860 resultados para Landsberg League, 1558.
Pro-gradu tutkielmani koskee ammatikseen videopeleissä kilpailevien pelaajien työskentelyolosuhteita. Elektroninen urheilu on viimevuosina kasvanut pienen joukon harrastuksesta varsin tunnetuksi kilpailuiksi ja viihteeksi. Kuten tavanomaisessakin urheilussa, myös e-urheilussa kilpailijat ovat alansa tähtiä ja juuri he vetävät katsojia ruutujen ääreen ja paikanpäälle seuraamaan kilpailua. Kuitenkin e-urheilussa he ovat usein heikoimmassa asemassa, joukkueiden ja kilpailuiden järjestäjien pitäessä lähes kaiken vallan itsellään. Keskityin tutkielmassani avaamaan yhden e-urheilupelin, League of Legendsin, ammattilaissarjojen sääntöjä ja erilaisia sopimuksia joita ammattilaispelaajien on allekirjoitettava ja hyväksyttävä, kaikkia pelaajia koskevista pelin sisäisistä käytössäännöistä, pelin loppukäyttäjän lisenssisopimuksesta ja käyttöehdoista, aina ammattilaiskilpailuiden virallisiin sääntöihin ja pelaajasopimukseen jonka ammattilaispelaajat solmivat Riot Gamesin kanssa. Metodina käytin Michael Hardtin ja Antonio Negrin kehittämää imperiumin käsitettä, jonka avulla avasin sääntöjen ja sopimusten vaikutuksia pelaajiin ja heidän asemaansa. League of Legendsin kehittäjä ja tärkein ammattilaiskilpailuiden järjestäjä, Riot Games, toimii hyvin samalla tavalla kuin Hardtin ja Negrin imperiumi. Sillä on mahdollisuus pelinsä yhteydessä käyttää samanlaisia voimakeinoja (ammattilais)pelaajien hallintaan kuin imperiuminkin; se hallitsee kaikkia peliinsä liittyviä markkinoita; toimii samanaikaisesti sekä ’lakeja’ säätävänä, tutkivana, että tuomitsevana tahona; kykenee vaikuttamaan voimakkaasti siihen, miten ja mitä ammattilaispelaajat voivat peliin liittyen julkisesti kommunikoida; ja voi päättää kuka ylipäätänsä osallistuu ammattilaisjoukkueiden toimintaan millään tavalla. Toisin kuin Hardtin ja Negrin imperiumin väellä, ammattilaispelaajilla ei ole samanlaisia mahdollisuuksia vapautumiseen imperiumin vallan alta, ilman vaikeaa ja kallista taistelua oikeudessa Riot Gamesia vastaan. Jotta ammattilaispelaajien asema paranisi, olisi Riot Gamesin muutettava toimintatapojaan ja luovuttava varsin suuresta osaa vallastaan. Esimerkiksi ottamalla ammattilaispelaajat mukaan sääntöjen kehitykseen ja mahdollistamalla Riot Gamesin päätösten haastamisen, vaikka tavanomaiselle urheilulle tyypillisen vetoomustuomioistuimen kautta.
Contient : Abrégé d'alchimie, intitulé : « Sinesio philosopho » ; « Très beau discours... recueilly par un docte philosophe et tiré de la doctrine d'Isaac... » ; « Table de Raymond Lulle, » et « Extrait de Christophle de Paris. » — « Pour reduire le corail en paste ; P. Durandeau »
The National Lacrosse League (NLL) is floundering. In an attempt to understand why NLL fans attend games and other sport fans do not, the NLL’s Edmonton Rush were studied. To best address the NLL’s attendance woes, two primary research questions were developed: 1) Why do fans of the Oilers and Oil Kings choose not to attend Edmonton Rush games? 2) Why do fans of the Edmonton Rush attend games? To answer these questions an online focus group along with a document analysis of Rush media, and a telephone interview were used to collect data. The data collection methods mentioned above assisted in answering the primary and secondary research questions, which allowed three major themes along with sub-themes to inductively emerge. The nonfans of the Rush do not attend Rush games because of the connection they have with hockey and the disconnection they have with lacrosse, some are simply not interested or were not entertained, as well as the lack of exposure the Rush receive. The Rush fan participants attend Rush games because of Edmonton community pride, the entertainment value they get out of attending a game, it is a great alternative new sport experience and it either is a substitute or a compliment to hockey. Both the nonfan and fan participants of this study believe that different marketing approaches can be utilized in order to attract nonfans to attend games.
The existent body of athletic career retirement literature is scant in studies of career transition programs. In an effort to attend to this analytical gap, the present study set out to examine the transitions of National Hockey League (NHL; ice hockey) alumni, as well as the effect ~and effectiveness of their respective career transition program, the Life After Hockey program. Interviews with 17 NHL/program alumni revealed that quality of transition (to post-playing life) was affected by: the continuity between pre- and postretirement environments; athletic identity; physical/psychological health (particularly with respect to post-concussion syndrome); selective coping strategies (e.g., preretirement planning (e.g., financial planning, continued education), positive reinterpretation, alcohol/substance abuse); and social support. Also affecting quality of transition, and found to be highly effective (particularly in generating new occupational opportunities, assisting in the acquisition of new skills, and providing a system of continuous support), was the Life After Hockey program.
This thesis examines salary structure types (hierarchical or compressed) as predictors of team performance in the National Hockey League (NHL). Additionally, an analysis of goalie statistics is completed in order to determine what, if any, performance measures relate to salary. Data in this research were collected from the 2005-06 season up to the 2010-11 season. Salary inequality/equality (Gini coefficient) was used in a regression analysis to determine if it was an effective predictor of team performance (n = 178) (winning percentage). The results indicated that a hierarchical salary structure increased team performance, although the amount of variability explained was very small. Another regression analysis was completed to determine if any goalie performance measures (n = 245) were effective predictors of individual salary. A regression analysis was employed and indicated that goalie performance measures predicted 19.8% of variance to salary. The only statistical significant variable was games played.
Remarks of Mr. William B. Rankine, secretary of the Canadian Niagara Power Company.
The purpose of this research was to examine the experiences of Canadian Hockey League (CHL) players using a Foucauldian theory-based analysis. Specifically, this thesis contends that power relations between players and CHL hockey authorities need to be critically assessed. The CHL is the world’s leading developmental junior ice hockey league. Comprised of 1,400 hockey players, aged 15–21 years old on 60 teams through three divisions, the CHL is a primary supplier of talent for the National Hockey League. In the last year, several issues surrounding unjust practices within the CHL have been brought to the forefront, indicating that the potential for harassment, abuse, and exploitative practices are heightened in an organization such as the CHL, where profits are extracted from the labour of youth. Ultimately, this study is designed to contribute to both scholarly and public audiences, providing a critical analysis of the welfare of youth in the CHL.
A "Navy League, Keep Watch" pin with a screw-on backing.
This research was conducted to investigate whether negative brand associations attached to Russian hockey players impact their draft rankings during the National Hockey League (NHL) Entry Draft. A quantitative analysis based on various regression model specifications was used to test whether Russian players were drafted relatively equally to their counterparts in the NHL Entry Draft. The data consisted of the NHL draft picks between 1993 and 2013 and their performance statistics and physical characteristics. The results suggested that Russian players were drafted relatively equal to their counterparts from other countries. Meanwhile, Russian players who played in the CHL before the draft are actually drafted better than Canadians who played in the same league. Hence, the negative brand associations attached to Russians were unlikely to impact their draft rankings. This study redefined the so-called “Russian Factor” from a notion that allegedly damages Russian players’ rankings to one that enhances their rankings.
Clasificación de la epilepsia. Basada en la ILAE, descripción semiologica y hallazgos electroencefalograficos.
La ley 1480 de 2011 conocida también como Estatuto del Consumidor, es una norma creada para proteger en la mayor medida posible a los consumidores en Colombia en todos los sectores de la economía nacional, como regla general. A pesar de esto, fue expedida la Ley 1558 de 2011 que busca reformar la Ley del Turismo, la cual dispone que en materia de servicios de transporte aéreo, el Estatuto del Consumidor se encuentra excluido. En consecuencia los consumidores de este sector económico se encuentran protegidos exclusivamente por las normas especiales que menciona dicha ley, las cuales al ser analizadas y confrontadas con las disposiciones del Estatuto del Consumidor, se evidencia una precariedad en los derechos de protección que otorga la ley especial frente a la ley general. Por lo tanto se concluye que los usuarios de los servicios de transporta aéreo se encuentran desprotegidos en sus derechos como consumidores, al ser la norma especial significativamente menos proteccionista que la norma general. La Tesis de grado analiza la situación descrita, haciendo un análisis comparativo del régimen especial que busca proteger a los usuarios de servicios de transporte aéreo, con la norma general que aplica para el resto de consumidores en Colombia; Ley 1480 de 2011. Así mismo realiza un examen de constitucionalidad de la norma especial, para determinar la violación de las disposiciones Constitucionales, que la ley 1558 de 2012 causa, especialmente respecto del derecho a la igualdad y al derecho a la protección de los consumidores de el sector económico en mención.