226 resultados para LYSOSOMES


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The blood cells of the pulmonate snail Biomphalaria tenagophila, an important transmiter of the trematode Schistosoma mansoni in Brazil, were examined by ligth and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two hemocyte types were identified: hyalinocytes and granulocytes. Hyalinocytes are small young (immature), poorly spreading cells, which have a high nucleocytoplasmic ratio and are especially rich in free ribosomes. They do not appear to contain lysosome-like bodies and represent less than 10% of the circulating hemocytes. Granulocytes are larger hemocytes which readily spread on glass surface and which strongly react to the Gomori substrate, indicating the enzyme acid phosphatase usually found in lysosomes. Ultra-structurally, they contain a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes and some some lysosome-like dense bodies. Granulocytes do not exhibit a characteristic granular aspect and the few granules observed in the cytoplasm should correspond to a lysosome system. They were named granulocytes instead of amoebocytes to use the same terminology adopted for Biomphalaria glabrata in order to make easier comparative studies. This is a preface study for more specific investigations on the functional activities of the blood cells of B. tenagophila and their interactions with the trematode parasite.


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Synthetic inhibitor of apoptosis (IAP) antagonists induce degradation of IAP proteins such as cellular IAP1 (cIAP1), activate nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) signaling, and sensitize cells to tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha). The physiological relevance of these discoveries to cIAP1 function remains undetermined. We show that upon ligand binding, the TNF superfamily receptor FN14 recruits a cIAP1-Tnf receptor-associated factor 2 (TRAF2) complex. Unlike IAP antagonists that cause rapid proteasomal degradation of cIAP1, signaling by FN14 promotes the lysosomal degradation of cIAP1-TRAF2 in a cIAP1-dependent manner. TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK)/FN14 signaling nevertheless promotes the same noncanonical NF-kappaB signaling elicited by IAP antagonists and, in sensitive cells, the same autocrine TNFalpha-induced death occurs. TWEAK-induced loss of the cIAP1-TRAF2 complex sensitizes immortalized and minimally passaged tumor cells to TNFalpha-induced death, whereas primary cells remain resistant. Conversely, cIAP1-TRAF2 complex overexpression limits FN14 signaling and protects tumor cells from TWEAK-induced TNFalpha sensitization. Lysosomal degradation of cIAP1-TRAF2 by TWEAK/FN14 therefore critically alters the balance of life/death signals emanating from TNF-R1 in immortalized cells.


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Microautophagy is the direct uptake of soluble or particulate cellular constituents into lysosomes. Here, I describe methods to reconstitute and study this process in vitro, using vacuoles (lysosomes) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as model organelles. Protocols to grow the cells, isolate vacuoles from them, and to induce microautophagy of soluble tracers are presented.


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Epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi attach to the macrophage surface and are internalized with the formation of a membrane bounded vacuole, known as the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). In order to determine if components of the host cell membrane are internalized during formation of the PV we labeled the macrophage surface with fluorescent probes for proteins, lipids and sialic acid residues and then allowed the labeled cells to interact with the parasites. The interaction process was interrupted after 1 hr at 37ºC and the distribution of the probes analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. During attachment of the parasites to the macrophage surface an intense labeling of the attachment regions was observed. Subsequently labeling of the membrane lining the parasitophorous vacuole containing epimastigote and trypomastigote forms was seen. Labeling was not uniform, with regions of intense and light or no labeling. The results obtained show that host cell membrane lipids, proteins and sialoglycoconjugates contribute to the formation of the membrane lining the PV containing epimastigote and trypomastigote T. cruzi forms. Lysosomes of the host cell may participate in the process of PV membrane formation.


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BACKGROUND: The proinflammatory cytokines interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) and IL-18 are central players in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In response to a variety of microbial components and crystalline substances, both cytokines are processed via the caspase-1-activating multiprotein complex, the NLRP3 inflammasome. Here, the role of the NLRP3 inflammasome in experimental colitis induced by dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) was examined. METHODS: IL-1beta production in response to DSS was studied in macrophages of wild-type, caspase-1(-/-), NLRP3(-/-), ASC(-/-), cathepsin B(-/-) or cathepsin L(-/-) mice. Colitis was induced in C57BL/6 and NLRP3(-/-) mice by oral DSS administration. A clinical disease activity score was evaluated daily. Histological colitis severity and expression of cytokines were determined in colonic tissue. RESULTS: Macrophages incubated with DSS in vitro secreted high levels of IL-1beta in a caspase-1-dependent manner. IL-1beta secretion was abrogated in macrophages lacking NLRP3, ASC or caspase-1, indicating that DSS activates caspase-1 via the NLRP3 inflammasome. Moreover, IL-1beta secretion was dependent on phagocytosis, lysosomal maturation, cathepsin B and L, and reactive oxygen species (ROS). After oral administration of DSS, NLRP3(-/-) mice developed a less severe colitis than wild-type mice and produced lower levels of proinflammatory cytokines in colonic tissue. Pharmacological inhibition of caspase-1 with pralnacasan achieved a level of mucosal protection comparable with NLRP3 deficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The NLRP3 inflammasome was identified as a critical mechanism of intestinal inflammation in the DSS colitis model. The NLRP3 inflammasome may serve as a potential target for the development of novel therapeutics for patients with IBD.


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RÉSUMÉ Le système rénine-angiotensine joue un rôle prépondérant dans la régulation de la pression sanguine et de la balance des sels ainsi que dans d'autres processus physiologiques et pathologiques. Lorsque la pression sanguine est trop basse, les cellules juxtaglomérulaires sécrètent la rénine, qui clivera l'angiotensinogène circulant (sécrété majoritairement par le foie) pour libérer l'angiotensine I, qui sera alors transformée en angiotensine II par l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine. Ce système est régulé au niveau de la sécrétion de la rénine par le rein. La rénine est une enzyme de type protéase aspartique. Elle est produite sous la forme d'un précurseur inactif de haut poids moléculaire appelé prorénine, qui peut être transformé en rénine active. Si le rôle de la prorégion de la rénine n'est pas encore connu, plusieurs études ont montré qu'elle pourrait être un auto-inhibiteur. Des travaux menés sur d'autres enzymes protéolytique ont mis en évidence un rôle de chaperon de leurs prorégions. Dans la circulation, la prorénine est majoritaire (90%) et la rénine active ne représente que 10% de la rénine circulante. L'enzyme qui transforme, in vivo, la prorénine en rénine active n'est pas connue. De même, l'endroit précis du clivage n'est pas élucidé. Dans ce travail, nous avons généré plusieurs mutants de la prorénine et les avons exprimés dans deux types cellulaires : les CV1 (modèle constitutif) et AtT-20 (modèle régulé). Nous avons montré que la prorégion joue un rôle important aussi bien dans l'acquisition de l'activité enzymatique que dans la sécrétion de la rénine, mais fonctionne différemment d'un type cellulaire à l'autre. Nous avons montré pour la première fois que la prorégion interagit de façon intermoléculaire à l'intérieur de la cellule. Les expériences de complémentation montre que l'interaction favorable de la rénine avec la prorégion dépend de la taille de cette dernière : prorénine (383 acides aminés) > pro62 (62 acides aminés) > pro43 (43 acides aminés). Par ailleurs nos résultats montrent qu'une faible partie de la rénine est dirigée vers la voie de sécrétion régulée classique tandis que la majorité est dirigée vers les lysosomes. Ceci suggère qu'une internalisation de la rénine circulante via le récepteur mannose-6-phosphate est possible. Cette dernière concernerait essentiellement la prorénine (dont les taux circulants sont 10 fois plus élevés que la rénine active). La suite de ce travail porterait sur la confirmation de cette hypothèse et l'identification de son possible rôle physiologique. SUMMARY The renin-angiotensin system is critical for the control of blood pressure and salt balance and other physiological and pathological processes. When blood pressure is too low, renin is secreted by the juxtaglomerular cells. It will cleave the N-terminus of circulating angiotensinogen (mostly secreted by the liver) to angiotensin-1, which is then transformed in angiotensin-II by the angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE). This system is regulated at the level of renin release. Renin, an aspartyl protease, is produced from a larger precursor (called prorenin) which is matured into active renin. Although the role of the renin proregion remains unknown, it has been reported that it could act as an autoinhibitor. Works on other proteolytic enzymes showed that their prorégion can act as chaperones. prorenin is the major circulating form of renin, while active renin represents only 10%. The enzyme which transforms, in vivo, the prorenin into active renin is unknown and the exact cleavage site remains to be elucidated. In this study, we generated some prorenin mutants, which were expressed in CV1 cells (constitutive pathway model) or AtT-20 cells (regulated pathway model). We showed that the proregion plays a pivotal role in the enzymatic activity and secretion of renin in a different manner in the two cell types. For the first time, it has been demonstrated that the proregion acts in an intermolecular way into the cell. Complementation assays showed that interaction between renin and proregion depends on the size of the proregion: prorenin (383 amino acids) > pro62 (62 amino acids) > pro43 (43 amino acids). Furthermore, our results showed that only a small amount of the cellular renin pool is targeted to the "canonical" regulated pathway and that the remaining is targeted to the lysosomes. Those results suggest a possible internalizátion of the circulating renin through the mannose-6-phosphate receptor pathway. This would mostly concern the prorenin (whose levels are ten times higher than active renin). Further studies would confirm or infirm this hypothesis and elucidate a potential physiological role.


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La majorité des organelles d'une cellule adaptent leur nombre et leur taille pendant les processus de division cellulaire, de trafic vésiculaire ou suite à des changements environnementaux par des processus de fusion et de fragmentation membranaires. Ceci est valable notamment pour le golgi, les mitochondries, les péroxisomes et les lysosomes. La vacuole est le compartiment terminal de la voie endocytaire dans la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae\ elle correspond aux lysosomes des cellules mammifères. Suite à un choc hyperosmotique, la vacuole se fragmente en plusieurs petites vésicules. Durant ce projet, cette fragmentation a été étudiée en utilisant la technique de microscopie confocale in vivo. J'ai observé que la division de la vacuole se produit d'une façon asymétrique. La première minute après le choc osmotique, les vacuoles rétrécissent et forment des longues invaginations tubulaires. Cette phase est dépendante de la protéine Vps1, un membre de la famille des protéines apparentées à la dynamine, ainsi que d'un gradient transmembranaire de protons. Pendant les 10-15 minutes qui suivent, des vésicules se détachent dans les régions où l'on observe les invaginations pendant la phase initiale. Cette deuxième phase qui mène à la fission des nouveaux compartiments vacuolaires dépend de la production du lipide PI(3,5)P2 par la protéine Fab1. J'ai établi la suite des événements du processus de fragmentation des vacuoles et propose la possibilité d'un rôle régulateur de la protéine kinase cycline-dépendante Pho85.¦En outre, j'ai tenté d'éclaircir plus spécifiquement le rôle de Vps1 pendant la fusion et fission des vacuoles. J'ai trouvé que tous les deux processus sont dépendants de l'activité GTPase de cette protéine. De plus l'association avec la membrane vacuolaire paraît régulée par le cycle d'hydrolyse du GTP. Vps1 peut lier la membrane sans la présence d'un autre facteur protéinique, ce qui permet de conclure à une interaction directe avec des lipides de la membrane. Cette interaction est au moins partiellement effectuée par le domaine GTPase, ce qui est une nouveauté pour un membre de cette famille de protéines. Une deuxième partie de Vps1, nommée insert B, est impliquée dans la liaison à la vacuole, soit par interaction directe avec la membrane, soit par régulation du domaine GTPase. En assumant que Vps1 détienne deux régions capables de liaison aux membranes, je conclus qu'elle pourrait fonctionner comme facteur de « tethering » lors de la fusion des vacuoles.¦-¦La cellule contient plusieurs sous-unités, appelées organelles, possédant chacune une fonction spécifique. Dépendant des processus qui s'y déroulent à l'intérieur, un environnement chimique spécifique est requis. Pour maintenir ces différentes conditions, les organelles sont séparées par des membranes. Lors de la division cellulaire ou en adaptation à des changements de milieu, les organelles doivent être capables de modifier leur morphologie. Cette adaptation a souvent lieu par fusion ou division des organelles. Le même principe est valable pour la vacuole dans la levure. La vacuole est une organelle qui sert principalement au stockage des aliments et à la dégradation des différents composants cellulaires. Alors que la fusion des vacuoles est un processus déjà bien décrit, la fragmentation des vacuoles a jusqu'ici été peu étudiée. Elle peut être induit par un choc osmotique: à cause de la concentration de sel élevé dans le milieu, le cytosol de la levure perd de l'eau. Par un flux d'eau de la vacuole au cytosol, la cellule est capable d'équilibrer celui-ci. Quand la vacuole perd du volume, elle doit réadapter le rapport entre surface membranaire et volume, ce qui se fait efficacement par une fragmentation d'une grande vacuole en plusieurs petites vésicules. Comment ce processus se déroule d'un point de vue morphologique n'a pas été décrit jusqu'à présent. En analysant la fragmentation vacuolaire par microscopie, j'ai trouvé que celle-ci se déroule en deux phases. Pendant la première minute suivant le choc osmotique, les vacuoles rétrécissent et forment des longues invaginations tubulaires. Cette phase dépend de la protéine Vps1, un membre de la famille des protéines apparentées à la dynamine, ainsi que du gradient transmembranaire de protons. Ce gradient s'établit par une pompe membranaire, la V-ATPase, qui transporte des protons dans la vacuole en utilisant l'énergie libérée par hydrolyse d'ATP. Après cette phase initiale, la formation de nouvelles vésicules vacuolaires dépend de la synthèse du lipide PI(3,5)P2.¦Dans la deuxième partie de l'étude, j'ai tenté de décrire comment Vps1 lie la membrane pour effectuer un remodelage de la vacuole. Vps1 est nécessaire pour la fusion et la fragmentation des vacuoles. J'ai découvert que tous les deux processus dépendent de sa capacité d'hydrolyser du GTP. Ainsi l'association avec la membrane est couplée au cycle d'hydrolyse du GTP. Vps1 peut lier la membrane sans la présence d'une autre protéine, et interagit donc très probablement avec les lipides de la membrane. Deux parties différentes de la protéine sont impliquées dans la liaison, dont une, inattendue, le domaine GTPase.¦-¦Numerous organelles undergo membrane fission and fusion events during cell division, vesicular traffic, or in response to changes in environmental conditions. Examples include Golgi (Acharya et al., 1998) mitochondria (Bleazard et al., 1999) peroxisomes (Kuravi et al., 2006) and lysosomes (Ward et al., 1997). In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae the vacuole is the terminal component of the endocytic pathway and corresponds to lysosomes in mammalian cells. Yeast vacuoles fragment into multiple small vesicles in response to a hypertonic shock. This rapid and homogeneous reaction can serve as a model to study the requirements of the fragmentation process. Here, I investigated osmotically induced fragmentation by time-lapse microscopy. I observe that the small fragmentation products originate directly from the large central vacuole by asymmetric scission rather than by consecutive equal divisions and that fragmentation occurs in two distinct phases. During the first minute, vacuoles shrink and generate deep invaginations, leaving behind tubular structures. This phase requires the dynamin-like GTPase Vps1 and the vacuolar proton gradient. In the subsequent 10-15 minutes, vesicles pinch off from the tubular structures in a polarized fashion, directly generating fragmentation products of the final size. This phase depends on the production of phosphatidylinositol- 3,5-bisphosphate by the Fab1 complex. I suggest a possible regulation of vacuole fragmentation by the CDK Pho85. Based on my microscopy study I established a sequential involvement of the different fission factors.¦In addition to the morphological description of vacuole fragmentation I more specifically aimed to shed some light on the role of Vps1 in vacuole fragmentation and fusion. I find that both functions are dependent on the GTPase activity of the protein and that also the membrane association of the dynamin-like protein is coupled to the GTPase cycle. I found that Vps1 has the capacity for direct lipid binding on the vacuole and that this lipid binding is at least partially mediated through residues in the GTPase domain, a complete novelty for a dynamin family member. A second stretch located in the region of insert Β has also membrane-binding activity or regulates the association with the vacuole through the GTPase domain. Under the assumption of two membrane-binding regions I speculate on Vps1 as a possible tethering factor for vacuole fusion.


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Praziquantel (PZQ) is effective against all the evolutive phases of Schistosoma mansoni. Infected Biomphalaria glabrata snails have their cercarial shedding interrupted when exposed to PZQ. Using primary in vitro transformed sporocysts, labeled with the probe Hoechst 33258 (indicator of membrane integrity), and lectin of Glycine max (specific for carbohydrate of N-acetylgalactosamine membrane), we evaluated the presence of lysosomes at this evolutive phase of S. mansoni, as well as the influence of PZQ on these acidic organelles and on the tegument of the sporocyst. Although the sporocyst remained alive, it was observed that there was a marked contraction of its musculature, and there occurred a change in the parasite's structure. Also, the acidic vesicles found in the sporocysts showed a larger delimited area after contact of the parasites with PZQ. Damages to the tegument was also observed, as show a well-marked labeling either with Hoechst 33258 or with lectin of Glycine max after contact of sporocysts with the drug. These results could partially explain the interruption/reduction mechanism of cercarial shedding in snails exposed to PZQ.


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Autophagy is a cellular mechanism for degrading proteins and organelles. It was first described as a physiological process essential for maintaining homeostasis and cell survival, but understanding its role in conditions of stress has been complicated by the recognition of a new type of cell death ("type 2") characterized by deleterious autophagic activity. This paradox is important in the central nervous system where the activation of autophagy seems to be protective in certain neurodegenerative diseases but deleterious in cerebral ischemia. The development of new therapeutic strategies based on the manipulation of autophagy will need to take into account these opposing roles of autophagy.


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Autophagy is a key regulator of cellular homeostasis that can be activated by pathogen-associated molecules and recently has been shown to influence IL-1β secretion by macrophages. However, the mechanisms behind this are unclear. Here, we describe a novel role for autophagy in regulating the production of IL-1β in antigen-presenting cells. After treatment of macrophages with Toll-like receptor ligands, pro-IL-1β was specifically sequestered into autophagosomes, whereas further activation of autophagy with rapamycin induced the degradation of pro-IL-1β and blocked secretion of the mature cytokine. Inhibition of autophagy promoted the processing and secretion of IL-1β by antigen-presenting cells in an NLRP3- and TRIF-dependent manner. This effect was reduced by inhibition of reactive oxygen species but was independent of NOX2. Induction of autophagy in mice in vivo with rapamycin reduced serum levels of IL-1β in response to challenge with LPS. These data demonstrate that autophagy controls the production of IL-1β through at least two separate mechanisms: by targeting pro-IL-1β for lysosomal degradation and by regulating activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome.


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Comparative ultrastructural observations are presented of the distended bladder of a hibernating dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) and a relaxed organ taken from an active animal. The distended bladder of the hibernating animal has an extremely thin wall lined with a three-layer urothelium. An osmiophilic coat lines the luminal surface of the urothelium in the hibernating animal, but it is very thin indeed in the specimen from the active dormouse. In the urothelium of the distended bladder, a larger number of fusiform vesicles (FVs, typical structures of the urothelium with asymmetric unit membrane) is found. On the contrary, lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, and interdigitation of plasma membrane between adjacent cells are all more frequent in the relaxed bladder of the active dormouse. Results suggest that hibernating animals can be a useful model for investigating the biology of epithelial cells in the mammalian bladder.


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Fibrocytes are important for understanding the progression of many diseases because they are present in areas where pathogenic lesions are generated. However, the morphology of fibrocytes and their interactions with parasites are poorly understood. In this study, we examined the morphology of peripheral blood fibrocytes and their interactions with Leishmania (L.) amazonensis . Through ultrastructural analysis, we describe the details of fibrocyte morphology and how fibrocytes rapidly internaliseLeishmania promastigotes. The parasites differentiated into amastigotes after 2 h in phagolysosomes and the infection was completely resolved after 72 h. Early in the infection, we found increased nitric oxide production and large lysosomes with electron-dense material. These factors may regulate the proliferation and death of the parasites. Because fibrocytes are present at the infection site and are directly involved in developing cutaneous leishmaniasis, they are targets for effective, non-toxic cell-based therapies that control and treat leishmaniasis.


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Endothelial dysfunction is a major component of the pathophysiology of septicaemic group B Streptococcus (GBS) infections. Although cytokines have been shown to activate human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs), the capacity of interferon (IFN)-γ to enhance the microbicidal activity of HUVECs against GBS has not been studied. We report that the viability of intracellular bacteria was reduced in HUVECs activated by IFN-γ. Enhanced fusion of lysosomes with bacteria-containing vacuoles was observed by acid phosphatase and the colocalisation of Rab-5, Rab-7 and lysosomal-associated membrane protein-1 with GBS in IFN-γ-activated HUVECs. IFN-γ resulted in an enhancement of the phagosome maturation process in HUVECs, improving the capacity to control the intracellular survival of GBS.


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In 2008 we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, research on this topic has continued to accelerate, and many new scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Accordingly, it is important to update these guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Various reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose. Nevertheless, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers or volume of autophagic elements (e.g., autophagosomes or autolysosomes) at any stage of the autophagic process vs. those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway (i.e., the complete process); thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from stimuli that result in increased autophagic activity, defined as increased autophagy induction coupled with increased delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes and some protists such as Dictyostelium) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). In other words, it is especially important that investigators new to the field understand that the appearance of more autophagosomes does not necessarily equate with more autophagy. In fact, in many cases, autophagosomes accumulate because of a block in trafficking to lysosomes without a concomitant change in autophagosome biogenesis, whereas an increase in autolysosomes may reflect a reduction in degradative activity. Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of methods for use by investigators who aim to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as for reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to monitor autophagy. In these guidelines, we consider these various methods of assessing autophagy and what information can, or cannot, be obtained from them. Finally, by discussing the merits and limits of particular autophagy assays, we hope to encourage technical innovation in the field.


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Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) are currently under development for the intracellular delivery of therapeutics. However, the mechanisms of cellular uptake and the cellular reaction to this uptake, independent of therapeutics, are not well defined. The interactions of biocompatible cationic aminoUSPIONs with human cells was studied in 2D and 3D cultures using biochemical and electron microscopy techniques. AminoUSPIONs were internalized by human melanoma cells in 2D and 3D cultures. Uptake was clathrin mediated and the particles localized in lysosomes, inducing activation of the lysosomal cathepsin D and decreasing the expression of the transferrin receptor in human melanoma cells and/or skin fibroblasts. AminoUSPIONs deeply invaded 3D spheroids of human melanoma cells. Thus, aminoUSPIONs can invade tumors and their uptake by human cells induces cell reaction.