972 resultados para Large Subunit Of Nuclear Ribosomal Rna


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The A loop is an essential RNA component of the ribosome peptidyltransferase center that directly interacts with aminoacyl (A)-site tRNA. The A loop is highly conserved and contains a ubiquitous 2′-O-methyl ribose modification at position U2552. Here, we present the solution structure of a modified and unmodified A-loop RNA to define both the A-loop fold and the structural impact of the U2552 modification. Solution data reveal that the A-loop RNA has a compact structure that includes a noncanonical base pair between C2556 and U2552. NMR evidence is presented that the N3 position of C2556 has a shifted pKa and that protonation at C2556-N3 changes the C-U pair geometry. Our data indicate that U2552 methylation modifies the A-loop fold, in particular the dynamics and position of residues C2556 and U2555. We compare our structural data with the structure of the A loop observed in a recent 50S crystal structure [Ban, N., Nissen, P., Hansen, J., Moore, P. B. & Steitz, T. A. (2000) Science 289, 905–920; Nissen, P., Hansen, J., Ban, N., Moore, P. B. & Steitz, T. A. (2000) Science 289, 920–930]. The solution and crystal structures of the A loop are dramatically different, suggesting that a structural rearrangement of the A loop must occur on docking into the peptidyltransferase center. Possible roles of this docking event, the shifted pKa of C2556 and the U2552 2′-O-methylation in the mechanism of translation, are discussed.


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The promoters recognized by sigma 70, the primary sigma of Escherichia coli, consist of two highly conserved hexamers located at -10 and -35 bp from the start point of transcription, separated by a preferred spacing of 17 bp. sigma factors have two distinct DNA binding domains that recognize the two hexamer sequences. However, the component of RNA polymerase recognizing the length of the spacing between hexamers has not been determined. Using an equilibrium DNA binding competition assay, we demonstrate that a polypeptide of sigma 70 carrying both DNA binding domains is very sensitive to promoter spacing, whereas a sigma 70 polypeptide with only one DNA binding domain is not. Furthermore, a mutant sigma, selected for increasing transcription of the minimal lac promoter (18-bp spacer), has an altered response to promoter spacing in vivo and in vitro. Our data support the idea that sigma makes simultaneous, productive contacts at both the -10 and the -35 regions of the promoter and discerns the spacing between these conserved regions.


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Regulatory protein p4 from Bacillus subtilis phage phi 29 represses the strong viral A2c promoter (PA2c) by preventing promoter clearance; it allows RNA polymerase to bind to the promoter and form an initiated complex, but the elongation step is not reached. Protein p4 binds at PA2c immediately upstream from RNA polymerase; repression involves a contact between both proteins that holds the RNA polymerase at the promoter. This contact is held mainly through p4 residue Arg120, which is also required for activation of the phi 29 late A3 promoter. We have investigated which region of RNA polymerase contacts protein p4 at PA2c. Promoter repression was impaired when a reconstituted RNA polymerase lacking the 15 C-terminal residues of the alpha subunit C-terminal domain was used; this polymerase was otherwise competent for transcription. Binding cooperativity assays indicated that protein p4 cannot interact with this mutant RNA polymerase at PA2c. Protein p4 could form a complex at PA2c with purified wild-type alpha subunit, but not with a deletion mutant lacking the 15 C-terminal residues. Our results indicate that protein p4 represses PA2c by interacting with the C-terminal domain of the alpha subunit of RNA polymerase. Therefore, this domain of the alpha subunit can receive regulatory signals not only from transcriptional activators, but from repressors also.


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Regulatory protein p4 from Bacillus subtilis phage phi29 activates transcription from the viral late A3 promoter by stabilizing sigmaA-RNA polymerase at the promoter as a closed complex. Activation requires an interaction between protein p4 and RNA polymerase mediated by the protein p4 carboxyl-end, mainly through residue Arg-120. We have obtained derivatives of B. subtilis RNA polymerase alpha subunit with serial deletions at the carboxyl-end and reconstituted RNA polymerase holoenzymes harboring the mutant alpha subunits. Protein p4 promoted the binding of purified B. subtilis RNA polymerase alpha subunit to the A3 promoter in a cooperative way. Binding was abolished by deletion of the last 15 amino acids of the alpha subunit. Reconstituted RNA polymerases with deletions of 15 to 59 residues at the alpha subunit carboxyl-end could recognize and transcribe viral promoters not activated by protein p4, but they had lost their ability to recognize the A3 promoter in the presence of protein p4. In addition, these mutant reconstituted RNA polymerases could not interact with protein p4. We conclude that protein p4 activation of the viral A3 promoter requires an interaction between the carboxyl-end of protein p4 and the carboxyl-end of the alpha subunit of B. subtilis RNA polymerase that stabilizes the RNA polymerase at the promoter.


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The internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA of 33 species of genus Paeonia (Paeoniaceae) were sequenced. In section Paeonia, different patterns of nucleotide additivity were detected in 14 diploid and tetraploid species at sites that are variable in the other 12 species of the section, suggesting that reticulate evolution has occurred. Phylogenetic relationships of species that do not show additivity, and thus ostensibly were not derived through hybridization, were reconstructed by parsimony analysis. The taxa presumably derived through reticulate evolution were then added to the phylogenetic tree according to additivity from putative parents. The study provides an example of successfully using ITS sequences to reconstruct reticulate evolution in plants and further demonstrates that the sequence data could be highly informative and accurate for detecting hybridization. Maintenance of parental sequences in the species of hybrid origin is likely due to slowing of concerted evolution caused by the long generation time of peonies. The partial and uneven homogenization of parental sequences displayed in nine species of putative hybrid origin may have resulted from gradients of gene conversion. The documented hybridizations may have occurred since the Pleistocene glaciations. The species of hybrid origin and their putative parents are now distantly allopatric. Reconstruction of reticulate evolution with sequence data, therefore, provides gene records for distributional histories of some of the parental species.


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A sensitive assay using biotinylated ubiquitin revealed extensive ubiquitination of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II during incubations of transcription reactions in vitro. Phosphorylation of the repetitive carboxyl-terminal domain of the large subunit was a signal for ubiquitination. Specific inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)-type kinases suppress the ubiquitination reaction. These kinases are components of transcription factors and have been shown to phosphorylate the carboxyl-terminal domain. In both regulation of transcription and DNA repair, phosphorylation of the repetitive carboxyl-terminal domain by kinases might signal degradation of the polymerase.


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The widely conserved omega subunit encoded by rpoZ is the smallest subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase (RNAP) but is dispensable for bacterial growth. Function of omega is known to be substituted by GroEL in omega-null strain, which thus does not exhibit a discernable phenotype. In this work, we report isolation of omega variants whose expression in vivo leads to a dominant lethal phenotype. Studies show that in contrast to omega, which is largely unstructured, omega mutants display substantial acquisition of secondary structure. By detailed study with one of the mutants, omega(6) bearing N60D substitution, the mechanism of lethality has been deciphered. Biochemical analysis reveals that omega(6) binds to beta ` subunit in vitro with greater affinity than that of omega. The reconstituted RNAP holoenzyme in the presence of omega(6) in vitro is defective in transcription initiation. Formation of a faulty RNAP in the presence of mutant omega results in death of the cell. Furthermore, lethality of omega(6) is relieved in cells expressing the rpoC2112 allele encoding beta ` (2112), a variant beta ` bearing Y457S substitution, immediately adjacent to the beta ` catalytic center. Our results suggest that the enhanced omega(6)-beta ` interaction may perturb the plasticity of the RNAP active center, implicating a role for omega and its flexible state.


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Background and Aims The systematic position of the genus Metagentiana and its phylogenetic relationships with Crawfurdia, Gentiana and Tripterospermum have not been explicitly addressed. These four genera belong to one of two subtribes (Gentianinae) of Gentianeae. The aim of this paper is to examine the systematic position of Crawfurdia, Metagentiana and Tripterospermum and to clarify their phylogenetic affinities more clearly using ITS and trnL intron sequences.Methods Nucleotide sequences from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and the plastid DNA trnL (UAA) intron were analysed phylogenetically. Ten of fourteen Metagentiana species were sampled, together with 40 species of other genera in the subtribe Gentianinae.Key Results The data support several previously published conclusions relating to the separation of Metagentiana from Gentiana and its closer relationships to Crawfurdia and Tripterospermum based on studies of gross morphology, floral anatomy, chromosomes, palynology, embryology and previous molecular data. The molecular clock hypothesis for the tested sequences in subtribe Gentianinae was not supported by the data (P < 0.05), so the clock-independent non-parametric rate smoothing method was used to estimate divergence time. This indicates that the separation of Crawfurdia, Metagentiana and Tripterospermum from Gentiana occurred about 11.4-21.4 Mya (million years ago), and the current species of these three genera diverged at times ranging from 0.4 to 6.2 Mya.Conclusions The molecular analyses revealed that Crawfurdia, Metagentiana and Tripterospermum do not merit status as three separate genera, because sampled species of Crawfurdia and Tripterospermum are embedded within Metagentiana. The speciation and rapid radiation of these three genera is likely to have occurred in western China as a result of upthrust of the Himalayas during the late Miocene and the Pleistocene.


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Targeted gene replacement in plastids was used to explore whether the rbcL gene that codes for the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, the key enzyme of photosynthetic CO2 fixation, might be replaced with altered forms of the gene. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants were transformed with plastid DNA that contained the rbcL gene from either sunflower (Helianthus annuus) or the cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC6301, along with a selectable marker. Three stable lines of transformants were regenerated that had altered rbcL genes. Those containing the rbcL gene for cyanobacterial ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase produced mRNA but no large subunit protein or enzyme activity. Those tobacco plants expressing the sunflower large subunit synthesized a catalytically active hybrid form of the enzyme composed of sunflower large subunits and tobacco small subunits. A third line expressed a chimeric sunflower/tobacco large subunit arising from homologous recombination within the rbcL gene that had properties similar to the hybrid enzyme. This study demonstrated the feasibility of using a binary system in which different forms of the rbcL gene are constructed in a bacterial host and then introduced into a vector for homologous recombination in transformed chloroplasts to produce an active, chimeric enzyme in vivo.


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Trichinella nematodes are the causative agent of trichinellosis, a meat-borne zoonosis acquired by consuming undercooked, infected meat. Although most human infections are sourced from the domestic environment, the majority of Trichinella parasites circulate in the natural environment in carnivorous and scavenging wildlife. Surveillance using reliable and accurate diagnostic tools to detect Trichinella parasites in wildlife hosts is necessary to evaluate the prevalence and risk of transmission from wildlife to humans. Real-time PCR assays have previously been developed for the detection of European Trichinella species in commercial pork and wild fox muscle samples. We have expanded on the use of real-time PCR in Trichinella detection by developing an improved extraction method and SYBR green assay that detects all known Trichinella species in muscle samples from a greater variety of wildlife. We simulated low-level Trichinella infections in wild pig, fox, saltwater crocodile, wild cat and a native Australian marsupial using Trichinella pseudospiralis or Trichinella papuae ethanol-fixed larvae. Trichinella-specific primers targeted a conserved region of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA and were tested for specificity against host and other parasite genomic DNAs. The analytical sensitivity of the assay was at least 100 fg using pure genomic T. pseudospiralis DNA serially diluted in water. The diagnostic sensitivity of the assay was evaluated by spiking log of each host muscle with T. pseudospiralis or T. papuae larvae at representative infections of 1.0, 0.5 and 0.1 larvae per gram, and shown to detect larvae at the lowest infection rate. A field sample evaluation on naturally infected muscle samples of wild pigs and Tasmanian devils showed complete agreement with the EU reference artificial digestion method (k-value = 1.00). Positive amplification of mouse tissue experimentally infected with T. spiralis indicated the assay could also be used on encapsulated species in situ. This real-time PCR assay offers an alternative highly specific and sensitive diagnostic method for use in Trichinella wildlife surveillance and could be adapted to wildlife hosts of any region. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We comparatively examined the nutritional, molecular and optical and electron microscopical characteristics of reference species and new isolates of trypanosomatids harboring bacterial endosymbionts. Sequencing of the V7V8 region of the small subunit of the ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene distinguished six major genotypes among the 13 isolates examined. The entire sequences of the SSU rRNA and glycosomal glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) genes were obtained for phylogenetic analyses. In the resulting phylogenetic trees, the symbiont-harboring species clustered as a major clade comprising two subclades that corresponded to the proposed genera Angomonas and Strigomonas. The genus Angomonas comprised 10 flagellates including former Crithidia deanei and C. desouzai plus a new species. The genus Strigomonas included former Crithidia oncopelti and Blastocrithidia cuiicis plus a new species. Sequences from the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) and size polymorphism of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA) minicircles revealed considerable genetic heterogeneity within the genera Angomonas and Strigomonas. Phylogenetic analyses based on 16S rDNA and ITS rDNA sequences demonstrated that all of the endosymbionts belonged to the Betaproteobacteria and revealed three new species. The congruence of the phylogenetic trees of trypanosomatids and their symbionts support a co-divergent host-symbiont evolutionary history. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Abstract Background Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis infection in man results in a clinical spectrum of disease manifestations ranging from cutaneous to mucosal or visceral involvement. In the present study, we have investigated the genetic variability of 18 L. amazonensis strains isolated in northeastern Brazil from patients with different clinical manifestations of leishmaniasis. Parasite DNA was analyzed by sequencing of the ITS flanking the 5.8 S subunit of the ribosomal RNA genes, by RAPD and SSR-PCR and by PFGE followed by hybridization with gene-specific probes. Results ITS sequencing and PCR-based methods revealed genetic heterogeneity among the L. amazonensis isolates examined and molecular karyotyping also showed variation in the chromosome size of different isolates. Unrooted genetic trees separated strains into different groups. Conclusion These results indicate that L. amazonensis strains isolated from leishmaniasis patients from northeastern Brazil are genetically diverse, however, no correlation between genetic polymorphism and phenotype were found.


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SET domain protein lysine methyltransferases (PKMT) are a structurally unique class of enzymes that catalyze the specific methylation of lysine residues in a number of different substrates. Especially histone-specific SET domain PKMTs have received widespread attention because of their roles in the regulation of epigenetic gene expression and the development of some cancers. Rubisco large subunit methyltransferase (RLSMT) is a chloroplast-localized SET domain PKMT responsible for the formation of trimethyl-lysine-14 in the large subunit of Rubisco, an essential photosynthetic enzyme. Here, we have used cryoelectron microscopy to produce an 11-A density map of the Rubisco-RLSMT complex. The atomic model of the complex, obtained by fitting crystal structures of Rubisco and RLSMT into the density map, shows that the extensive contact regions between the 2 proteins are mainly mediated by hydrophobic residues and leucine-rich repeats. It further provides insights into potential conformational changes that may occur during substrate binding and catalysis. This study presents the first structural analysis of a SET domain PKMT in complex with its intact polypeptide substrate.