119 resultados para Lauraceae
The composition of the essential oil from leaves of Cryptocarya mandioccana has been determined by chromatographic fractionation and GC-FID, GC-MS and C-13 NMR analyses, yielding the identification of 64 compounds with predominance of isomeric sesquiterpenes with molecular weights of 204. The main components of the oil obtained by hydrodistillation were beta-caryophyllene, spathulenol, caryophyllene oxide, delta-cadinene, germacrene D, benzaldehyde and bicyclogermacrene. However, the oil obtained by steam distillation contained higher levels of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, with predominance of P-caryophyllene (C), germacrene D (G) and bicyclogermacrene (B), and was considered to be more representative of the composition of the oil in its natural state. The intraspecific chemical variability of the essential oil obtained by steam distillation was evaluated within populations of trees growing at three separate locations in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Three distinct chemical groups could be characterised due to differences in the relative percentages of the three main sesquiterpenes from essential oil: CGB [relative contents of C (14-34%), G (5-28%), B (8-15%)], BCG [B (17-34%), C (9-24%), G (12-25%)] and GCB [G (22-42%), C (4-17%), B (7-15%)]. Individuals from groups CGB and BCG were found to be more frequent at south locations while group GCB is predominant in north location. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The chemical composition of leaves of 57 trees of Cryptocarya mandioccana from three populations of southeastern Brazil was investigated through HPLC, assaying six flavonoids, seven styrylpyrones, and seven unidentified compounds. From 51 of the former trees, genotypes were obtained from 40 polymorphic loci of 19 isozymes. Cluster analyses of the phytochemical and genetical variation revealed that trees exhibited four chemotypes and five clusters from isozymes, respectively. Discriminant analyses from selected variables of the isozymic and chemical data sets were performed, respectively, in relation to the four chemotypes and the five isozyme clusters. The classification of individuals presented respective error estimates of 9.16% and 13.57%, indicating that the genetic data could explain the clusters from chernotypes and vice versa at acceptable error levels. Linear regressions with Dummy variable showed significant association of locus Skdh-2 with quercetin-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and cryptofolione, indicating that its alleles would be responsible for the chemotype variation between individuals. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
An HPLC-PAD method has been developed in order to evaluate simultaneously the main secondary metabolites, flavonoid glycosides and styrylpyrones, of leaves of Cryptocarya moschata. The sample preparation, consisting of extraction, liquid-liquid extraction and centrifugation, requires minimum sample manipulation but produces high yields with reproducibility, selectivity and simplicity. HPLC on a C, column presents each class of metabolites grouped and with good resolution of the main compounds. The experimental conditions can be used to study inter- and intra-specific variability of secondary metabolites in Cryptocarya spp. Copyright (c) 2005 John Wiley A Sons, Ltd.
An isolate of Curvularia sp. was obtained from the leaves of Ocotea corymbosa, a native plant of the Brazilian Cerrado. The ethyl acetate extract from culture of this fungus afforded two benzopyran derivatives: (2′S)-2-(propan-2′-ol)-5-hydroxy-benzopyran-4-one (2) and 2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-benzopyran-4,5-diol (4); and two known benzopyrans: 2-methyl-5-methoxy-benzopyran-4-one (1) and (2R)-2,3-dihydro-2-methyl-5-methoxy- benzopyran-4-one (3). The structures of 2 and 4 were established on the basis of comprehensive spectroscopic analysis, mainly using 1D and 2D NMR experiments. The benzopyrans 1 and 2 showed weak in vitro antifungal activity against Cladosporium sphaerospermum and C. cladosporioides. Analyses of the biological activities were also carried out on HeLa (human cervix tumor) and CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells, aiming to evaluate their potential effects on mammalian cell line proliferation. Results from both cell lines indicated that compound 2 was able to induce cell proliferation: 70% on HeLa cells and 25% on CHO cells. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Five South-American species of the genus Ocotea from Bahia, Brazil, are described and illustrated. The new species are Ocotea adamantina, O. rohweri, O. sperata, O. thinicola, and O. vegrandis. Their relationships within the genus are discussed. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2011.
The species of Lauraceae collected by Ludwig Riedel, excluding Ocotea, are commented and contex-tualized according to the different itineraries he travelled in Brazil, from 1821 to 1836, indicating the localities and dates of collections, whenever possible. To complete this work, two diaries of Riedel have been consulted and the information from them cross-checked with the annotations found on specimen labels. An annotated list of 48 entries provides information on the status of species names and their types, currently accepted names, and collections found in different herbaria. Lectotypes for five names, Aydendron verrucosum var. attenuata, Aydendron parviflorum, Mespilodaphne parviflora, Nectandra spicata, and Oreodaphne fasciculata, are designated. The species of Ocotea collected by Riedel will be treated in part II of this series. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2012.
The species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) collected by Ludwig Riedel are commented and contextualized according to the different itineraries he travelled in Brazil, from 1821 to 1836, indicating the localities and dates of collections, whenever possible. To complete this work, two diaries of Riedel have been consulted and the information from them crossed-checked with the annotations found on specimen labels. An annotated list of 44 entries provides information on the status of species names and their types, currently accepted names, and collections found in different herbaria. Lectotypes for 19 names are designated, two new synonyms are proposed, as well as the new combination Ocotea estrellensis (Meisn.) P.L.R. Moraes, based on Oreodaphne estrellensis Meisn. © President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2012.
Endlicheria lhotzkyi is the first time recorded for the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, collected in the municipal district of Sonora, north of the state. Taxonomic comments and an identification key of Endlicheria species from Mato Grosso do Sul is presented. © 2012 Check List and Authors.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background and aims - The collections of Lauraceae in the Van Heurck Herbarium (AWH), which is currently on permanent loan to BR, have remained unknown by most of the specialists and by the general public up until the present. The taxonomic status of its one hundred and forty nine specimens of Lauraceae is here presented.Methods - Standard herbarium taxonomy practices were used in conjunction with the literature available. Specimens from fifty eight different herbaria were studied personally, or by checking their holdings available in the internet, or from digital images received from the curators.Key results - The specimens of Lauraceae from AWH are distributed in twenty four genera and seventy eight species with taxonomic status resolved, excepting for three specimens pertaining to species name of status uncertain (one), or to unresolved determination (two). From them, fifty three specimens are nomenclatural types of any sort, which corroborate the relevance of exsiccates acquired by Van Heurck, even for this relatively small set of specimens for the family. Fifteen lectotypifications and one neotypification of species names are proposed here.
A phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear ITS and plastid trnK intron sequences confirms that Dahlgrenodendron, Sinopora, Triadodaphne, and Yasunia are members of the Cryptocarya group, as expected from morphology. Dahlgrenodendron from South Africa is sister to Aspidostemon from Madagascar. Triadodaphne inaequitepala is nested within Endiandra (both from Australasia), and Yasunia from South America is nested among South American Beilschmiedia species. Sinopora is a member of the Beilschmiedia clade, but its precise position is still uncertain. Among large genera of the group, Cryptocarya is clearly monophyletic, and Endiandra appears to be as well, if T. inaequitepala is included. Beilschmiedia is paraphyletic with respect to (at least) Potameia and Yasunia. Most well-supported clades within genera are geographically homogeneous, except a clade including the Chilean Cryptocarya alba and two New Caledonian species. Both Beilschmiedia and Cryptocarya have reached the Americas more than once. Four-locular anthers are plesiomorphic in the Cryptocarya group; two-locular anthers have arisen by fusion of the two pollen sacs of a theca. In the plesiomorphic fruit type, the ovary is completely enclosed in receptacular tissue; a superior fruit, seated free on its pedicel, is a synapomorphy of the Beilschmiedia clade.
CARL FRIEDRICH PHILIPP VON MARTIUS foi um naturalista alemão que visitou diversas regiões brasileiras, sobretudo a região da Amazônia. Este veio ao Brasil junto com a comitiva da Arquiduquesa Leopoldina da Áustria, que aqui vinha se casar com o Príncipe Herdeiro D. Pedro de Alcântara, futuro Imperador do Brasil. A sua viagem pelo Brasil teve início em 1817, no Rio de Janeiro, e término em 1820, na região amazônica. Estima-se que coletou amostras de cerca de 7.200 espécies de plantas, que foram base para a produção da Flora Brasiliensis, editada inicialmente por ele, com a colaboração e edição póstuma de AUGUST WILHELM EICHLER e IGNATZ URBAN. Esta obra monumental foi publicada entre 1840 e 1906, com a participação dos mais eminentes botânicos europeus da época, que realizaram os tratamentos taxonômicos de 22.767 espécies brasileiras, na maioria angiosperma. O tratamento das Lauraceae ficou a cargo do botânico suíço CARL DANIEL FRIEDRICH MEISSNER. Dentre as espécies de Lauraceae constam 64 táxons com indicação de coletas realizadas por MARTIUS. Tomando-se por referência o tratamento de MEISSNER, bem como as demais opera principes, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a atualização taxonômica das espécies de Lauraceae coletadas por MARTIUS no Brasil. Para tanto, foram verificadas as coleções dos principais herbários europeus e norte americanos, com base na literatura especializada e nos bancos de dados disponíveis. Através de imagens em alta resolução dos espécimes, esses foram confrontados com os protólogos e revisões dos gêneros. Desta forma, os tratamentos das espécies envolvidas foram conduzidos com a verificação do status taxonômico das mesmas, suas sinonímias, nomes atualmente aceitos como corretos, bem como sobre as tipificações relacionadas. Sempre que pertinente, foram feitos comentários sobre as coleções e sobre problemas taxonômicos e nomenclaturais detectados. Com este trabalho...
O presente trabalho analisou os parâmetros genéticos populacionais de variabilidade e diversidade genética de diferentes populações de Ocotea notata (Nees & Mart.) Mez, através de marcadores de DNA do tipo ISSR (Inter Single Sequence Repeats). Para tanto, foram amostrados 243 indivíduos de 12 populações selecionadas na Bahia e Espírito Santo, que ocorrem em campos rupestres e vegetações de restinga, a saber, morfotipos de Ocotea glaucina (Meisn.) Mez: Morro do Chapéu: populações do Tabuleiro dos Guaribas, Ferro Doido, Cria Bode e Lajes; Umburanas; Jacobina; Lençóis: população da Serra das Paridas, e os morfotipos de O. notata, Esplanada: população de Baixios; Salvador: população das Dunas do Abaeté, Alcobaça, Mucuri, e Vila Velha, ES: população de Jacarenema. O DNA total já se encontrava extraído e quantificado em gel de agarose. Foram testados 20 primers de ISSR (University of British Columbia), dos quais quatro apresentaram resultados adequados para as análises, a saber: Manny, Mao, John e UBC 844. A otimização dos protocolos de reações de PCR foi feita no Laboratório de Evolução Molecular, da UNESP de Rio Claro, com a execução das reações de PCR para cada um dos primers, para cada população, e subsequentemente foram feitas as análises dos resultados sob o arcabouço teóricometodológico da genética de populações. A Análise de Variância Molecular (AMOVA) indicou que 23% da variabilidade ocorre entre populações dentro de regiões e 76% entre indivíduos dentro de populações, com variação significativa de 1% ocorrendo entre regiões (populações de Restinga vs. Campos Rupestres)