equations was solved using the computational code DASSL (Petzold, 1982). The consistent initialization for the problem was based on phase equilibrium formed by the existing components in the reactor. In addition, the index of the system was reduced to 1 by the introduction of control laws that govern the output of the reactor products. The results were compared qualitatively with experimental data collected in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis plant installed at Laboratório de Processamento de Gás - CTGÁS-ER-Natal/RN