829 resultados para Laminated Composite
Abstract. This thesis presents a discussion on a few specific topics regarding the low velocity impact behaviour of laminated composites. These topics were chosen because of their significance as well as the relatively limited attention received so far by the scientific community. The first issue considered is the comparison between the effects induced by a low velocity impact and by a quasi-static indentation experimental test. An analysis of both test conditions is presented, based on the results of experiments carried out on carbon fibre laminates and on numerical computations by a finite element model. It is shown that both quasi-static and dynamic tests led to qualitatively similar failure patterns; three characteristic contact force thresholds, corresponding to the main steps of damage progression, were identified and found to be equal for impact and indentation. On the other hand, an equal energy absorption resulted in a larger delaminated area in quasi-static than in dynamic tests, while the maximum displacement of the impactor (or indentor) was higher in the case of impact, suggesting a probably more severe fibre damage than in indentation. Secondly, the effect of different specimen dimensions and boundary conditions on its impact response was examined. Experimental testing showed that the relationships of delaminated area with two significant impact parameters, the absorbed energy and the maximum contact force, did not depend on the in-plane dimensions and on the support condition of the coupons. The possibility of predicting, by means of a simplified numerical computation, the occurrence of delaminations during a specific impact event is also discussed. A study about the compressive behaviour of impact damaged laminates is also presented. Unlike most of the contributions available about this subject, the results of compression after impact tests on thin laminates are described in which the global specimen buckling was not prevented. Two different quasi-isotropic stacking sequences, as well as two specimen geometries, were considered. It is shown that in the case of rectangular coupons the lay-up can significantly affect the damage induced by impact. Different buckling shapes were observed in laminates with different stacking sequences, in agreement with the results of numerical analysis. In addition, the experiments showed that impact damage can alter the buckling mode of the laminates in certain situations, whereas it did not affect the compressive strength in every case, depending on the buckling shape. Some considerations about the significance of the test method employed are also proposed. Finally, a comprehensive study is presented regarding the influence of pre-existing in-plane loads on the impact response of laminates. Impact events in several conditions, including both tensile and compressive preloads, both uniaxial and biaxial, were analysed by means of numerical finite element simulations; the case of laminates impacted in postbuckling conditions was also considered. The study focused on how the effect of preload varies with the span-to-thickness ratio of the specimen, which was found to be a key parameter. It is shown that a tensile preload has the strongest effect on the peak stresses at low span-to-thickness ratios, leading to a reduction of the minimum impact energy required to initiate damage, whereas this effect tends to disappear as the span-to-thickness ratio increases. On the other hand, a compression preload exhibits the most detrimental effects at medium span-to-thickness ratios, at which the laminate compressive strength and the critical instability load are close to each other, while the influence of preload can be negligible for thin plates or even beneficial for very thick plates. The possibility to obtain a better explanation of the experimental results described in the literature, in view of the present findings, is highlighted. Throughout the thesis the capabilities and limitations of the finite element model, which was implemented in an in-house program, are discussed. The program did not include any damage model of the material. It is shown that, although this kind of analysis can yield accurate results as long as damage has little effect on the overall mechanical properties of a laminate, it can be helpful in explaining some phenomena and also in distinguishing between what can be modelled without taking into account the material degradation and what requires an appropriate simulation of damage. Sommario. Questa tesi presenta una discussione su alcune tematiche specifiche riguardanti il comportamento dei compositi laminati soggetti ad impatto a bassa velocità. Tali tematiche sono state scelte per la loro importanza, oltre che per l’attenzione relativamente limitata ricevuta finora dalla comunità scientifica. La prima delle problematiche considerate è il confronto fra gli effetti prodotti da una prova sperimentale di impatto a bassa velocità e da una prova di indentazione quasi statica. Viene presentata un’analisi di entrambe le condizioni di prova, basata sui risultati di esperimenti condotti su laminati in fibra di carbonio e su calcoli numerici svolti con un modello ad elementi finiti. È mostrato che sia le prove quasi statiche sia quelle dinamiche portano a un danneggiamento con caratteristiche qualitativamente simili; tre valori di soglia caratteristici della forza di contatto, corrispondenti alle fasi principali di progressione del danno, sono stati individuati e stimati uguali per impatto e indentazione. D’altro canto lo stesso assorbimento di energia ha portato ad un’area delaminata maggiore nelle prove statiche rispetto a quelle dinamiche, mentre il massimo spostamento dell’impattatore (o indentatore) è risultato maggiore nel caso dell’impatto, indicando la probabilità di un danneggiamento delle fibre più severo rispetto al caso dell’indentazione. In secondo luogo è stato esaminato l’effetto di diverse dimensioni del provino e diverse condizioni al contorno sulla sua risposta all’impatto. Le prove sperimentali hanno mostrato che le relazioni fra l’area delaminata e due parametri di impatto significativi, l’energia assorbita e la massima forza di contatto, non dipendono dalle dimensioni nel piano dei provini e dalle loro condizioni di supporto. Viene anche discussa la possibilità di prevedere, per mezzo di un calcolo numerico semplificato, il verificarsi di delaminazioni durante un determinato caso di impatto. È presentato anche uno studio sul comportamento a compressione di laminati danneggiati da impatto. Diversamente della maggior parte della letteratura disponibile su questo argomento, vengono qui descritti i risultati di prove di compressione dopo impatto su laminati sottili durante le quali l’instabilità elastica globale dei provini non è stata impedita. Sono state considerate due differenti sequenze di laminazione quasi isotrope, oltre a due geometrie per i provini. Viene mostrato come nel caso di provini rettangolari la sequenza di laminazione possa influenzare sensibilmente il danno prodotto dall’impatto. Due diversi tipi di deformate in condizioni di instabilità sono stati osservati per laminati con diversa laminazione, in accordo con i risultati dell’analisi numerica. Gli esperimenti hanno mostrato inoltre che in certe situazioni il danno da impatto può alterare la deformata che il laminato assume in seguito ad instabilità; d’altra parte tale danno non ha sempre influenzato la resistenza a compressione, a seconda della deformata. Vengono proposte anche alcune considerazioni sulla significatività del metodo di prova utilizzato. Infine viene presentato uno studio esaustivo riguardo all’influenza di carichi membranali preesistenti sulla risposta all’impatto dei laminati. Sono stati analizzati con simulazioni numeriche ad elementi finiti casi di impatto in diverse condizioni di precarico, sia di trazione sia di compressione, sia monoassiali sia biassiali; è stato preso in considerazione anche il caso di laminati impattati in condizioni di postbuckling. Lo studio si è concentrato in particolare sulla dipendenza degli effetti del precarico dal rapporto larghezza-spessore del provino, che si è rivelato un parametro fondamentale. Viene illustrato che un precarico di trazione ha l’effetto più marcato sulle massime tensioni per bassi rapporti larghezza-spessore, portando ad una riduzione della minima energia di impatto necessaria per innescare il danneggiamento, mentre questo effetto tende a scomparire all’aumentare di tale rapporto. Il precarico di compressione evidenzia invece gli effetti più deleteri a rapporti larghezza-spessore intermedi, ai quali la resistenza a compressione del laminato e il suo carico critico di instabilità sono paragonabili, mentre l’influenza del precarico può essere trascurabile per piastre sottili o addirittura benefica per piastre molto spesse. Viene evidenziata la possibilità di trovare una spiegazione più soddisfacente dei risultati sperimentali riportati in letteratura, alla luce del presente contributo. Nel corso della tesi vengono anche discussi le potenzialità ed i limiti del modello ad elementi finiti utilizzato, che è stato implementato in un programma scritto in proprio. Il programma non comprende alcuna modellazione del danneggiamento del materiale. Viene però spiegato come, nonostante questo tipo di analisi possa portare a risultati accurati soltanto finché il danno ha scarsi effetti sulle proprietà meccaniche d’insieme del laminato, esso possa essere utile per spiegare alcuni fenomeni, oltre che per distinguere fra ciò che si può riprodurre senza tenere conto del degrado del materiale e ciò che invece richiede una simulazione adeguata del danneggiamento.
Analysis of individual laminae in Recent sediments from the slopes of the Guaymas Basin indicates an increased abundance of the larger sizes (>60 µm) of Coscinodiscus nodulifer when upwelling conditions persist over the depositional site and an increase of the smaller sizes (<60 µm) when nonupwelling conditions exist. The size distributions of C. nodulifer in 10-cm composite samples from Hole 480 show a greater abundance of the large sizes (>60 µm) associated with well-laminated sections and more of the smaller sizes (<60 µm) in samples from the homogeneous sections. We have tentatively correlated the pronounced homogeneous zones with late Pleistocene glacial periods. These results indicate a persistence of nonupwelling conditions over Hole 480 during glacial periods (homogeneous zones) and a predominance of upwelling conditions during interglacial periods (laminated zones). Other evidence from diatom and silicoflagellate floral analysis seems to support these preliminary conclusions.
The Antarctic Peninsula region is ideally suited to monitor how global change affects Antarctica because it is one of the most sensitive regions of the continent to rapid climate change. This has been clearly demonstrated by the recent break up of the Larsen A Ice Shelf. Drilling at Ocean Drilling Program Site 1098, Palmer Deep, western Antarctic Peninsula, recovered almost 50 m of sediments that record the paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic history of the region from the last glacial maximum through the rapid climate oscillations of deglaciation into the Holocene. This sedimentary section will provide a wealth of high-resolution paleoenvironmental data from Antarctica that will be useful for climate modelers and paleoceanographers alike. This data report presents the preliminary results of a high-resolution, microscale sediment fabric study of the postglacial sediments from Palmer Deep Site 1098. These sediments have previously been described as being annually laminated; however, this investigation shows that although the interpretation of this sequence as seasonal sediments is most likely correct, there are a number of features that indicate there is strong interannual variability affecting the laminations.
El hormigón autocompactante (HAC) es una nueva tipología de hormigón o material compuesto base cemento que se caracteriza por ser capaz de fluir en el interior del encofrado o molde, llenándolo de forma natural, pasando entre las barras de armadura y consolidándose únicamente bajo la acción de su peso propio, sin ayuda de medios de compactación externos, y sin que se produzca segregación de sus componentes. Debido a sus propiedades frescas (capacidad de relleno, capacidad de paso, y resistencia a la segregación), el HAC contribuye de forma significativa a mejorar la calidad de las estructuras así como a abrir nuevos campos de aplicación del hormigón. Por otra parte, la utilidad del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero (HRFA) es hoy en día incuestionable debido a la mejora significativa de sus propiedades mecánicas tales como resistencia a tracción, tenacidad, resistencia al impacto o su capacidad para absorber energía. Comparado con el HRFA, el hormigón autocompactante reforzado con fibras de acero (HACRFA) presenta como ventaja una mayor fluidez y cohesión ofreciendo, además de unas buenas propiedades mecánicas, importantes ventajas en relación con su puesta en obra. El objetivo global de esta tesis doctoral es el desarrollo de nuevas soluciones estructurales utilizando materiales compuestos base cemento autocompactantes reforzados con fibras de acero. La tesis presenta una nueva forma de resolver el problema basándose en el concepto de los materiales gradiente funcionales (MGF) o materiales con función gradiente (MFG) con el fin de distribuir de forma eficiente las fibras en la sección estructural. Para ello, parte del HAC se sustituye por HACRFA formando capas que presentan una transición gradual entre las mismas con el fin de obtener secciones robustas y exentas de tensiones entre capas con el fin de aplicar el concepto “MGF-laminados” a elementos estructurales tales como vigas, columnas, losas, etc. El proceso incluye asimismo el propio método de fabricación que, basado en la tecnología HAC, permite el desarrollo de interfases delgadas y robustas entre capas (1-3 mm) gracias a las propiedades reológicas del material. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos se ha llevado a cabo un amplio programa experimental cuyas etapas principales son las siguientes: • Definir y desarrollar un método de diseño que permita caracterizar de forma adecuada las propiedades mecánicas de la “interfase”. Esta primera fase experimental incluye: o las consideraciones generales del propio método de fabricación basado en el concepto de fabricación de materiales gradiente funcionales denominado “reología y gravedad”, o las consideraciones específicas del método de caracterización, o la caracterización de la “interfase”. • Estudiar el comportamiento mecánico sobre elementos estructurales, utilizando distintas configuraciones de MGF-laminado frente a acciones tanto estáticas como dinámicas con el fin de comprobar la viabilidad del material para ser usado en elementos estructurales tales como vigas, placas, pilares, etc. Los resultados indican la viabilidad de la metodología de fabricación adoptada, así como, las ventajas tanto estructurales como en reducción de costes de las soluciones laminadas propuestas. Es importante destacar la mejora en términos de resistencia a flexión, compresión o impacto del hormigón autocompactante gradiente funcional en comparación con soluciones de HACRFA monolíticos inclusos con un volumen neto de fibras (Vf) doble o superior. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an important advance in the concrete technology in the last decades. It is a new type of high performance concrete with the ability of flowing under its own weight and without the need of vibrations. Due to its specific fresh or rheological properties, such as filling ability, passing ability and segregation resistance, SCC may contribute to a significant improvement of the quality of concrete structures and open up new field for the application of concrete. On the other hand, the usefulness of steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SFRC) in civil engineering applications is unquestionable. SFRC can improve significantly the hardened mechanical properties such as tensile strength, impact resistance, toughness and energy absorption capacity. Compared to SFRC, self-compacting steel fibre-reinforced concrete (SCSFRC) is a relatively new type of concrete with high flowability and good cohesiveness. SCSFRC offers very attractive economical and technical benefits thanks to SCC rheological properties, which can be further extended, when combined with SFRC for improving their mechanical characteristics. However, for the different concrete structural elements, a single concrete mix is selected without an attempt to adapt the diverse fibre-reinforced concretes to the stress-strain sectional properly. This thesis focused on the development of high performance cement-based structural composites made of SCC with and without steel fibres, and their applications for enhanced mechanical properties in front of different types of load and pattern configurations. It presents a new direction for tackling the mechanical problem. The approach adopted is based on the concept of functionally graded cementitious composite (FGCC) where part of the plain SCC is strategically replaced by SCSFRC in order to obtain laminated functionally graded self-compacting cementitious composites, laminated-FGSCC, in single structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The approach also involves a most suitable casting method, which uses SCC technology to eliminate the potential sharp interlayer while easily forming a robust and regular reproducible graded interlayer of 1-3 mm by controlling the rheology of the mixes and using gravity at the same time to encourage the use of the powerful concept for designing more performance suitable and cost-efficient structural systems. To reach the challenging aim, a wide experimental programme has been carried out involving two main steps: • The definition and development of a novel methodology designed for the characterization of the main parameter associated to the interface- or laminated-FGSCC solutions: the graded interlayer. Work of this first part includes: o the design considerations of the innovative (in the field of concrete) production method based on “rheology and gravity” for producing FG-SCSFRC or as named in the thesis FGSCC, casting process and elements, o the design of a specific testing methodology, o the characterization of the interface-FGSCC by using the so designed testing methodology. • The characterization of the different medium size FGSCC samples under different static and dynamic loads patterns for exploring their possibilities to be used for structural elements as beams, columns, slabs, etc. The results revealed the efficiency of the manufacturing methodology, which allow creating robust structural sections, as well as the feasibility and cost effectiveness of the proposed FGSCC solutions for different structural uses. It is noticeable to say the improvement in terms of flexural, compressive or impact loads’ responses of the different FGSCC in front of equal strength class SCSFRC bulk elements with at least the double of overall net fibre volume fraction (Vf).
Continuous sediment color records with a resolution of one measurement per millimeter were generated for Site 1098 (Palmer Deep, Antarctic Peninsula) from digital images of the core surfaces to test if the laminated intervals at this site will allow for analysis of high-frequency climate variability in the Circum-Antarctic. Long-term variation in color values correlates with gamma-ray attenuation bulk density. Darker colors are found in laminated intervals with lower bulk density, high biogenic silica, and high total organic carbon content. Darker color values result from the addition of dark laminae to background sediments that show little variation in color. The thicknesses of dark and light laminae were measured in the top 25 meters composite depth to determine the temporal resolution of the laminae. The alternation between dark, biogenic-rich laminae and background sediment essentially represents an annual cycle, but the sediment is not consistently varved. The modal thickness of light laminae is close to the long-term average annual accumulation rate, and results indicate that approximately half of the dark/light couplets in distinctly laminated intervals represent a single year. Missing biogenic laminae are interpreted to represent reduced primary productivity during cold years with delayed breakup of the sea-ice cover.
"Materials Central, Contract No. AF 33(616)-5912, Project No. 7351."
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This thesis investigates the mechanisms that lead to pole tip recession (PTR) in laminated magnetic recording heads (also known as "sandwich heads"). These heads provide a platform for the utilisation of advanced soft magnetic thin films in practical recording heads suitable for high frequency helical scan tape recording systems. PTR results from a differential wear of the magnetic pole piece from the tape-bearing surface of the head. It results in a spacing loss of the playback or read signal of 54.6dB per recording wavelength separation of the poles from the tape. PTR depends on the material combination used in the head, on the tape type and the climate - temperature and relative humidity (r.h.). Five head materials were studied: two non-magnetic substrate materials- sintered multi granular CaTi03 and composite CaTi03/ZrTi04/Ti02 and three soft magnetic materials- amorphous CoNbZr, and nanocrystalline FeNbSiN and FeTaN. Single material dummy heads were constructed and their wear rates measured when cycling them in a Hi-8 camcorder against commercially available metal particulate (MP) and metal evaporated (ME) tapes in three different climates: 25°C/20%r.h., 25°C/80%r.h. and 40°C/80%r.h. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was used to examine changes the head surface chemistry. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to examine changes in head and tape surface topography. PTR versus cycling time of laminated heads of CaTi03/ZrTiO4/Ti02 and FeTaN construction was measured using AFM. The principal wear mechanism observed for all head materials was microabrasion caused by the mating body - the tape surface. The variation in wear rate with climate and tape type was due to a variation in severity in this mechanism, except for tape cycling at 40°C in which gross damage was observed to be occurring to the head surface. Two subsidiary wear mechanisms were found: third body scratching (all materials) and grain pullout (both ceramics and FeNbSiN). No chemical wear was observed, though tribochemical reactions were observed on the metal head surfaces. PTR was found to be caused by two mechanisms - the first differential microabrasion of the metal and substrate materials and which was characterised by a low (~10nm) equilibrium value. The second was by deep ploughing by third body debris particles, thought mainly to be grain pullout particles. This level of PTR caused by this mechanism was often more severe, and of a non-equilibrium nature. It was observed more for ME tape, especially at 40°C/80%r.h. and 25°c/20%r.h. Two other phenomena on the laminated head pole piece were observed and commented upon: staining and ripple texturing.
Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) display high specific mechanical properties, allowing the creation of lightweight components and products by metals replacement. To reach outstanding mechanical performances, the use of stiff thermoset matrices, like epoxy, is preferred. Laminated composites are commonly used for their ease of manipulation during object manufacturing. However, the natural anisotropic structure of laminates makes them vulnerable toward delamination. Moreover, epoxy-based CFRPs are very stiff materials, thus showing low damping capacity, which results in unwanted vibrations and structure-borne noise that may contribute to delamination triggering. Hence, searching for systems able to limit these drawbacks is of primary importance for safety reasons, as well as for economic ones. In this experimental thesis, the production and integration of innovative rubbery nanofibrous mats into CFRP laminates are presented. A smart approach, based on single-needle electrospinning of rubber-containing blends, is proposed for producing dimensionally stable rubbery nanofibers without the need for rubber crosslinking. Nano-modified laminates aim at obtaining structural composites with improved delamination resistance and enhanced damping capacity, without significantly lowering other relevant mechanical properties. The possibility of producing nanofibers nano-reinforced with graphene to be applied for reinforcing composite laminates is also investigated. Moreover, the use of piezoelectric nanofibrous mats in hybrid composite laminates for achieving self-sensing capability is presented too as a different approach to prevent the catastrophic consequences of possible structural laminate failure. Finally, an accurate, systematic, and critical study concerning tensile testing of nonwovens, using electrospun Nylon 66 random nanofibrous mats as a case study, is proposed. Nanofibers diameter and specimen geometry were investigated to thoroughly describe the nanomat tensile behaviour, also considering the polymer thermal properties, and the number of nanofibers crossings as a function of the nanofibers diameter. Stress-strain data were also analysed using a phenomenological data fitting model to interpret the tensile behaviour better.
This study investigated the effect of the incorporation of an iodonium salt in experimental composites, on the bond strength of metallic brackets bonded to bovine teeth. Two hundred and seventy bovine teeth were embedded in self-curing acrylic resin and divided into 18 groups (n=15), according to the experimental composite with an iodonium salt at molar concentrations 0 (control), 0.5, or 1%; the light-activation times (8, 20 and 40 s); and the storage times (10 min or 24 h). Metallic brackets were fixed on the tooth surface using experimental composites. Photoactivation was performed with a quartz-tungsten-halogen light-curing unit curing unit for 8, 20 and 40 s. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37 °C for 10 min or 24 h and submitted to bond strength test at 0.5 mm/min. The data were subjected to three-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). The Adhesive Remnant Index (ARI) was used to classify the failure modes. The shear bond strengths (MPa) at 10 min for light-activation times of 8, 20 and 40 s were: G1 - 4.6, 6.9 and 7.1; G2 - 8.1, 9.2 and 9.9; G3 - 9.1, 10.4 and 10.7; and at 24 h were: G1 - 10.9, 11.1 and 11.7; G2 - 11.8, 12.7 and 14.2; G3 - 12.1, 14.4 and 15.8. There was a predominance of ARI score 3 for groups with 10 min storage time, and ARI score 2 for groups with 24 h storage time. In conclusion, the addition of iodonium salt (C05 and C1) to the experimental composite may increase the bond strength of brackets to bovine enamel using reduced light exposure times.
To evaluate the influence of light-activation of second, third and fourth increments on degree of conversion (DC) and microhardness (KHN) of the top (T) and bottom (B) surface of the first increment. Forty samples (n = 5) were prepared. In groups 1-4, after each increment light-activation (multiple irradiation), T and B of the first increment were measured in DC and KHN. In groups 5-8, only the first increment was made (single irradiation) and measurements of DC and KHN were taken at 15 min intervals. The light-activation modes were (XL) 500 mW/cm(2) × 38 s (G1/G5); (S) 1000 mW/cm(2) × 19 s (G2/G6), (HP) 1400 mW/cm(2) × 14 s (G3/G7); (PE) 3200 mW/cm(2) × 6 s (G4/G8). Data for DC and KHN were analyzed separately by using PROC MIXED for repeated measures and Tukey-Kramer test (α = 0.05). For KHN, B showed lower values than T. PE resulted in lower values of KHN in B surface. For single and multiple irradiations, T and B of first measurement showed the lowest KHN and the fourth measurement showed the highest, with significant difference between them. For single irradiation, first and second increments presented similar KHN, different from the third and fourth increment, which did not differ between them. For multiple irradiations, the second light-activation resulted in KHN similar to first, third and fourth increments. For DC, except QTH, T presented higher DC than B. The light-activation of successive increments was not able to influence the KHN and DC of the first increment.
This study evaluated the fracture resistance of weakened roots restored with glass fiber posts, composite resin cores and complete metal crowns. Thirty maxillary canines were randomly divided into 3 groups of 10 teeth each: teeth without weakened roots (control); teeth with partially weakened roots (PWR) and teeth with and largely weakened roots (LWR). The control group was restored with glass fiber posts and a composite resin core. Teeth in the PWR and LWR groups were flared internally to standardized dimensions in order to simulate root weakness. Thereafter, the roots were partially filled with composite resin and restored in the same way as in the control group. The specimens were exposed to 250,000 cycles in a controlled chewing simulator. All intact specimens were subjected to a static load (N) in a universal testing machine at 45 degrees to the long axis of the tooth until failure. Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett's test for multiple comparisons (p=0.05). There were statistically significant difference differences (p<0.01) among the groups (control group = 566.73 N; PWR = 409.64 N; and LWR = 410.91 N), with significantly higher fracture strength for the control group. There was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) between the weakened groups. The results of this study showed that thicker root dentin walls significantly increase the fracture resistance of endodontically treated teeth.
This in vitro study evaluated the cytotoxicity of an experimental restorative composite resin subjected to different light-curing regimens. METHODS: Forty round-shaped specimens were prepared and randomly assigned to four experimental groups (n=10), as follows: in Group 1, no light-curing; in Groups 2, 3 and 4, the composite resin specimens were light-cured for 20, 40 or 60 s, respectively. In Group 5, filter paper discs soaked in 5 µL PBS were used as negative controls. The resin specimens and paper discs were placed in wells of 24-well plates in which the odontoblast-like cells MDPC-23 (30,000 cells/cm²) were plated and incubated in a humidified incubator with 5% CO2 and 95% air at 37ºC for 72 h. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by the cell metabolism (MTT assay) and cell morphology (SEM). The data were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p<0.05). RESULTS: In G1, cell metabolism decreased by 86.2%, indicating a severe cytotoxicity of the non-light-cured composite resin. On the other hand, cell metabolism decreased by only 13.3% and 13.5% in G2 and G3, respectively. No cytotoxic effects were observed in G4 and G5. In G1, only a few round-shaped cells with short processes on their cytoplasmic membrane were observed. In the other experimental groups as well as in control group, a number of spindle-shaped cells with long cytoplasmic processes were found. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the photoactivation time used in the present investigation, the experimental composite resin presented mild to no toxic effects to the odontoblast-like MDPC-23 cells. However, intense cytotoxic effects occurred when no light-curing was performed.
Dentin adhesion procedure presents limitations, especially regarding to lifetime stability of formed hybrid layer. Alternative procedures have been studied in order to improve adhesion to dentin. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate in vitro the influence of deproteinization or dentin tubular occlusion, as well as the combination of both techniques, on microtensile bond strength (µTBS) and marginal microleakage of composite resin restorations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Extracted erupted human third molars were randomly divided into 4 groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with one of the following procedures: (A) 35% phosphoric acid gel (PA) + adhesive system (AS); (B) PA + 10% NaOCl + AS; (C) PA + oxalate + AS and (D) PA + oxalate + 10% NaOCl + AS. Bond strength data were analyzed statistically by two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test. The microleakage scores were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney non-parametric tests. Significance level was set at 0.05 for all analyses. RESULTS: µTBS data presented statistically lower values for groups D and B, ranking data as A>C>B>D. The use of oxalic acid resulted in microleakage reduction along the tooth/restoration interface, being significant when used alone. On the other hand, the use of 10% NaOCl alone or in combination with oxalic acid, resulted in increased microleakage. CONCLUSIONS: Dentin deproteinization with 10% NaOCl or in combination with oxalate significantly compromised both the adhesive bond strength and the microleakage at interface. Tubular occlusion prior to adhesive system application seems to be a useful technique to reduce marginal microleakage.
One of the most important properties of artificial teeth is the abrasion wear resistance, which is determinant in the maintenance of the rehabilitation's occlusal pattern. OBJECTIVES: This in vitro study aims to evaluate the abrasion wear resistance of 7 brands of artificial teeth opposed to two types of antagonists. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven groups were prepared with 12 specimens each (BIOLUX & BL, TRILUX & TR, BLUE DENT & BD, BIOCLER & BC, POSTARIS & PO, ORTHOSIT & OR, GNATHOSTAR & GN), opposed to metallic (M & nickel-chromium alloy), and to composite antagonists (C & Solidex indirect composite). A mechanical loading device was used (240 cycles/min, 4 Hz speed, 10 mm antagonist course). Initial and final contours of each specimen were registered with aid of a profile projector (20x magnification). The linear difference between the two profiles was measured and the registered values were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's test. RESULTS: Regarding the antagonists, only OR (M = 10.45 ± 1.42 µm and C = 2.77 ± 0.69 µm) and BC (M = 6.70 ± 1.37 µm and C = 4.48 ± 0.80 µm) presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Best results were obtained with PO (C = 2.33 ± 0.91 µm and M = 1.78 ± 0.42 µm), followed by BL (C = 3.70 ± 1.32 µm and M = 3.70 ± 0.61 µm), statistically similar for both antagonists (p>0.05). Greater result variance was obtained with OR, which presented the worse results opposed to Ni-Cr (10.45 ± 1.42 µm), and results similar to the best ones against composite (2.77 ± 0.69 µm). CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the antagonist material is a factor of major importance to be considered in the choice of the artificial teeth to be used in the prosthesis.