83 resultados para Leech


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As redes sociais do ciberespaço têm se configurado como um fenômeno cada vez mais comum em nossos dias. É fácil perceber que o advento da internet ampliou não só as modalidades de leitura e escrita, como também a interação entre os seus usuários - e é sobre esta última que o presente estudo se debruça. Nossa proposta é analisar o fenômeno da polidez na interação entre participantes de sete discussões sobre assuntos ligados à Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), postadas nos fóruns na comunidade "Belém", do site Orkut. Para tanto, pautamo-nos especialmente na abordagem sociológica de Goffman (1967), nos estudos sobre enquadres interativos de Tannen e Wallat (2002 [1987]), nas investigações de Gumperz (2002 [1982]) acerca das pistas de contextualização e nos estudos de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1992, 1997, 1998, 2006) sobre as relações interpessoais e polidez. Sobre esta, apresentamos os modelos seminais de Brown e Levinson (1987 [1978]), considerando suas referências aos trabalhos de Searle (1969), acerca dos atos de fala, e ao de Grice (1975), no que diz respeito ao Princípio de Cooperação e suas máximas e implicaturas conversacionais. Também discutimos o modelo de Leech (1983), que trata do Príncipio Geral da Polidez, a partir de suas observações sobre as máximas gricerianas. Ainda com relação aos estudos sobre polidez linguística, discorremos sobre a noção de contrato social, presente no trabalho de Fraser e Nolan (1981, apud OLIVEIRA, 2004), e destacamos a extensa e relevante contribuição de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1992, 1997, 1998, 2006) ao modelo de Brown e Levinson, com a introdução da noção de atos valorizantes de face (face flatteringactsou FFA), dissociação de face positiva e face negativa de polidez positiva e polidez negativa, respectivamente, introdução da noção do fenômeno da impolidez, além dos procedimentos de polidez linguística distinguidos pela linguista. Em nossa conclusão, verificamos que os efeitos de sentido de polidez negativa e de impolidez positiva são os que predominam nos fóruns analisados, especialmente quando os usuários tratam de temas polêmicos, na urgência, talvez, de defender seus pontos de vista com exatidão - ora com mitigação (polidez negativa), para não gerar embates agressivos; ora sem mitigação (impolidez positiva), no intuito de validar seus posicionamentos. A polidez positiva e a impolidez negativa não se sobressaíram em nossos dados. Esta é uma investigação de cunho empírico-indutivo, que privilegia a análise qualitativa de realizações linguístico-discursivas de fato ocorridas em situações reais de uso da língua.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This dissertation examines how some fundamental events of the history of Ireland emerge through the art of the mural. It is divided into three chapters. The first chapter opens with a brief presentation of the mural as a form of art with a semiotic and sociological function, with a particular focus on the socio-political importance it has had and still has today in Ireland, where murals are a significant means of expressing ideals, protest and commemoration. A part of this chapter also provides data about the number of murals and their location, with a particular focus on the two cities of Belfast and Derry. This first chapter ends with the presentation of an initiative put forth by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, called "Building Peace through the Arts: Re-Imaging Communities", and questions its implementation on the Irish soil. The second chapter provides a history of the murals in Northern Ireland, from the Unionist's early depictions of King Billy in occasion of the 12 July annual celebrations to the Republican response. This will be supported by an explanation of the two events that triggered the start of the mural painting for both factions: the Battle of the Boyne for the Loyalists and the 1981 hunger strike for the Republicans. In the third and last chapter of this dissertation, a key of the main themes, symbols, acronyms and dominant colours which can be found in Loyalist and Republican murals is provided. Furthermore, one mural for each faction is looked at more closely, with an analysis of the symbols which are present in it.


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Nowadays, modern society is gradually becoming multicultural. However, only in the last few years awareness on its importance has been raised. In the case of Colombia, multiculturalism has existed since the pre-Columbian period and today there are more than 80 ethnic groups and 65 indigenous languages in the country. The aim of this work is to illustrate the status of indigenous languages in Colombia and to enlighten about the importance of recognizing, protecting and strengthening the use of these native languages. Subsequent to this, it will be point out that linguistic diversity should be considered a resource and not a barrier to achieve unity in diversity. Finally, ethno-education will be presented as an adequate educational program that may guarantee an equal linguistic representation in the country.


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La presente tesi di laurea si concentra sulla localizzazione in inglese di varie sezioni del nuovo sito web della Pinacoteca di Brera. Il progetto di localizzazione è stato contestualizzato da un lato all’interno della letteratura sulla comunicazione museale, e dall’altro sulla comunicazione web, per poter avanzare proposte di miglioramento alla luce di ricerche nel campo della SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Lo studio della comunicazione museale si è arricchito grazie all’esperienza di documentazione presso la University of Leicester (UK). La tesi mira a porre le basi per la produzione di contenuti museali adatti ad una lettura sul web, in modo da offrire non solo una traduzione ben fatta dal punto di vista linguistico e culturale, ma anche facilmente fruibile per un utente online e reperibile attraverso motori di ricerca. L’elaborato intende fornire ai musei italiani alcuni spunti di riflessione circa possibili miglioramenti delle proprie piattaforme online grazie alla localizzazione e ad un’analisi approfondita dei contenuti web secondo principi di usabilità e visibilità. Il capitolo 1 introduce la letteratura sugli studi museali, prestando particolare attenzione alla comunicazione. Il capitolo 2 fornisce una panoramica generale sul web: vengono suggerite buone pratiche di web writing, analizzate le strategie di SEO per migliorare la visibilità dei siti e delineato le principali caratteristiche del processo di localizzazione. Il capitolo 3 riunisce i due universi finora esplorati individualmente, ovvero i musei e il web, concentrandosi sulla comunicazione online dei musei e concludendo con uno schema di valutazione dei siti dei musei. Il capitolo 4 applica le strategie precedentemente discusse al caso specifico della Pinacoteca di Brera, concentrandosi sulla valutazione del sito, sulla localizzazione di alcune sezioni e sulla proposta di strategie SEO. Infine, il capitolo 5 tira le fila dell’intero lavoro mettendo in evidenza i principali risultati ottenuti.


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This review describes some natural proteins, which can be employed, either as factor concentrates derived from human plasma or as recombinant drug, to modulate the coagulation system. I will address some biochemical characteristics and the physiological role of von Willebrand factor, the coagulation factors of the extrinsic and intrinsic pathways, and the physiological anticoagulant protein C. In addition, I will detail the pharmacological compounds, which are available for influencing or substituting the coagulation proteins: desmopressin (DDAVP), single coagulation factor concentrates, prothrombin complex concentrates, and protein C concentrate. In particular, I will address some treatment topics of general medical interest, such as the treatment of massive bleeding, the correction of the coagulopathy induced by vitamin K-antagonists in patients with cerebral haemorrhage, and of the coagulopathy of meningococcemia. Finally, I will describe some properties and practical clinical applications of the recombinant anticoagulans lepirudin and bivalirudin, which are derived from hirudin, the natural anticoagulant of the medical leech.


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The complement C3a anaphylatoxin is a major molecular mediator of innate immunity. It is a potent activator of mast cells, basophils and eosinophils and causes smooth muscle contraction. Structurally, C3a is a relatively small protein (77 amino acids) comprising a N-terminal domain connected by 3 native disulfide bonds and a helical C-terminal segment. The structural stability of C3a has been investigated here using three different methods: Disulfide scrambling; Differential CD spectroscopy; and Reductive unfolding. Two uncommon features regarding the stability of C3a and the structure of denatured C3a have been observed in this study. (a) There is an unusual disconnection between the conformational stability of C3a and the covalent stability of its three native disulfide bonds that is not seen with other disulfide proteins. As measured by both methods of disulfide scrambling and differential CD spectroscopy, the native C3a exhibits a global conformational stability that is comparable to numerous proteins with similar size and disulfide content, all with mid-point denaturation of [GdmCl](1/2) at 3.4-5M. These proteins include hirudin, tick anticoagulant protein and leech carboxypeptidase inhibitor. However, the native disulfide bonds of C3a is 150-1000 fold less stable than those proteins as evaluated by the method of reductive unfolding. The 3 native disulfide bonds of C3a can be collectively and quantitatively reduced with as low as 1mM of dithiothreitol within 5 min. The fragility of the native disulfide bonds of C3a has not yet been observed with other native disulfide proteins. (b) Using the method of disulfide scrambling, denatured C3a was shown to consist of diverse isomers adopting varied extent of unfolding. Among them, the most extensively unfolded isomer of denatured C3a is found to assume beads-form disulfide pattern, comprising Cys(36)-Cys(49) and two disulfide bonds formed by two pair of consecutive cysteines, Cys(22)-Cys(23) and Cys(56)-Cys(57), a unique disulfide structure of polypeptide that has not been documented previously.


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Voting power is commonly measured using a probability. But what kind of probability is this? Is it a degree of belief or an objective chance or some other sort of probability? The aim of this paper is to answer this question. The answer depends on the use to which a measure of voting power is put. Some objectivist interpretations of probabilities are appropriate when we employ such a measure for descriptive purposes. By contrast, when voting power is used to normatively assess voting rules, the probabilities are best understood as classical probabilities, which count possibilities. This is so because, from a normative stance, voting power is most plausibly taken to concern rights and thus possibilities. The classical interpretation also underwrites the use of the Bernoulli model upon which the Penrose/Banzhaf measure is based.


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Organization of transgenes in rice transformed through direct DNA transfer strongly suggests a two-phase integration mechanism. In the “preintegration” phase, transforming plasmid molecules (either intact or partial) are spliced together. This gives rise to rearranged transgenic sequences, which upon integration do not contain any interspersed plant genomic sequences. Subsequently, integration of transgenic DNA into the host genome is initiated. Our experiments suggest that the original site of integration acts as a hot spot, facilitating subsequent integration of successive transgenic molecules at the same locus. The resulting transgenic locus may have plant DNA separating the transgenic sequences. Our data indicate that transformation through direct DNA transfer, specifically particle bombardment, generally results in a single transgenic locus as a result of this two-phase integration mechanism. Transgenic plants generated through such processes may, therefore, be more amenable to breeding programs as the single transgenic locus will be easier to characterize genetically. Results from direct DNA transfer experiments suggest that in the absence of protein factors involved in exogenous DNA transfer through Agrobacterium, the qualitative and/or quantitative efficiency of transformation events is not compromised. Our results cast doubt on the role of Agrobacterium vir genes in the integration process.


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Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a family of polymers composed primarily of R-3-hydroxyalkanoic acids. These polymers have properties of biodegradable thermoplastics and elastomers. Medium-chain-length PHAs (MCL-PHAs) are synthesized in bacteria by using intermediates of the β-oxidation of alkanoic acids. To assess the feasibility of producing MCL-PHAs in plants, Arabidopsis thaliana was transformed with the PhaC1 synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified for peroxisome targeting by addition of the carboxyl 34 amino acids from the Brassica napus isocitrate lyase. Immunocytochemistry demonstrated that the modified PHA synthase was appropriately targeted to leaf-type peroxisomes in light-grown plants and glyoxysomes in dark-grown plants. Plants expressing the PHA synthase accumulated electron-lucent inclusions in the glyoxysomes and leaf-type peroxisomes, as well as in the vacuole. These inclusions were similar to bacterial PHA inclusions. Analysis of plant extracts by GC and mass spectrometry demonstrated the presence of MCL-PHA in transgenic plants to approximately 4 mg per g of dry weight. The plant PHA contained saturated and unsaturated 3-hydroxyalkanoic acids ranging from six to 16 carbons with 41% of the monomers being 3-hydroxyoctanoic acid and 3-hydroxyoctenoic acid. These results indicate that the β-oxidation of plant fatty acids can generate a broad range of R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA intermediates that can be used to synthesize MCL-PHAs.


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Nonostante sia pubblicamente riconosciuto il potere dei media di influenzare e creare opinioni, pochi studi si sono occupati del loro ruolo in quanto possibili promotori di ideologie improntate al razzismo o, al contrario, ad una visione multiculturale della società. Se tuttavia, si analizzano i dati che fanno riferimento al modo in cui le minoranze etniche sono rappresentate dai media e alla posizione lavorativa che esse ricoprono nell'industria televisiva e cinematografica, si può evincere come siano determinanti i mezzi di comunicazione di massa, sia nella percezione di sé che acquisiscono le minoranze etniche stesse, sia nella considerazione che di loro ha la popolazione autoctona di un Paese. Questo studio cercherà di mettere in luce la situazione attuale in Gran Bretagna in cui, nonostante esistano programmi televisivi dedicati alle minoranze etniche e queste siano impiegate nei media, è necessario un maggiore impegno perché queste siano più equamente rappresentate. Verrà commentata e analizzata, inoltre, la proposta di sottotitolaggio del video “Race on Screen” realizzato dall'organizzazione britannica Runnymede Trust che tratta, appunto, il tema dei BAME nei media britannici.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.