44 resultados para LINAC
Die Erzeugung von Elektronenstrahlen hoher Intensität (I$geq$2,mA) und hoher Spinpolarisation (P$geq$85%) ist für die Experimente an den geplanten glqq Linac Ringgrqq Electron--Ion--Collidern (z.B. eRHIC am Brookhaven National Laboratory) unabdingbar, stellt aber zugleich eine enorme Herausforderung dar. Die Photoemission aus ce{GaAs}--basierten Halbleitern wie z.B. den in dieser Arbeit untersuchten GaAlAs/InGaAlAs Quanten--Übergittern zeichnet sich zwar durch eine hohe Brillanz aus, die geringe Quantenausbeute von nur ca. 1% im Bereich maximaler Polarisation erfordert jedoch hohe Laserintensitäten von mehreren Watt pro $text{cm}^{2}$, was erhebliche thermische Probleme verursacht. rnrnIn dieser Arbeit konnte zunächst gezeigt werden, dass die Lebensdauer einer Photokathode mit steigender Laserleistung bzw. Temperatur exponentiell abnimmt. Durch Einbringen eines DBR--Spiegels zwischen die aktive Zone der Photokathode und ihr Substrat wird ein Großteil des ungenutzten Laserlichts wieder aus dem Kristall herausreflektiert und trägt somit nicht zur Erwärmung bei. Gleichzeitig bildet der Spiegel zusammen mit der Grenzfläche zum Vakuum eine Resonator--Struktur aus, die die aktive Zone umschließt. Dadurch kommt es für bestimmte Wellenlängen zu konstruktiver Interferenz und die Absorption in der aktiven Zone erhöht sich. Beide Effekte konnten durch vergleichenden Messungen an Kathoden mit und ohne DBR--Spiegel nachgewiesen werden. Dabei ergibt sich eine gute Übereinstimmung mit der Vorhersage eines Modells, das auf der dielektrischen Funktion der einzelnen Halbleiterstrukturen beruht. Von besonderer praktischer Bedeutung ist, dass die DBR--Kathode für einen gegebenen Photoemissions-strom eine um einen Faktor $geq$,3{,}5 kleinere Erwärmung aufweist. Dies gilt über den gesamten Wellenlängenbereich in dem die Kathode eine hohe Strahlpolarisation (P$>$80%) produzieren kann, auch im Bereich der Resonanz.rnAus zeitaufgelösten Messungen der Ladungsverteilung und Polarisation lassen sich sowohl Rückschlüsse über die Transportmechanismen im Inneren einer Kathode als auch über die Beschaffenheit ihrer Oberfläche ziehen. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation konnte die Messgeschwindigkeit der verwendeten Apparatur durch den Einbau eines schnelleren Detektors und durch eine Automatisierung der Messprozedur entscheidend vergrößert und die resultierende Zeitauflösung mit jetzt 1{,}2 Pikosekunden annähernd verdoppelt werden.rnrnDie mit diesen Verbesserungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich der Transport der Elektronen in Superlattice--Strukturen stark vom Transport in den bisher untersuchten Bulk--Kristallen unterscheidet. Der Charakter der Bewegung folgt nicht dem Diffusionsmodell, sondern gibt Hinweise auf lokalisierte Zustände, die nahe der Leitungsbandunterkante liegen und Elektronen für kurze Zeit einfangen können. Dadurch hat die Impulsantwort einer Kathode neben einem schnellen Abfall des Signals auch eine größere Zeitkonstante, die selbst nach 30,ps noch ein Signal in der Größenordnung von ca. 5textperthousand der Maximalintensität erzeugt.
Il lavoro svolto per questa tesi è stato effettuato presso il reparto di Fisica Medica dell’Ospedale Bellaria di Bologna, e ha lo scopo di mettere in evidenza l’efficacia dell’utilizzo di pellicole Gafchromic EBT3 nei controlli di qualità effettuati sull’acceleratore lineare LINAC SynergyS per radioterapia a fasci esterni. L’utilizzo continuo e prolungato dell’acceleratore durante i trattamenti radianti può causare nel tempo una perdita della calibrazione iniziale dei suoi componenti meccanici e dosimetrici: per questo è necessario controllarne periodicamente lo stato di funzionamento. Lo scopo dei controlli di qualità è quindi quello di verificare che tale fenomeno non sia avvenuto, per garantire precisione e sicurezza durante l’irradiazione del paziente (essenziale per i trattamenti ad alta precisione come l’IMRT e il VMAT), richiedendo che il fascio erogato colpisca il tessuto malato e riducendo al minimo l’errore per evitare il danneggiamento dei tessuti sani circostanti. I test effettuati sull’acceleratore lineare rientrano nel programma di assicurazione di qualità elaborato ed implementato a cura dei reparti di Fisica Medica e Radioterapia dell' Ospedale Bellaria di Bologna. Tale programma di assicurazione di qualità, è attuato per garantire che i risultati dei test rientrino nelle tolleranze meccaniche e dosimetriche previste dal protocollo dei controlli di qualità per le prove di stato e periodiche sull’acceleratore lineare in vigore all' AUSL di Bologna. In particolare in questo lavoro di tesi sono state effettuate prove dosimetriche, quali la verifica dell’omogeneità e della simmetria del fascio radiante, e prove meccaniche quali la verifica della corrispondenza tra isocentro meccanico ed isocentro radiante. Per queste verifiche sperimentali sono state utilizzate le pellicole radiocromiche Gafchromic EBT3; si tratta di dosimetri bidimensionali particolarmente adatti alla verifica dei trattamenti ad intensità modulata (IMRT, VMAT) che consentono un’accurata stima della distribuzione e dei gradienti di dose assorbita. L'utilizzo delle pellicole Gafchromic EBT3 insieme al software FilmQA Pro si è rivelato uno strumento dosimetrico preciso, accurato e pratico per effettuare i controlli di qualità di base su un acceleratore lineare per radioterapia.
Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di studiare il problema del trasporto di una carica attraverso un solenoide. Il campo magnetico ha la caratteristica di essere nullo fuori dal solenoide, costante all’interno, con una transizione più o meno rapida. Quando la transizione è discontinua si può fornire una soluzione analitica associandovi una mappa di trasferimento. Negli altri casi la soluzione si ottiene con una integrazione numerica. Inoltre il solenoide si comporta come una lente cromatica, che può essere usata per selezionare la componente di un fascio con una determinata energia. Nel quadro dei dispositivi che utilizzano solenoidi per focalizzare un fascio di protoni, si descrive il modulo di trasporto a bassa energia denominato LEBT, che precede i dispositivi acceleranti presenti in un linac come quello di ESS. A tal fine si discute brevemente come gli effetti di carica spaziale attenuino il potere focalizzante di un solenoide. Una linea di trasporto LEBT è anche presente nel linac del progetto IFMIF, il cui scopo è analizzare il danneggiamento prodotto dai neutroni sui materiali che verranno impiegati nei reattori ITER e DEMO. In questo abtract non si segue l’ordine di presentazione dei vari argomenti data la diversa rilevanza che questi hanno nella trattazione che segue.
A spatial, electro-optical autocorrelation (EOA) interferometer using the vertically polarized lobes of coherent transition radiation (CTR) has been developed as a single-shot electron bunch length monitor at an optical beam port downstream the 100 MeV preinjector LINAC of the Swiss Light Source. This EOA monitor combines the advantages of step-scan interferometers (high temporal resolution) [D. Mihalcea et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, 082801 (2006) and T. Takahashi and K. Takami, Infrared Phys. Technol. 51, 363 (2008)] and terahertz-gating technologies [U. Schmidhammer et al., Appl. Phys. B: Lasers Opt. 94, 95 (2009) and B. Steffen et al., Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 12, 032802 (2009)] (fast response), providing the possibility to tune the accelerator with an online bunch length diagnostics. While a proof of principle of the spatial interferometer was achieved by step-scan measurements with far-infrared detectors, the single-shot capability of the monitor has been demonstrated by electro-optical correlation of the spatial CTR interference pattern with fairly long (500 ps) neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Nd:YAG) laser pulses in a ZnTe crystal. In single-shot operation, variations of the bunch length between 1.5 and 4 ps due to different phase settings of the LINAC bunching cavities have been measured with subpicosecond time resolution.
One limitation to the widespread implementation of Monte Carlo (MC) patient dose-calculation algorithms for radiotherapy is the lack of a general and accurate source model of the accelerator radiation source. Our aim in this work is to investigate the sensitivity of the photon-beam subsource distributions in a MC source model (with target, primary collimator, and flattening filter photon subsources and an electron subsource) for 6- and 18-MV photon beams when the energy and radial distributions of initial electrons striking a linac target change. For this purpose, phase-space data (PSD) was calculated for various mean electron energies striking the target, various normally distributed electron energy spread, and various normally distributed electron radial intensity distributions. All PSD was analyzed in terms of energy, fluence, and energy fluence distributions, which were compared between the different parameter sets. The energy spread was found to have a negligible influence on the subsource distributions. The mean energy and radial intensity significantly changed the target subsource distribution shapes and intensities. For the primary collimator and flattening filter subsources, the distribution shapes of the fluence and energy fluence changed little for different mean electron energies striking the target, however, their relative intensity compared with the target subsource change, which can be accounted for by a scaling factor. This study indicates that adjustments to MC source models can likely be limited to adjusting the target subsource in conjunction with scaling the relative intensity and energy spectrum of the primary collimator, flattening filter, and electron subsources when the energy and radial distributions of the initial electron-beam change.
Today electronic portal imaging devices (EPID's) are used primarily to verify patient positioning. They have, however, also the potential as 2D-dosimeters and could be used as such for transit dosimetry or dose reconstruction. It has been proven that such devices, especially liquid filled ionization chambers, have a stable dose response relationship which can be described in terms of the physical properties of the EPID and the pulsed linac radiation. For absolute dosimetry however, an accurate method of calibration to an absolute dose is needed. In this work, we concentrate on calibration against dose in a homogeneous water phantom. Using a Monte Carlo model of the detector we calculated dose spread kernels in units of absolute dose per incident energy fluence and compared them to calculated dose spread kernels in water at different depths. The energy of the incident pencil beams varied between 0.5 and 18 MeV. At the depth of dose maximum in water for a 6 MV beam (1.5 cm) and for a 18 MV beam (3.0 cm) we observed large absolute differences between water and detector dose above an incident energy of 4 MeV but only small relative differences in the most frequent energy range of the beam energy spectra. It is shown that for a 6 MV beam the absolute reference dose measured at 1.5 cm water depth differs from the absolute detector dose by 3.8%. At depth 1.2 cm in water, however, the relative dose differences are almost constant between 2 and 6 MeV. The effects of changes in the energy spectrum of the beam on the dose responses in water and in the detector are also investigated. We show that differences larger than 2% can occur for different beam qualities of the incident photon beam behind water slabs of different thicknesses. It is therefore concluded that for high-precision dosimetry such effects have to be taken into account. Nevertheless, the precise information about the dose response of the detector provided in this Monte Carlo study forms the basis of extracting directly the basic radiometric quantities photon fluence and photon energy fluence from the detector's signal using a deconvolution algorithm. The results are therefore promising for future application in absolute transit dosimetry and absolute dose reconstruction.
A compact adjustable focusing system for a 2 MeV H- RFQ Linac is designed, constructed and tested based on four permanent magnet quadrupoles (PMQ). A PMQ model is realised using finite element simulations, providing an integrated field gradient of 2.35 T with a maximal field gradient of 57 T/m. A prototype is constructed and the magnetic field is measured, demonstrating good agreement with the simulation. Particle track simulations provide initial values for the quadrupole positions. Accordingly, four PMQs are constructed and assembled on the beam line, their positions are then tuned to obtain a minimal beam spot size of (1.2 x 2.2) mm^2 on target. This paper describes an adjustable PMQ beam line for an external ion beam. The novel compact design based on commercially available NdFeB magnets allows high flexibility for ion beam applications.
Two proton accelerators have been recently put in operation in Bern: an 18 MeV cyclotron and a 2 MeV RFQ linac. The commercial IBA 18/18 cyclotron, equipped with a specifically conceived 6 m long external beam line ending in a separate bunker, will provide beams for routine 18-F and other PET radioisotope production as well as for novel detector, radiation biophysics, radioprotection, radiochemistry and radiopharmacy developments. The accelerator is embedded into a complex building hosting two physics laboratories and four Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) laboratories. This project is the result of a successful collaboration between the Inselspital, the University of Bern and private investors, aiming at the constitution of a combined medical and research centre able to provide the most cutting-edge technologies in medical imaging and cancer radiation therapy. The cyclotron is complemented by the RFQ with the primary goals of elemental analysis via Particle Induced Gamma Emission (PIGE), and the detection of potentially dangerous materials with high nitrogen content using the Gamma-Resonant Nuclear Absorption (GRNA) technique. In this context, beam instrumentation devices have been developed, in particular an innovative beam profile monitor based on doped silica fibres and a setup for emittance measurements using the pepper-pot technique. On this basis, the establishment of a proton therapy centre on the campus of the Inselspital is in the phase of advanced study.
PURPOSE External beam radiation therapy is currently considered the most common treatment modality for intraocular tumors. Localization of the tumor and efficient compensation of tumor misalignment with respect to the radiation beam are crucial. According to the state of the art procedure, localization of the target volume is indirectly performed by the invasive surgical implantation of radiopaque clips or is limited to positioning the head using stereoscopic radiographies. This work represents a proof-of-concept for direct and noninvasive tumor referencing based on anterior eye topography acquired using optical coherence tomography (OCT). METHODS A prototype of a head-mounted device has been developed for automatic monitoring of tumor position and orientation in the isocentric reference frame for LINAC based treatment of intraocular tumors. Noninvasive tumor referencing is performed with six degrees of freedom based on anterior eye topography acquired using OCT and registration of a statistical eye model. The proposed prototype was tested based on enucleated pig eyes and registration accuracy was measured by comparison of the resulting transformation with tilt and torsion angles manually induced using a custom-made test bench. RESULTS Validation based on 12 enucleated pig eyes revealed an overall average registration error of 0.26 ± 0.08° in 87 ± 0.7 ms for tilting and 0.52 ± 0.03° in 94 ± 1.4 ms for torsion. Furthermore, dependency of sampling density on mean registration error was quantitatively assessed. CONCLUSIONS The tumor referencing method presented in combination with the statistical eye model introduced in the past has the potential to enable noninvasive treatment and may improve quality, efficacy, and flexibility of external beam radiotherapy of intraocular tumors.
PURPOSE Modulated electron radiotherapy (MERT) promises sparing of organs at risk for certain tumor sites. Any implementation of MERT treatment planning requires an accurate beam model. The aim of this work is the development of a beam model which reconstructs electron fields shaped using the Millennium photon multileaf collimator (MLC) (Varian Medical Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) for a Varian linear accelerator (linac). METHODS This beam model is divided into an analytical part (two photon and two electron sources) and a Monte Carlo (MC) transport through the MLC. For dose calculation purposes the beam model has been coupled with a macro MC dose calculation algorithm. The commissioning process requires a set of measurements and precalculated MC input. The beam model has been commissioned at a source to surface distance of 70 cm for a Clinac 23EX (Varian Medical Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA) and a TrueBeam linac (Varian Medical Systems, Inc., Palo Alto, CA). For validation purposes, measured and calculated depth dose curves and dose profiles are compared for four different MLC shaped electron fields and all available energies. Furthermore, a measured two-dimensional dose distribution for patched segments consisting of three 18 MeV segments, three 12 MeV segments, and a 9 MeV segment is compared with corresponding dose calculations. Finally, measured and calculated two-dimensional dose distributions are compared for a circular segment encompassed with a C-shaped segment. RESULTS For 15 × 34, 5 × 5, and 2 × 2 cm(2) fields differences between water phantom measurements and calculations using the beam model coupled with the macro MC dose calculation algorithm are generally within 2% of the maximal dose value or 2 mm distance to agreement (DTA) for all electron beam energies. For a more complex MLC pattern, differences between measurements and calculations are generally within 3% of the maximal dose value or 3 mm DTA for all electron beam energies. For the two-dimensional dose comparisons, the differences between calculations and measurements are generally within 2% of the maximal dose value or 2 mm DTA. CONCLUSIONS The results of the dose comparisons suggest that the developed beam model is suitable to accurately reconstruct photon MLC shaped electron beams for a Clinac 23EX and a TrueBeam linac. Hence, in future work the beam model will be utilized to investigate the possibilities of MERT using the photon MLC to shape electron beams.
The aim of this work was to track and verify the delivery of respiratory-gated irradiations, performed with three versions of TrueBeam linac, using a novel phantom arrangement that combined the OCTAVIUS® SRS 1000 array with a moving platform. The platform was programmed to generate sinusoidal motion of the array. This motion was tracked using the real-time position management (RPM) system and four amplitude gating options were employed to interrupt MV beam delivery when the platform was not located within set limits. Time-resolved spatial information extracted from analysis of x-ray fluences measured by the array was compared to the programmed motion of the platform and to the trace recorded by the RPM system during the delivery of the x-ray field. Temporal data recorded by the phantom and the RPM system were validated against trajectory log files, recorded by the linac during the irradiation, as well as oscilloscope waveforms recorded from the linac target signal. Gamma analysis was employed to compare time-integrated 2D x-ray dose fluences with theoretical fluences derived from the probability density function for each of the gating settings applied, where gamma criteria of 2%/2 mm, 1%/1 mm and 0.5%/0.5 mm were used to evaluate the limitations of the RPM system. Excellent agreement was observed in the analysis of spatial information extracted from the SRS 1000 array measurements. Comparisons of the average platform position with the expected position indicated absolute deviations of <0.5 mm for all four gating settings. Differences were observed when comparing time-resolved beam-on data stored in the RPM files and trajectory logs to the true target signal waveforms. Trajectory log files underestimated the cycle time between consecutive beam-on windows by 10.0 ± 0.8 ms. All measured fluences achieved 100% pass-rates using gamma criteria of 2%/2 mm and 50% of the fluences achieved pass-rates >90% when criteria of 0.5%/0.5 mm were used. Results using this novel phantom arrangement indicate that the RPM system is capable of accurately gating x-ray exposure during the delivery of a fixed-field treatment beam.
Introduction: The Calypso 4D Localization System gives the possibility to track the tumour during treatment, with no additional ionising radiation delivered. To monitor the patient continuously an array is positioned above the patient during the treatment. We intend to study, for various gantry angles, the attenuation effect of the array for 6- and 10 MV and flattening filter free (FFF) 6- and FFF 10 MV photon beams. Materials and methods: Measurements were performed using an ion chamber placed in a slab phantom positioned at the linac isocenter for 6 MV, 10 MV, FFF 6 MV and FFF 10 MV photon beams. Measurements were performed with and without array above the phantom for 0°, 10°, 20°, 40° and 50° beam angle for a True Beam STx linac, for 5×5 and 10×10 and 15×15 cm2 field size beams to evaluate the attenuation of the array. A VMAT treatment plan was measured using an ArcCheck with and without the array in the beam path. Results and discussion: Attenuation measured values were up to 3%. Attenuation values were between 1 and 2% with the exception of the 30°–50° gantry angles which were up to 3.3%. The ratio values calculated in the ArcCheck for relative dose and absolute dose 10 were both 1·00. Conclusion: Attenuation of the treatment beam by the Calypso array is within acceptable limits.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade Gama, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Biomédica, 2015.
This work is focused on the radiation protection for a protontherapy facility. The aim is to simulate with the best accuracy the prompt radiation field of the proton accelerator situed in Ruvo di Puglia, owned by Linearbeam s.r.l. company. In order to simulate it, is used Geant4, a software for interaction simulations of particles with matter. Thanks to internship work, thesis speaks about cancer therapy with a new method for particle acceleration, a linear beam. For a complete overview of the therapy, this work starts with a crush course on interactions of particle with matter, goes specifically to biological matter, then is shown a brief introduction to shielding studies for a particle acceleration facility, and then a presentation of Geant4. At the end, the main aspects of the proton accelerator are simulated, from proton hitting material of beam-pipe to detectors used to measure dose.