76 resultados para LSPR


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Cette thèse caractérise les propriétés optiques des matériaux plasmoniques microstructurés et procède à l’évaluation des paramètres analytiques afin de les employer comme plateforme de biodétection en spectroscopie de résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR). Aux dimensions micrométriques, les matériaux plasmoniques présentent des caractéristiques optiques propres aux nano- et macromatériaux. La cartographie physicooptiques en SPR de matériaux méso- et microscopiques s’est effectuée à l’aide de films structurés de motifs périodiques triangulaires et circulaires fabriqués par une technique modifiée de lithographie par nanosphères (nanosphere lithography, NSL). À partir de cette vue d’ensemble, quelques films structurés ont été sélectionné en fonction d’aspects analytiques tels que la sensibilité et la résolution face aux variations d’indice de réfraction (RI) pour déterminer le potentiel de ces matériaux comme plateforme de biodetection. Les propriétés optiques distinctes des films microstructurés proviennent d’interactions résonantes entre les modes de plasmons de surface (SP) localisé et délocalisé identifiés par la relation de dispersion en SPR ainsi que l’imagerie Raman. Les conditions de résonance des modes SP dépendant de paramètres expérimentaux (λ, θ, η) tel qu’observés numériquement par rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA) et empiriquement. Ces travaux démontrent la nature plasmonique distincte des micro-matériaux et leur potentiel d’intégration aux techniques analytiques SPR existantes. Les matériaux plasmoniques micrométriques furent également étudiés pour l’implémentation de la SPR à une pointe de microscopie à force atomique (atomic force microscopy, AFM) combinant ainsi la spectroscopie à l’imagerie topographique. Des travaux préliminaires se sont concentrés sur la signature spectroscopique de leviers en silicium (Si) et en nitrure de silicium (Si3N4), l’impact d’un revêtement d’or sur les pointes et l’influence de milieu environnant. Une image d’origine plasmonique a été obtenue avec des leviers en Si3N4 revêtus d’or en transmission dans un environnement aqueux, indiquant ainsi le potentiel de ces pointes comme micro-biocapteur SPR. Ces résultats préliminaires servent de fondement pour orienter les prochaines investigations dans ce projet.


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Le méthotrexate (MTX), un agent anti-cancéreux fréquemment utilisé en chimiothérapie, requiert généralement un suivi thérapeutique de la médication (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, TDM) pour surveiller son niveau sanguin chez le patient afin de maximiser son efficacité tout en limitant ses effets secondaires. Malgré la fenêtre thérapeutique étroite entre l’efficacité et la toxicité, le MTX reste, à ce jour, un des agents anti-cancéreux les plus utilisés au monde. Les techniques analytiques existantes pour le TDM du MTX sont coûteuses, requièrent temps et efforts, sans nécessairement fournir promptement les résultats dans le délai requis. Afin d’accélérer le processus de dosage du MTX en TDM, une stratégie a été proposée basée sur un essai compétitif caractérisé principalement par le couplage plasmonique d’une surface métallique et de nanoparticules d’or. Plus précisément, l’essai quantitatif exploite la réaction de compétition entre le MTX et une nanoparticule d’or fonctionnalisée avec l’acide folique (FA-AuNP) ayant une affinité pour un récepteur moléculaire, la réductase humaine de dihydrofolate (hDHFR), une enzyme associée aux maladies prolifératives. Le MTX libre mixé avec les FA-AuNP, entre en compétition pour les sites de liaison de hDHFR immobilisés sur une surface active en SPR ou libres en solution. Par la suite, les FA-AuNP liées au hDHFR fournissent une amplification du signal qui est inversement proportionnelle à la concentration de MTX. La résonance des plasmons de surface (SPR) est généralement utilisée comme une technique spectroscopique pour l’interrogation des interactions biomoléculaires. Les instruments SPR commerciaux sont généralement retrouvés dans les grands laboratoires d’analyse. Ils sont également encombrants, coûteux et manquent de sélectivité dans les analyses en matrice complexe. De plus, ceux-ci n’ont pas encore démontré de l’adaptabilité en milieu clinique. Par ailleurs, les analyses SPR des petites molécules comme les médicaments n’ont pas été explorés de manière intensive dû au défi posé par le manque de la sensibilité de la technique pour cette classe de molécules. Les développements récents en science des matériaux et chimie de surfaces exploitant l’intégration des nanoparticules d’or pour l’amplification de la réponse SPR et la chimie de surface peptidique ont démontré le potentiel de franchir les limites posées par le manque de sensibilité et l’adsorption non-spécifique pour les analyses directes dans les milieux biologiques. Ces nouveaux concepts de la technologie SPR seront incorporés à un système SPR miniaturisé et compact pour exécuter des analyses rapides, fiables et sensibles pour le suivi du niveau du MTX dans le sérum de patients durant les traitements de chimiothérapie. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’explorer différentes stratégies pour améliorer l’analyse des médicaments dans les milieux complexes par les biocapteurs SPR et de mettre en perspective le potentiel des biocapteurs SPR comme un outil utile pour le TDM dans le laboratoire clinique ou au chevet du patient. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, un essai compétitif colorimétrique basé sur la résonance des plasmons de surface localisée (LSPR) pour le MTX fut établi avec des nanoparticules d’or marquées avec du FA. Ensuite, cet essai compétitif colorimétrique en solution fut adapté à une plateforme SPR. Pour les deux essais développés, la sensibilité, sélectivité, limite de détection, l’optimisation de la gamme dynamique et l’analyse du MTX dans les milieux complexes ont été inspectés. De plus, le prototype de la plateforme SPR miniaturisée fut validé par sa performance équivalente aux systèmes SPR existants ainsi que son utilité pour analyser les échantillons cliniques des patients sous chimiothérapie du MTX. Les concentrations de MTX obtenues par le prototype furent comparées avec des techniques standards, soit un essai immunologique basé sur la polarisation en fluorescence (FPIA) et la chromatographie liquide couplée avec de la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS) pour valider l’utilité du prototype comme un outil clinique pour les tests rapides de quantification du MTX. En dernier lieu, le déploiement du prototype à un laboratoire de biochimie dans un hôpital démontre l’énorme potentiel des biocapteurs SPR pour utilisation en milieux clinique.


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The aim of the thesis is to theoretically investigate optical/plasmonic antennas for biosensing applications. The full 3-D numerical electromagnetic simulations have been performed by using finite integration technique (FIT). The electromagnetic properties of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) and the localized surface plasmons (LSPs) based devices are studied for sensing purpose. The surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensors offer high refractive index sensitivity at a fixed wavelength but are not enough for the detection of low concentrations of molecules. It has been demonstrated that the sensitivity of SPR sensors can be increased by employing the transverse magneto-optic Kerr effect (TMOKE) in combination with SPPs. The sensor based on the phenomena of TMOKE and SPPs are known as magneto-optic SPR (MOSPR) sensors. The optimized MOSPR sensor is analyzed which provides 8 times higher sensitivity than the SPR sensor, which will be able to detect lower concentration of molecules. But, the range of the refractive index detection is limited, due to the rapid decay of the amplitude of the MOSPR-signal with the increase of the refractive indices. Whereas, LSPs based sensors can detect lower concentrations of molecules, but their sensitivity is small at a fixed wavelength. Therefore, another device configuration known as perfect plasmonic absorber (PPA) is investigated which is based on the phenomena of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide. The PPA consists of a periodic array of gold nanoparticles and a thick gold film separated by a dielectric spacer. The electromagnetic modes of the PPA system are analyzed for sensing purpose. The second order mode of the PPA at a fixed wavelength has been proposed for the first time for biosensing applications. The PPA based sensor combines the properties of the LSPR sensor and the SPR sensor, for example, it illustrates increment in sensitivity of the LSPR sensor comparable to the SPR and can detect lower concentration of molecules due to the presence of nanoparticles.


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This paper investigates the enhancement of the sensitivity and adsorption efficiency of a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) biosensor that includes a layer of graphene sheet on top of the gold layer. For this purpose, biomolecular interactions of biotin-streptavidin with the graphene layer on the gold thin film are monitored. The performance of the LSPR graphene biosensor is theoretically and numerically assessed in terms of sensitivity and adsorption efficiency under varying conditions, including the thickness of biomolecule layer, number of graphene layers and operating wavelength. Enhanced sensitivity and improved adsorption efficiency are obtained for the LSPR graphene biosensor in comparison with its conventional counterpart. It is found that the LSPR graphene biosensor has better sensitivity with lower operating wavelength and larger number of graphene layers.


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In this paper, first the fundamental concept of nano-optical biosensing is studied. Since Raman scattered signal is very weak to be recognized by current measuring equipments, the signal must be amplified. SPR and LSPR are utilized to enhance the incident field of the target molecules, to improve the sensitivity of the sensor. The paper focuses on the use of LSPR to enhance Raman signal in SERS technology. Different structures of nano-particles in LSPR to improve enhancement of the SERS signal are reviewed and compared.


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This paper investigates the enhancement of sensitivity of variable incidence angle LSPR biosensor by monitoring biomolecular interactions of biotin-streptavidin with gold thin film. The investigation is carried out by means of introducing an additional layer of graphene sheet on top of gold layer (graphene biosensor) and using different coupling configuration of laser beam. The sensitivity, which is indicated by the shift of plasmon resonance angle, increases with graphene deposited onto the gold layers and is linearly related with the number of graphene layers. In addition, an investigation of the shift of plasmon dip is carried out for two different analyte interfaces: air and water. It is found that graphene biosensor has better sensitivity for triangular prism, higher prism angle, and water interface. The evaluation approach involves a plot of a reflectivity curve as a function of the angle of incidence while the operating wavelength is kept fixed.


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A series of shapes of silver nanoplates were achieved by adjusting the concentration of citrate in the colloid in the photoinduced process. The local surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of the silver nanoplates could be tuned gradually in a range from 740 to 440 nm. In contrast, the LSPR band can be photomediated again to the long wavelength region within 620-690 nm only by adding more citrate to the colloidal system. The initial silver nanoprisms converted to the discal shape under the light effect. In this conversion, the coupling effect of the plasmon resonance and the light source speeds up the photothermal reaction. Subsequently, the reconstruction of silver nanoprisms from the nanodisks took place in the presence of more citrate through the photoconversion.


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Time-resolved extinction spectra assisted with two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to investigate the interaction between bovine serum albumin (BSA) and metal nanoparticles (NPs). A series of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectra of metal NPs were measured just after a small amount of BSA was added into metal colloids. Through 2DCOS analysis, remarkable changes in the intensities of the LSPR were observed. The interaction process was totally divided into three periods according to the PCA. Transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, and ζ-potential measurements were also employed to characterize the interaction between BSA and metal NPs. The addition of BSA brings silver NPs to aggregate through the electrostatic interaction between them, but it has less effect on gold NPs. In a gold and silver mixed system, gold NPs can affect the interaction of silver NPs and BSA, leading it to weaken. The combination of 2DCOS analysis and LSPR spectroscopy is powerful for exploring the LSPR spectra of the metal NP involved systems. This combined technique holds great potential in LSPR sensing through analysis of slight, slim spectral changes of metal colloids


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A gold-silver nanoframe monolayer nanostructure was obtained on the glass slide using the in-situ sacrificial template reaction. First the silver nanoprisms(~79.2 nm edge length) were prepared as the sacrificial template and were assembled on the slides through electrostatic interactions. The chloroautric acid in-situ reacted with the silver nanoprisms as oxidant. We evaluated the effect of oxidation reaction time on the morphologies and the LSPR properties of the prepared nanoframes. The thickness of gold-silver framework can be adjusted from 29.3 nm to 16.2 nm. We applied the gold-silver framework monolayer as a new surface-enhanced Raman scattering(SERS) substrate for determining 4-aminothiophenol.


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Applications of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) such as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) devices, biosensors, and nano-optics are growing. Investigating and understanding of the parameters that affect the LSPR spectrum is important for the design and fabrication of LSPR devices. This paper studies different parameters, including geometrical structures and light attributes, which affect the LSPR spectrum properties such as plasmon wavelength and enhancement factor. The paper also proposes a number of rules that should be considered in the design and fabrication of LSPR devices.


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This paper describes a multilayer localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) graphene biosensor that includes a layer of graphene sheet on top of the gold layer, and the use of different coupled configuration of a laser beam. The study also investigates the enhancement of the sensitivity and detection accuracy of the biosensor through monitoring biomolecular interactions of biotin-streptavidin with the graphene layer on the gold thin film. Additionally, the role of thin films of gold, silver, copper and aluminum in the performance of the biosensor is separately investigated for monitoring the binding of streptavidin to the biotin groups. The performance of the LSPR graphene biosensor is theoretically and numerically assessed in terms of sensitivity, adsorption efficiency, and detection accuracy under varying conditions, including the thickness of biomolecule layer, number of graphene layers and operating wavelength. Enhanced sensitivity and improved adsorption efficiency are obtained for the LSPR graphene biosensor in comparison with its conventional counterpart; however, detection accuracy under the same resonance condition is reduced by 5.2% with a single graphene sheet. This reduction in detection accuracy (signal to noise ratio) can be compensated for by introducing an additional layer of silica doped B2O3 (sdB2O3) placed under the graphene layer. The role of prism configuration, prism angle and the interface medium (air and water) is also analyzed and it is found that the LSPR graphene biosensor has better sensitivity with triangular prism, higher prism angle, lower operating wavelength and larger number of graphene layers. The approach involves a plot of a reflectivity curve as a function of the incidence angle. The outcomes of this investigation highlight the ideal functioning condition corresponding to the best design parameters.


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Localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) is a promising detection method for label-free sensing of biomolecules. In this paper, a multilayer design for a LSPR biosensor is presented. In the proposed design, a periodic array of dielectric grating is incorporated on top of a graphene layer in the biosensor. The aim is to improve sensitivity of the LSPR biosensor through monitoring biomolecular interactions of biotin-streptavidin. Sensitivity improvement is obtained for the proposed LSPR biosensor compared with conventional SPR counterparts. In addition, to optimize the design, we have investigated grating geometry including volume factor and grating depth. The outcome of this investigation identifies ideal functioning conditions corresponding to the best design parameters.


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Anisotropic silver nanoparticles were assembled on cotton fibers to realize the coloration of cotton. The assembly of silver nanoparticles on fibers was achieved by linking of poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) at room temperature. The silver nanoparticle treated cotton showed different colors because of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) property of silver nanoparticles. The coloration was completed through electrostatic interaction between the PDDA treated cotton surface and the anisotropic silver nanoparticles in the reaction system. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) characterization demonstrated that the morphologies of silver nanoparticles remained unchanged during the coloration process, so the treated cotton inherited the LSPR optical features of silver nanoparticles. Moreover, the cotton colorated with silver nanoparticles showed reasonably good color fastness to washing, which will facilitate the practical application of this coloration process.


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This paper proposes a novel sinusoidal shape nano-particle employed in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) devices. Numerical modeling demonstrates advantages offered by the proposed nano-sinusoid on LSPR enhancement against other nano-particles including noble nano-triangles and nano-diamonds. Although nano-triangles exhibit high concentration of the electric field near their tips, when illuminated with a light polarized along the tip axis, they present only one hot spot at the vertex along the polarization direction. To create a structure with two hot spots, which is desired in bio-sensing applications, two nano-triangles can be put back-to-back. Therefore, a nano-diamond particle is obtained which exhibits two hot spots and presents higher enhancements than nano-triangles for the same resonant wavelength. The main drawback of the nano-diamonds is the fluctuation in their physical size-plasmon spectrum relationships, due to a high level of singularity as the result for their four sharp tip points. The proposed nano-sinusoid overcomes this disadvantage while maintaining the benefits of having two hot spots and high enhancements.


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A new nano-sinusoid shape has recently been proposed, which offers the advantage of more resonance wavelength tunability than that offered by other sharp-tip nano-particles. In this paper, a one-dimensional (1D) chain of the nano-sinusoids is modelled, and results are compared with those describing chains of nano-triangles and nano-diamonds. It is demonstrated that the chain of nano-sinusoids provides more enhancement at hot spots than other examined nano-particle shapes. This enhancement is analytically quantified using the coupling constant values used in the electrostatic eigenmode method for analytically solving Maxwell's equations for the nano-plasmonic devices. In addition, investigating LSPR spectrum of two-dimensional (2D) arrays of NPs demonstrates existence of enhanced surface electric fields on hot spots of the outer rows of the array.