610 resultados para Lavigne


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Members of the genus Sphingomonas are important catalysts for removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soil, but their activity can be affected by various stress factors. This study examines the physiological and genome-wide transcription response of the phenanthrene-degrading Sphingomonas sp. strain LH128 in biofilms to solute stress (invoked by 450 mM NaCl solution), either as an acute (4-h) or a chronic (3-day) exposure. The degree of membrane fatty acid saturation was increased as a response to chronic stress. Oxygen consumption in the biofilms and phenanthrene mineralization activities of biofilm cells were, however, not significantly affected after imposing either acute or chronic stress. This finding was in agreement with the transcriptomic data, since genes involved in PAH degradation were not differentially expressed in stressed conditions compared to nonstressed conditions. The transcriptomic data suggest that LH128 adapts to NaCl stress by (i) increasing the expression of genes coping with osmolytic and ionic stress such as biosynthesis of compatible solutes and regulation of ion homeostasis, (ii) increasing the expression of genes involved in general stress response, (iii) changing the expression of general and specific regulatory functions, and (iv) decreasing the expression of protein synthesis such as proteins involved in motility. Differences in gene expression between cells under acute and chronic stress suggest that LH128 goes through changes in genome-wide expression to fully adapt to NaCl stress, without significantly changing phenanthrene degrading activity.


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BACKGROUND: Positional therapy that prevents patients from sleeping supine has been used for many years to manage positional obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, patients' usage at home and the long term efficacy of this therapy have never been objectively assessed. METHODS: Sixteen patients with positional OSA who refused or could not tolerate continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) were enrolled after a test night study (T0) to test the efficacy of the positional therapy device. The patients who had a successful test night were instructed to use the device every night for three months. Nightly usage was monitored by an actigraphic recorder placed inside the positional device. A follow-up night study (T3) was performed after three months of positional therapy. RESULTS: Patients used the device on average 73.7 ± 29.3% (mean ± SD) of the nights for 8.0 ± 2.0 h/night. 10/16 patients used the device more than 80% of the nights. Compared to the baseline (diagnostic) night, mean apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) decreased from 26.7 ± 17.5 to 6.0 ± 3.4 with the positional device (p<0.0001) during T0 night. Oxygen desaturation (3%) index also fell from 18.4 ± 11.1 to 7.1 ± 5.7 (p = 0.001). Time spent supine fell from 42.8 ± 26.2% to 5.8 ± 7.2% (p < 0.0001). At three months (T3), the benefits persisted with no difference in AHI (p = 0.58) or in time spent supine (p = 0.98) compared to T0 night. The Epworth sleepiness scale showed a significant decrease from 9.4 ± 4.5 to 6.6 ± 4.7 (p = 0.02) after three months. CONCLUSIONS: Selected patients with positional OSA can be effectively treated by a positional therapy with an objective compliance of 73.7% of the nights and a persistent efficacy after three months.


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Collection : [Physiologies Aubert]


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The worldwide antibiotic crisis has led to a renewed interest in phage therapy. Since time immemorial phages control bacterial populations on Earth. Potent lytic phages against bacterial pathogens can be isolated from the environment or selected from a collection in a matter of days. In addition, phages have the capacity to rapidly overcome bacterial resistances, which will inevitably emerge. To maximally exploit these advantage phages have over conventional drugs such as antibiotics, it is important that sustainable phage products are not submitted to the conventional long medicinal product development and licensing pathway. There is a need for an adapted framework, including realistic production and quality and safety requirements, that allowsa timely supplying of phage therapy products for 'personalized therapy' or for public health or medical emergencies. This paper enumerates all phage therapy product related quality and safety risks known to the authors, as well as the tests that can be performed to minimize these risks, only to the extent needed to protect the patients and to allow and advance responsible phage therapy and research.


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Este trabalho relata a experiência de integração ensino-serviço-comunidade vivenciada por membros de equipes de Saúde da Família e graduandos de Medicina e Enfermagem participantes do PET-Saúde da Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz. A referida integração contextualizou-se com o desenvolvimento do projeto "Unidos contra a dengue", mobilização conjunta da instituição de ensino com o serviço de saúde e a comunidade no combate à dengue no bairro Nossa Senhora da Vitória, Ilhéus-Bahia. O foco das ações desse projeto foram as atividades de educação em saúde, nas quais se empregou preferencialmente metodologias ativas de ensino e aprendizagem. A mobilização contou com a participação expressiva da população das mais diversas faixas etárias. O sucesso do projeto ressalta a importância da implantação de programas como o PET-Saúde, que fortalecem a interação entre ensino-serviço-comunidade - importante para construção de serviços de saúde mais qualificados, capazes de inter-relacionar promoção, prevenção e assistência à saúde, possibilitando ações nessa área mais próximas das reais necessidades do SUS. Com esta experiência, espera-se ter contribuído para a formação de graduandos em saúde e qualificação em serviço de profissionais dessa área mais dispostos a trabalhar de forma integrada e integradora com a comunidade.


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Collection : [Physiologies Aubert]


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Back Row: Marsia Antolak (Manager), Marcia Liddycoat, Wendy Krasovev, Violette Lavigne, Elanie Keith, Jean Nairn, Kathy Kirkpatrickm Pat Hueston (Coach) Front Row: Beth Craig, Lee Bartley, Judt Trowbridge, Jeanie Dulewicz, Miriam Ganton


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It is estimated that over 4.4 million people are living in Canada with a reported disability. Due to a number of risk factors associated with potential health concerns and sedentary lifestyles, it is important for people with physical disabilities to lead an active lifestyle. Recreation and leisure pursuits are a great outlet for this to take place. However, in order to gain the long terms benefits of these pursuits one must be committed to an activity. With the use of a collaborative interview method, with the Sport Commitment Model serving as the guiding framework, this study sought to find the underlying factors for continued participation for people with physical disabilities in wheelchair basketball. Through utilizing an interpretive approach it was found that enjoyment, social support, perceived ability and to some extent involvement opportunities, were the main contributors to overall commitment. Criticisms and suggestions for future research are also provided.


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Rapport de recherche