973 resultados para Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881.
Letters and documents of Philippson-Gottschalk family, primarily famly affairs.
Post-release survival of line-caught pearl perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) was assessed via field experiments where fish were angled using methods similar to those used by commercial, recreational and charter fishers. One hundred and eighty-three individuals were caught during four experiments, of which >91% survived up to three days post-capture. Hook location was found to be the best predictor of survival, with the survival of throat- or stomach-hooked pearl perch significantly (P < 0.05) lower than those hooked in either the mouth or lip. Post-release survival was similar for both legal (≥35 cm) and sub-legal (<35 cm) pearl perch, while those individuals showing no signs of barotrauma were more likely to survive in the short term. Examination of the swim bladders in the laboratory, combined with observations in the field, revealed that swim bladders rupture during ascent from depth allowing swim bladder gases to escape into the gut cavity. As angled fish approach the surface, the alimentary tract ruptures near the anus allowing swim bladder gases to escape the gut cavity. As a result, very few pearl perch exhibit barotrauma symptoms and no barotrauma mitigation strategies were recommended. The results of this study show that pearl perch are relatively resilient to catch-and-release suggesting that post-release mortality would not contribute significantly to total fishing mortality. We recommend the use of circle hooks, fished actively on tight lines, combined with minimal handling in order to maximise the post-release survival of pearl perch.
Summary: This research represents the first age-based demographic assessment of pearl perch, Glaucosoma scapulare (Ramsay, 1881), a highly valued species endemic to coastal waters off central eastern Australia. The study was conducted across the species' distribution that encompasses two state jurisdictions (Queensland in the north and New South Wales in the south) using data collected approximately 10 years apart in each state. Estimates of age were made by counting annuli (validated using marginal increment ratios) in sectioned sagittal otoliths. The maximum estimated age was 19 years. Pearl perch attained approx. 12 cm fork length (FL) after one year, 21 cm FL after 2 years and 29 cm FL after 3 years. Fish from the southern end of the species' distribution grew significantly more slowly than those from the northern part of its range. Commercial landings in the north were characterized by greater proportions of larger (>40 cm FL) and older (>6 years) fish than those in the south, with landings mainly of fish between 3 and 6 years of age. The observed variations in age-based demographics of pearl perch highlight the need for a better understanding of patterns of movement and reproduction in developing a model of population dynamics and life-history for this important species. There is a clear need for further, concurrent, age-based studies on pearl perch in the northern and southern parts of its distribution to support the conclusions of the present study based on data collected a decade apart. © 2013 Blackwell Verlag GmbH.
Contains printed copies of the 1860 constitution and by-laws, copies of proceedings and annual reports, 1859-1877, of the Board of Delegates; report on Jews in Roumania, an 1874 annual report of the Hebrew Benevolent and Orphan Asylum Society, manuscript minute books and minutes of meetings, 1859-1876, resolutions, executive, financial, ritual slaughtering and other special committee reports, newspaper clippings and correspondence with synagogues and organizations in the U.S. who constitute the membership of the Board of Delegates, with the Union of American Hebrew Congregations with whom they later merged, the Union's Board of Delegates of Civil and Religious Rights, and with individuals and organizations in foreign countries including the Alliance Israelite Universelle, the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Committee for the Roumanian Jews (Berlin), the Koenigsberg Committee, and the London Roumanian Committee.
Marriage contract; testament; Schutzbrief.
Post-release survival of line-caught pearl perch (Glaucosoma scapulare) was assessed via field experiments where fish were angled using methods similar to those used by commercial, recreational and charter fishers. One hundred and eighty-three individuals were caught during four experiments, of which >91 survived up to three days post-capture. Hook location was found to be the best predictor of survival, with the survival of throat- or stomach-hooked pearl perch significantly (P < 0.05) lower than those hooked in either the mouth or lip. Post-release survival was similar for both legal (≥35 cm) and sub-legal (<35 cm) pearl perch, while those individuals showing no signs of barotrauma were more likely to survive in the short term. Examination of the swim bladders in the laboratory, combined with observations in the field, revealed that swim bladders rupture during ascent from depth allowing swim bladder gases to escape into the gut cavity. As angled fish approach the surface, the alimentary tract ruptures near the anus allowing swim bladder gases to escape the gut cavity. As a result, very few pearl perch exhibit barotrauma symptoms and no barotrauma mitigation strategies were recommended. The results of this study show that pearl perch are relatively resilient to catch-and-release suggesting that post-release mortality would not contribute significantly to total fishing mortality. We recommend the use of circle hooks, fished actively on tight lines, combined with minimal handling in order to maximise the post-release survival of pearl perch.
Bound photocopies of various documents, describing the estate of Solomon Abt in the town of Melsungen in Hesse, Germany. Included are the copies of a marriage contract between Solomon Abt and Vogel Tebler; extensive lists of all of Solomon Abt’s possession when he died in 1829; correspondence of his heirs and the guardians of his children, as well as various court documents.
Curriculum vitae, program for memorial for Herbert Dorn; clippings on Dorn exhibition.
A brochure, listing all members of the order, 1842-1983. A typescript adds members until 1985 and lists Jewish members, 1842-1981.
In this letter, we submit our comment on the following recently published papers by Kalidas Das: (1) ``Influence of chemical reaction and viscous dissipation on MHD mixed convection flow,'' Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (5) (2014) 1881-1885; and (2) ``Cu-water nanofluid flow and heat transfer over a shrinking sheet,'' Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28 (12) (2014) 5089-5094. The authors attempt to present the similarity solutions in both papers. We comment that the similarity transformations considered in Refs. 1, 2] are incorrect. Thus, the results presented by Kalidas Das lead to invalid conclusions.
José Antonio Marinho nasceu em Minas Gerais, em 1803, e morreu no Rio de Janeiro, em 1853. Em 1823, de passagem pela Bahia, envolveu-se nas lutas políticas daquele ano. Seguiu depois para Pernambuco, onde tomou parte, em 1824, na Confederação do Equador. Entrou para o Seminário de Olinda, mas denúncias de sua participação nos acontecimentos de 1824 impediram sua ordenação. Voltou, então, para Minas Gerais e conseguiu concluir sua formação sacerdotal. Ordenado em 1829, voltou às lides políticas, tornando-se advogado, jornalista e deputado provincial. Em 1836m elegeu-se deputado-geral por Minas Gerais, em 1842, tomou parte na Revolução Liberal, da qual foi primeiro historiador. Apesar de ter participado dos acontecimentos que historiou, tendo sido, por isso, acusado de parcial, o autor primou “pela verdade da exposição dos fatos”, como disse o Barão Homem de Melo. Com a autoridade de historiador da Revolução Liberal de 1842, Aluísio de Almeida afirmou que, sem a Historia do movimento politico, que no anno de 1842 teve lugar na Provincia de Minas Geraes, seria impossível escrever sobre aquele movimento. Obra rara, valorizada por treze litografias, que Aluísio de Almeida considera, com razão, “preciosas” : nove retratos, quatro vistas e uma planta, estas desdobradas. As litografias do primeiro volume se constituem de retratos do autor e de J. Feliciano, J. P. Dias de Carvalho e T. B. Ottoni, vistas da Praça de Barbacena, da Vila de Queluz e do Arraial da Lagoa Santa e planta do Arraial de Santa Luzia e suas imediações; e as do segundo volume de retratos de R. T. d’Aguiar, D.J. C. de Mendonça Franco, J. G. Teixeira de Carvalho, Diogo Antônio Feijó e Manuel Alves Branco e vista de Sabará.
Parte 1 - Decisões
Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo
Inclui relação de deputados, presidentes de provincias, gabinetes de 1872 a 1881
O propósito desta dissertação é analisar o período no qual Almeida Garrett esteve em Bruxelas (1834-1836) como Encarregado de Negócios Estrangeiros e Cônsul Geral de Portugal. Para isso, serão tomadas como base as obras Garrett Memorias Biographicas (1881-1884) de Francisco Gomes de Amorim e A Lua de Bruxelas (2000) de Amadeu Lopes Sabino. Estas obras apresentam as dificuldades financeiras de Garrett, devido ao desprezo do governo português. A biografia é marcada pelo discurso moldado de Amorim, por causa da forte relação de amizade que teve com Garrett, sendo este seu pai literário. Já Sabino apresenta um romance centrado nessa temporada, misturando narrativa histórica, dados biográficos e ficção. Dessa forma, neste trabalho, os discursos serão comparados, explicitando o tom específico de cada um: ambos apresentam as relações do intelectual com o país e com a sociedade, em uma época de grandes mudanças; porém, Amorim guarda um certo verniz e silencia sobre alguns acontecimentos, principalmente relacionados ao casamento de Garrett. Sabino tem, nesse relacionamento com a esposa (Luísa Midosi), o teor do seu romance documentado, se pautando exatamente a partir do que Amorim deixa como enigma