989 resultados para Latin American history|Law


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The purpose of this article is to examine the causality between government size and corruption, and to verify if there is a different pattern of causality between developed Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries (excluding Mexico) and developing countries (Latin American countries) during the period 1996 to 2003. Applying Granger and Huang`s (1997) methodology we find evidence that size of government Granger causes corruption in both samples. Since a larger government involvement in private markets today will be followed in future by a higher level of corruption a policy advice would be to enhance governance. The promotion of good governance helps to combat corruption given that it complements efforts to reduce corruption more directly, and it is strongly recommended by the International Monetary Fund, other multilateral institutions, and all worried with the negative impacts of corruption on economic activity.


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In order to describe the prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia in a cohort of HIV-infected children and adolescents in Latin America and to determine associations with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), we performed this cross-sectional analysis within the NICHD International Site Development Initiative pediatric cohort study. Eligible children had to be at least 2 years of age and be on HAART. Among the 477 eligible HIV-infected youth, 98 (20.5%) had hypercholesterolemia and 140 (29.4%) had hypertriglyceridemia. In multivariable analyses, children receiving protease inhibitor (PI)-containing HAART were at increased risk for hypercholesterolemia [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2.7, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.3-5.6] and hypertriglyceridemia (AOR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.9-6.4) compared with children receiving non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI)-containing HAART. In conclusion, HIV-infected youth receiving PI-containing HAART in this Latin American cohort were at increased risk for hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia compared with those receiving NNRTI-containing HAART.


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Purpose LATIN is a multinational case-control study designed to identify risk factors for agranulocytosis and to estimate the incidence rate of the disease in some Latin American countries. Methods Each study site in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico conducted an active search of agranulocytosis patients in hematology clinics and looked for possible associations with drug use. Results The overall incidence rate was 0.38 cases per 1 million inhabitant-years. Agranulocytosis patients more often took medications already associated with agranulocytosis than controls (p=0.01), mainly methimazole (OR 44.2, 95% CI 6.8 to infinity). The population attributable risk percentage (etiologic fraction) was 56%. The use of nutrient supplements was more frequent among patients than controls (p=0.03). Conclusions Agranulocytosis seems to be very rare in Latin America. The lower than expected number of cases identified during the study period precluded estimation of the risk associated to individual drugs, with the exception of methimazol. However, this is the longest series of agranulocytosis cases ever gathered in Latin America, and information on drug exposures was collected prospectively. The conclusion is that drug-induced agranulocytosis does not seem to be a major public health problem in the study regions.


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BACKGROUND: Treatment recommendations have been developed for management of patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). METHODS: A 30-item multiple-choice questionnaire was administered to 435 hematologists and oncohematologists in 16 Latin American countries. Physicians self-reported their diagnostic, therapeutic, and disease management strategies. RESULTS: Imatinib is available as initial therapy to 92% of physicians, and 42% of physicians have access to both second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Standard-dose imatinib is the preferred initial therapy for most patients, but 20% would manage a young patient initially with an allogeneic stem cell transplant from a sibling donor, and 10% would only offer hydroxyurea to an elderly patient. Seventy-two percent of responders perform routine cytogenetic analysis for monitoring patients on therapy, and 59% routinely use quantitative polymerase chain reaction. For patients who fail imatinib therapy, 61% would increase the dose of imatinib before considering change to a second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor, except for patients aged 60 years, for whom a switch to a second-generation tyrosine kinase inhibitor was the preferred choice. CONCLUSIONS: The answers to this survey provide insight into the management of patients with CML in Latin America. Some deviations from current recommendations were identified. Understanding the treatment patterns of patients with CML in broad population studies is important to identify needs and improve patient care. Cancer 2010;116:4991-5000. (C) 2070 American Cancer Society.


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Objective To compare the demographic features, presenting manifestations, diagnostic investigations, disease course, and drug therapies of children with juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) followed in Europe and Latin America. Methods Patients were inception cohorts seen between 1980 and 2004 in 27 paediatric rheumatology centres. The following information was collected through the review of patient charts: sex; age at disease onset; date of disease onset and diagnosis; onset type; presenting clinical features; diagnostic investigations; course type; and medications received during disease course. Results Four hundred and ninety patients (65.5% females, mean onset age 7.0 years, mean disease duration 7.7 years) were included. Disease presentation was acute or insidious in 57.1% and 42.9% of the patients, respectively. The course type was monophasic in 41.3% of patients and chronic polycyclic or continuous in 58.6% of patients. The more common presenting manifestations were muscle weakness (84.9%), Gottron`s papules (72.9%), heliotrope rash (62%), and malar rash (56.7%). Overall, the demographic and clinical features of the 2 continental cohorts were comparable. European patients received more frequently high-dose intravenous methylprednisolone, cyclosporine, cyclophosphamide, and azathioprine, while methotrexate and antimalarials medications were used more commonly by Latin American physicians. Conclusion The demographic and clinical characteristics of JDM are similar in European and Latin American patients. We found, however, several differences in the use of medications between European and Latin American paediatric rheumatologists.


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Allergies in Latin America is the first cross-national survey that describes the symptoms, impact, and treatment of nasal allergies (NAs) in individuals >= 4 years old in Latin America (LA). In total, 22,012 households across the Latin American countries of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela were screened for children, adolescents, and adults with a diagnosis of NA and either symptoms or treatment in the past 12 months. A total of 1088 adults and 457 children and adolescents were included and the sample was probability based to ensure valid statistical inference to the population. Approximately 7% of the LA population was diagnosed with NAs with two of three respondents stating that their allergies were seasonal or intermittent in nature. A general practice physician or otolaryngologist diagnosed the majority of individuals surveyed. Nasal congestion was the most common and bothersome symptom of NAs. Sufferers indicated that their symptoms affected productivity and sleep and had a negative impact on quality of life. Two-thirds of patients reported taking some type of medication for their NAs, with a roughly equal percentage of patients reporting taking over-the-counter versus prescription medications. Changing medications was most commonly done in those reporting inadequate efficacy. The most common reasons cited for dissatisfaction with current medications were related to inadequate effectiveness, effectiveness wearing off with chronic use, failure to provide 24-hour relief, and bothersome side effects (e.g., unpleasant taste and retrograde drainage into the esophagus). Findings from this cross-national survey on NAs have confirmed a high prevalence of physician-diagnosed NAs and a considerable negative impact on daily quality of life and work productivity as well as substantial disease management challenges in LA. Through identification of disease impact on the LA population and further defining treatment gaps, clinicians in LA may better understand and treat NAs, thus leading to improvements in overall patient satisfaction and quality of life. (Allergy Asthma Proc 31:S9-S27, 2010; doi: 10.2500/aap.2010.31.3347)


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This article addresses three questions: why there was a surge in regional cooperation projects in Latin America in the last decade; how to characterize the current multi-faceted scenario; and how to make this complexity work. After a review of six theoretical perspectives, an original conceptual approach is proposed: "modular regionalism." This credibly answers the three questions and offers policy recommendations.


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This paper is the first to systematically analyze and compare the structures of city governance and administration for seven major cities in Latin America, four of which are megacities (population of over 10 million), and three others are large national capitals. U.S. and U. K. models of city administration are reviewed as baseline models against which differences in Latin American may be explored. Structures of Government in Latin America show several important features and trends: 1) the lack of metropolitan (cross jurisdictional) authority; 2) the existence of strong mayors and weak councils"; 3) high levels of partisanship; 4) overlapping rather than interlocking bureaucracies; 5) pressures towards the privatization of city services, but continuing tension over the desirability of public versus private control; 6) greater fiscal responsibility and autonomy; and 7), a continuing marginalization of public participation in megacity governance.In spite of these features, many cities throughout the region (regardless of whether they are megacity size or national capitals), are actively intensifying their efforts to develop more effective, accountable and democratic governance structures.


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OBJECTIVE: The results of an evaluative longitudinal study, which identified the effects of health care decentralization on health financing in Mexico, Nicaragua and Peru are presented in this article. METHODS: The methodology had two main phases. In the first, secondary sources of data and documents were analyzed with the following variables: type of decentralization implemented, source of financing, funds for financing, providers, final use of resources, mechanisms for resource allocation. In the second phase, primary data were collected by a survey of key personnel in the health sector. RESULTS: Results of the comparative analysis are presented, showing the changes implemented in the three countries, as well as the strengths and weaknesses of each country in matters of financing and decentralization. CONCLUSIONS: The main financing changes implemented and quantitative trends with respect to the five financing indicators are presented as a methodological tool to implement corrections and adjustments in health financing.


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the relations between the meanings of working and the levels of doctors work well-being in the context of their working conditions. METHOD The research combined the qualitative methodology of textual analysis and the quantitative one of correspondence factor analysis. A convenience, intentional, and stratified sample composed of 305 Spanish and Latin American doctors completed an extensive questionnaire on the topics of the research. RESULTS The general meaning of working for the group located in the quartile of malaise included perceptions of discomfort, frustration, and exhaustion. However, those showing higher levels of well-being, located on the opposite quartile, associated their working experience with good conditions and the development of their professional and personal competences. CONCLUSIONS The study provides empirical evidence of the relationship between contextual factors and the meanings of working for participants with higher levels of malaise, and of the importance granted both to intrinsic and extrinsic factors by those who scored highest on well-being.


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The author presents his personal point of view on the present situation of Chagas' disease control in Latin America countries. He compares the situation with African trypanosomiasis. He comments on the existence of cases in other Continents. He emphazises the success of the fighting against domiciliated triatomine bugs by using residual inseticides. He discusses other forms of Trypanosoma cruzi transmission.


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Mestrado em Finanças


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El presente trabajo se propone estudiar las estrategias implementadas por Juan Perón, durante las dos primeras presidencias, para construir y difundir su modelo de conducción política en América Latina. Si bien en todas las épocas los hombres de Estado han tratado de captar la adhesión a su persona y forma de gobierno, en esta etapa se produce un gran desarrollo de múltiples formas de comunicación, fenómeno en el que confluyen el avance tecnológico y el advenimiento de la sociedad de masas. Nuestra hipótesis es que la capacidad de Perón para conectarse con públicos masivos fue reforzada por la utilización de diferentes técnicas y la creación de organismos para difundir su modelo de conducción política en América Latina durante la gestión 1946-1955, lo cual suscitó reacciones ambivalentes (adhesión-oposición) en los países receptores. A partir de ella centramos nuestro trabajo en dos ejes, a saber: el análisis de las transformaciones graduales que introduce en la diplomacia argentina entre 1946 y 1951 con la creación en primera instancia de las agregadurías obreras y las misiones oficiales con fines de propaganda y posteriormente la Subsecretaría de Prensa y Difusión del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto y la figura del agregado de prensa. Así como también el estudio de las diversas técnicas que utilizó para dar a conocer el "modelo justicialista" en Latinoamérica, tales como la radiofonía, la promoción de competencias deportivas, las publicaciones impresas, el cine y la entrega de donativos y la interacción "cara a cara", delimitando inicialmente este amplio espectro a las producciones escritas. La estrategia de recolección de datos que pondrán a prueba la hipótesis planteada estará dada por la consulta de fuentes primarias y secundarias. Entre las primeras, documentación inédita relevada en archivos nacionales e internacionales, publicaciones oficiales, prensa periódica, opúsculos y memorias de los protagonistas, en tanto las secundarias incluirán la producción historiográfica general sobre el tema y los trabajos teóricos y empíricos sobre comunicación política, producida en los centros académicos.Expuesto el carácter multidimensional del objeto de estudio, tanto en lo referente a contenidos como a las posibles perspectivas de análisis centramos inicialmente nuestro trabajo en dos aspectos, por una parte el análisis de las prácticas institucionales relacionadas con la comunicación política del "modelo Justicialista" y por otra el estudio exploratrorio de las técnicas que se utilizaron para darlo a conocer en Latinoamérica.