70 resultados para LENTINULA EDODES


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An approach to reduce the contamination of water sourceswith pesticides is the use of biopurificaction systems. The active core of these systems is the biomixture. The composition of biomixtures depends on the availability of local agro-industrial wastes and design should be adapted to every region. In Portugal, cork processing is generally regarded as environmentally friendly and would be interesting to find applications for its industry residues. In this work the potential use of different substrates in biomixtures, as cork (CBX); cork and straw, coat pine and LECA (Light Expanded Clay Aggregates), was tested on the degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole, diflufenican and pendimethalin pesticides. Bioaugmentation strategies using the white-rot fungus Lentinula edodes inoculated into the CBX, was also assessed. The results obtained from this study clearly demonstrated the relevance of using natural biosorbents as cork residues to increase the capacity of pesticide dissipation in biomixtures for establishing biobeds. Furthermore, higher degradation of all the pesticides was achieved by use of bioaugmented biomixtures. Indeed, the biomixtures inoculated with L. edodes EL1were able to mineralize the selected xenobiotics, revelling that these white-rot fungi might be a suitable fungus for being used as inoculum sources in on-farm sustainable biopurification system, in order to increase its degradation efficiency. After 120 days, maximum degradation of terbuthylazine, difenoconazole, diflufenican and pendimethalin, of bioaugmented CBX, was 89.9%, 75.0%, 65.0% and 99.4%, respectively. The dominant metabolic route of terbuthylazine in biomixtures inoculated with L. edodes EL1 proceeded mainly via hydroxylation, towards production of terbuthylazine-hydroxy-2 metabolite. Finally, sorption process to cork by pesticides proved to be a reversible process,working cork as a mitigating factor reducing the toxicity to microorganisms in the biomixture, especially in the early stages.


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Lignocelulose é o componente mais abundante do meio ambiente e recurso orgânico renovável no solo. Alguns fungos filamentosos têm desenvolvido a habilidade de degradar e utilizar celulose, hemicelulose e lignina como fonte de energia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o efeito de três fontes de nitrogênio (sulfato de amônio, nitrato de potássio e farelo de soja) na atividade enzimática de Lentinula edodes EF 50 utilizando como substrato serragem de E. benthamii. Foi aplicado um planejamento experimental de mistura com três repetições no ponto central constituído de sete tratamentos (T) de iguais concentrações em nitrogênio de sulfato de amônia, nitrato de potássio e farinha de soja cozida. Foram determinadas a atividade enzimática da avicelase, carboximetilcelulase, β-glicosidase, xilanases e manganês peroxidase. Foram avaliados o teor de umidade, pH, atividade de água (aw) e análise qualitativa do crescimento micelial em 8 tempos de cultivo. Os resultados mostraram efeito negativo na produção das enzimas nos tratamentos com máxima concentração de sulfato de amônia e nitrato de potássio. Os tratamentos com farinha de soja cozida expressaram maiores atividades enzimáticas, nos tempos de 3, 6 e 9 dias de cultivo exceto na atividade do manganês peroxidase. A maior produção foi observada no tratamento com sulfato de amônia e farinha de soja cozida (83.86 UI.L?1) em 20 dias de cultivo.


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The biotechnology, biochemical characterization, and protective effects of the himematsutake and shiitake mushrooms were studied for the Thematic Project, from 1998 to 2003. A new species, Agaricus Brasiliens is Wasser et al. (= A. blazei Murrill ss. Heinem.), was proposed for the cultivated lineages in Brazil. Interactions among lineages, substrates, casing layers, and fructification inductions (temperature alternations) significantly increased the productivity of A. brasiliensis in Brazil (from 40 g to 200 g of fresh mushroom kg -1 moist compost). However, pests and diseases (mainly Sciaridae flies and false truffle), drastically reduced the productivity of A. brasiliensis (below 50 g kg -1). Biochemically for each mushroom species, the polar extracts, no polars, and medium polarity presented the same organic substances; however, their concentrations differed as a result of the lineages, maturation of the fruit bodies, and cultivation conditions. In this aspect, concentration of linoleic acid in A. brasiliensis (added to animal food) was related directly to the chemical protection against carcinogenic drugs in mice. Aqueous extracts of Lentinus edodes (= Lentinula edodes (Berk.) Pegler) and A. brasiliensis may be preventive chemical protectors against mutagenic and carcinogenic drugs, depending on the lineage and extraction method (tea or juice). However, immunomodulator effects and tumor reduction were only observed with concentrated fractions (hexanic, methanolic, and ATF extracts). Aqueous extracts of A. brasiliensis and L. edodes have antibiotic-like substances and substances able to act as elicitors of resistance responses in some plants (local and systemic) and show a potential to be used in the alternative control of plant pathogens. © 2005 by Begell House, Inc.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the oxidative stability of soybean oil added by Lentinus edodes and Agaricus blezei extracts in accelerated storage test. Design/methodology/approach: The following treatments were subjected to accelerated storage test in an oven at 60°C for 15 days: Control (soybean oil without antioxidants), TBHQ (soybean oil + 100 mg/kg of TBHQ), BHT (soybean oil + 100 mg/kg of BHT), L. edodes (soybean oil + 3,500 mg/kg of L. edodes extract) and A. blazei (soybean oil + 3,500 mg/kg of A. blazei extract). The samples were taken every three days and analyzed for peroxide values and conjugated dienes. Findings: At the end of 15 days, the treatments TBHQ, A. blazei, L. edodes, Control and BHT showed 6.47, 8.81, 41.53, 71.28 and 78.40 meq/kg, respectively, for peroxide values and 0.37, 0.40, 0.67, 1.07 and 1.00 per cent, respectively, for conjugated dienes. Originality/value: The research indicates that mushrooms may be a promising source of natural antioxidants. Therefore, natural extracts of mushrooms can be applied to vegetable oils as a way to reduce the degradation caused by lipid oxidation. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Several mushroom species have been pointed out as sources of antioxidant compounds, in addition to their important nutritional value. Agaricus blazei and Lentinus edodes are among the most studied species all over the world, but those studies focused on their fruiting bodies instead of other presentations, such as powdered preparations, used as supplements. In the present work the chemical composition (nutrients and bioactive compounds) and antioxidant activity (free radical scavenging activity, reducing power and lipid peroxidation inhibition) of dried powder formulations of the mentioned mushroom species (APF and LPF, respectively) were evaluated. Powder formulations of both species revealed the presence of essential nutrients, such as proteins, carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, they present a low fat content (<2 g/100 g) and can be used in low-calorie diets, just like the mushrooms fruiting bodies. APF showed higher antioxidant activity and higher content of tocopherols and phenolic compounds (124 and 770 μg/100 g, respectively) than LPF (32 and 690 μg/100 g). Both formulations could be used as antioxidant sources to prevent diseases related to oxidative stress. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El cultivo de hongos comestibles saprófitos constituye un sistema de producción-consumo, que ha adquirido gran relevancia social, económica y ecológica. Con el fin de abaratar costes a la vez que aprovechar y reciclar residuos forestales, el objetivo de este trabajo se ha centrado en evaluar la viabilidad del aserrín de Eucalyptus globulus como soporte del cultivo en bolsa de Lentinula edodes (hongo comercializado conocido como Shiitake) y Agrocybe aegerita (hongo no comercializado comúnmente llamado Seta de Chopo). Se han evaluado 6 formulaciones, todas ellas con el aserrín como componente principal y con adición de diferentes suplementos: cereales (salvado y mijo), un controlador del pH (CaCO3) y un estimulador de crecimiento (CaSO4). Se ha determinado el crecimiento miceliar sobre cada uno de los sustratos, así como la producción de carpoforos (tanto en cantidad como en calidad) y la duración del periodo de fructificación. La mezcla más efectiva para la producción de L. edodes fue aquella que contenía yeso y azúcar mientras que para A. aegerita el salvado resultó ser el mejor suplemento.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine LC-IRMS Methode zur aminozucker-spezifischen δ13C-Analyse in Pflanzenmaterialien optimiert und etabliert, um die Bildung und den Umsatz von mikrobiellen Residuen in Boden- und Pflanzenmaterialien mit hoher Genauigkeit erfassen zu können. Weiterhin wurde mit der etablierten Methode ein Pilzwachstumsexperiment durchgeführt. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit lag jedoch auf der Methodenentwicklung. Ziel des ersten Artikels war es eine HPLC-Umkehrphasen-Methode zur simultanen Bestimmung von Muraminsäure, Mannosamin, Galaktosamin und Glucosamin so hingehend zu verbessern, dass an verschieden HPLC-Systemen zuverlässige Ergebnisse für alle vier Aminozucker in Boden- und Pflanzenhydrolysaten erhalten werden. Dafür wurde zunächst die mobile Phase optimiert. So wurde der Tetrahydrofurananteil erhöht, was kürzere Retentionszeiten und eine bessere Trennung zwischen Muraminsäure und Mannosamin zur Folge hatte. Weiterhin wurde ein höheres Signal durch das Herabsetzen der Extinktionswellenlänge und der Anpassung der OPA-Derivatisierungsreaktionszeit erzielt. Nach Optimierung der genannten Parameter erfolgte die Validierung der Methode. Für Muraminsäure wurde eine Bestimmungsgrenze (LOQ) von 0,5 µmol l-1 was 0,13 µg ml -1 entspricht und für die drei anderen Aminozucker 5,0 µmol l-1 (entspricht 0,90 µg ml)erhalten. Weiterhin wurden Wasser und Phosphatpuffer als Probenlösungsmittel getestet, um den Einfluss des pH-Wertes auf die OPA-Reaktion zu testen. Zur aminozucker-spezifischen δ13C–Analyse am IRMS ist eine HPLC-Methode mit einer kohlenstofffreien mobilen Phase notwendig, andernfalls kann aufgrund des hohen Hintergrundrauschens kein vernünftiges Signal mehr detektiert werden. Da die im ersten Artikel beschriebene Umkehrphasenmethode einen kohlenstoffhaltigen Eluenten enthält, musste eine ebenso zuverlässige Methode, die jedoch keine organische Lösungsmittel benötigt, getestet und mit der schon etablierten Methode verglichen werden. Es gibt eine Reihe von HPLC-Methoden, die ohne organische Lösungsmittel auskommen, wie z. B. (1) Hochleistungsanionenaustauschchromatographie (HPAEC), (2) Hochleistungskationenaustauschchromatographie (HPCEC) und (3) die Hochleistungsanionenausschlusschromatographie (HPEXC). Ziele des zweiten Artikels waren (1) eine zuverlässige Purifikations- und Konzentrierungsmethode für Aminozucker in HCl-Hydrolysaten und (2) eine optimale HPLC-Methode zu finden. Es wurden fünf Aufarbeitungsmethoden zur Purifikation und Konzentrierung der Probenhydrolysate und vier HPLC-Methoden getestet. Schlussfolgernd kann zusammengefasst werden, dass für Detektoren mit geringer Empfindlichkeit (z.B. IRMS) eine Konzentrierung und Purifikation insbesondere von Muraminsäure über ein Kationenaustauscherharz sinnvoll ist. Eine Basislinientrennung für alle Aminozucker war nur mit der HPAEC möglich. Da mit dieser Methode gute Validierungsdaten erzielt wurden und die Aminozuckergehalte mit der Umkehrphasenmethode vergleichbar waren, stellt die HPAEC die Methode der Wahl zur aminozucker-spezifischen δ13C–Analyse am IRMS dar. Der dritte Artikel befasst sich mit der Optimierung der aminozucker-spezifischen δ13C–Analyse mittels HPAEC-IRMS in Pflanzenhydrolysaten sowie mit der Bestimmung des Umsatzes von saprotrophen Pilzen in verschieden Substraten. Die in der Literatur beschriebene HPAEC-IRMS- Methode ist für die aminozucker-spezifische δ13C–Analyse in Bodenhydrolysaten jedoch nicht in Pflanzenhydrolysaten geeignet. In Pflanzenhydrolysaten wird der Glucosaminpeak von Peaks aus der Matrix interferiert. Folglich war das erste Ziel dieses Artikels, die Methode so zu optimieren, dass eine aminozucker-spezifische δ13C–Analyse in Pflanzenhydrolysaten möglich ist. Weiterhin sollten mit der optimierten HPAEC-IRMS-Methode die Bildung und der Umsatz von saprotrophen Pilzen bestimmt werden. Durch Erhöhung der Säulentemperatur und durch Herabsetzung der NaOH-Konzentration konnte eine Basislinientrennung erzielt werden. Die Validierungsparameter waren gut und die bestimmten Aminozuckergehalte waren mit der Umkehrphasen-HPLC-Methode vergleichbar. Zur Bestimmung der Bildung und des Umsatzes von saprotrophen Pilzen auf verschiedenen Substraten wurden Lentinula edodes P., Pleurotus ostreatus K. und Pleurotus citrinopileatus S. auf Mais-Holz- und auf Weizen-Holz-Substrat für vier Wochen bei 24 °C kultiviert. Dieser Pilzwachstumsversuch zeigte, dass 80% des neu gebildeten pilzlichen Glucusamins maisbürtig und nicht holzbürtig waren. Weiterhin wurde der bevorzugte Abbau von Maissubstrat im Vergleich zu Weizensubstrat an diesem Versuch verdeutlicht. Außerdem lassen die Ergebnisse darauf schließen, dass die beobachtete zunehmende δ13C Anreicherung in dem neu gebildeten pilzlichen Glucosamin während der vier Wochen auf die Inkorporation des angereichten 13C aus dem Substrat und eher weniger auf kinetische Isotopeneffekte zurückzuführen ist.


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Avaliou-se a densidade básica da madeira e casca de sete espécies (E. saligna, E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora, E. paniculata e E. pellita) e três clones de eucalipto (híbridos de E. grandis x E. urophylla) antes e durante o cultivo das linhagens LE-95/01 e LE-96/18 de shiitake (Lentinula edodes) em toras. Cada linhagem de shiitake foi inoculada em nove toras de cada tipo de eucalipto com 1 m de comprimento e 9 a 14 cm de diâmetro. Assim, o delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 20 tratamentos e 9 repetições, sendo cada repetição correspondente a uma tora. As toras foram mantidas em estufa climatizada, com temperatura de 25 ± 5ºC e umidade relativa do ar entre 60-80% durante 12 meses. Para a determinação da densidade básica, analisaram-se cunhas de discos e cascas de eucalipto recém-cortadas (sem inoculação das linhagens de L. edodes) e em cunhas de discos retirados de toras já inoculadas com as linhagens de L. edodes após 8 e 12 meses de incubação. Verificou-se que a densidade básica da madeira, ao longo do ciclo de cultivo, foi reduzida em todos os tipos de eucalipto.


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Avaliaram-se a composição química da madeira e da casca de sete espécies (E. saligna E. grandis, E. urophylla, E. camaldulensis, E. citriodora, E. paniculata e E. pellita) e três clones de eucalipto (híbridos de E. grandis x E. urophylla), antes e durante o cultivo das linhagens LE-95/01 e LE-96/18 de shiitake (Lentinula edodes), em toras. Cada linhagem de shiitake foi inoculada em nove toras de cada tipo de eucalipto com 1 m de comprimento e 9 a 14 cm de diâmetro. Assim, o delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 20 tratamentos e nove repetições, sendo cada repetição correspondente a uma tora. As toras foram mantidas em estufa climatizada, com temperatura de 25 ºC ± 5 e umidade relativa do ar entre 60-80%, durante 12 meses. Para a determinação da composição química da madeira, analisaram-se cunhas de discos e cascas de eucalipto recém-cortadas (sem inoculação das linhagens de L. edodes) e cunhas de discos e cascas retirados de toras já inoculadas com as linhagens de L. edodes após oito meses de incubação. Os resultados mostraram diferenças nos teores de holocelulose, lignina e extrativos totais na madeira e casca após o corte e depois de oito meses de incubação nas espécies e clones de eucalipto; o maior índice de decomposição da holocelulose na madeira, ao longo do tempo, ocorreu no E. saligna (5,5%), indicando, assim, ser o mais favorável para o desenvolvimento micelial do L. edodes. Já na casca aconteceu no clone 24 (22,2%). O E. camaldulensis apresentou o maior índice de decomposição da lignina na madeira (6,8%), ao longo do tempo. Já na casca, entre os eucaliptos testados, o E. grandis sofreu a maior decomposição de lignina (21,9%); o L. edodes degradou muito mais a holocelulose e lignina da casca que da madeira, tornando evidente a importância da casca; a casca da maioria dos tipos de eucaliptos apresentou menor teor de holocelulose, maior teor de extrativos totais e teores de lignina semelhantes ou superiores quando comparados com a madeira. O fator tipo de eucalipto (espécies e clones) teve maior efeito que o fator linhagem de L. edodes na degradação da holocelulose e lignina.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Since it is not always possible to reduce human exposure to mutagens, attempts have been directed to identify potential antimutagens and anticarcinogens for use in protecting the population against environmental disease. The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with information about the antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic potentials of some dietary constituents and foods widely consumed in Brazil, and to reinforce diet as a key factor in determining genomic stability and preventing human diseases. In this report, we have summarized data that show interactive effects between some dietary components and specific chemical mutagens or carcinogens using in vitro and in vivo short- or medium-term assays. The summary indicates that certain dietary compounds may be useful agents for disease prevention. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aqueous extracts of the sporophores of eight mushroom species were assessed for their ability to prevent H2O2-induced oxidative damage to cellular DNA using the single-cell gel electrophoresis (Comet) assay. The highest genoprotective effects were obtained with cold (20°C) and hot (100°C) water extracts of Agaricus bisporus and Ganoderma lucidum fruit bodies, respectively. No protective effects were observed with Mushroom Derived Preparations (MDPs) from Flammulina velutipes, Auricularia auricula, Hypsizygus marmoreus, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, and Volvariella volvacea. These findings indicate that some edible mushrooms represent a valuable source of biologically active compounds with potential for protecting cellular DNA from oxidative damage. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA