992 resultados para Leishmania promastigotes
Here we report the subcellular localization of an intracellular serine protease of 68 kDa in axenic promastigotes of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis, using subcellular fractionation, enzymatic assays, immunoblotting, and immunocytochemistry. All fractions were evaluated by transmission electron microscopy and the serine protease activity was measured during the cell fractionation procedure using a-N-r-tosyl-L-arginine methyl ester (L-TAME) as substrate, phenylmethylsulphone fluoride (PMSF) and L-1-tosylamino-2-phenylethylchloromethylketone (TPCK) as specific inhibitors. The enzymatic activity was detected mainly in a membranous vesicular fraction (6.5-fold enrichment relative to the whole homogenate), but also in a crude plasma membrane fraction (2.0-fold). Analysis by SDS-PAGE gelatin under reducing conditions demonstrated that the major proteolytic activity was found in a 68 kDa protein in all fractions studied. A protein with identical molecular weight was also recognized in immunoblots by a polyclonal antibody against serine protease (anti-SP), with higher immunoreactivity in the vesicular fraction. Electron microscopic immunolocalization using the same polyclonal antibody showed the enzyme present at the cell surface, as well as in cytoplasmic membranous compartments of the parasite. Our findings indicate that the internal location of this serine protease in L. amazonensis is mainly restricted to the membranes of intracellular compartments resembling endocytic/exocytic elements.
Kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 (KMP-11), a protein present in all kinetoplastid protozoa, is considered a potential candidate for a leishmaniasis vaccine. A suitable leishmaniasis vaccine candidate molecule must be expressed in amastigotes, the infective stage for mammals. However, the expression of KMP-11 in Leishmania amastigotes has been a subject of controversy. We evaluated the expression of this molecule in logarithmic and stationary growth phase promastigotes, as well as in amastigotes, of Leishmania amazonensis by immunoblotting, flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry, using a monoclonal antibody against KMP-11. We found that KMP-11 is present in promastigotes and amastigotes. In both stages, the protein was found in association with membrane structures (at the cell surface, flagellar pocket and intracellular vesicles). More importantly, its surface expression is higher in amastigotes than in promastigotes and increases during metacyclogenesis. The increased expression of KMP-11 in metacyclic promastigotes, and especially in amastigotes, indicates a role for this molecule in the parasite relationship with the mammalian host. The presence of this molecule in amastigotes is consistent with the previously demonstrated immunoprotective capacity of vaccine prototypes based on the KMP-11-coding gene and the presence of humoral and cellular immune responses to KMP-11 in Leishmania-infected humans and animals.
The parasitic protozoan Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis alternates between mammalian and insect hosts. In the insect host, the parasites proliferate as procyclic promastigotes andthen differentiate into metacyclic infective forms. The meta 1 gene is preferentially expressed during metacyclogenesis. Meta 1 expression profile determination along parasite growth curves revealed that the meta 1 mRNA level peaked at the early stationary phase then decreased to an intermediate level. No correlation was observed between meta 1 expression and infectivity. Conversely, infectivity correlated with the increase of apoptotic cells in the late stationary phase.
In the current study, we evaluated the mechanism of action of miltefosine, which is the first effective and safe oral treatment for visceral leishmaniasis, in Leishmania amazonensis promastigotes. Miltefosine induced a process of programmed cell death, which was determined by the externalization of phosphatidylserine, the incorporation of propidium iodide, cell-cycle arrest at the sub-G0/G1 phase and DNA fragmentation into oligonucleosome-sized fragments. Despite the intrinsic variation that is detected in Leishmania spp, our results indicate that miltefosine causes apoptosis-like death in L. amazonensis promastigote cells using a similar process that is observed in Leishmania donovani.
Several natural compounds have been identified for the treatment of leishmaniasis. Among them are some alkaloids, chalcones, lactones, tetralones, and saponins. The new compound reported here, 7-geranyloxycoumarin, called aurapten, belongs to the chemical class of the coumarins and has a molecular weight of 298.37. The compund was extracted from the Rutaceae species Esenbeckia febrifuga and was purified from a hexane extract starting from 407.7 g of dried leaves and followed by four silica gel chromatographic fractionation steps using different solvents as the mobile phase. The resulting compound (47 mg) of shows significant growth inhibition with an LD50 of 30 µM against the tropical parasite Leishmania major, which causes severe clinical manifestations in humans and is endemic in the tropical and subtropical regions. In the present study, we investigated the atomic structure of aurapten in order to determine the existence of common structural motifs that might be related to other coumarins and potentially to other identified inhibitors of Leishmania growth and viability. This compound has a comparable inhibitory activity of other isolated molecules. The aurapten is a planar molecule constituted of an aromatic system with electron delocalization. A hydrophobic side chain consisting of ten carbon atoms with two double bonds and negative density has been identified and may be relevant for further compound synthesis.
Pouco se conhece sobre os epítopos derivados de promastigotas metacíclicos de Leishmania que são importantes para a regulação ou destruição do parasita, como alvos de ação imunológica no hospedeiro vertebrado. Neste estudo, nós investigamos um método alternativo para obter promastigotas metacíclicos de Leishmania major, pela avaliação do curso da infecção e reação de hipersensibilidade do tipo retardado (HTR) em hospedeiros resistentes e susceptíveis. Promastigotas não-infectantes (procíclicos) de L. major, recentemente isolados de amastigotas, foram selecionados pela adesão a colunas de lã de vidro negativamente carregadas, enquanto que promastigotas metacíclicos não se aderem à coluna e podem ser recuperados com facilidade. Condições ótimas de cromatografia foram validadas por análise estatística. O rendimento médio de parasitas obtidos após separação em colunas de lã de vidro e a viabilidade dos promastigotas foram estimados por microscopia óptica. Os promastigotas metacíclicos tiveram um rendimento médio de 43,5% a 57,5%. Camundongos BALB/c (susceptíveis) e camundongos C57BL/6 (resistentes) apresentaram padrões distintos de lesões cutâneas, os primeiros com lesões mais agressivas, induzidas por promastigotas metacíclicos. As respostas à reação de HTR foram maiores nos grupos de camundongos C57BL/6, submetidos à infecção com promastigotas metacíclicos. Estes resultados indicam que o novo método poderia ser integrado aos protocolos existentes para estudar a metaciclogênese de parasitas do gênero Leishmania in vivo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Leishmania (Viannia) shawi causes cutaneous lesions in humans. Parasite antigens conferring significant protection against American tegumentar leishmaniosis (ATL) might be important for the development of effective vaccine. Therefore, this work evaluates the protective effect of antigenic fractions released by L. shawi. Antigens released by promastigotes to culture medium were concentrated and isolated by SDS-PAGE. The three main fractions LsPass1 (>75 kDa), LsPass2 (75-50 kDa) and LsPass3 (<50 kDa) were electro-eluted according with their molecular mass. Immunized BALB/c mice were challenged with L. shawi promastigotes and the course of infection monitored during 5 weeks. LsPass1-challenged mice showed no protection, however, a strong degree of protection associated to smaller lesions and high expression of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha by CD4(+) T, CD8(+) T and double negative CD4CD8 cells was achieved in LsPass3-challenged mice. Furthermore, LsPass2-challenged mice showed an intermediated degree of protection associated to high levels of IFN-gamma, IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA. In spite of increased expression of IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha, high amounts of IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA were also detected in LsPass3-challenged mice indicating a possible contribution of these cytokines for the persistence of a residual number of parasites that may be important in inducing long-lasting immunity. Therefore, LsPass3 seems to be an interesting alternative that should be considered in the development of an effective vaccine against ATL.
Background: Leishmania braziliensis is the main causative agent of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. Protection against infection is related to development of Th1 responses, but the mechanisms that mediate susceptibility are still poorly understood. Murine models have been the most important tools in understanding the immunopathogenesis of L. major infection and have shown that Th2 responses favor parasite survival. In contrast, L. braziliensis-infected mice develop strong Th1 responses and easily resolve the infection, thus making the study of factors affecting susceptibility to this parasite difficult. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here, we describe an experimental model for the evaluation of the mechanisms mediating susceptibility to L. braziliensis infection. BALB/c mice were inoculated with stationary phase promastigotes of L. braziliensis, isolates LTCP393(R) and LTCP15171(S), which are resistant and susceptible to antimony and nitric oxide (NO), respectively. Mice inoculated with LTCP393(R) presented larger lesions that healed more slowly and contained higher parasite loads than lesions caused by LTCP15171(S). Inflammatory infiltrates in the lesions and production of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-10 and TGF-beta were similar in mice inoculated with either isolate, indicating that these factors did not contribute to the different disease manifestations observed. In contrast, IL-4 production was strongly increased in LTCP393(R)-inoculated animals and also arginase I (Arg I) expression. Moreover, anti-IL-4 monoclonal antibody (mAb) treatment resulted in decreased lesion thickness and parasite burden in animals inoculated with LTCP393(R), but not in those inoculated with LTCP15171(S). Conclusion/Significance: We conclude that the ability of L. braziliensis isolates to induce Th2 responses affects the susceptibility to infection with these isolates and contributes to the increased virulence and severity of disease associated with them. Since these data reflect what happens in human infection, this model could be useful to study the pathogenesis of the L. braziliensis infection, as well as to design new strategies of therapeutic intervention.
Little is known about the importance of capybara. Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, as reservoirs for parasites of zoonotic or veterinary importance. Sera from 63 capybaras, from 6 counties in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were examined for antibodies to Trypanosoma cruel, Leishmania infantum, Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Sarcacystis neurona, and Neospora caninum using an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. Five (8%) of the 63 capybaras had antibodies to T cruzi epimastigotes. None of the samples from capybara reacted positively with L. infantum promastigotes or with spores of E. cuniculi. Two (3%) of the serum samples were positive for antibodies to S. neurona merozoites, and 2 (3%) of the serum samples were positive for antibodies to N. caninum tachyzoites. A serum sample from 1 capybara was positive for antibodies to both T cruzi and N. caninum. None of the remaining 62 samples reacted with more than 1 parasite.
Background: Chemotherapy is still a critical issue in the management of leishmaniasis. Until recently, pentavalent antimonials, amphotericin B or pentamidine compounded the classical arsenal of treatment. All these drugs are toxic and have to be administered by the parenteral route. Tamoxifen has been used as an antiestrogen in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer for many years. Its safety and pharmacological profiles are well established in humans. We have shown that tamoxifen is active as an antileishmanial compound in vitro, and in this paper we analyzed the efficacy of tamoxifen for the treatment of mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis, an etiological agent of localized cutaneous leishmaniasis and the main cause of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis in South America. Methodology/Principal Findings: BALB/c mice were infected with L. amazonensis promastigotes. Five weeks post-infection, treatment with 15 daily intraperitoneal injections of 20 mg/kg tamoxifen was administered. Lesion and ulcer sizes were recorded and parasite burden quantified by limiting dilution. A significant decrease in lesion size and ulcer development was noted in mice treated with tamoxifen as compared to control untreated animals. Parasite burden in the inoculation site at the end of treatment was reduced from 10(8.5 +/- 0.7) in control untreated animals to 10(5.0 +/- 0.0) in tamoxifen-treated mice. Parasite load was also reduced in the draining lymph nodes. The reduction in parasite number was sustained: 6 weeks after the end of treatment, 10(15.5 +/- 0.5) parasites were quantified from untreated animals, as opposed to 10(5.1 +/- 0.1) parasites detected in treated mice. Conclusions/Significance: Treatment of BALB/c mice infected with L. amazonensis for 15 days with tamoxifen resulted in significant decrease in lesion size and parasite burden. BALB/c mice infected with L. amazonensis represents a model of extreme susceptibility, and the striking and sustained reduction in the number of parasites in treated animals supports the proposal of further testing of this drug in other models of leishmaniasis.
Intracellular amastigotes of the protozoan parasite Leishmania mexicana secrete a macromolecular proteophosphoglycan (aPPG) into the phagolysosome of their host cell, the mammalian macrophage. The structures of aPPG glycans were analyzed by a combination of high pH anion exchange high pressure liquid chromatography, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, enzymatic digestions, electrospray-mass spectrometry as well as H-1 and P-31 NMR spectroscopy. Some glycans are identical to oligosaccharides known from Leishmania mexicana promastigote lipophosphoglycan and secreted acid phosphatase, However, the majority of the aPPG glycans represent amastigote stage-specific and novel structures. These include neutral glycans ([Glc beta(1-3)](1-2)Gal beta 1-4Man, Gal beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man, Gal beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man), several monophosphorylated glycans containing the conserved phosphodisaccharide backbone (R-3-[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man) but carrying stage-specific modifications (R = Gal beta 1-, [Glc beta 1-3](1-2)Glc beta 1-), and monophosphorylated aPPG tri- and tetrasaccharides that are uniquely phosphorylated on the terminal hexose (PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Gal beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Man), In addition aPPG contains highly unusual di- and triphosphorylated glycans whose major species are PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Gal beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3 [PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-GaL beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Glc]beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, PO4-6Gal beta 1-3[PO4-6-Glc]beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man, and PO4-6-Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Glc]beta 1-3Glc beta 1-3[PO4-6-Gal]beta 1-4Man. These glycans are linked together by the conserved phosphodiester R-Man alpha 1-PO4-6-Gal-R or the novel phosphodiester R-Man alpha 1-PO4-6-Glc-R and are connected to Ser(P) of the protein backbone most likely via the linkage R-Man alpha 1-PO4-Ser. The variety of stage-specific glycan structures in Leishmania mexicana aPPG suggests the presence of developmentally regulated amastigote glycosyltransferases which may be potential anti-parasite drug targets.