950 resultados para Left heart chambers structure


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Neste trabalho, são relatados dois casos de morte súbita por doença de Chagas aguda em caninos da zona rural de Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os cães, um macho Pit Bull com nove meses (canino 1) e uma fêmea Labrador Retriever com dois anos (canino 2), morreram em janeiro de 2005 e maio de 2008, respectivamente. As necropsias revelaram aumento cardíaco em ambos os casos. O coração do canino 2 apresentou formato globoso com múltiplas áreas pálidas na musculatura cardíaca, mais evidentes no ventrículo direito e câmaras cardíacas dilatadas, principalmente as da direita. Ao exame histológico, ambos os casos apresentaram alterações semelhantes caracterizadas por infiltrado inflamatório difuso não-purulento acentuado, predominantemente linfocitário intersticial. Nas fibras miocárdicas, havia grande número de pseudocistos, repletos de formas amastigotas do Trypanosoma cruzi. Ao teste sorológico TESA-blot, amostra do canino 2 foi positiva para anticorpos IgM e IgG anti-T.cruzi, achado característico da fase aguda da miocardite chagásica. Os resultados indicam que a doença de Chagas deve ser investigada em casos de morte súbita em cães na região Sul do Brasil e que a espécie pode servir como reservatório e sentinela da doença em humanos.


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Introduction:Our objective was to analyze the effect of spironolactone on cardiac remodeling after experimental myocardial infarction (MI), assessed by matricellular proteins levels, cardiac collagen amount and distribution, myocardial tissue metalloproteinase inhibitor-1(TIMP-1) concentration, myocyte hypertrophy, left ventricular architecture, and in vitro and in vivo cardiac function.Methods:Wistar rats were assigned to 4 groups: control group, in which animals were submitted to simulated surgery (SHAM group; n=9); group that received spironolactone and in which animals were submitted to simulated surgery (SHAM-S group, n=9); myocardial infarction group, in which animals were submitted to coronary artery ligation (MI group, n=15); and myocardial infarction group with spironolactone supplementation (MI-S group, n=15). The rats were observed for 3 months.Results:The MI group had higher values of left cardiac chambers and mass index and lower relative wall thicknesses compared with the SHAM group. In addition, diastolic and systolic functions were worse in the MI groups. However, spironolactone did not influence any of these variables. The MI-S group had a lower myocardial hydroxyproline concentration and myocyte cross-sectional area compared with the MI group. Myocardial periostin and collagen type III were lower in the MI-S group compared with the MI-group. In addition, TIMP-1 concentration in myocardium was higher in the MI-S group compared with the MI group.Conclusions:The predominant consequence of spironolactone supplementation after MI is related to reductions in collagens, with discrete attenuation of other remodeling variables. Importantly, this effect may be modulated by periostin and TIMP-1 levels. © 2013 Minicucci et al.


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Abstract Background Heart chambers rupture in blunt trauma is uncommon and is associated with a high mortality. The determinant factors, and the incidence of isolated heart chambers rupture remains undetermined. Isolated rupture of the right atrium appendage (RAA) is very rare, with 8 cases reported in the reviewed literature. The thin wall of the RAA has been presumed to render this chamber more prone to rupture in blunt trauma. Objective To report a case of isolated RAA rupture in blunt trauma, and to compare right atrium (RA) and RAA wall thickness in a necropsy study. Methods The thickness of RA and RAA wall of hearts from cadavers of fatal penetrating head trauma victims was measured. Our case of isolated RAA rupture is presented. The main findings of the 8 cases reported in the literature, and the findings of our case, were organized in a table. Result The comparison of the data showed that wall thickness of the RAA (0.53 ± 0.33 mm) was significantly thinner than that of RA (1.11 ± 0.42 mm) (p < 0.05). Comments In all these 9 cases of isolated RAA rupture, cardiac tamponade occurred, RAA rupture was diagnosed intraoperatively and sutured, and the patients survived. Main mechanisms hypothesized for heart chamber rupture include mechanical compression coincident with phases of cardiac cycle, leading to high hydrostatic pressure inside the chamber. Published series include numerous cases of RA rupture, and only a few cases of RAA rupture. Conclusion Thus, our data suggests that wall thickness is not a determinant factor for RA or RAA rupture in blunt trauma.


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A 20-month old girl with severe pulmonary hypertension and cardiomegaly was admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit with right ventricular failure of unknown origin. Only after decompression of the heart chambers under extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), did the pathognomonic membrane of Cor triatriatum become visible on echocardiography. The patient underwent successful surgical correction and subsequently cardiac function recovered completely. Cor triatriatum remains a rare congenital cardiac disorder with a variable presentation, often including recurrent respiratory infections before right-sided heart failure occurs. This case illustrates that ECMO can serve not only as a bridge to diagnosis, but can also facilitate correct diagnosis. Given the excellent outcome after surgical treatment, it is crucial that cardiologists rule out the possibility of cor triatriatum when assessing a child with unexplained pulmonary hypertension.


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INTRODUCTION: The incidence of bloodstream infection (BSI) in extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is reported between 0.9 and 19.5%. In January 2006, the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization (ELSO) reported an overall incidence of 8.78% distributed as follows: respiratory: 6.5% (neonatal), 20.8% (pediatric); cardiac: 8.2% (neonatal) and 12.6% (pediatric). METHOD: At BC Children's Hospital (BCCH) daily surveillance blood cultures (BC) are performed and antibiotic prophylaxis is not routinely recommended. Positive BC (BC+) were reviewed, including resistance profiles, collection time of BC+, time to positivity and mortality. White blood cell count, absolute neutrophile count, immature/total ratio, platelet count, fibrinogen and lactate were analyzed 48, 24 and 0 h prior to BSI. A univariate linear regression analysis was performed. RESULTS: From 1999 to 2005, 89 patients underwent ECLS. After exclusion, 84 patients were reviewed. The attack rate was 22.6% (19 BSI) and 13.1% after exclusion of coagulase-negative staphylococci (n = 8). BSI patients were significantly longer on ECLS (157 h) compared to the no-BSI group (127 h, 95% CI: 106-148). Six BSI patients died on ECLS (35%; 4 congenital diaphragmatic hernias, 1 hypoplastic left heart syndrome and 1 after a tetralogy repair). BCCH survival on ECLS was 71 and 58% at discharge, which is comparable to previous reports. No patient died primarily because of BSI. No BSI predictor was identified, although lactate may show a decreasing trend before BSI (P = 0.102). CONCLUSION: Compared with ELSO, the studied BSI incidence was higher with a comparable mortality. We speculate that our BSI rate is explained by underreporting of "contaminants" in the literature, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis and a higher yield with daily monitoring BC. We support daily surveillance blood cultures as an alternative to antibiotic prophylaxis in the management of patients on ECLS.


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The Norwood I operation continues to be a procedure with significant operative mortality. One well-accepted risk factor for death after the first step of the Norwood operation is critical preoperative status. We describe herein a new concept for the treatment of patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) in very poor preoperative condition. This is a case report of a child who was born in a rural hospital. On the second day of life he was referred to our center in multiorgan failure. There were signs of liver dysfunction and the child was anuric. Therapy was started immediately with prostaglandin and vasodilators as well as diuretics, milrinone, and dobutamine. However, systemic perfusion continued to be insufficient. Finally, the child was placed on a ventilator. On the fourth day of life, bilateral pulmonary artery (PA) banding was performed and circulation stabilized immediately. Two hours after the operation urine output started. Liver function stabilized over the next couple of days. Two days after PA banding the child was weaned from the ventilator. On the 12th day of life a Norwood operation with PA debanding and a right ventricle-PA conduit was performed, and 2 days postoperatively the child was weaned from the ventilator. Twenty days after the operation he was discharged home. When the boy was 4 months old a bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis was performed. In selected cases of patients with HLHS with very poor hemodynamic conditions, a rapid two-stage approach with bilateral banding followed by a Norwood operation after cardiac stabilization can be recommended.


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OBJECTIVE: To develop a novel application of a tool for semi-automatic volume segmentation and adapt it for analysis of fetal cardiac cavities and vessels from heart volume datasets. METHODS: We studied retrospectively virtual cardiac volume cycles obtained with spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) from six fetuses with postnatally confirmed diagnoses: four with normal hearts between 19 and 29 completed gestational weeks, one with d-transposition of the great arteries and one with hypoplastic left heart syndrome. The volumes were analyzed offline using a commercially available segmentation algorithm designed for ovarian folliculometry. Using this software, individual 'cavities' in a static volume are selected and assigned individual colors in cross-sections and in 3D-rendered views, and their dimensions (diameters and volumes) can be calculated. RESULTS: Individual segments of fetal cardiac cavities could be separated, adjacent segments merged and the resulting electronic casts studied in their spatial context. Volume measurements could also be performed. Exemplary images and interactive videoclips showing the segmented digital casts were generated. CONCLUSION: The approach presented here is an important step towards an automated fetal volume echocardiogram. It has the potential both to help in obtaining a correct structural diagnosis, and to generate exemplary visual displays of cardiac anatomy in normal and structurally abnormal cases for consultation and teaching.


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A levoatrial cardinal vein is a rare cardiovascular anomaly that may be present in malformed hearts with severe left heart obstruction and restrictive interatrial communication. We report the prenatal diagnosis at 23 weeks of a fetus with mitral atresia, double-outlet right ventricle, premature closure of the foramen ovale and a levoatrial cardinal vein draining into the innominate vein. In a prior examination performed elsewhere the levoatrial cardinal vein had been interpreted as an aortic arch perfused retrogradely, and hypoplastic left heart syndrome with aortic atresia had been diagnosed. Prenatal management, induction at 38 weeks and postnatal examinations and treatment are reported. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported prenatal diagnosis of this embryological vessel, presenting a potential pitfall for prenatal echocardiography.


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Cardiomyopathies are myocardial diseases that lead to cardiac dysfunction, heart failure, arrhythmia, and sudden death. In human medicine, cardiomyopathies frequently warrant heart transplantation in children and adults. Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a heart muscle disorder that has been observed during the last 30 years in cattle of Holstein-Friesian origin. In Switzerland BDCMP affects Swiss Fleckvieh and Red Holstein breeds. BDCMP is characterized by a cardiac enlargement with ventricular remodeling and chamber dilatation. The common symptoms in affected animals are subacute subcutaneous edema, congestion of the jugular veins, and tachycardia with gallop rhythm. A cardiomegaly with dilatation and hypertrophy of all heart chambers, myocardial degeneration, and fibrosis are typical postmortem findings. It was shown that all BDCMP cases reported worldwide traced back to a red factor-carrying Holstein-Friesian bull, ABC Reflection Sovereign. An autosomal recessive mode of inheritance was proposed for BDCMP. Recently, the disease locus was mapped to a 6.7-Mb interval MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 on bovine Chr 18 (BTA18). In the present study the BDCMP locus was fine mapped by using a combined strategy of homozygosity mapping and association study. A BAC contig of 2.9 Mb encompassing the crucial interval was constructed to establish the correct marker order on BTA18. We show that the disease locus is located in a gene-rich interval of 1.0 Mb and is flanked by the microsatellite markers DIK3006 and MSBDCMP51.


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Remarkable advances in ultrasound imaging technology have made it possible to diagnose fetal cardiovascular lesions as early as 12-14 weeks of gestation and to assess their physiological relevance by echocardiography. Moreover, invasive techniques have been developed and refined to relieve significant congenital heart disease (CHD), such as critical aortic and pulmonary stenoses in the pediatric population including neonates. Recognition of the fact that certain CHDs can evolve in utero, and early intervention may improve the outcome by altering the natural history of such conditions has led to the evolution of a new fetal therapy, i.e. fetal cardiac intervention. Two entities, pulmonary valvar atresia and intact ventricular septum (PA/IVS) and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), are associated with significant morbidity and mortality even with postnatal surgical therapy. These cases are believed to occur due to restricted blood flow, leading to impaired growth and function of the right or left ventricle. Therefore, several centers started the approach of antenatal intervention with the primary goal of improving the blood flow through the stenotic/atretic valve orifices to allow growth of cardiac structures. Even though centers with a reasonable number of cases seem to have improved the technique and the immediate outcome of fetal interventions, the field is challenged by ethical issues as the intervention puts both the mother and the fetus at risk. Moreover, the perceived benefits of prenatal treatment have to be weighed against steadily improving postnatal surgical and hybrid procedures, which have been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality for these complex heart defects. This review is an attempt to provide a balanced opinion and an update on fetal cardiac intervention.


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AIMS Our aim was to evaluate the invasive haemodynamic indices of high-risk symptomatic patients presenting with 'paradoxical' low-flow, low-gradient, severe aortic stenosis (AS) (PLF-LG) and low-flow, low-gradient severe AS (LEF-LG) and to compare clinical outcomes following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) among these challenging AS subgroups. METHODS AND RESULTS Of 534 symptomatic patients undergoing TAVI, 385 had a full pre-procedural right and left heart catheterization. A total of 208 patients had high-gradient severe AS [HGAS; mean gradient (MG) ≥40 mmHg], 85 had PLF-LG [MG ≤ 40 mmHg, indexed aortic valve area [iAVA] ≤0.6 cm(2) m(-2), stroke volume index ≤35 mL/m(2), ejection fraction (EF) ≥50%], and 61 had LEF-LG (MG ≤ 40 mmHg, iAVA ≤0.6 cm(2) m(-2), EF ≤40%). Compared with HGAS, PLF-LG and LEF-LG had higher systemic vascular resistances (HGAS: 1912 ± 654 vs. PLF-LG 2006 ± 586 vs. LEF-LG 2216 ± 765 dyne s m(-5), P = 0.007) but lower valvulo-arterial impedances (HGAS: 7.8 ± 2.7 vs. PLF-LG 6.9 ± 1.9 vs. LEF-LG 7.7 ± 2.5 mmHg mL(-1) m(-2), P = 0.027). At 30 days, no differences in cardiac death (6.5 vs. 4.9 vs. 6.6%, P = 0.90) or death (8.4 vs. 6.1 vs. 6.6%, P = 0.88) were observed among HGAS, PLF-LG, and LEF-LG groups, respectively. At 1 year, New York Heart Association functional improvement occurred in most surviving patients (HGAS: 69.2% vs. PLF-LG 71.7% vs. LEF-LG 89.3%, P = 0.09) and no significant differences in overall mortality were observed (17.6 vs. 20.5 vs. 24.5%, P = 0.67). Compared with HGAS, LEF-LG had a higher 1 year cardiac mortality (adjusted hazard ratio 2.45, 95% confidence interval 1.04-5.75, P = 0.04). CONCLUSION TAVI in PLF-LG or LEF-LG patients is associated with overall mortality rates comparable with HGAS patients and all groups profit symptomatically to a similar extent.


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Aims Myofibroblasts (MFBs) as appearing in the myocardium during fibrotic remodelling induce slow conduction following heterocellular gap junctional coupling with cardiomyocytes (CMCs) in bioengineered tissue preparations kept under isometric conditions. In this study, we investigated the hypothesis that strain as developed during diastolic filling of the heart chambers may modulate MFB-dependent slow conduction. Methods and results Effects of defined levels of strain on single-cell electrophysiology (patch clamp) and impulse conduction in patterned growth cell strands (optical mapping) were investigated in neonatal rat ventricular cell cultures (Wistar) grown on flexible substrates. While 10.5% strain only minimally affected conduction times in control CMC strands (+3.2%, n.s.), it caused a significant slowing of conduction in the fibrosis model consisting of CMC strands coated with MFBs (conduction times +26.3%). Increased sensitivity to strain of the fibrosis model was due to activation of mechanosensitive channels (MSCs) in both CMCs and MFBs that aggravated the MFB-dependent baseline depolarization of CMCs. As found in non-strained preparations, baseline depolarization of CMCs was partly due to the presence of constitutively active MSCs in coupled MFBs. Constitutive activity of MSCs was not dependent on the contractile state of MFBs, because neither stimulation (thrombin) nor suppression (blebbistatin) thereof significantly affected conduction velocities in the non-strained fibrosis model. Conclusions The findings demonstrate that both constitutive and strain-induced activity of MSCs in MFBs significantly enhance their depolarizing effect on electrotonically coupled CMCs. Ensuing aggravation of slow conduction may contribute to the precipitation of strain-related arrhythmias in fibrotically remodelled hearts.


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Numerous designs of bioprosthetic valves exist. The sutureless surgical valve is a newer design concept which combines elements of the transcatheter valve technology with surgical valves. This design aims at shorter and easier implantation. It was the aim of this study to perform hemodynamic and kinematic measurements for this type of valves to serve as a baseline for following studies which investigate the effect of the aortic root on the valve performance. To this end, the Edwards Intuity aortic valve was investigated in a new in vitro flow loop mimicking the left heart. The valve was implanted in a transparent, compliant aortic root model, and the valve kinematics was investigated using a high speed camera together with synchronized hemodynamic measurements of pressures and flows. The valve closure was asynchronous (one by one leaflet), and the valve started to close before the deceleration of the fluid. The aortic root model showed a dilation of the sinuses which was different to the ascending aorta, and the annulus was found to move towards the left ventricle during diastole and towards the aorta during systole.


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Purpose: Traditionally, the proximal isovelocity surface area (PISA) is based on the assumption of a single hemisphere (hemispheric PISA), but this technique has not been validated for the quantification of mitral regurgitation (MR) with multiple jets. Methods: The left heart simulator was actuated by a pulsatile pump at various stroke amplitudes. The regurgitant volume (Rvol) passing through the mitral valve phantoms with single and double regurgitant orifices of varying size and interspace was quantified by a flowmeter as reference technique. Color Doppler 3-D full-volumes were obtained, and Rvol were derived from 2-D PISA surfaces on the basis of hemispheric and hemicylindric assumption with one base (partial hemicylindric PISA) or 2 bases (total hemicylindric PISA). Results: 72 regurgitant volumes (Rvol range: 8 to 76 ml/beat) were obtained. Hemispheric PISA Rvol correlated well with reference Rvol by one orifice (R²=0.97; bias -2.7±3.2ml), but less by ≥ one orifice (R²=0.89). When a fusion of two PISAs occured, addition of two hemispheric PISA overestimated Rvol (bias 9.1±12.2ml, fig.1), and single hemispheric PISA underestimated Rvol (bias -12.4±4.9ml). If an integrated approach was used (hemispheric in single orifice, total hemicylindric in two non-fused PISAs and partial hemicylindric in two fused PISAs), the correlation was R²=0.95, bias -1.6±5.6ml (fig.2). In the ROC analysis, the cutoff to detect ≥ moderate-to-severe Rvol (≥45ml) was 42ml (AUC 0.99, sens. 100%, spec. 93%). Conclusions: In MR with two regurgitant jets, the 2-D hemicylindric assumption of the PISA offers a better quantification of Rvol than the hemispheric assumption. Quantification of MR using 2-D PISA requires an integrated approach that considers number of regurgitant orifices and fusion of the PISAs.