941 resultados para Lead Isotopes


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Mississippi Tialley-type zinc-lead deposits and ore occurrences in the San Vicente belt are hosted in dolostones of the eastern Upper Triassic to Lower Jurassic Pucara basin, central Peru. Combined inorganic and organic geochemical data from 22 sites, including the main San Vicente deposit, minor ore occurrences, and barren localities, provide better understanding of fluid pathways and composition, ore precipitation mechanisms, Eh-pH changes during mineralization, and relationships between organic matter and ore formation. Ore-stage dark replacement dolomite and white sparry dolomite are Fe and rare earth element (REE) depleted, and Mn enriched, compared to the host dolomite. In the main deposit, they display significant negative Ce and probably Eu anomalies. Mixing of an incoming hot, slightly oxidizing, acidic brine (H2CO3 being the dominant dissolved carbon species), probably poor in REE and Fe, with local intraformational, alkaline, reducing waters explains the overall carbon and oxygen isotope variation and the distributions of REE and other trace elements in the different hydrothermal carbonate generations. The incoming ore fluid flowed through major aquifers, probably basal basin detrital units, with limited interaction with the carbonate host rocks. The hydrothermal carbonates show a strong regional chemical homogeneity, indicating access of the ore fluids by interconnected channelways near the ore occurrences. Negative Ce anomalies in the main deposit, that are absent at the district scale, indicate local ore-fluid chemical differences. Oxidation of both migrated and indigenous hydrocarbons by the incoming fluid provided the local reducing conditions necessary for sulfate reduction to H2S, pyrobitumen precipitation, and reduction of Eu3+ to Eu2+. Fe-Mn covariations, combined with the REE contents of the hydrothermal carbonates, are consistent with the mineralizing system shifting from reducing/rock-dominated to oxidizing/fluid-dominated conditions following ore deposition. Sulfate and sulfide sulfur isotopes support sulfide origin from evaporite-derived sulfate by thermochemical organic reduction; further evidence includes the presence of C-13-depleted calcite cements (similar to-12 parts per thousand delta(13)C) as sulfate pseudomorphs, elemental sulfur, altered organic matter in the host dolomite, and isotopically heavier, late, solid bitumen. Significant alteration of the indigenous and extrinsic hydrocarbons, with absent bacterial membrane biomarkers (hopanes) is observed. The light delta(34)S of sulfides from small mines and occurrences compared to the main deposit reflect a local contribution of isotopically light sulfur, evidence of local differences in the ore-fluid chemistry.


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RESUME Les nombreuses mines de plomb et d'argent du Valais témoignent d'une activité minière importante par le passé, sans toutefois dévoiler ni l'importance des minéralisations, ni l'ancienneté de l'exploitation. La présente recherche a pour but de comprendre pourquoi les grandes mines sont concentrées dans une région, et de déterminer la chronologie de leur exploitation. L'originalité de ce travail réside dans son interdisciplinarité, plus précisément dans l'application des méthodes minéralogiques pour résoudre une problématique historique. Afin d'évaluer les ressources minières en plomb et en argent du Valais, 57 mines et indices ont été repérés et échantillonnés. Les signatures isotopiques du Pb (74 analyses) et les compositions chimiques élémentaires (45 analyses) ont été déterminées. Les plus grandes exploitations se situent dans la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, au Sud d'une ligne Vallée du Rhône / Val de Bagnes ainsi que dans le Lötschental. Elles sont liées, d'après leur signature isotopique de plomb, à des minéralisations d'âge calédonien (408 à 387 Ma) ou tardi-hercynien (333 à 286 Ma). À ces périodes, l'ancien continent est très lourd et subit une subsidence thermique. Des premières fractures d'extrême importance se forment. Comme il s'agit d'accidents tectoniques majeurs, des gisements de grande extension peuvent se former dans ce contexte. D'autres minéralisations se situent dans les domaines helvétiques (Massif des Aiguilles Rouges, Massif du Mont Blanc et couverture sédimentaire), couvrant une région au Nord de la Vallée du Rhône et du Val d'Entremont. D'âge post-hercynien à tardi-alpin (notons qu'il n'y a pas de minéralisations d'âge tertiaire), elles sont pour la plupart liées à des intrusions granitiques, sources de plomb juvénile. Les mines situées dans ces unités tectoniques sont nettement moins étendues que celles de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel, ce qui permet de penser que les minéralisations correspondantes le sont également. Les périodes d'exploitation des mines peuvent être déterminées par quatre approches différentes l'archéologie minière, la lecture des textes historiques, l'étude des déchets métallurgiques et la comparaison de la signature isotopique du plomb, que l'on mesure dans un objet archéologique bien daté (monnaie, bijoux etc.), avec celles des minerais. Cette dernière méthode a été appliquée et développée dans le cadre de la présente recherche. Pour ce faire, 221 échantillons d'objet en plomb ou en argent datés entre l'Âge du Fer et le Moyen Age ont été analysés par la méthode des isotopes de plomb et comparés à environ 1800 signatures isotopiques de minerais des gisements les plus importants en Suisse et en Europe. Avant l'époque romaine et jusqu'au 1 er siècle de cette époque, le plomb provient principalement des mines de la péninsule ibérique alors en pleine activité. Un apport des mines d'Europe tempérée, notamment des Vosges, reste à confirmer. A partir du 1" siècle de notre ère, le plomb a principalement été importé en Suisse occidentale de grands centres de productions situées en Allemagne du Nord (région d'Eifel). Les mines de plomb valaisannes, notamment celles de Siviez, débutent leur exploitation en même temps, principalement pour couvrir les besoins locaux, mais également pour l'exportation jusque dans l'arc lémanique et, dans une moindre importance, au-delà. À partir du 4ème siècle, le besoin en plomb a été couvert par un apport des mines locales et par la refonte d'objets anciens. Ce changement d'approvisionnement est probablement lié aux tensions créées par les invasions germaniques durant la seconde moitié du 3' siècle ; le marché suisse n'est dès lors plus approvisionné par le nord, c'est-à-dire par la vallée du Rhin. Quant à l'argent, l'exploitation de ce métal est attestée à partir de la fin du La Tène, peu après l'apparition de ce métal dans la région valaisanne. L'échantillonnage ne couvrant pas l'époque romaine, rien n'est connu pour cette période. A partir du 5" siècle, une exploitation d'argent est de nouveau attestée. Cependant, l'exploitation d'argent des mines locales ne gagne en importance qu'à partir du Moyen Âge avec les frappes monétaires, notamment les frappes carolingiennes et épiscopales valaisannes. Les sources d'argent sont différentes selon leur utilisation : à part quelques exceptions notamment vers la fin du La Tène et au tardo-antique, les bijoux et objets de cultes ont été souvent créés à partir d'argent refondu, contrairement aux monnaies pour lesquelles l'argent provient des mines locales. On note un approvisionnement différent de ce métal pour les objets, notamment les monnaies, selon leur lieu de fabrication : on peut clairement distinguer les objets valaisans de ceux du Plateau Suisse. SUMMARY The many lead and silver mines of the Valais testify of an important mining activity in the past, without however revealing neither the importance of the mineralizations, nor the era of the exploitation. The purpose of this research is to understand why the large mines are concentrated in one region, and to determine the history of their exploitation. The uniqueness of this work lies in its interdisciplinarity, more precisely in the application of mineralogical methods to solve historical problems. In order to evaluate the lead and silver mining resources of the Valais region, 57 mines and ore deposits were located and sampled. The isotope signatures of Pb (74 analyses) and the compositions of the chemical elements (45 analyses) were determined. The largest activities are in the Siviez-Mischabel area, located in the South of the boundary formed by the Rhone, Bagnes and Lotschental valleys. According to their lead isotope signatures, they are linked to mineralizations of the Caledonian (408 to 387 my) or tardi-Hercynian (333 to 286 my) orogenies. In those times, the old continent was very heavy and underwent a thermal subsidence. First fractures of great significance were formed. Through these major tectonic events, large extended ore deposits can be formed. Other mineralizations are found in the helvetic regions situated north of the Rhone and the Entremont valley (the Aiguilles Rouges basement, Mount Blanc basement and the covering sediment). Because they are from post-hercynien to tardi-alpine age (there are no mineralizations of tertiary age), they are mainly linked to granite intrusions, the sources of juvenile lead. The mines found in these tectonic units are significantly less extensive than those of the Siviez-Mischabel area, leading to the assumption that the respective mineralizations extend accordingly. The history of exploitation of the mines can be determined by four different sources: mining archaeology, historical texts, metallurgical waste, and the comparison of the isotope signature of the lead from accurately dated archaeological objects (currency, jewels etc), with those of the ores. This last approach was applied and developed within the framework of this research. The lead isotope signatures of 221 lead or silver objects from the Iron Age to the Middle Age were compared with approximately 1800 samples of ore of the most important ore deposits in Switzerland and Europe. Before the Roman time up to the 1st century, lead comes mainly from the mines of the Iberian Peninsula then in full activity. A contribution of the mines of Central Europe, in particular of the Vosges, remains to be confirmed. From the 1st century on, lead was mainly imported into Western Switzerland from Northern Germany (Eiffel region). The lead mines in the Valais region, in particular those of Siviez, begin their exploitation at the same time, mainly to meet the local needs, but also for export to the lemanic basin and of lesser importance, beyond. As from the 4th century, the need of lead was met by the production from local mines and the recycling of old objects. This change of supply is probably related to the tensions created by the Germanic invasions during second half of the 3rd century; as a consequence, the Swiss market is not supplied any more by the north, i.e. the Rhine valley. Silver production is confirmed starting from the end of La Tene, shortly after the appearance of this metal in the Valais region. Since no objects of Roman origin were analyzed, nothing is known for this period. From the 5th century on, silver production is again confirmed. However, significant silver production from local mines starts only in the Middle Age with the coinage, in particular Carolingian and Episcopal minting from the Valais region. The sources of silver differ according to their use: besides some exceptions in particular towards the end of La Tene and the tardi-Roman, the jewels and objects of worships were often created from recycled silver, contrary to the coins the silver for which comes from the local mines. A different source of silver is observed according to the location of coin manufacture: Objects originating from the Valais region are clearly distinguished from those from the Plateau Suisse. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die grosse Zahl von Blei- und Silberminen im Wallis ist Zeugnis einer bedeutenden Bergbautätigkeit, es fehlen aber Hinweise über ihren Umfang und den Zeitraum ihrer Ausbeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit sucht zu ergründen, warum grosse Minen sich in einer eng begrenzten Region häufen und in welchem Zeitraum sie genutzt wurden. Die Besonderheit der Studie liegt in ihrer Interdisziplinarität, genauer in der Anwendung von mineralogischen Methoden zur Beantwortung historischer Fragestellungen. Zur Beurteilung der Lagerstätten wurden von 57 Minen und Aufschlüssen Proben entnommen oder Nachweise erbracht und mittels 74 Isotopen-Analysen von Blei und 45 chemischen Gesamtanalysen ausgewertet. Die wichtigsten Vorkommen liegen in der Siviez- Mischabel- Decke südlich der Linie Rhonetal- Val de Bagnes, sowie im Lötschental. Die Bleiisotopen- Alter weisen ihre Entstehung der kaledonischen (408 - 387 Mio. J.) oder der spät- herzynischen (333 - 286 Mio. J.) Gebirgsbildungsphase zu. In dieser Periode ist die kompakte Landmasse sehr schwer und erfairt eine thermische Absenkung. Es bilden sich tektonische Brüche von kontinentaler Ausdehnung. Die grossen tektonischen Bewegungen ermöglichen die Bildung von ausgedehnten Lagerstätten. Andere Vorkommen finden sich im Bereich der Helvetischen Alpen (Aiguilles Rouges Massiv, Mont-Blanc-Massiv und Sediment-Decken) im Gebiet nördlich des Rhonetales bis zum Val d'Entremont. Altersmässig sind sie der nach-hercynischen bis zur spät-alpidischen Orogenese zuzuweisen (auffällig ist das Fehlen von Vorkommen im Tertiär) und haben sich meist in der Folge von Granit- Intrusion, dem Ursprung von primärem Blei ausgebildet. Die Bergwerke in diesem Bereich sind deutlich weniger ausgedehnt als jene in der Siviez-Mischabel-Decke und entsprechen wahrscheinlich dem geringen Umfang der zugehörigen Vorkommen. Die Nutzungsperioden der Minen können mit vier verschiedenen Methoden bestimmt werden: Minenarchäologie, Historische Quellen, Auswertung von metallischen Abfällen (Schlacken) und Vergleich der Bleiisotopen-Zusammensetzung von Erzen mit jener von zeitlich gut datierbaren archäologischen Gegenständen (Münzen, Schmuckstücke). Die letztere Methode wurde im Rahmen der vorliegenden Forschungsarbeit entwickelt und angewendet. Zu diesem Zweck wurden an 221 Proben von Blei- oder Silberobjekten, die in die Periode zwischen Eisenzeit und Mittelalter eingestuft werden können, Bleiisotopen- Analysen durchgeführt und mit ca. 1800 Proben aus den wichtigsten Lagerstätten der Schweiz und Europas verglichen. Vor der Römerzeit und bis ins 1. Jahrh. stammt das Blei vornehmlich aus den in jener Zeit in voller Ausbeutung begriffenen Minen der Iberischen Halbinsel. Der Beitrag von Mitteleuropa, besonders der Vogesen, muss noch bestätigt werden. Ab dem 1. Jahrh. nach Chr. wurde die Westschweiz hauptschlich mit Blei aus den grossen Produktionszentren Norddeutschlands, vorwiegend der Eifel, versorgt. In dieser Periode setzt die Ausbeutung der Bleiminen des Wallis, besonders von Siviez, ein. Sie dienen der Deckung des örtlichen Bedarfs aber auch der Ausfuhr in das Gebiet des Genfersees und in einem bescheidenen Rahmen sogar darüber hinaus. Ab dem 4. Jahrhundert wurden vermehrt alte Objekte eingeschmolzen. Dieser Wechsel der Versorgungsquellen war vermutlich eine Folge der Wölkerwanderung in der zweiten Hälfte des 3. Jahrhunderts. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war Helvetien der Zugang zu den Versorgungsquellen des Nordens, besonders des Rheinlandes, verwehrt. Der Abbau von Silber ist ab dem Ende des La Tène nachgewiesen, nur wenig nach dem Auftreten dieses Metalls im Wallis. Über die Römerzeit können wegen dem Fehlen entsprechender Proben keine Aussagen gemacht werden. Eine erneute Abbauperiode ist ab dem 5. Jahrhundert nachgewiesen. Die Produktion der örtlichen Minen erreicht aber erst im Mittelalter eine gewisse Bedeutung mit der Prägung von Mnzen durch die Karolinger und die Walliser Bischöfe. Die Herkunft des Silbers ist abhängig von dessen Verwendung. Mit wenigen Ausnahmen in der Zeit des La Tène und der späteren Römerzeit wurde für Kunst- und Kult- Gegenstände rezykliertes Silber verwendet, für Münzprägungen neues Silber aus den örtlichen Minen. Von Einfluss auf die Herkunft war auch der Produktionsstandort: Die Objekte aus dem Wallis unterscheiden sich deutlich von jenen des Mittellandes.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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LEAD DISTRIBUTION AND ISOTOPE SIGNATURE IN BOTTOM SEDIMENTS OF GUAMA RIVER AND GUAJARA BAY (BELEM - PARA). Lead analyses in bottom sediments from the hydrographic system of Belem (Para) indicated low contents of this metal for the sediments from the Guama river, with no significant anthropogenic contribution. A concentration of 18.1 +/- 1.5 mg kg(-1) and Pb-206/Pb-207 isotopic signature of 1.196 +/- 0.002 are assigned for Pb from natural sources. On the other hand, the significant increase of Pb contents in the sediments from the Guajara bay, together with the decrease of Pb-206/Pb-207 ratios (1.172 < Pb-206/Pb-207 < 1.188) point to an anthropogenic lead contribution, originated by the industrial and urban activities of the city of Belem.


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Neutron-rich isotopes around lead, beyond N = 126, have been studied exploiting the fragmentation of an uranium primary beam at the FRS-RISING setup at GSI. For the first time beta-decay half-lives of Bi-219 and Tl-211,Tl-212,Tl-213 isotopes have been derived. The half-lives have been extracted using a numerical simulation developed for experiments in high-background conditions. Comparison with state of the art models used in r-process calculations is given, showing a systematic underestimation of the experimental values, at variance from close-lying nuclei. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Different lead sources were identified in a large uranium tailings deposit (5Mton) in the Central Region of Portugal using lead isotopic ratios obtained by ICP-QMS. These ratios helped to clarify the different sources of Pb within the tailings deposit and the impact of the tailings on the surroundings. Ten depth profiles were used for isotopic characterization of the tailings deposit; the lead background signature was evaluated in seven regional rocks (granites) and was defined as being 28 +/- 1 mg kg(-1) for Pb bulk concentration and with isotopic ratios of 1.264(2) for Pb-206/Pb-207 and 1.962(7) for Pb-208/Pb-206. In order to understand Pb isotope distribution within the tailings deposit, simple mixing/mass balance models were used to fit experimental data, involving: (1) the background component; (2) uranium ores (pitchblende) characterized by the ratios Pb-206/Pb-207 of 1.914(3) and Pb-208/Pb-206 of 1.235(2); and (3) an unknown Pb source (named 'Fonte 5') characterized by the ratios Pb-206/Pb-207 of 3.079(7) and Pb-208/Pb-206 of 0.715(1). This unknown source showed high radiogenic ratios found in the water of some tailings depth profiles located in a very specific position in the dump. In terms of isotopic characterization, 69% of the deposit material resulted from the background source, 25% from uranium minerals and only 6% from other uranium mines in the region. Finally, the environment impact revealed that the pollution was focused only in the beginning of the stream and not in the surroundings, nor in the groundwater system. The lead in the water was found only in colloidal form with a clear pitchblende signature. Those data revealed possible remobilization phenomena along the bedside and margins of the watercourse.


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Die vorliegende Dissertation behandelt die Gesamtgesteinsanalyse stabiler Siliziumisotope mit Hilfe einer „Multi Collector-ICP-MS“. Die Analysen fanden in Kooperation mit dem „Royal Museum for Central Africa“ in Belgien statt. Einer der Schwerpunkte des ersten Kapitels ist die erstmalige Analyse des δ30Si –Wertes an einem konventionellen Nu PlasmaTM „Multi-Collector ICP-MS“ Instrument, durch die Eliminierung der den 30Si “peak” überlagernden 14N16O Interferenz. Die Analyse von δ30Si wurde durch technische Modifikationen der Anlage erreicht, welche eine höherer Massenauflösung ermöglichten. Die sorgsame Charakterisierung eines adäquaten Referenzmaterials ist unabdingbar für die Abschätzung der Genauigkeit einer Messung. Die Bestimmung der „U.S. Geological Survey“ Referenzmaterialien bildet den zweiten Schwerpunkt dieses Kapitales. Die Analyse zweier hawaiianischer Standards (BHVO-1 and BHVO-2), belegt die präzise und genaue δ30Si Bestimmung und bietet Vergleichsdaten als Qualitätskontrolle für andere Labore. Das zweite Kapitel befasst sich mit kombinierter Silizium-/Sauerstoffisotope zur Untersuchung der Entstehung der Silizifizierung vulkanischer Gesteine des „Barberton Greenstone Belt“, Südafrika. Im Gegensatz zu heute, war die Silizifizierung der Oberflächennahen Schichten, einschließlich der „Chert“ Bildung, weitverbreitete Prozesse am präkambrischen Ozeanboden. Diese Horizonte sind Zeugen einer extremen Siliziummobilisierung in der Frühzeit der Erde. Dieses Kapitel behandelt die Analyse von Silizium- und Sauerstoffisotopen an drei unterschiedlichen Gesteinsprofilen mit unterschiedlich stark silizifizierten Basalten und überlagernden geschichteten „Cherts“ der 3.54, 3.45 und 3.33 Mill. Jr. alten Theespruit, Kromberg und Hooggenoeg Formationen. Siliziumisotope, Sauerstoffisotope und die SiO2-Gehalte demonstrieren in allen drei Gesteinsprofilen eine positive Korrelation mit dem Silizifizierungsgrad, jedoch mit unterschiedlichen Steigungen der δ30Si-δ18O-Verhältnisse. Meerwasser wird als Quelle des Siliziums für den Silizifizierungsprozess betrachtet. Berechnungen haben gezeigt, dass eine klassische Wasser-Gestein Wechselwirkung die Siliziumisotopenvariation nicht beeinflussen kann, da die Konzentration von Si im Meerwasser zu gering ist (49 ppm). Die Daten stimmen mit einer Zwei-Endglieder-Komponentenmischung überein, mit Basalt und „Chert“ als jeweilige Endglieder. Unsere gegenwärtigen Daten an den „Cherts“ bestätigen einen Anstieg der Isotopenzusammensetzung über der Zeit. Mögliche Faktoren, die für unterschiedliche Steigungen der δ30Si-δ18O Verhältnisse verantwortlich sein könnten sind Veränderungen in der Meerwasserisotopie, der Wassertemperatur oder sekundäre Alterationseffekte. Das letzte Kapitel beinhaltet potentielle Variationen in der Quellregion archaischer Granitoide: die Si-Isotopen Perspektive. Natriumhaltige Tonalit-Trondhjemit-Granodiorit (TTG) Intrusiva repräsentieren große Anteile der archaischen Kruste. Im Gegensatz dazu ist die heutige Kruste kaliumhaltiger (GMS-Gruppe: Granit-Monzonite-Syenite). Prozesse, die zu dem Wechsel von natriumhaltiger zu kaliumhaltiger Kruste führten sind die Thematik diesen Kapitels. Siliziumisotopenmessungen wurden hier kombiniert mit Haupt- und Spurenelementanalysen an unterschiedlichen Generationen der 3.55 bis 3.10 Mill. Yr. alten TTG und GMS Intrusiva aus dem Arbeitsgebiet. Die δ30Si-Werte in den unterschiedlichen Plutonit Generationen zeigen einen leichten Anstieg der Isotopie mit der Zeit, wobei natriumhaltige Intrusiva die niedrigste Si-Isotopenzusammensetzung aufweisen. Der leichte Anstieg in der Siliziumisotopenzusammensetzung über die Zeit könnte auf unterschiedliche Temperaturbedingungen in der Quellregion der Granitoide hinweisen. Die Entstehung von Na-reichen, leichten d30Si Granitoiden würde demnach bei höheren Temperaturen erfolgen. Die Ähnlichkeit der δ30Si-Werte in archaischen K-reichen Plutoniten und phanerozoischen K-reichen Plutoniten wird ebenfalls deutlich.


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The isotopic composition of Nd in present-day deep waters of the central and northeastern Atlantic Ocean is thought to fingerprint mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water with Antarctic Bottom Water. The central Atlantic Romanche and Vema Fracture Zones are considered the most important pathways for deep water exchange between the western and eastern Atlantic basins today. We present new Nd isotope records of the deepwater evolution in the fracture zones obtained from ferromanganese crusts, which are inconsistent with simple water mass mixing alone prior to 3 Ma and require additional inputs from other sources. The new Pb isotope time series from the fracture zones are inexplicable by simple mixing of North Atlantic Deep Water and Antarctic Bottom Water for the entire past 33 Myr. The distinct and relatively invariable Nd and Pb isotope records of deep waters in the fracture zones appear instead to have been controlled to a large extent by contributions from Saharan dust and the Orinoco/Amazon Rivers. Thus the previously observed similarity of Nd and Pb isotope time series from the western and eastern North Atlantic basins is better explainable by direct supply of Labrador Seawater to the eastern basin via a northern pathway rather than by advection of North Atlantic Deep Water via the Romanche and Vema Fracture Zones.


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The application of radiogenic isotopes to the study of Cenozoic circulation patterns in the South Pacific Ocean has been hampered by the fact that records from only equatorial Pacific deep water have been available. We present new Pb and Nd isotope time series for two ferromanganese crusts that grew from equatorial Pacific bottom water (D137-01, 'Nova', 7219 m water depth) and southwest Pacific deep water (63KD, 'Tasman', 1700 m water depth). The crusts were dated using 10Be/9Be ratios combined with constant Co-flux dating and yield time series for the past 38 and 23 Myr, respectively. The surface Nd and Pb isotope distributions are consistent with the present-day circulation pattern, and therefore the new records are considered suitable to reconstruct Eocene through Miocene paleoceanography for the South Pacific. The isotope time series of crusts Nova and Tasman suggest that equatorial Pacific deep water and waters from the Southern Ocean supplied the dissolved trace metals to both sites over the past 38 Myr. Changes in the isotopic composition of crust Nova are interpreted to reflect development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and changes in Pacific deep water circulation caused by the build up of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. The Nd isotopic composition of the shallower water site in the southwest Pacific appears to have been more sensitive to circulation changes resulting from closure of the Indonesian seaway.


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The intensity of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) production has been one of the most important parameters controlling the global thermohaline ocean circulation system and climate. Here we present a new approach to reconstruct the overall strength of NADW export from the North Atlantic to the Southern Ocean over the past 14 Myr applying the deep water Nd and Pb isotope composition as recorded by ferromanganese crusts and nodules. We present the first long-term Nd and Pb isotope time series for deep Southern Ocean water masses, which are compared with previously published time series for NADW from the NW Atlantic Ocean. These data suggest a continuous and strong export of NADW, or a precursor of it, into the Southern Ocean between 14 and 3 Ma. An increasing difference in Nd and Pb isotope compositions between the NW Atlantic and the Southern Ocean over the past 3 Myr gives evidence for a progressive overall reduction of NADW export since the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (NHG). The Nd isotope data allow us to assess at least semiquantitatively that the amount of this reduction has been in the range between 14 and 37% depending on location.


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We present Plio-Pleistocene records of sediment color, %CaCO3, foraminifer fragmentation, benthic carbon isotopes (d13C) and radiogenic isotopes (Sr, Nd, Pb) of the terrigenous component from IODP Site U1313, a reoccupation of benchmark subtropical North Atlantic Ocean DSDP Site 607. We show that (inter)glacial cycles in sediment color and %CaCO3 pre-date major northern hemisphere glaciation and are unambiguously and consistently correlated to benthic oxygen isotopes back to 3.3 million years ago (Ma) and intermittently so probably back to the Miocene/Pliocene boundary. We show these lithological cycles to be driven by enhanced glacial fluxes of terrigenous material (eolian dust), not carbonate dissolution (the classic interpretation). Our radiogenic isotope data indicate a North American source for this dust (~3.3-2.4 Ma) in keeping with the interpreted source of terrestrial plant wax-derived biomarkers deposited at Site U1313. Yet our data indicate a mid latitude provenance regardless of (inter)glacial state, a finding that is inconsistent with the biomarker-inferred importance of glaciogenic mechanisms of dust production and transport. Moreover, we find that the relation between the biomarker and lithogenic components of dust accumulation is distinctly non-linear. Both records show a jump in glacial rates of accumulation from Marine Isotope Stage, MIS, G6 (2.72 Ma) onwards but the amplitude of this signal is about 3-8 times greater for biomarkers than for dust and particularly extreme during MIS 100 (2.52 Ma). We conclude that North America shifted abruptly to a distinctly more arid glacial regime from MIS G6, but major shifts in glacial North American vegetation biomes and regional wind fields (exacerbated by the growth of a large Laurentide Ice Sheet during MIS 100) likely explain amplification of this signal in the biomarker records. Our findings are consistent with wetter-than-modern reconstructions of North American continental climate under the warm high CO2 conditions of the Early Pliocene but contrast with most model predictions for the response of the hydrological cycle to anthropogenic warming over the coming 50 years (poleward expansion of the subtropical dry zones).


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Nd and Pb isotopic compositions extracted from bulk deep sea sediments have been shown to be robust proxies for deep water circulation as well as weathering provenance and intensity over geologically young time scales. In this study we evaluated ten deep sea samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) site 1090 ranging in age from mid Eocene to early-Miocene to test whether Pb isotopic compositions extracted from geologically older sediments record reliable seawater isotopic ratios and to evaluate the source of the extracted Pb. The sequential extraction protocol used in this study is similar to protocols reported for previous studies and produces acetic acid, hydroxylamine hydrochloride (HH) and residue fractions. Each extracted fraction was analyzed for Pb isotopes, rare earth elements (REEs), and a suite of major elements. Similar 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios are recorded from the acetic acid and HH fractions for ~70-80% of the samples, suggesting that either the acetic acid dissolves Fe-Mn oxides or multiple phases are recording the same seawater isotopic value. Several indirect tests, such as Al mass balance, comparison of Sr isotopes in HH extracts to contemporaneous seawater Sr isotopes, and comparison of Nd isotopic compositions in HH extracts to published fossil fish teeth values, provide evidence that Pb isotopic compositions measured in our bulk HH extracts record bottom water values. The relationship between Pb, Mn and Ca concentrations in HH fractions indicates that Fe-Mn oxides and a Mn-bearing carbonate are the dominant phases contributing seawater Pb. Comparison of REE patterns derived from the HH fraction and total digestions of Fe-Mn nodule standards reveals that the trivalent REEs exhibit patterns consistent with the parent archive, but Ce can be fractionated during extraction. Ratios of REEs also produce unique fields for each fraction and can be used to test the purity of the seawater signal of the extraction protocol. Finally, an initial evaluation of Pb isotopic compositions in fossil fish indicates that this archive is not suitable for bottom water Pb isotope studies.


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In order to validate the use of 238U/235U as a paleoredox proxy in carbonates, we examined the incorporation and early diagenetic evolution of U isotopes in shallow Bahamian carbonate sediments. Our sample set consists of a variety of primary precipitates that represent a range of carbonate producing organisms and components that were important in the past (scleractinian corals, calcareous green and red algae, ooids, and mollusks). In addition, four short push cores were taken in different depositional environments to assess the impact of early diagenesis and pore water chemistry on the U isotopic composition of bulk carbonates. We find that U concentrations are much higher in bulk carbonate sediments (avg. 4.1 ppm) than in primary precipitates (avg. 1.5 ppm). In almost all cases, the lowest bulk sediment U concentrations were as high as or higher than the highest concentrations found in primary precipitates. This is consistent with authigenic accumulation of reduced U(IV) during early diagenesis. The extent of this process appears sensitive to pore water H2S, and thus indirectly to organic matter content. d238/235U values were very close to seawater values in all of the primary precipitates, suggesting that these carbonate components could be used to reconstruct changes in seawater U geochemistry. However, d238/235U of bulk sediments from the push cores was 0.2-0.4 per mil heavier than seawater (and primary precipitates). These results indicate that authigenic accumulation of U under open-system sulfidic pore water conditions commonly found in carbonate sediments strongly affects the bulk U concentrations and 238U/235U ratios. We also report the occurrence of dolomite in a tidal pond core which contains low 234U/238U and 238U/235U ratios and discuss the possibility that the dolomitization process may result in sediments depleted in 238U. From this initial exploration, it is clear that 238U/235U variations in ancient carbonate sediments could be driven by changes in global average seawater, by spatial and temporal variations in the local deposition environment, or subsequent diagenesis. To cope with such effects, proxies for syndepositional pore water redox conditions (e.g., organic matter content, iron speciation, and trace metal distributions) and careful consideration of possible post-deposition alteration will be required to avoid spurious interpretation of 238U/235U data from ancient carbonate sediments.


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This study tests and improves on previously published early and middle Miocene 87Sr/86Sr marine correlations, presents Sr isotopic age correlations for this interval using the new timescale of Cande and Kent [1992 doi:10.1029/92JB01202], and evaluates Sr isotopic changes against an inferred glacioeustatic proxy. We generated a latest Oligocene to early late Miocene 87Sr/86Sr isotope record from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 747A; this site provides an excellent magnetostratigraphic record during most of this interval for independent age estimates, very good foraminiferal preservation, and excellent core recovery. Comparisons of new 87Sr/86Sr data from Hole 747A with previously published data from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Sites 608 [Miller et al., 1991 doi:10.1029/90PA01941] and 588 [Hodell et al., 1991 doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1991)019<0024:VITSIC>2.3.CO;2] yield the following results: (1) confirmation and refinement of the early Miocene Sr isotope changes, (2) improved definition of the timing of the changes in slope of 87Sr/86Sr near 15.4 Ma and 22.8 Ma, (3) improved Sr isotopic age resolution for the middle Miocene with resolution as good as +/- 0.7 m.y., and (4) identification of an inflection in the Sr isotope record at 28.0 Ma based on the combined records from DSDP Site 522 [Miller et al., 1988 doi:10.1029/PA003i002p00223] and ODP Hole 747A. We have been unable to determine the cause of middle Miocene offset between Site 588 and Hole 747A data, although we believe it may be attributed to problems in the age assignments for Hole 588A for the interval ~14-11 Ma and Site 747 for the interval 11-8 Ma. Because Hole 747A results provide a better chronology than Site 588 for most of the Miocene and a better middle Miocene Sr isotope record than Site 608, we propose that Hole 747A serves as the best reference section for Miocene 87Sr/86Sr variations from ca. 23 to 11 Ma. Using 87Sr/86Sr data from Sites 522, 608, and 747A, we relate late Eocene to early Miocene inflections in the 87Sr/86Sr isotope record to oxygen isotope increases and decreases inferred to represent glacioeustatic events. The decreases (deglaciations) observed in the ?18O record apparently lead the 87Sr/86Sr inflections by 1 to 1.5 m.y.


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Stockwork-like metal sulfide mineralizations were found at 910-928 m below seafloor (BSF) in the pillow/dike transition zone of Hole 504B. This is the same interval where most physical properties of the 5.9-m.y.-old crust of the Costa Rica Rift change from those characteristic of Layer 2B to those of Layer 2C. The pillow lavas, breccias, and veins of the stockwork-like zone were studied by transmitted and reflected light microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analysis. Bulk rock oxygen isotopic analyses as well as isolated mineral oxygen and sulfur isotopic analyses and fluid inclusion measurements were carried out. A complex alteration history was reconstructed that includes three generations of fissures, each followed by precipitation of characteristic hydrothermal mineral parageneses: (1) Minor and local deposition of quartz occurred on fissure walls; adjacent wall rocks were silicified, followed by formation of chlorite and minor pyrite I in the veins, whereas albite, sphene, chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, actinolite, and pyrite replaced igneous phases in the host rocks. The hydrothermal fluids responsible for this first stage were probably partially reacted seawater, and their temperatures were at least 200-250° C. (2) Fissures filled during the first stage were reopened and new cracks formed. They were filled with quartz, minor chlorite and chlorite-expandable clay mixtures, traces of epidote, common pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, and minor galena. During the second stage, hydrothermal fluids were relatively evolved metal- and Si-rich solutions whose temperatures ranged from 230 to 340° C. The fluctuating chemical composition and temperature of the solutions produced a complex depositional sequence of sulfides in the veins: chalcopyrite I, ± Fe-rich sphalerite, chalcopyrite II ("disease"), Fe-poor sphalerite, chalcopyrite III, galena, and pyrite II. (3) During the last stage, zeolites and Mg-poor calcite filled up the remaining spaces and newly formed cracks and replaced the host rock plagioclase. Analcite and stilbite were first to form in veins, possibly at temperatures below 200°C; analcite and earlier quartz were replaced by laumontite at 250°C, whereas calcite formation temperature ranged from 135 to 220°C. The last stage hydrothermal fluids were depleted in Mg and enriched in Ca and 18O compared to seawater and contained a mantle carbon component. This complex alteration history paralleling a complex mineral paragenesis can be interpreted as the result of a relatively long-term evolution of a hydrothermal system with superimposed shorter term fluctuations in solution temperature and composition. Hydrothermal activity probably began close to the axis of the Costa Rica Rift with the overall cooling of the system and multiple fracturing stages due to movement of the crust away from the axis and/or cooling of a magmatic heat source.