991 resultados para Leishmania braziliensis Teses
An epidemiological survey of the vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis ("espúndia" type) was caried out in the Alto Beni region of Bolivia, an area of Andean foothills at the Eastern limit of the Amazonian lowlands. The climate is typical wet tropical (15ºS latitude). Anthropophilic phlebotomine sandfly species were sampled at 20 sites, all forested. The importance of species from the Psychodopygus group, already suspected as a vector in the transmission of Leishmania from the braziliensis complex, was confirmed by: 1) the aggressiveness and diversity of the species encountered (83% of catches, nine species), 2) the discovery of a new anthropophilic species, P. yucumensis and 3) the isolation of a strain of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis indistinguishable from human strains from the same area, from two species, P. llanosmartinsi and P. yucumensis.
Four mongrel dogs were intradermically inoculated with 3 x 10**6 Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis promastigotes. Three out of the four animals developed cutaneous lesions respectively 4, 7, and 8 months after. The fourth dog did not develop lesion at the inoculation site, but a mucosal ulcer was seen 16 months after the inoculum. Clinical, histopathological, and serological findings were similar to what is found in natural canine infection as well as in the human disease. These results suggest that dogs may be an useful model for L. b. braziliensis infection.
From July 1984 to September 1986, 105 cases of American cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied in a locality closely situated to an urbanized area of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Settement in this area was established at least 20 years ago but the first cases were noted six months prior to the beginning of this study. Cases were almost exlusively cutaneous and ulcerated, with one to six months of evolution. Montenegro's skin tests were positive in all cases and anti-Leishmania antibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence test in 74.3% of the patients. Parasites were demonstrated in 69.5% of cases. Domestic animals were easily found infected; 32% of the examined dogs and 30.8% of the examined equines were positive to the presence of Leishmania in cutaneous ulcerated lesions. Parasite isolates from human, dog andequines were immunologically characterized and identified as L. b. braziliensis. 73,0% of the sandfly population were Lutzomyia intermedia mainly caught on human baits and on domestic animals. Our observations suggest that this is an area of recent established L. b. braziliensis infection and that transmission probably occurs indoors or outdoors close to the houses.
Xenodiagnósticos con Lutzomya yungi aplicados en los bordes de las úlceras de pacientes infectados con Leishmania braziliensis antes y después del tratamiento con 10 dosis de antimonial pentavalente y un aminoglicósido, evidencian la condición reservoria de leishmanias del enfermo, para flebótomos endofágicos y la utilidad de un tratamiento especÃfico-temprano que no solamente conduce a la curación clÃnica, sino a la eliminación del riesgo de una eventual transmisión intradomiciliar por insectos que pican dentro del domicilio durante la noche.
Two lots of 20 young male guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously in the tarsi with 10 (elevated to fourth potency) amastigotes of Leishmania braziliensis or L. b. guyanensis to study the susceptibility of this Neotropical hystricomorph rodent the autochthonous parasites. Almost 50% of the animals showed lesions in the inoculation site and had parazitations that were infective to hamsters, as shown by inoculating homogenates of the dermal lesion, of the spleen, of the liver, and of the nasal mucosa into hamsters at 20, 40, 60 and 120 days after inoculation of the guinea pig. Smears of the above organs showed the presence of amastigotes. Parasites inoculated into the tarsi were detected early in the skin, spleen, and liver of the guinea pig host. Blood cultures made by cardiopuncture on sacrifice of the guinea pigs were uniformly negative. The nasal mucosa of nearly all animals positive in the skin or viscera was invaded early by the parasites, although with grater frequency between 60 and 120 days post-inoculation. The use of this model for the study of mucocutaneous parasitism by L. brasiliensis is discussed, together with the phenomena of parasitism at a distance from the inoculation site, the temperature of the body regions affected, and the possible genetic influence on susceptibility of the guinea pig to L. brasiliensis.
Cutaneous disseminated lesions caused by Leishmania sp. were found in a pregnant mare (Equus cabalus) from a rural city in the State of rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Before delivering, treatment was undertaken by immunotherapy followed by chemotherapy. Histopatology and serology were performed during treatment, as well as the biochemical characterization of the parasite (L. braziliensis) that was isolated from one of the lesions.
Both Leishmania major and L. braziliensis induce cutaneous leishmaniasis in BALB/c mice. Whereas BALB/c mice die of infection with L. major, they cure an infection with L. braziliensis. We report here that after curing an infection with L. braziliensis, BALB/c mice are resistant to challenge with L. major. When challenged with L. major, L. braziliensis pre-treated BALB/c mice mounted a delayed-type hypersensitivity response to L. major and produced high amounts of interferon-g (IFN-g ) but low amounts of interleukin-4. The IFN-g produced by the L. braziliensis pre-infected mice was involved in the protection seen against L. major challenge since treating the mice with a neutralizing anti-IFN-g abrogated the protection. This suggests that cross-reactive antigen epitopes exist between L. braziliensis and L. major and that pre-infection with L. braziliensis primes BALB/c mice to epitopes on L. major that can elicit a protective Th1 response to the parasite.
An atypical case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome-associated mucocutaneous lesions due to Leishmania braziliensis is described. Many vacuolated macrophages laden with amastigote forms of the parasite were found in the lesions. Leishmanin skin test and serology for leishmaniasis were both negative. The patient was resistant to therapy with conventional drugs (antimonial and amphotericin B). Interestingly, remission of lesions was achieved after an alternative combined therapy of antimonial associated with immunotherapy (whole promastigote antigens). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were separated and stimulated in vitro with Leishmania antigens to test the lymphoproliferative responses (LPR). Before the combined immunochemotherapy, the LPR to leishmanial antigens was negligible (stimulation index - SI=1.4). After the first course of combined therapy it became positive (SI=4.17). The antigen responding cells were predominantly T-cells (47.5%) most of them with CD8+ phenotype (33%). Very low CD4+ cells (2.2%) percentages were detected. The increased T-cell responsiveness to leishmanial antigens after combined therapy was accompanied by interferon-g (IFN-g) production as observed in the cell culture supernatants. In this patient, healing of the leishmaniasis lesions was associated with the induction of a specific T-cell immune response, characterized by the production of IFN-g and the predominance of the CD8+ phenotype among the Leishmania-reactive T-cells.
An epidemiological study was carried out in the northern Mexican state, Nayarit. Fourteen patients with possible cutaneous leishmaniasis skin lesions gave positive Montenegro skin tests. Biopsies were taken from the skin ulcer and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with specific primers for the Leishmania mexicana complex; however all biopsies were not amplified. PCR carried out with specific primers for the L. braziliensis complex resulted in the amplification of all patient DNA. DNA from 12 out of 14 biopsies gave positive amplification with primers species specific for L. (Viannia) braziliensis and hybridized with a species specific L. (V.) braziliensis probe. These results demonstrate the presence in Nayarit of at least two members of the L. braziliensis complex. Most of the cutaneous lesions were caused by L. (V.) braziliensis and two by another species belonging to the L. braziliensis complex. As far as we are aware, this is the first report of L. (V.) braziliensis in Nayarit. The main risk factor associated with the contraction of this disease in Nayarit is attributed to working on coffee plantations.
Leishmania infected of Lutzomyia spp. are rare in endemic areas. We tested the hypothesis that there is clustering of infected vectors by combining pinpoint capture with sensitive L. braziliensis kDNA minicircle specific PCR/dot blot in an endemic area in the State of Bahia. Thirty out of 335 samples (10 to 20 sand flies/sample; total of 4,027 female sand flies) were positive by PCR analysis and dot blot leading to a underestimated overall rate of 0.4% positive phlebotomines. However, 83.3% of the positive samples were contributed by a single sector out of four sectors of the whole studied area. This resulted in a rate of 1.5% Leishmania positive phlebotomines for this sector, far above rates of other sectors. Incidence of American cutaneous leishmaniasis cases for this sector was about twice that for other sectors. Our results show that there is a non-homogeneous distribution of Leishmania-infected vectors. Such a clustering may have implications in control strategies against leishmaniasis, and reinforces the necessity of understanding the ecological and geographical factors involved in leishmanial transmission.